Tijuana Form Chart, Daily Racing Form, 1922-02-25


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i | I 1 TIJUANA FORM CHART TIJUANA, MEX., THURSDAY. FEBRUARY 23. 1922. One nnl-l. Seventy -eighth day. Tijuana Jockey Clulj. Winter Mi .ding of 125 or more .1 iys. Weather cloudy; temperature 85 . Presiding Steward. Francis Nelson. Associate Stewards. J. W. Coffroth and I,eon Wing. Starter. Harry Morri-s.y. Racing Secretary, Peon Wing. Racing starts at 1:55 p. m. Chicago time .1:55 p. m.. "Indicates apprentice allowance. fijX/IQEr FIRST RACE— 5-8 Mile. May 20. 1920— 59— 4r— 107. Purse $.00. 3-year-olds and V? " ra: lF «3 upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 50: second, C0: third, $.r0. Index Horses AWtPPSt % Vz % Str~F~ln Jockeys Ownera BquiVToddK Strt 60277 TRPMCPT CALL w 3 98 4 2 Wl V 1 i T Wilson H Farrell Idh-too 66276* *CAMCION at B 113 :: 4 9 V l«J V E Taylor M Hudson 299-1M 6632S* VODKA wa 7 391 1 3 ! B S1 J Hunmer C B Matthews S96-N J 66163* KIMONO m 3 100 M 11 7, if _ 41 II B Bwer McDowell Bros 700-160 Will McCBOAN n I HJ I I ■» H ~: ". r Dority Smith 6 Williams :-IW-10 i 00250 VLENTINE LADY a 5 111 12 S V 4 V r, C Gross T C. Morris 59632 BLAZEB WB and 111 7 12 lu-Mnbf 7 T Rne W Deeds 7899-M6 661S3 ■ M.v.MNK a B M9 9 10 11 Hi Hi - W Davis J W Hunley M9S9-M 66328 SP HAWKINS wa I lit 2 I 2» J« » 9*1 E Donahue W Kmtf 47W-1«M 00.381 SMILING ANNA v s 112 11 S H S »» 19* P Martinez A B Wriglit 5359-19H 66381 *QUEETN LEAD II. w 4 191 s 7 s 9* H 11* F C.otilie Montana Stable S6381*OSTENTATIODS a 4111 S 8 12 12 12 U D Hum B Wilson 5749-BM tMutml field. Time. 25-.. 52V,. 1:0G. Track muddy. 82 miitu.p paid, Tmapet Call. .- i ■» ktrahrht, 83.69 pine. 82.69 show: Camion. s:;.ixi place, 82.69 sii .w: Vodka, 92.89 shew. Bqaivalent booking odds — Trumpet all, 139 t.i i « straight. 50 to KM place, 89 to PHI show: Can. ion. .",• to KM place, 36 to mo anew; Vodka, " to 109 show. Winner— it. f. by v n Tromp — Bymphoriea Castle, by st. Bymphoriea trained by 11. FarreB; bred by Mr. Edward Oebriaa. Weal to post at 1:56 At post .". minutes. Start ejood and slow. Wea easily; second and third driving. TRUMPET CALL began fan! ami. racing in... the had n the last turn, garni Ij aniatained bet advantage. CAKC1QX rloaed i gap nnd Bnisbed fasl in a game race. 1K. set Bar nrfj pan nad »a« proniaeal to the end. bat Bnisbed tiring. KIMONO closed a big gap from a slow beginning. McCatOAN chw -d ■ g.ip in the last quarter, ovcrwtighis -Kimono, i panada; Trampet Call. 2. R.k t€£i SECOND RACE— 5-8 Mile. May 20. 1920—59—4—107. Purse 00. 3-ycar-olds nnd 4.51 y -m. 0. y j npward. Claimius. Net walag to winner S350: second. 00: third. 0. "inTleT Horses AWtPPSt %. Vi % Str Fin Jockeys OargSn KnfuTrTThidTstT7! 59127 L W. HARPEB wT~7Tir~ ~ 2 i i : P Carter Mali .t DoRolt "" lie-Pal 86409 VERA PITA W 4 161 4 4 9* :, 2j . D Hun W L Stanfild 96272 CHROME WB I 111 1 1 1. 