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1 TIJUANA FORM CHART TIJUANA. MEX.. THURSDAY. MARCH 9, 1922. — One mile. Ninetieth day. Tijuana Jockey Club. Wiater Meetiag of 125 or more days. Weather clear: temperature 85 . Presiding Steward. Francis Nelson. Aaoodate Stewards. J. W. CofTroth anil Leon AVing. Starter, Han-y Morrisscv. Racing Secretary. Leon AVing. Racing starts at 1:55 p. m. Chicago time 3:55 p. ml. Indicates apprentice allowance. £*fkF7G£ FIRST RACE— 5 1-2 Furlongs. June 28. 1916— l:05 j— 3— 118. Purse 00. 3-year- 13vF 4 OU olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 50: second. 00: third. 0. Index Horses AWtPPSt . K -h Str Fin Jockeys Owners Kquiv. Odds Strt 606733*LOTTA SPEED ws 4 10.", 5 fi 3"" -I3 5 llCSluder II larrell 4S0-100 60686-.I. D. Sl.GG w 9 llfi fi t 4i P 21 21 C Cross .1 Eckert 100-100 BETTTE STUART w 4 M6 !» 7 i- 5; 5J1 3. M Fator Al Christenson 700-UW 606S8 PROPHECY era fi 113 3 I P* 2, 4- 4» R Carter W I. Schaefer SOO-KHl 606XH VOORIN w 4 112 pi .", 7 fi P 51 E Fator C I Crippen fiiMi-loo 60195 VAL NT1NE LADA" w 5 lOfi 7 1 P 1" 31 fi W D Miller T G Alorris MMJMM 00672-MISS KRLG wi: 11 llifi 1 s 10 M 10 71 E Pet/.gold I. R Knifolig tl53GO-100 59H53-KIRO wn n loti ,s pi !♦ :•- 7- S. H Zander Al R Sutton t 58768 DIONE wi: fi 111 4 1 P| SI PI P M Ross J W Tate t 60600 BKT LARK w 3 loO z 2 P 7 9 10 I Hum J S McBride 2150-100 tMutuel held. Time. 24;. 49,. 1:035. 1:0923. Track fast. g2 mutuels paid. Lotta Speed. 1.60 straight. *3.40 pace, ?;2.S0 show; J. D. Sugg. . SO place. .10 SkOW; Ret tie Stuart. .20 show. Equivalent kooktag eW — I.otta Sped. ISO to 100 straiKht. 70 to HI place, 40 to 100 show; J. D. lagg, 40 to 101 pin.,,, uo to 110 show: Rettie Stuart. 60 Io UK akow. Winner— B. f. by Von Tromp— Letts Creed, by Hammoti trained lv H. Farrell; bred by Air. Edward Oekriaa. Went 10 post at 1:55. At post 2 minutes. Start good and slow. AVon easily: second and third driv ing. LOTTA KPKRD was •..-iv.-il close up until rounding the In si turn, w here she rushed into the lead and easily passed .1. I. SICC in the Baal drive. The latter was :i cn.-ndor from the start, bat was no match for the winner when challenged. BBTTIE STUART, after dosing a big gap. finished fast and. altkaagh svervlag badly, aatatayaal PROPHBCT. the latter akoaroi g «n lent, but tired badly iu the final quart-:-. Scratched--•0735hrome. 113: 60754 Cable, los. f2rP7Q~| SECOND RACE— 5 1-2 Furlonands. June 28, 1616— l:05/j— 3— 118. Purse 00. 8-year-9J 4 OX olda and upward. Claiming. Not value to winner I860: second. 00; third, 0. In 1" Howa AWTppBt ?4 Vt % STr Fin Jockey Owner* EqulT. Oflda Strt 547!*? WALTER DA NT w 7 111 1 4 6 5 .1= 5 C Thpson Roman~and Walters ::41-lu0 60523 HAL WRIGHT w 3 108 2 7 8» 8 6:I 2»k D Hum G Meal S70-100 «067.VOSTENTATIOCS w 13 lor, 7 fi 47 4:1 41 S« .1 Hunmer R Wilson G00-100 J oIMISfi SYNCOPATION w « 111 : 1 IM" 1" 4" B Fator C Howell ■ft-VM 00*00** VODKA m 7 lfi I :. V. ft 3» 3J T Wilson C E Matthews 900-100 «067.V-SQL HAWKINS ws 6 115 10 :: 2 _*| 1» 8* K Donahue W Knapp 510-100 I : 00517McCHOAN w G 113 12 10 9U 51 7« 7" R Dorlty Smith and Williams 2H20-100 I a S«4tf *JAC08KL ws 6 106 I 9 ll 00 lli S- W Dean I, Galbraith fMMH i 674 DAISY N. w .