Eighth Race [8th Tijuana, Daily Racing Form, 1922-03-25

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, , ■ | j i . 1 1 f i i I I l 1 s I I i- i 1 f r e r . ■" r 1 7 EIGHTH RACE .%-S Mile. tt-year-olils anil niMvaril. l.-i lining;. May :: . 1 920 .■ !» 4 107. T00MBE0LA, b. g, 6 104 By His Majesty — Connemara, by Stratford. Trainer. L. H. Tryon. Owner, L. H. Tryon. 57700 Willows 6 f 1:22-Vast 3-2 113 0" W Mclnre 10 K. Cheatham. .I.Schas. FuUMonn 57t:99 Willows 3-4 1:16 fast 32 112 t» R Small 8 Col. Boyle. MissSedalia. IkeMills 6CS27 Hastga 1 f 3:26 slop 7-30 337 614 J Mulcahy 7 Magician, Carabosse, Shortstop 56659 Bhouse ;:-4 l:l 14slow 6-5 314 l* J Mntcaby 7 McLane, Can Roberts, shortstop StKI Bhouse :i-4 3:14.-,mud 9-5 333 3- J Muieahy 8 Keg, J.Roberts. YlevPark.Maid "■•■4 Bhouse 3-2 48 fast 42 119 7" J Mulcahy 9 Dr.Corbett. ElmerK.. Grimalkin 55419 Reno 5Jf1:07 fast 13-10 1 1ti 4" J Mulcahy I Rag, C.A.Comiskey. M. Manage 54SG4 Reno 5-S l:u4 slow 3-2 118 l4 J Mu!cahy !» Perch. Shifty. Mannehen TABLOID, b. f, 8 92 By Atheling II. — Lenore, by Sempronius. Trainer, A. £. Stokes. Owner, A. E. Btokee. ilOOl Tijuana 1 : 1 :"7-.. fast 3::-5 312 3 2 21 2-l R Carter 7 LittleLess, TomCraven. Rittern 60890 Tijuana 3-4 3:344:-,KOod 30 93 2 2 Of t*J C Studer 30 K. Rankin. MayMaulsby, Trusty 60823 Tijuana 5;. f l:lt%al*p 9-10 301 1 2 2 t | 21 C Studer 7 lit I IPS. EyeBright, TomCraven 60604 Tijuana 51 f 1 :flS%good 18 90 5 5 5 41 V C Ralls OKinglike. Ring, Huron II. 60550 Tijuana 5 f 1 :10 slow 9-10 KK 1 2 2 2-J 1-i C Studer 6 L.Less, PlowSteel, Em. Williams 60322 Tijuana Si t l:08Wast 21-11 93 3 1 1 11 32 C Studer 10 McLane, Little Bench, Billllead 60276 Tijuana 1-4 1 :15%good gj 102 1 1 1 22 2l C Studer 7 T.Craven, H.Burgoyue, Vic Htti Tijuana 51 f 1:11 slow 19-10 107 1 2 2 21 3i C Studer 8 Lit.Klorence, N.Harper, Lit. Less RUBBER II., br. g, 7 112 By Yankee— Caoutchouc, by Galore. Trainer, C. Manley. Owner, H. T. Falmer. 60930 Tijuana 5-8 1 :0 3%hry v", 1 1 _■ l 1 3M1 T Wilson S CI. the Way. Harry I.. Lobelia 60787 Tijuana 5J f 1 :08y5f ast 31 117 2 11 11 1" T Rae 8 McLane. C.MurphT. Thty Seven 0069! Tijuana 5 f 1 :08%fast 2 108 3 2 2 2J 31 T Wilson 11 HazelDale, Trum.Call, Mad.Bvng MtH Tijuana 5 f 1:08 good 4 310 8 11 31 3l C Ralls 12 D.deGuise, H.Burue, Thlr.Seven 60277 Tijuana 6-8 l:02%tjoodl9-10 312 1 11 V 3J C Studer 10 NoWder. HgansHeir, M.Byng 00073 Tijuana S-S 1:02 fast 6 109 3 2 2 t] 1| T Wilson 9 R.L.Owen, Mannehen, D.deGulso RINGLEADER, ch. r, 8 117 By Harrigan — Beatrice Soule, by Feep oDay. Trainer, F. Rinehart. Owner, F. Rinehart. tC-8M Tijuana ll:44-.fast 22 11] .", I 1 I t*l t*| P Horn 10 Mis-oula. PlowSteel, NoWonder 60763 Tijuana E 8 14t%fast 3t,-5 312 I 4 4 :,. 4:,7 J HunmerlO Kond Hope. Tillotson, Pueblo tgJS] Tiiuana 51 f l M%faat 45 112 4 2 2 23 lu P Hum 11 View, Gaoling, Little Pointer MtM Tijuana El f 3:0S%fast 39f 311 0 6 9 Sl 8» K Don huell HazelDale. Trum.Call, Rubberll. MS34 Tijuana | f l:09%slow 14 112 4 3 2 3 i- J Htamer 8 R.L.Owen, K. Harrigan. NoWder 5 ;4ti9 Tijuana 3-4 l:I7%slop »i 312 1 2 2 Sl 3» J Hunmer 7 Mannehen, Ilautageuet, Iola PERCH, b. m, 7 115 By Ivan the Terrible — Skeptical, by Himyar. Trainer, R. M. Hollenoeck. Owner, R. M. Hollenbeck. 