untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1922-03-02


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WANTED MONTHLY FORM BOOKS FOR MAY and JUNE, 1921 Ajji ====== Full Price Will Be Paid for Books in GOOD CONDITION Daily Racing Form Publishing Co. 441 Plymouth Court : : Chicago, Illinois ANNOUNCING AK-SAR-BEN SPRING RACES Omaha --- Nebraska JUNE 3 to "17— 13 DAYS 0,000 IN PURSES Six or More Races Each Day. PARI -MUTT/ELS. Write for Stake Blanks and Stable Room. CHAS. L. TRIMBLE Care of Ak-Sar-Ben Courl House. Omaha, Neb. j. f. "Lucky" Baldwin MY BIG SPECIAL Coes Saturday Several unusual propositions going at TIJUANA and HAVANA. You all know my past record. Dont hesitate. Terms: Send me by wire after you collect yours the winnings of a 8 straight play. I cannot win if you lose. 1303 Lexington Ave., NEW YORK CITY, N.Y. COL CHILE 5-1 WON WAS YESTERDAYS BEST BET. This makes FOUR STRAIGHT WINNERS. Rem»mb«r. we abso-luteK only give TWO HORSES EACH DAY. 50e— DAILY AT ALL NEWSSTANDS— 50c Mailed direct 1 week. : 2 weeks, S5. National 0. K. Publishing Co., Room 411. Baltimore Bide- CHICAGO. ILL FREE INFORMATION. I am doing business with a prominent owner who has his stable at Ha.vana. All a-iglos have beer, taken care of. whereby he feels confident that ho will put over a few long-shot winrcrs. I am on the square. Mail me your name and address at once ar.d I will send you the first winner absolutely free. We will then come to some understanding in regard to the future. FRANK WEST BERRY. 167 East 47th Street. New York City, N. Y. Machine Gunner. 4-1. won, va* fasBerBaya WM Form Sj.ccial. Get new book, on sale now, 35c, all aawasjtaaBa. Caatataa v»dH w than haa apactals apfjaat in this papa* daily. Todays Form Special: Avril-Orange-77-ll-2B-42. STANDARD TURP GUIDE. Room 403. 22 W. Quincy St. Chicago, 111. Annual Racing form for 1922 Is Now On Sale DAILY RACING FORM PUBLISHING CO 441 PLYMOUTH COURT CHICAGO, ILL 167-159 EAST 32nd STREET, NEW YORK, N. Y 74 EXOHAJTQE STREET :: BUFFALO, N. Y. The American Racing Manual FOR 1922 N0WJN SALE The Encyclopedia of ThorouQhbreddom THH 1022 MANUALS Handicap TaUc-have been brought up to date. Instead of division.-- of quarter seconds the three tables hao all been modernized into fifths. Before the tables and their application charts is an intro duction and general directions for handicapping by the late Nin S. Hand, an expert of the first class. Engraved diagrams of thirly-twn !r;«ling American race courses, with thr-ir locations, capacities, chutes, stands, width of rack? and length of stretches in detail. ITS REGULAR FEATURES ARE All Bralaa of Bactag Wcighta. Asaarieaa Loading Sirp-. American Badag Statistics for the Ycai P.C1. American .Stake BJacaS for the Year I9_l. Bargaia Yearttags and tin- ■arena, BMakaaakhag Petcaatagc Tafesa. Csaapafattra Mile speed. Tte.Kl Heats of 191*1 . Dsirialifications of 18SL Knlisli BetUac Uulcs. tlreat Money-Winning Horses of the American. Australasian and Knglish Turf. Baaeneapasag and Barla • witu Bsasaylea. Higaeat-Piiiad Taaraagaacaga of the Aasaiicu and European Turf. LeaaVag B inning Two year olds. gag- ni ri Winners of ID-I. Maat Important B*arai of BaaaigB Countries. Necrology of Ihe Turf in l»Ll. I.iri-Mutuel Retting Kxplained. Baca Track Records of All the Tracks of Ihe 1,uitrd states, Caaaaa, Cuba and Basica. Badag af American Tli niuglibieds in lOUl. Racing Organizaticns and Their Officials Racing Records of the American Ansliala--ian. Canadian and Kngli-h Turf. Records of Miles in 1 ::is ar Batter. Record Odds in the Tari Mutuels. Remarkable .Jockey Bleats. Sires of Two year -old Winie-rs of l!l_l. Thoroughbreds That Died During 1921. Track Record Speed. Twenty Loading American Sire- af 19-1. Winners of Important American Stakes. Yearling Sales of 19C1 in America, etc., etc, PRICES BT MAIL: Leatherette Bound ?1 "in Taper Hound 1.10 Full Turehase Price Must Accompany Each Order With this eminently handy book any admirer of raring can readily answer almost any i|uery that may come up concerning facts of racing In the past. Its eqnal has never been printed and, considering the topics It covers. It Is an extremely low-priced , book ot general and correct turf information. DAILY RACING FORM PUBLISHING CO. 441 PLYMOUTH COURT CHICAGO, lit. 157-159 EAST 32ND STREET, HEW YORK, N. Y. 74 EXCHANGE STREET I ; BUFFALO, N, Y,

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1922030201/drf1922030201_8_1
Local Identifier: drf1922030201_8_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800