-, H| and n 7 f| S1 92J F J PaUer G Mc.Cnslin 42f.O-100 i«M9« CLASSY CURL w 10 111 4 J B» •• 9= Hi R Carter Horse l*| ,. stable | 5S487 HARRY MASON w M 11.1 !» S piMO1 11 11- W Davis L McDowell 2730-10" «0718»RED CLOUD wb t M 11 18 1L 12 12 IS H B Bwer W Walker | fMatari field. Time, 24. 49*;,. 1:08*;. l:09Vj. Track fast. S2 mutuels paid. Walter Runt. ML06 straight. |5.00 place, .40 show: BW Wright. .10 place. R3.C.0 show; Ostentatious. .uti show. K iuivnl.nt hmtlM odds— Walter Rant. 340 to 100 straight. ISO to 100 place. 120 to 100 show: Hal Wright. 120 to 100 place. M to K;0 show: QiU aUlleae. MM to 100 siiow. Winner— Ch. a, by Harrisuii— Willie T.. by Albeit trained l .v Q. Roman: bred by Mr. Benjamin A. laaca. Went to post at 2:20. At post L minute*. Start good anil slow. Won driving: necond and third the same. WALTER DAXT was hard ridden from ln - start and. saving ground on all the turns, finished Willi a g.-o.if rush through the final eighth, getting up and winning in the last few strides. HAL WRIGHT closed a big gay in „ r;|Kl linish. OSTENTATIOUS ran well and finished close up. SYNCOPATION and BQC1REEL HAWKINS, alter alternating in setting the pace, quit badly after turning for home. fift7l THIKD EACE— I 1-2 Furlongs. June 28. 191G— 1:05%— 3— 118. Pune 00. 3-ycar-V vr 4 Q-— olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner : second. 00; third, 0. lndex_ Horses AWtPPSt % ,4 _%8trFl~n~ Jockeys " Owners Equlv. Odda Strt «0577 CLARXSON w 4 112 5 :. 4- 41 V 1] .1 Hunmer J-: Phelan PMM i 00706 SOUTH BREEZE wsn 3 105 7 X 7 1* V. H T Rae .1 M Black 1220-1O0 i .««»7rARVANNA w 4 107 I I k p. ] ::-.•. C Studer San Diego Stable H"0-100 l fi««47*Jl"ST RIGHT waS S7 S 7 P 2* -i 1 If Fator La Duke and Sutton 290-100 00617 -EUGENIA K. w 4 112 4 I Mi .",!■ M 53 R farter Hollywood Stable 2J50-100 i 607 17 CHIPPENDALE w 3 108 2 1 X | 73 I* H Moltcrs S Waring 0940-100 i 60618 DOCTOR TUBES vIM G I 6 61 6? 7« D Hum Neal and Rartholomew OWO-PiO i 60717*LVTIFCL DREAMw I 95 1 I in p s I I Wilson M J Barrons 4260-100 i Time. 23%. 4825. l:61«i. 1:08%. Track fast. liiutuels paid. tnMteaa, §3.00 straight. MLOO place. .40 show: South Breeze. . SO place. .40 i show: Aryanna. .0:1 show. Equivalent booking odds— Clarksen. M lo 100 straight. 50 to 100 place. 20 to 100 show; South Breeze. 1!« to 100 place, 70 to 100 show: Aryanna. 100 to 100 allow. Winner— Ch. e. by Cor CJhra— Purple Light, bv Heliotrope trained by H. Unna: bred iu England bv Mr. W. S. Heather. Went to post at 2:44. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. AVon driving: second and third the same. CLARK SON was saved to the stretch, where he responded to his riders call and. finishing gamely, outstayed SOUTH BREEZE. The latter made up much ground from a slow beginning and ran a good race. ARYAN XA showed good speed, but tired when put lo the whip. JUST RIGHT began slowly, then rusdied up into forward contention, but iilit fitmllv. scratched— loos? Grace W.. 113. Overweights — Chippendale. | pounds. i ■ I |f|ry 30 FOURTH RACE— 1 Mile and 70 Yards. Feb. 1. 