1* P t* P Caron .1 Piinbotli SW |»ki 66139 *DEWY FIELD wa I H I ■• t P H Pons T Martin 174" MO 58164 BLUE VAN we. 7 1.:: 8 II I* P . : • P Mnrthm F Mnrmct S99-PW 661S3*MARJ. MIGNOM m 1104 a a 19 91 8* VI W Organ L Brown 7a0 mh 00151 CLASS1 CURL W 19 ID 2 :: J: 7 7 7 M Woods Horse Pake Stable tptt,0-10u 56w48*BAR A W8 4 161 5 I I I I* W PaTM II Walters f 66326* ROSIE ROGON w S Sal 7 7 :.; 5a Si a« T Wilson P ONeill MJ9S9-19I COMPTROLLER wa 7 US 14 M "1" 14 M B Dority Curtis Bros 3234-186 tMatad Beld. Time. 25. 81%, i:C5. Track angary. matneh paid. 1. W. Harper, 84-20 atralgbt, .89 place, 83.46 show: Vera Rita. $:;.no place 83.69 ahoa : Chrome, 94-69 ahon . KilDivah in booking odd- I. W. Harper, 116 to KM straight. 40 to 168 place. 70 to 100 show; Vera Bit 56 to inn place. 50 to 100 shew; Chrome, 100 to 160 show. Wiener— B. g, by I. P. Crawley — Feneloa, by Got. Fanner trained by W. IP DeBott; bred kg Mr. II. B. Bcrhnsber. Weal to posl it 2:22. At poet 5 miantes. start good and slew. Won eaaHy; ml and third dialing. I. W. HABPEB .is sared until rounding the last turn, where be was hard ridden and. . hilbmging the leaden, pawed them la the last sixteenth to win going away. VKKA RITA, after forcing CHBOMI along at l ;. speed, outstayed binn in a game Bnish. CHROME showed the most early apeed and raced in improved form. DEWY FIELD ran well for H half, then qait. Scratched 00379 Foemaa, 113; 86888 stiipo, 113. trrerweights- Cbreaae, : nmiad". iSellBCflr THIRD RACE— 5-8 Mil". fMay 29. 1920—59—4—107. Purse 00. 3-ycar-olds and ""J-H:e_? d upviiii. Claiaiing. Net value to winner 50: .second. 00: third. 0. In. lex Horses ~~AWTPPSt % Vz_ % Str Fin~ Jockeys Owneni lulV~Od"d"astrTt 66446 CftlBPIE w 4 112 7 S S» 8* 2 1* P Martlnci F R Trwlp i2* -110 60386*MISS CLARK w 12 SH 1 2 1. 1»1 IJ 2J T Wilson O Graham 240-100 H6446* DAISY . v i M 1 ! ■■[ S| "1 I* .1 Hanmer «: McCaslin i- m-ioo 6646t*BESSIE MACK II. wt: 5 SM I 21 V 4" th H Pong W Maltby aS9- 66381 MISSOULA w 5 111 :. I I I 7 vh-t Rae w E Ranter MO-IWi 66386*MISH KRUG W il PJC 2 7 s:! h1 s-i 8 C Ralls PR Kntfong J19B I6»l 90446 VERA WOOD a 1 149 I I V S* 6* 71 i: Don:. hue a Malenhy 1 146 -mo 66133 VOtl BET « E ill I 3 I : F •- 9* II B I: Aver H A Lot*. H3". 1"" «i»IH« BONNET SLUE « II". t I 7" 7: S S D Ilura C B Irum i tCoapled in betting as c. B. nnd F. B. liuii entry. Time. 25" ,. 51 ,. 1:95%. Track muddy. 92 mutii.ls paid, C. B. and F. B. Irwin n ry, 96.80 straight. 83.49 place, . lo -how: Mi-- Clark, 00 place, 92.69 show; Daixj N., 92.00 show. p.piiv ih lit booking odd- . B. and i. B. Irwia ntry, 240 to Umi straight. 7u to 199 place, 2W to H» -how: Miss lark. 100 to U» place, 30 to 100 -how: Daisy .. 39 to HM sboa Winner — B. m, by Hapsbnrg — stanml. by Hfanyar trained by F. R. Irwia; bud by Mr. 1. H. M l .... .,, Went to post al 2:56. At post 1 minnte st irt good nad slow. Won driving; acroed and third tie-same. CRISPIE, forwardly placed la the earij racine, answered t her rid"i- call after entering the stretch and. under hard riding, wore Miss !.A!ti down to will in the la-t stride. MISS CLARK abvwed muck the most speed In pneemakiag to the last eighth and beld aa gaaaeiy when challenged. DAISY N steadily held her position and ran a good nee. BESSIE MACK II. forced the early pace and tired iu lie-stretch. Bcntched— 68467 Montgom ry Jr., 113; 66223 An Bick, 166; 0*129! .race W. Ill Orel an igl ta Cri pie. 1 poan I. Od/dtfnQ FOURTH RACF— 1 Mile. June 17. 