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| | j THRIFTY THREE RINGING CASE All Interested Parties Ruled Off and Mexican Government Seeking Anderson. MEXICO CITY. Mex.. February 21.— The Jockey I Club and Mexican authorities are keenly after W. A. Anderson and the group with him which used Fanny Cook here as a "ringer." Anderson has disappeared and the Mexican authorities are " seeking him at the border. The official ruling in the case is as follows: "For fraudulently importing a mare known as Thrifty Three into the Republic of Mexico under a false name and pedigree and for fraudulently registering same mare as Thrifty Three with the Jockey Club International de Mexico, Inc.. and for further entering and run- * ning said mare as Thrifty Three in races at the track of the aforesaid Jockey Club, trainer W. A. Anderson has been ruled off the turf. Dr. J. W. Hall of Harrisburg. Pa., and James J. McClellan of Jersey City, N. J., have also been ruled off the turf. "The horses Greenwich Village and Twirler, registered as the property of the above men, have also been ruled off the turf. The stewards are satisfied that the mare here as Thrifty Three is Fanny Cook and the mare Fanny Cook is ruled off. subject to revision if some reputable turfman can assure us that he is in pos- session of a Fanny Cook. "Pending further investigation S. J. Kelly has been denied all privileges of the turf. "We have absolute evidence that the mare run here as Thrifty Three is not the mare of that name and breeding registered with the New York Jockey Club, the official registrar of the United States and Canada. We are also reliably informed that it is federal felony to •apart horses from the Inited States under false description and pedigree and we are sending a copy of this ruling to Dr. John R. Moll-ler. Chief of Bureau of Animal Husbandry of the Inited States, and Dr. McCarthy will carry back to the Inited States our proofs of the fraud practiced, with a request to the government to proceed against the parties named, if our conception of the federal law is correct. "We are also sending a copy of the ruling to the Department of Agriculture of Mexico, as we understand there is a similar law in Mexico. Our proofs will be at the disposal of the local government. "The mare has been spirited away from the track, but we are qiute satisfied that we shall have t he active co-operation of the present government in trying to improve the breed of horses and give the public a clean, high-class sport. "JOSEPH A. MCRPHY. St. Louis, Mo. "J. F. MONCK. Hamilton. Can. "H. P. CONKLING. Baltimore. Md. "COUNT DE GUADLOUPE. Mexico. D. F. "Judges and Stewards." A copy of this ruling has been sent to the New York Jockey Club, the Canadian Racing Associations, the Kentucky and Maryland Racing Commissions, and alt reputable tracks in the Inited States and Canada.