1920— 1:43/,— 6— 122. Purse 00. £ V vr 4 0«- 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net valac to winner 50: second. 00: third, 0. Index Horses A W~t lPSt %, jjj % Str Fl7i~~Jockeys Ownera ~lnlv- ddw Slr,t ,; OTW1 a «GADLING w 5 112 7 5 2-" . L" 2 V 1; . Hunmer R M Ilollenbtck :ii»0~100 ,;i ;» .-,71-*EA. lIARBTGANw 0 110 4 2 1 V 1.. 1. T Wilson W Leeds 500-pMi K NMYBRMAK w 9 112 :: 4 4 :i :;.. ::-. .;•- n B Bwer W Walker 400-100 J BWIUB KUUTER w 11 lit ti :; .V at | | 4a 41. c Studer H T lalmer 600-100 * 00708 CAFETERIA wa I 115 1 1 * $■ ti" 5- 5- C Thpson J S MrDaniol »0»-ing ® 00653-WEINLAND wk 7 114 5 fi ;■ fii" 51 $•»€• C C.ros.i ; Neal SSa-Ma " 00703*AUDREY K. W8B T 110 2 7 7 7 7 7 7 P Hum C B Irwin 2300-100 , * Time. 24. 481.;. 1:15%. 1:43. 1:47%. Track fast. I inutuels paid, bulling. .00 ■tiaicht, .00 place, .80 Ifeew; Lvalyn Hatrlgaa, .20 place. .10 1 show; Yermak. ?3.Mn show. 0 Lipiiv.ilcnt boaklaf odd- ■-Cadling. 3K to 100 straiglit. KH to 100 place. 40 to 100 show; KvhIvii Har- M rig. 111. 100 to KH place, 70 lo 100 show: Yermak. 00 to 100 show. I Winner It. g. by Alpha II. Ladys Gauutii t. by John oC.iunt trained by It. M. Hollenbeck; bred I 51 by Heeara. Keeae and Bcfcerr. I Weal to post at 3:07. At post J tninutes. Start good and slow. Vton driving; second and third Btt . I Bani". CADLING v..i skillfully saed behind the pacemaler until after entering the stretch, where he ."! was sent into the lead and held his opponents s:ife to the end. LVALYN: HARRIOAN set a good p. 0 and hung on gaio-ly. though tiling in the final alxteeatfc. YLLMAK made a fast finish. MISS KROTER -k tired. - 0704 Cigale. MB. - ftfl7f3l4 FIFTH RACE— 1 M:Io and 70 Yards. Feb. 1. 1920—1:43%— 01220 Fane 0o! ■ || VF" 1 OJl I-ytiar-olds end upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 50; socond, 00; third, 0. • m Index Horses AWtPPSt A V~s StTlin JoCfcaya wnerM EliilvToddsStrt t N IHJBM*ZAMLOCH w 11 112 11 5*1 48 4* and 1«» H Molten T Polk 0W4H 1 ,u 00703EAHLYMOBN si: 11 11- -J I 2. 21 2". 2" V C Studer F R Irwin 1020-pm « 00«90»HO.K ILLi: W8B E 112 E G 7 7 7 4 Q 1« Hum J A Parson 170-loa ; * «0i08H:OLONEL .MATT msb :i lliO 1 1 la !• 11 || is ■ Kator S Polk MO-MO 1 00.724* DORA m 1 Ml 7 E g :: :;, B*J E» J Hunmer T J Elward 1520-PKi : 0070:;»c.. MHLEBACH are : 112 :: ;• E •;:; ;- t; »« 11 B Bwer Meaaiiln ft Baumstock 4WO-100 i B 00701 T. BKENRIDGE waClll t 7 V_ 5- $■ 7 7 1 Hum Morrk; Stable 1440-lon B Time. 24%. 49. 1:15%. 1:43%. 1:48. Track fast. r. ■52 mutuels paid. Zamloeh. 1. JO straight. .00 place, ?3. 40 show; Larlymorn, .40 place. .0 J I show; Hooneville. . si show. M Kipiivalcnt booking odds-Zamhs !i. 400 to 100 sti light. 150 to 100 place. 70 to 100 show; E.irlymorn. ■ 320 to 100 place, 100 to 100 show; I.ooneville. 