1916—1:38—3—95. Purse 00. 3-year-olds and Ovil/O npward. fTlaianlng. Bel value to winner 50: second. 00: third. 0. Index Horses AWtPPSt i Vz % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Kquiv. Odds Strt illTS! ■ Pl.ANTACiK.NP.T v. !• ln:i tj :; ], T, T T ! ~j Hunmer .T W Shockley Ilo-nm «0;i84 CANVASBACK WS 5 149 3 I S* 61 6 4-1 -■ -M Slaughr B Winters 1549-100 66466 MISTAKE wa 6 U2 2 I i, 4- :;l,_ 2- ::- p Care* w J OBrien 749-190 66443 S*SW EN SON m J* SM I 9 I I S 7- 4*1 ■ Pong S .1 Cornwall 1329-140 66442** HOT FOOT we. 5 105 7 I V1 5* .".-""• 5- T Wilson W N P.eechwood 400-100 60443*ISPHAM a 5 107 i 5 » 21 2" :; V H B Bwer il A Lou SgaVSM 66285 COUNTRY a 1 91 .".7 7; 7 1 1 I 7*J D Horn Tan a Bhaater Stable 1394-191 66443* FOND HOPE wan S Ul I I - I 6* I T Rne HT Palmer 99VSM Time. 26:i. 52. lO.-,. IM%. Track muddy. matnela paid, Phntageaet, 84-20 atnight, 83.29 place. ..»0 show: Caaeaahack, 316.69 place. 1922.sh,211 show: Mistake, 84-69 show. Bqaiealeat booking odda— Plaatagenet, no to 169 atnight, 88 to loo place. 40 t«. Uhi show: Caarna-back, 430 to UMJ pigce, 210 to HH show: Mistake. ISO to 168 -how. Winner — 15. g, bv Og.ien — Mamie Worth, bv St. QtOfgC In, lined bv J. W. Shockley: bred by Mr. .lohu B. Madden. Wen! to peel at 3:15. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won driving: second and third the same. PLANTAGENBT set the pace under restraint and, when called on. finished gamely, hut just aaaaaged to withstand the pressing challenge of CANVASBACK. The latter eland a big gap and liu-i-hed rapidly nrcrhnaliag the winner. MISTAKE loomed up menacingly midway of the stretch, but fin -1 iie I in the deepest going next to the nil and tired. SWCNSON close, I a gap ill the la-t .piarter. £zfb/l QGi FIFTH RACE— 1 Mile. June 17. 1910—1:38—3—95. Purse 00. 3-year-olds. OHjtLFaJ* Handicap. Net value to winner 90: second. 40: third. 0. Index Horses AWtPPSt % Vz % Str Fin Jockeys Owners BgnlT. Odda Strt SJBSfrf ££****. CLOVER w Ua i i 1. S :, 11 U ■ Met.aif R I Loeeli H59-1M 66662WEDDe PRINCE w 121 3 2 :.- 1 4- 2* 2* C Duggan G H Abbott 1340-Wl 66494 DOCTOR TDBBS W 97 7 l :■; 5J: 9* "• :;- c Ralls Neal and Bartholomew «]i"/-| bi 661S6NAN Mi KINNEY WB Ul 2 I 9" 2; 2J ::- 4- C Gross North and- Rowe 200-lOn 604 13 TDM CRAVEN W MB I 3 P "Ji 3" 4" A3 D Hum C B Irwin Sgh-SH 66159*LITTLE FLORENCE w lit a "777 t;1 t," F Gottlic R B Povell 66363 SOUTH BRB3SSE wan lag 1 7 • 9* ii 7 7 T Rae J ■ Black 1381 SB .onplerl in betting as B. B. bonB entry. Time. 254: . %. 1:18%, 1:48. Track muddy. 92 mutuels paid. B. B. Povell entry. 95.99 straight. .S0 place. *2.t 0 show: Wedding Ilince. .20 place, 93.49 show: Doctor Tubb-. 94.26 ahow. I. inivaleiit booking odds — K. E. Povell entry. 150 to 100 straight. 10 to 100 place. 30 to 100 show; Wedding Prince. n« to 168 place. 70 to PHI ahew; Do. tor Tubbs. 