Mobile Form Chart, Daily Racing Form, 1922-03-11


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i . " , ; ; ■ ; I a j t i i i i t MOBILE FORM CHART MOBILE, ALA.. FRIDAY. MARCH 10, 1922.— Third day. Mobile Business Mens Racing Associations Mooting of 10 days. Weather clear: temperature 60°. Stewards. .1. B. Campbell. J. Hammol ami M. Lyons. Judges, M. N. Macfarlan and J. Carey. Starter, Arthur McKnight. Racing Secretary. .1. B. Campbell. Racing starts at 2:30 p. m. Chicago time 2:30 p. m.. *Indioates apprentice allowance. 4T»ifrTQ/| FIRST RACE— About b-8 Mile. March 11. 1921— 1:00— 10— II8V2. Purse 00. 3-year-Jv 4 %3t olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 00: second, 0: third, 0. : ndex ~Hors"es AWtPPSt 4 r- j Str Fin Jockeys O wnerT O H C P S 60.- 04 -vC REST in i 10 i Z V- 1 li !"• C darner G C Dennv I 4 4 i TT .Vjr.34 CORKKY W. wp. 9 120 S3 2= 2= 2- ?MT Hinphy G Druiriheilor 7-5 7-5 A-T, 2-5 1-5 i»581 *FI.EF.R wsb 5 115 10 4 :; V V ::"• W BogskiE J Helferman H 10 10 :: fi-5 60762 -NORTH SHORE w 4 115 5 « B* 4" .4- 4- M Andson.T Hennessev V. 4 4 1 1-2 .- 98!0 Al.YERIDA w 3 105 1 i 4» f..». V V .1 Conway J Rorris M N 15 « I 60462 MR. KRITriR wr. 6 L0 6 I I fi t;1 6.. .1 W MphyT Hodge SO 50 50 15 S 57909 J1MMIE OHRIEN w 5 Ll 2 I s.7- 7- 7- C Everett . I R Carlock ?.n 50 H 15 8 60455 MIDXT STORIES w 3 111 7 M V V S:- 8" C OMahy.I W Murphy SI 50 50 15 S 59280 TERRIBLE MISS wk6 1U I 7 7- 0.1. » ! R Hoffm „D J Lynch H SO SO 10 I 60415 F. G. CORI.EY vv 6 120 1 1 10 M M 10 S Wfcfa J O Walker IS » 20 8 4 Disqualified for foul and placed last. Time. 26M,. 54xi. 1:03. Track heavy. Winner — Ch. g. by Barnesdale — Xcdlie Mier. by Peter McCue trained by D. F. Cannon: bred by Mr. W . C. Watkinsl. Went to post at 2:31. At post 2 minutes. Start good and slow. Won easily: second and third driving. CKKST. from an outer po-ition. was *nt across in front of the others soon after the start, causing bad jam and also ridden across in front of CORKEY W. on the first turn, almost causing him to fall, then led to the end. but was disqualified far a foul. CORKFY W. ran well, was probably best and would have won with a clear eonr-o. FI.KKB raced prominently all the way. .NORTH SlltllMi suffered from Interfere ace and finished gamely. Most of the others were knocked out of any chance soon after the ■tart. Scratched— 59030 Arthur Middleton. 115; 59432 Cremona, 115; 60231 Princess Lou. 115; 60762 Kedg-wiok. llti. Overweights — Jimmie OBrien. 1 pound: Midnight Stories, 1. £»/i"PQ,Br SECOND RACE— 1 Mile and 70 Yards. March 9, 1922—1:53—5—114. Purse 00. Ovr a tjij 4-year-old.-, and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 00: second, 0; third, 0. Index Horses " AWtPT-St j4 te~?T~Str""Fiii Jockeys Owners Q~"~H C P S~~ 607 75 LEGACY wsb li 114 2 2 I« ]•• a S In J VV MphyC B Walker B-3 Q 1 4-5 2-5 «0;3S--»CAPTX BURNS W» 11 Hi I 4 -■ ;,- V l] Sc*"W BaCaUP Martin I SI 1 7-5 60767 HHE STAR w i 109 !