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ELIGIBLES FOR HTOPEFUL STAKES 247 lie- Hopeful Stakes nf 0,000 guaranteed is one of the m..-t . limbic of American stake races. It K run iinnually at Saratoga and alway.- attract! the ciiam of the t v.o-v ear old division. This rvara i- no exceatlea in thai respect, as practically ererj praaalaaal "table East and |fcs has one ar more eligibles for the rich prize. Of the 8H or-g inal nominations twenty declare! on March 1. Ion. -ing 1M7 still "ligihle. The names of some of the most famous haraea of the American turf are found among its winners, ii. eluding tile mighty Man o-War an.l the aadefeated Marrlch, the favorite for t.ii- years Kentucky -Derby.