Dam of Tracery is Dead: Celebrated Brood Mare Topiary Dies at August Belmonts Nursery Stud, Daily Racing Form, 1922-03-25


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a DAM OF TRACERY IS DEAD I j ! Celebrated Brood Mare Topiary Dies at August I Belmonts Nursery Stud. I j l.r.XINCTo.V Ky.. March 21 Topiary, .ale bra led as the dam of the famous race horse and sire Tracery, is dead at Major August Belmonts Nursery Stud Bear this city. Topiary by Orate, dam the great race marc and producer. Plai-antei ie by Wclliugloiiia. was hred in England by Sir Tattoa Byfcaa and was foaled in 1ยป01. Her ileath was due to infirmities of advanced age Her ceiebratiii ~on. Tracery, hy Rack Baadk was bred hy Major I.elmont at the Naieeiy Stud and ! now i- .t lie Haras San Jacinto of BeSMNT Sa I ternio Inzue in the Argentine. He having been sold b Major Rciuionl in the summer of P.iJO for tSK.dtaX Tracery made his first -tart for the I Derby at K.p-oin. England, finishing third lo Tagalic and Jaeger. lie wa- not defeated in the remainder of his three yeai old form, his victories including the st. Laser. The eexl year he won the l.mweii Plate the Brliaae Slakes and the Chaai pion Stakes: .-as second, carrying 117 pound* to the lightwcightid t antiiever in the Jockey Club Stake-, and fell in the .Wot .old Cup. He was not need afterward- In the tvio vents he won |1tl.W5 Two foak came today at the Niir-cry Stud. The dams arc mares purchased last yeai by Major Kelmout. One ;s an unusually well made bay colt by Edward Cehriaaa Traatheck, dam the gray mare I -i I haiianeenne by l.e Samaritain. iin-IHirted by Ouentin Preeee and sold by him to Major Belmont after having been bred to Trout -hack it Keeneland Farm. The other is a bay filly hy the French sire Mainteuou. dam Meddlesome II.. which Major Uclniotit bought at the A K M.iom ber sale at Saratoga last summer

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1922032501/drf1922032501_1_3
Local Identifier: drf1922032501_1_3
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800