♦ 7 51 tV V •* Sn B Rice P Barrv 15 15 IS 6 I 69767 JACK REEVES v.s 9 117 t I I 4i P 2" 4 L Gray G W L Willard M M 10 4 2 60741 BAT. MCXTAIN wb 5 112 5 S I V 6"* *• 5s T Wayt F C Travis :. I 5 2 1 60775 ROSEFIELD w ti 109 S 5 •* 9 8i V i!"t C Garner T B AYaters I fi 4 s-5 4-5 60762 RROWX BILL w 4 112 7 9 J" ■■- 7- V 7 W Hi.iphy J B Partridge •; 6 4 S-5 4-5 59702 SPORT. CHXtE wsr 4 114 4 I. Q 2nk : fii S S V.ida VV M McKinney 10 12 12 4 2 60563 CORYDOX wb 7 114 1 1 4 P I 9 I C OMnevE C Knc-belknmpU 15 12 5 21 Time, 27. 54V5, 1:26. 1:57=6. 2:02V5. Track heavy. Winner— Ch. g. bv Hilarious Halcsia. hv Martinc I tr.iiiacl bv K. Colston: bred bv Messrs. WBUCUM Bras.. Went to post at 2:59. At posi 4 minutes. Start good and slow. Won driving: second and third the same. LEGACY took the had quickly and was far in after making the first turn of the course, when his rider began pulling him up. thinking the race was over, then had to he ridden hard, but got up again in the final strides. CAITALN BIB.NS r: n a tine race and hold on well in the final drive. BLFE STAB came- with a rush through the last quarter. JACK RKKVKS closed a big gap, but tired light at the end. BBOWX BILL retired after going three-quarters. Scratched — 60741 : Tom Iogan. 115: 59305 Keholand. 107. r/ rytQ|aQ THIRD RACE— About 5-8 Mile. March 11. 1921— 1.00— 10— 1181*. Purse 00. 3-year-OvF 4 SrO olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner S400: second, 0: third, 0. Index Horses AWtPPSt jj j % Str Fin Jockeys Owners 0 H C P S 60766 VAXSYLY1A wb « 111 5 1 1 1- li 1»- L Gray L M Reuter 1-2 3-511 -201-5 out 59724*CARL ROBERTS W 9 111 « 2 2 2- 2- 2-1 T Wayt E E Sterrett 15 15 15 5 2 60762 MALVOLIO wb 7 llii 4 4 •* 4 :"■ V C Garner Wendol 444 4..-, ]-.-! 60762 HJRAXXY LEE w 5 115 1 5 5- :9 4- 4s M AudsonE G Shaffer 2i 41 41 1 2-5 60745 TREADWELL W* « 111 2 S S3 B* 5- 5- YV BogskiLarvey and Mzer 20 20 12 4 X-5 60657 TRADER WB 4 lit. :: | t; t; c; 1; J Conley J Reed 15 20 20 6 2 Time. 262r . 55. 1:04];,. Track heavy. Winner — Br. in. by Ivan ihe Terrible- Sylvia Dunbar, by Orsini trained by F. Reuter: bred by Air. Otto Steifel. Wont to post at. 3:27. At post 3 minutes. Start good and slow: won driving: second and third the same. VANSYI.VLV. awiy fast and helped by the going, raced into a good lead at once, but began tiring in the last quarter and Jast lasted to win. AIM. BOBKKT8 raced in ehtoest pursuit all the way and. alter saving much ground when coming lata the stretch, was going fastest at the end. MALVOLIO was hard ridden and finished fast, after making a slow beginning. CRAXXY UU lost ground in the itretch. costing her third place. Sc -ratclied— 6077SMnrph.v. 116: 59173 Our Kate. 106; 601551Port Light, 110; «077S:lHelen Atkin, 111; 00307 riving Orb. 110: 00775 Ilorob. 110. C±4F?€r7 FOURTH RACE— About 5-8 Mile. March 11. 1921—1:00 — 10— 1181*. Gayfer Purse. OvF 4 %J 4 Purse 00. 3-year-olds and upward. Allowances. DECLARED OFF. rjfXtWttThQ FIFTH RACE— About 5-8 Mile. March 11. 1921—1:00 — 10— 118L,. Purse 00. 3-year-OU 4 *JfJ olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 00; second. 0: third. 