10 to 100 show. 5! - Winner — Br. g. by General Roberts — V.oolen. by Wools thorpe trained by T. Iolk; bred by Mr. O. L. B Kegels. Went to post at 3:30. At post 1 minute. Start straggling and slow. Won driving; second and third I the same. ZAMLOCH moved up steadily after rounding the tar torn and. titiishing with a rush on the r,r outside, cot ll;, ,,, ,vj„ jM ,||, j.|St twenty y:irds. KARLYMORN was ppniinont from the start and mad" ,, 11 game finish, but could not ouite withstand the ehall-cge , the winner. ROONBYILLE cl— e 1 a i • ,■ gap from a slow b; ginning. COLONEL MATT showed a high order of apecd in paccmaking, but quit L suddenly and unexpectedly midway of the stretch. S. rat led 00751 Black Top. 105. ■ ftA7fi SIXTH RACE— 1 1-16 Miles. Jure 24, 1916— 1:45— 3— lloT iurse 0a iTyTarJollda I !! V " 4 Q*J and upward. Cl-.iming. Nt vjlm to winner 50; second, 00; third, 0. ««»le% Horses AWtPPSt ,j 4 Str Km Jockeys Owners Kcjulv. Odds RtTM 60706*NAN .McKINNEY wa i XG 5 2 V V- 1- 1- l- P Hum North and Rowc TToloo ■ 60620 GATH wn 6 121 4 1 PJ 8*3 V V 2; H Fator C Vail lSfrlOQ : G 00620 1* P.O U EN w I 106 2 4 4"t 4 4- :;~i 33 J Hunmer A Brent 7»-100 i 6 60«763 PIEIR. w 7 IDS I :: :; Bj : 43 l1 T AVilson J Eckcrt 3W-100 I , , 60707 EEGUESO wsit 8 US 15 5 5 5 E 5 P Martinez C B Irwin SM-10D I IS Time. 24%, 49. 1:14%, 1:41%, 1:48%. Track fast. ,; inutuels paid. N.111 McKinney, 0.20 straigiit, S4.*M place, .M show; Gath. .40 place. .40 in : Louen. $~ 00 I liov. . -,, Btraivaleal booking odds— Nan HcKfciiae*, 410 to UK straight. 130 to 100 plaee, BJ to 100 show Gath c- 70 to 100 lilaie. 20 lo 100 show: Kouen. 10 lo 100 show. ■ Winner— l_h. f, by Leonid— Kate Dorman. by Modred trained by It. Kowc; bred by Mr Charles B r, Daniels. Went to post at 3:50. At post 1 minute. Start good aad slow. AVon easily; second and third driv- bar. NAN McKINNEY, favored by her ]jgM wetgbt, made the pace was never seriously menaced and « won easily all tile way. GATH raced in lo esi. but unavailing, port -nit of the winner and could not COM- f! ede the weight, tiring tiunll.i . KOUEN had a lougli .journey while rounding the first turn and was 2 knocked back many lengths, but closed with a rush through the final eighth and was going fast at the ! end. PIEOBA tired. BS .. r s IA7Sfi SEVENTH PACE— 5 1-2 Furlong.. June 28. 1916— 1:05%— 3— 118. Purse 00. 3-year- * MF 4 j9 olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 50; second. 00; third, 0. Index Horses AWtPPSt % % ,U~Str~Fin Joekeys Owneni Eqttiyl~bdda Strt ~ 6070!BOB. L. OAVEN sb 7 117 :: 1 ]U ;■ p jh w ;.irgH11 w ,;jrsran MMfl , »| I* 60607 "DEC DE GSE B G 112 ! 5 gak :,• ::. and J Hunmer R II Hollenbeck MO-MO RS - C0708*H. BURGOYNE wn 7 UK 7 S 7 ..- :.» M Fator W Younkman 1260-100 St 00603 MADAM BYNG wb I 11. E Z 1* P 1* 4.. II B Bwer .1 W Tate 700-100 U 80070 ** RE VIEAY ws 5 104 4 I P fi- 7- Pi T AYilson Sirite ft Aalentine 500-100 E| BO7S0* MAYFLOWER 4 MS 1 4 4 i 6 G-; C Studer C B Irwin tMO-M* ; OOOOl HARRY RDER wskGUI I :: :..u 31 4;, 7; r Doritv A Borland 1G20-1UO i n C 60616 BIG SMOKE waaOltt I 7 I I I I p Martinez F R Irwin t fCoapIed la betting as C. 1!. and 1. K. Irwin euirv G c, Time. 23%. 