Mexico City Entries, Daily Racing Form, 1922-02-25


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MEXICO CITY ENTRIES Separata index numbers will be given races run at Mexico City. They will beg.n with 1 M and continue in numerical order. When complete chart is received by mail the regular index numbers will be applied and the usual sequence maintained. o o The figures under the heading "Rec." In the | entries below show the best time of each horse at the distance since January 1, 1918, no matter where it finished. In cases where record was made on other than a fast or good track, j abbreviations show track conditions. 9 — o Probabilities: Weather clear; track fast. Racing starts at IPOO p. m. CMeage time 4:00P ® Superior mud runner. X Good mud runner. :.: fair mud runner. M Maidens. •Apprentice allowance, b Blinkers. First Sace — 5-3 Mile. o year-olds and upward. Claiming. Todays Ind. Horse. Wt. Rec. A.Wt.Han. Lli M Powder Face . . .in: l:Ol-.% :; «is. ro » 196 M Mac.pielia 112 1:02% :i OS. .!9."i 213 M*b.suneion Kts 1:01"- 1 Hit ..; .-, i!_ M- •Beaa Braaunel 11.168 l:Ut; r, 110X6M 221 M- •Margaret c 109 i:03os :s KxOO 223 M* Lady Acton BIOS. .696 199 M" Faatoma M ... s US. 998 214 M bBrookfieli 12 115X995 ■Sn M •l.Amerii an Rose .103 1:64% «i 106X690 211 M; Marchtone 5 113. .689 223 M Sweetwater 112 146% 9 113. 989 224 M- *Marat Jimmy ... 7 IB! ..999 7 . H*bComacho 8 1 .00075 Second Race — 5-8 Mile. o year-olds and apwnrd. Claiminc. 269 M *l Moroni Pw; IKB% Q 113 169 211 SI- *San Diem. US 1 :»:i 5 110. .998 226 M *i;ic Moor 116 1:0511 I 110X690 215 M Edna D 4 113X690 Hit M Vakimene 9 116. .690 196 M* Peg Horn 3 106.. 689 ISO M : rynedd .".107. .690 206 M •bFlewhigfc 103 1:03% 4 |6f. 989 Si M bWaU st.-i 1131:62% 8115X690 Third Race— 5-8 Mile. S-yeag-olds and aawanl M ie.m Owned. Beatlemaa Riders. 190 M Screw Bandera ... 9 i7..7ki 222 M Beakma 107 1:0P.:, 4 14T..69B 214 M1 War Bond 91S0..890 208 Ma Beaten Path Uli. 3 135.. 699 °"!» M b Nancy Ann 112 141% 5 145X68-5 126 M a/:: h r 7 117. .683 PC. M Falcon II 9 167. .683 Fourth Race— 7-8 Mile. 1-year oMi and upward. Claiming. 218 M »WODAN 16 168 TO I 224 M *Lad] Graaite ....101 1:36% -t iOlifceSQ 229 M *8rarpia II H 106 ROfl 169 M *Perhapa 108 - 891 i | 239 M Rivulet 5 111. .6S . 22N M *!v Koe 4 106X683 217 M3 M.miillo I I13 683 llU M *bMayor GalTia ... 9 103X680 Fifth Race— 7-8 M.le. ! year-olda and upward. Claiming. 229 M *Tboa. P. McMabonlOu 1:26% 6 M7 Ten 221 M •bDoaateBo ill 1:28% : 107. .665 SM M •Lady Ward s |gfi 993 201 M Mhiiii lerbird ...... 3 llo 693 217 M »Mias Pan. ell 5 167x690 223 MJ •Peggy Batoa t MRS.. 690 j-j M bAmackaaaia 7 Mi 990 229 ■! •Orasloa 7 16?. .665 -Ll II •Billy Beedy M. 99 1:31% t 102 :680 222 M Nortben Belle 5 110 isi» Sixth Race— 1 1-8 Miles. 1-year-olds and upward. Claiming. 223 M3 Sentimental ... 103 1:56% . 99X723 231 H bWarlike 103 1:54% 5102X720 Li: MJ •it.iiil,- Mountain. .107 1 :54 5 160X715 •_ 7 M •Liny Kate .!7 1:54% I 162X715 218 M Tom Logaa 164 1:54% 5 1634:710 219 M l*bBe Sine i 104. .703 205 M Toreador 112 1:54% 4U1X703 e «

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Local Identifier: drf1922022501_2_5
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