0. Index Horses AWtPPST% V2~% Str Fin Jockeys Owners O H C P S~" 60581 BACK BAY w 14 120 4 S 2" li 1 - 1" C Howard B Howard 7-5 2i 11-54-5 2-7" t.0763 LY BOCHESTER W 8 Ml 5 2 1" 2- 2-1 2 M AndsonH Xeusteter 4 6 5 8-5 4-5 60774*.IACKYILLE w 4 115 9 5 1 4; S. :U W BogskiL Campbell .50 50 50 15 I 60339 L. LKHTEXHEl.UwB S 112 S 4 ««| 8* 44 4" J W MphyR C Troxler K I 5 1 1 60286 "HAS. A. BRYXE w 4 120 2 7 5 7- B| 5- G ManganA Bordeaux 20 20 20 8 4 00504 *CAPERS w 7 110 7 t! i Hi «- •; R Rice O A Saunders 10 15 12 4 2 59759 AXXETTE TBLLRw 5 115 I ■ I I 7 7A J Conway Mget and De Lr 30 40 40 12 « 5 1591 -BLFE JAY wsn 12 120 1 1 fl 8*1 I C Garner R Rice 15 20 15 6 3 60086 GENERAL W 12 120 I Left at the post. T ParrtonT H Wilson 2 2 tJ-5 1-2 1-1 Time, 26-5, 544i, 1:03. Track heavy. Winner — P.. g. by Rubicon — Cenna. by Balgowan trained by W. Jones; bred by Mrs. Bertha I.anigan. Wont to post at 3:55. At post 2 minnle-. Slart bad and slow. Won easily; second and third driving. BACK BAY began well and had lo overcome interference, but moved into the lead with a rush after going the first quarter and went easing up. LADY ROCHKSl BK sot the early pace and finished gimelv for second place. JACKVII.LK finished fast and overhauled LOFIS LICHTK.NHKIM in the closing strides. I.OIIS LICHTKXHFIM ran well. CKNFKAL refused to start and was left. Scratched — 5S726 Arrow Point. 115; 60762 Assume, 120; 60762 T. J. Pendergast. 120: 60415 Helin-cross. 120: 60774 Grace King. 115. Overweights— Louis Liehtenheim. 2 pounds. ■QbITOQ sixth RACE— 1 Mile and 70 Yards. March 9, 1922— 1:5325— 5— 114. Purse 00. Dvl ±J*J 4-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 00; second, 0: third, 0. ludex Horses AWtPPSt % V2 % Str Fin Jockeys Owners O H C ~~P~ S~~ 59620 AMER. SOLDIER w 5 117 S H ti 4- 3i V * J P RvanT HoTTge 5 TTm7! p7" " 60509 CAPTAIN TOM WB S 114 0 S 1- T 1- t* V J W MphvJ J Troxler 15 15 10 4 • 60509 DICKIE W. ws 7 114 2 1 2U 2:J 8" V 8" L Gray .1 Wakeman ti 8 S 1 7-5 60;7!-LOREXA MOSS wb 6 107 4 5 Si Si 4 4i 4» A FrieshonJ Hc-nnessoy 1 9-5 9-5 VI l-| 60589 MISS DIXIE vn 4 107 5 4 4» 5 V B»« 5s VV BogskilO W Bury t; ti ", 8-5 4-5 60 155 PLATO w 4 112 1 2 5"k 6 I ti ti V Hinphy D MoDormid 6 t; 3 1 l- Time. 27/Di 54y5. 1:2623, 1:57. 2:02M,. Track heavy. Winner— Br. g. by Duval Mary Hunter, by Orison trained by T. Hodge: bred by Mr. Thomas Piatt Went to post at 4:21. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won easily: second and third driving. AMKU1CAN SOLDIER began slowly, bu t moved up steadily and raced into the lead iu the last eighth to win under restraint. CAPTAIN TOM showed the si d. but began tiring after going three-quarters. DKKIK W. raced prominently from the start and finished fairly well LO-KKNA MOSS raced gamely. PLATO ran a poor race. Scratched— 60505 Selma C. 109: 60767 Philistine. 114; 60775Mab, 109; 60455 Stevenson 114 5917s Banyan, 104.

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Local Identifier: drf1922031101_1_9
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