48%. 1:01%. 1:07%. Track fast. r;; S2 mutuels paid, Kobert L. Owen. straight. S3. 20 place. . MO show: Due de Guise. .00 place 5 .00 atonr; Harry Unrgoyne. show. • Lqnivalem booking odd Kobert L. Owen. SOU to loo straiglit. 60 to 100 place, 40 to 100 show Dm bi de cuse. SO to MO place. :, to 100 show: Barry Baraepae, 170 to kk show. " Winn- r— Ch. g. by lilacs— Leujon Girl, by Madstone trained by W. Gargan: bred bv Mr Benjamin 5S A. .loins. H Went to part at 4:13. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. AYon driving: second and third the " s:uie ROBERT L. OWEN toned MADAM BYNG at top BpeCO, raced her into defeat when entering the S ■treteh and. in a hard drive, just managed to withstand the ft terniinetl ehalieuge of DCC BE GCISK vihi. li i-anie from b-iiind. and liiii-hed last. IIAIIIIV BUHOOYNH WBS away slowly, hut gained rapidlv 6 in the stretch and finished last. MADAM BYNG set the pace tor a part of the race, hut could not keep ■ no at the end. 55 ~ — 5S £ fkP70r7 EIGHTH RACE— 5 1-2 Furlongs. June 28. 1916— 1:05%— 3— 118. Pure 00. 3-year- H aJVr I O i oid; and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 50: second. 00; third, 0. i6 Index Horses AWtPPSt % % Btr Fin .fockeya Owners Equiv. Odda Strt ** 0O00S*McELAXE w fi 112 7 4 41 ft 2 5 .1 Hunmer R Emrie MO-MI D OOOOS* RUBBER II. a 7 117 s 2 % r I«J l* T Rae H T Palmer MO-XO 00702-COL. MURPHY wsn 5 117 4 G 5V 411 9 f E Fator J G Arvin 2:ifio-100 ** 0H«*0-*fHlRTY BEVEM s I 107 I 7 fi1 5» t - 1- || Pator Be be ft Frazier ::00-10J "S f 00010 ILONE PINK w :. lit 1 5 :;n a IP 5" D Hum S Higuera 65GO-100 ; 5J* 00603- rrtttTMPET CALL w 3 »4 :: 1 :* I] 5; «- T AVilson H Farrell MO-MO , 3S eOOtOSAMPLE wa :: !•:: 5 I .x I 73 73 C Studer San Diego Stable 3MP-10I , :f 60.770 AMERlN MAID waa 4 114 2 :: 7- 7" I S C Thnson .1 AYilson . 4180-100 S3 Time. 23%. 48%. ltH%, 1:08%. Track fast. 52 S2 mutuels paid. Mi Lane. .00 straight. t .i.H pfaice, UM show: IJubbcr II.. .80 place. S3 40 show H Col. Marpay, 01.00 eaaw. s L iuivai. nt l.o.hing ...Ids— MeLanc. 100 to 100 straight. St to 100 place, -!0 to 100 show Rubber II 140 to 100 place. 70 to IM hhow : Col. Murphy. 230 to 100 MftW. m Winner — I!, g. by Duval — Ltta Pay. by Russell trained by R. Lmiie: br-d by Mr. T. Clyde M Weal to post at 4:32. At |s t I minutes, start good and slow. Won driving: seeond and third the M same. MiLANi: moved up steadily on the outside and. finishing fast under vigorous riding wore III it H Bl.ll II. down and got up to win in fee last strides. RUBBER II. raced into a clear lead while round M ing the fer turn after aettlat the pace tliroughout and only gave way right at the end COI MURPHY and made a fast finish from ■ slow b-ginning. THIKTV OEYEN « is ia rJaaa i|i:artcrs soon after l he start. M Overweights — Trumpet tall. 2 pound-: Sample, g, _______________ . ■ ■ F _:____—-: _r=—