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CURRIE OF NEW ZEALAND Bred Thespian, Australasias Record Miler, From a ,000 Siro. At the Auckland. New Zealand, meelinu- Wednesday. December LS. the speedy Gloaeaiag met with the first defeat he had sustained since Poittel bra, h;m lor the A. .1. C. BlMiag Stakes in 111!1. Sim-.- then Bleaaaias had secured nineteen races in sue- cession, and the horse which terminated the se-iiaeace was t;. M. Carriea Theeedaa, a three-yeer-idd s.,ii ,,f Ai.s, ud Lets, by Ayr Laddie. The race was over a mile, and Thespian won easily by two leagthe, coreriag the distance in 1 :•!• •.-,. whack is a record for the distance in the Antipodes. Thespian was ridden by Hector Cray, who is now on his way each to England to rid agahl for Sir Baga Cuiiiiffo-Oweii. Mr. Carrie owns Ahaard, for which lie paid only $:,. HKI. and he also purchased Llmoml. sire of the fast English three year -old and Epsom Derby candidate Limosin. I.itnosin. by the way, is owned by au English newspiper man. well knonn in this country. Ed Beorehaaaa of the Baertaag Life, aha when asked to put a price on Limosin said: "He hasnt any. I want to run him in the Epsom Derby." 1 , , •