110 to 168 aha"*. Winner Ch. g. by General Roberts— Ravaria, by Ravelston trained by C. B. Groves: bred by Mr. George M. Van tiorden. V.. 11? to pool at 3h88. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won driving: second and third the same. APT. CI.OVKR forged to the front when passing the half ami. keeping the lead, stood a hard drive gamely and hold WEDDING PBINCE safe at the end. WEDDING PBINCE moved up fast after entering the stretch, but coufd never quite orerhaal the winner. DOCTOR TUBBS made g game tini-di and eas.Iy outstayed NAN hfcKlMNBT. The latter was prominent in lose-t pursuit for three-quarters, then gait. TOM CRAVEN set the pace to the bnekstretcb and dropped back. Sci.it. hed -00411 Indian Ilime. lt] . OlCl Weights Doctor Tulilis. 1 pound-: South Pr-eze, 2. araThOlB SIXTH RACE— 5 1-2 Furlongs. June 28. 1916— 1:05/5— 3— 118. Purse 9500. 3-year vF*Jt_8vFecF olds and upward. Claiming-. Net value to winner 50: second, 00; third, 0. Index Horses AWtPPSt % Vz % Str Fin Jockeys Owners _ Kluir. Odds Strt r60T«7T*TfosiK GRMAN wi 4 106 1 :; 1* i = . 1-. P J Ffunmcr T J Elward 1 19-100 06466 *COVEB UP vb 6 110 2 1 21 2- 21 8J T Rae J J Sharkey sOO-tttO 66368 *CLSAB THE WAY w 5 107 4 7 6i 4*. 3k 2»* T Wilson Smith-or Williams 370-TOo 00440 ►•VELVET w S 108 7 2 :.- :M 4=14* H Pong Palmer and Cassity 90O-BW «0448*LOBFJLIA w 8 131 B i 7 GJ Sa ga| p Caron H D Cates 1920-WO 66467*BLACK TOP w 4 111 6 fi 4» ..» fi- G5 R Carter D S Fountain 500-100 J0447 ROBA ATKIN w 4 108 :: 4 5ti 7 7 7 D Hum H Walters 29O0-HW Time, 24%, 51. 1043/5, 1:11. Track muddy. 32 mutuel* paid. Josie Gorman. .20 straight. $.°..40 place, .30 show: Cover Up. .00 place, .90 show: Clear the Way. $:i.80 show. Band ah ad booking adjda Into Gormau, 110 to 100 straight, 70 to 100 place, 40 to 100 show; CoTer Up, 160 to 100 Pluv*, Ui to 100 bkow: cieui the Way, 90 to 100 show. «•♦ Winner- tli. f. kg Jin Igo Wiight- Lady MeO.-e. kg McflCC trained kf A. Ilniil: bred kf Mr. Thomas Piatt I. Went to iM.-t ill 4:01. At o-t 1 lit i m: t -. Stall good and 81 w. Won easily, second :: ml third arising. JOslE IOBMAN set the pace throughout .••ml won in n raster. iOVKR IT. after racing in closest, l.ui aaavailiag, pursuit of the winner. Kwerved in the Baal qaartl r and hampered "LEAD Till: WAY. The latter fintabed fast ui, with ■ clear course, would probably bare beea second. VELVET bad m ail haian. Scratched 0O6O7*TobI Par*. 112; 08353 MrMarpny. 110; 30408 Merry Lass, 113. ftMtifiajl i- Polelm. a |,..,n , ftifktZ fk-i SEVENTH RACE— 4 1-2 Furlongs. Jan. S. 1C?1— 53;5— 10— 105. Purse C0. 3-year- OvF«3vFA olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to wi.-.ncr 50: second. 00; third. §50. Judex Horses AWt PPStTvi Y2 and~Str Fin Jockeys Owners Euuiv. Odds Strt ii H41 iKnCOUKE ft-u .". 55 :. 