00! .-»0 Tijuana E R 1 :ol ■..« 1 11 115 4 E 41 :. .1 M-tralf S Robt .L.Owen. Mad.Byng. Pueblo tttM Tijuana B t 1M goad 1 333 6 2 4 GJ 8" C Thpson 12 D.deGuise, H.Biirne. Rubberll. M679 TtJuana E] f 1:09 stow I 3h 1 2 I Q PI C mailn s Shifty. IkeMills, Bast lag tlBI 8Mt3 Tijuana Q t 3:liV,mud 32 310 4 2 2 1 IS H Long 8 Jack Ledi. Harry D., PlowSteel 00447 Tijuana 6-8 148%al*p 4 115 7 7 7 7 6" J Hunmer 7 Kinglike, Han. Dale, Mad. Byng 598.18 Tijuana 11-8 3.57 fast 32 313 3 1 1 1 41 6" T Murray « Short Stop, Nashotah, Yeroiak 59725 Tijuana 3-4 3:14S£faHt 8 330 8 7 7 8" 8"J C Studer 9 K. Rankin. Johu Jr. M.Maulsby EttM Tijuana 11:42 fast 4 110 6 1 1 1 1-1 I -| t : Willras 7 MabelRule, NV1. Harper, Uranium CLEAR LAKE, b. m, 8 110 By Fountain Square— Clear Night, by Free Knight. Trainer, F. Ritsch. Owner, 3. W. Tate. .0974 Tijuana 5 t 1 :07-;.fast 5 llo 2 1 1» 44J P Hum ! Har.sHeir. Oblige. HamtonA. 60X27 Tijuana E-8 l:0.l::r.slop lx 31o 4 1 I IjJ 3» V Hum 7 Reg, Due deGuise, Duly Fashion 6064:1 Tijuana 5-X l:»2%fast 4-5 115 1 1111 Is ■ Taylor II Toaills. Limerick. Stiletto MM Tijuana r-8 1:07 hvy 6-5 Kit! 2 1 1 1J ll J Htamer 7 Clcelv Kay, Galway, Alajah 60327 Tijuana 61 f 3 :09M.fast 4 lil 1 1 1 11 2=1 M Mghtor 10 FondHoiw, Circulate, I ady lone 8M62 Tijuana 6-X l:02%good 6-5 112 2 12 8* 3»i R Taylor 8 Rgleader, Rosa Atkin, J.Gman 59X34 Tijuana 6-8 1:03 fast 23-10 308 3 11 2l 2» A Jacobs 9 Lobelia, Alajah, Dorothy CLAUDE WEAVER, ch. g, 9 104 By Bt. Swithens— Katy Norwood, by Grayson. Trainer, F. Samples. Owner, J. 8. McDeniel. 0 C79 Tijuana 5 . f l:tt*4faat 32 108 4 3 6 8*| 9" K Dannfenselt BlackTop. ThirtySeveii. Review MtM Tijuana Ei f 148%fast 42 105 7 7 8 9- 9" P llurn 11 McLane. Little Beach, Tabloid Sjj8g| Tijuana 5-8 l:01.fast 35 111 2 4 8 30 105 P Caron 10 Shiftv, HazelDale, AmerlnMald fittSa Tijuana 45 f 55Vifast 48 ItH 6 5 5 7 7»1 P Hum 7 Hamilton.V., JoeBlair, Ph. Ward McLANE, b. g, « 117 By Duvsl— Etta Ray, by Russell. Trainer, R. Emrie. Owner, R. Emrie. 81M3 Tijuana SI f l**7%faat I llo S 7 7- 7T7 c Btnder s M.Mantoay, HazeiPaie. Tennilee lent Tiiuana Ei f l:o:.fast 39-10 112 4 4 I 2 1* J Htamer 8 Rubrll.. Col.Mphv. ThtvSeven EOtMTUnana Ej t l:0X4-,fast 7 112 5 8 8 6 5-J II M Uweill Haz.lDale. Trum.Call, Rubberll. trSSl Tijuana 3-4 1:16 slow 27-10 336 2 1 2 63 6" J Htamer 6 Orch.King. Billllead. BeesWIng 6"474 Tiiuana 3-4 l:17%slop 9 309 6 3 2 2 323 J Hunmer .8 Lit. Romper. Dainty Lady.D.Joae . MftJ Tijuana E| f l:0S%fast 17-10 330 1 3 I 2» 1» J Htamer 10 Little Beach. Tabloid. Bill Head 60206 Tijuana 5-8 Loi.yf.hvy 22-5 111 5 6 4 31 3i J Htamer T HarryD.. Mayflower. IMtagenet WJ30., Tijuana 5-8 1 :01V.fast 10 109 7 7 6 41 44i P Hum 10 Shifty, HazelDale, AmeriuMaid

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1922032501/drf1922032501_7_4
Local Identifier: drf1922032501_7_4
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800