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NEW YORK RACING DATES Metropolitan Season to Begin at Jamaica May 3 — Total of 152 Days for Year. NKW YORK. N. V.. March 10. — Racing on the New York tracks will begin on May 3 at Jamaica. .Nineteen days each have been allotted to Jamaica. Belmont Park. Aqueduct and Kmpire City in the order named. Tnen comes Saratoga for tiie entire month of August. Fall racing begins at Holmont Park on September 2. and continues there for 18 •lays. Then in order comes Aqueduct, Jamaica and Kaipire City, with twelve days each, winding up at Vonkers on October 28. In all. one hundred and fifty-two days of racing are scheduled as follows: Metropolitan Jockey luh. Jamaica, I.. 1.: Wednesday. May 3. to Wednesday. May 24: 1! days. Westche.-ter Racing Association. Belmont Park. Juoons. I.. 1.: Thursh;y. May 25, to Thursday, June IS; 19 days. Queens County Jockey Club. Aqueduct. I.. I.: Friday. June 16. to Friday. July 7; 19 days. Kmpire City Racing As-ociation. Yonkers. N. Y.: Saturday. July 8. to Saturday. July 29: 19 days. Saratoga Association. Saratoga Springs, N. Y.: Tuesday, August 1. to Thursday. August 31; 2V days. Westchester Racing Association. Holmont Park. Queens. K. I.: Saturday. September 2. to Saturday, St ptember 10; lo days. Queens County Jockey Club, Aqueduct. L. I.: Monday. September IS, to Saturday. September 30: 12 days. Metropolitan Jockey Club. Jamaica, L. I.: Monday. October 2. to Saturday. October 14: 12 days. Kmpire City Racing Association, Yonkers. X. Y.: Monday. October 10. to Saturday. October 28; 12 days. ♦