4 i» 1 1- l- .M Slauglir H Caldw.il S6-BM t.04lO*SSTER SUSIE W8 9 113 4 3 Z ::-;. :"; .1 llunrmr J A Parson 390-l »i 00447 HAZEL DALE us 3 lit; :; 2 23 8 2 3] P Martin*-/, c K Irwin 18M-KM .U412 . A. "ISKKV wsuTlls G E 4 M 44 4 T Wilson Strife ft Valentine GOtVlOO i «;ii3.",0 i Miss DUNBAR w 4 jh i 1 E S» ." E .1 Thomas W II Moon- Il2n-tt0 MABEL at. w :. MC 2 •: I I I • W Davis J Hmil. y 1S706-M0 Time. 24li. 501-,, GC1,. Track muddy. matnet* paid. Kiagllke, sVofl straight, 32.00 i»i:n »-. .20 -how: Bister Basle, ,211 place, 12.00 •li.v, : Basel Dale, 64.00 show. Equivalent honk tut odds Kiagllke, .".it to i»m» strsifht, M is MB pla e, If Is Mi show; Bister Basle, 00 re rat place, 2 i to 100 -how: Hazel Hal»-. Mm to WO show. ajianei I-., b, bj Hip; ..um.iiii- -Searchlight, by KJnjrsloa trained, by P. Level; bred kf WlekUtTe : unit. W*. -ui to post at 4:24. At po-t G wlaatTTt. Start good ::inl -low. Won rasod aft; second and third dining. KlNci.lbi: showed high speedi t«ei n f.i-t pare sad, drawing awajr after rounding the far turn. won iiadjrr restraint. BI8TEB sisip made ■ gaine Batah* bnl coald nerer p -i wit his Ktrlkiag distaaee of ihf a/ianer. HAZEL DALE raa well la the last eiginii. where tdse tired. «. a. omiskkv w.is i.lxiay «.ii t .:• -. d. :•■ rati bed if.tiH"..". Uni. n. M?.. f*ftZ ibf EIGHTH RACE— 5 1-2 luilong,. June 22. 1910— 1 :05». .— 3— 118. Purse $£00. 3-year- UUtiUsJ old-: and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner i360: second. 00: third. 0. Tndr HoTsen AWtlPSt ,I~Vi % Str Flu "Jockeys """ow iwra" ~ Eiiufv. OddTBtrl |MlBt*JACK LEDI wsa 4 1K» :; s :. i" S |i T Wilson Blackwell and Cripu«u " Mu-100 »;t»44;*pi:i;i!! wsa 7 1M 1 4 :- .- i t n Long w Haltby I St»-lOfi 00200 !IAi:i!V D. s s 11J s 1 J* |akg .1 Huniner C E Groves !!• 1-109 «.03.-»» PI v: STEKL W : t»J ." :: O 51! S 4: l Eator B Polk 19 I 100 BfB9C c.Mi ER i ws s ii; , 7*1C3 ti4 .". P Martinez n Waiters 700-100 i ;04«!» *.v a .i iii: v. s -s in1 2 2 lain;! $ n B B*wer .1 a Parson 220-100 t.O4O0 KARLYMORN sit II 117 7 7 J i" 7- 7*3 T P.a.e p i; Irwin BOOgg* AEBTERiA wp 0 111 4 C I I t s p Cars* -I 1i Daniel CUO-lOt ;i ,.iiple.] in lie t tine as n. Welters and V. H. Irwin entry. Time. 24S. IL lt%, lrlO4-:. Track landdy. ?2 iniitn.is p:ni, .l.ol. I 1. 1.. g20.Hg RtraigJtt, m.i.i place, .00 -how: p.-nli. B0.00 slaee, S.T IB ilswr; Harry It . .-.•.Ml I.. v. Hqairaleai I Litm o.l.i lark I.edi. «i4n to 104 utrafarht, SSB to Kto plaee, BB to MB akatar; Pereh, ::.".it to HH plaee, lmi to lt«t Kbow; Many II.. 41 !•• MB sli.,w Winn.! r.. , by i. IP Hoagbtoa Mjrrtle Ledi, t Pamnas traiaea by t; V. Criaawa; lired l .v Mr. J A. Blackwell. WiM in |K.~t at 4 :."!. A: past 1 minute. Start goad and slow. Woo driring; seeoiid and third the ■sate. JACK LEDI begsn tdowly, bat -t«-a«i i ly improved i.i- p.-iiion aad, Bahthing itli a rash, ;oi up in win in the hisi twi-my yards. PERCH, after farting the pace, raced iato a dear lead in the * tret oh ..ml ..nly civ way right ai the end. HARRY It. raa wen and finished ramely. PLOW BTBEL Baished wall. MANNt Hi: iniit badly after setting the pace to the sti«-ti-h. Bcratched t;ti474 Harry Bargoyae, Ht7: B03S7*Clear Pake. IBS; «ut4t::» choir Master, 112; B0333 Mil Read, l"!.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1922022501/drf1922022501_2_7
Local Identifier: drf1922022501_2_7
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800