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lot DA PC 3 4 Blilc 4yearoliIs and upward Claiming May 8 191T I SI HAUL 111 15 G 115 Index Course Dist Time Tck Odds Wt St i Str Fin Jockeys Started Order of Finish FinishBy MAY BODINE b f 4 103 103Trainer By Golden Kaxim Kary Bodine by Star Shoot Trainer E T Watts Owner E T Watts C1465 Lexton 34 lHfast 165 104 11 3 24 1 J Owens 12 Marimba Settle Philanderer 60537 FGnds 1 116 l4Sslow 12 98 2 1 1 1 1 2 J Owens 8 Merchant Attorney Murray 60367 FGnds 34 l1316fast 5 101 5 34 3i Murray3i 21 J Owens 11 Grayson Marse John Blue Jeans ES051 Jeffson 34 l15good 115 110 4 31 E1 JeansE1 E l P Welncr 10 Cormoran Murphy Wlnneconnt C87S7 Jeffson 34 l14fast 31 109 2 11 I1 WlnneconntI1 I1 M Garner 10 Doric The Moor Get Em E7G79 Latonla 1 116 147 fast IS 112 4 t 4 71 71 M Garner 9 Cimarron Willow Tree Ace 67123 Latonla 1 116 153 hvy 9 107 2 8 2 2 4 63 M Garner S Bdledee Gnarantd MFonUIn J7337 Latonla 1 116 l51hvy 1 106 4 3 3 2 4 H Garner 11 Honolulu Boy Nordeci Tnlia COL TAYLOE By Plaudit looking Glass by Clear the Way Trainer J IdcKeoa Owner W Baumgartner 61451 Lexton 34 114 fast 13 110 3 11 4J E Roehm 11 Grayson A Alexander Louis A C04S3 FGnds 34 l14mud 3i 102 2 1 21 21 J Owens 7 ColTenn Monasty Camouflage 60232 FGnds 51 f l03V fast 12 106 1 1 2 21 H Thomas 11 BlParadise RRock AAlexder 60937 FGnds 34 l19 l19shvy shvy 135 113 1 1 41 714 H Thomas 7 TheDecision JsUnima Ticklish r8S91 FGnda 34 llSVhvy 41 107 2 1 2 2 H Thomas C Sagamore Grayson Auntie May E9S41 FGnds 34 118 hvy 41 112 1 1 21 712 II Thomas 11 Sagamore SIMoore Hid Jewel EJ609 FGnds 34 l14mud C 107 2 1 1B 12 I1 H Thomas 8 Panan Flibtygibbet Sagamore 63575 FGnda B t 107 good 10 108 4 3 91 9 E Martin 11 GdSwell Kuntinol Redmon 69394 FGnds 34 l13fast 7 108 4 1 1 44 E Scobie 10 Orlovn Smart Guy GundSwell 69341 Jeffson 34 l13fast 8 112 1 1 1Bl 21 4J R Holway 8 Panaman Abadaue Cormoraa 69215 Jeffson Bl f l0 fast 4 110 2 1 21 31 R Holway 7 Elmer K Valor Smart Guy GuyBy ANTICIPATE b h 5 112 112Trainer By Plaudit Antipathy by Ornament Ornamento1 Trainer T F Devereaux Owner J L Earl 60120 FGnds 34 l14slow 10 113 7 o1 6 i G EreninglO Sandy H Philanderer Actress K 91G FGnds 34 l18mud 10 115 9 Sl 4 E Pool 9 Camouflage MarieMaxim Jago 63S41 FGnds 34 11S livy 12 107 6 61 4 E Pool 11 Sagamore MMoore HidJewel EtSOO FGnda 34 l17hvy 7 115 10 6t 4 J D Mneyll The Decision Jago Rolo 59717 FGnds 34 l16hvy 5 113 5 21 11 E Pool 12 Helen Atkin Ettahe Actreea 69555 FGnds 34 115 slow 6 112 8 41 4 M Garner 11 TNophcw Actress AHamilto 53111 Jeffson 34 118 mud 31 110 6 3 2 H Gregory 7 Bargoyne Ace ofAces PlainBlll E9025 Jeffson El f l10ihvy 31 111 6 24 2 F Cltllettl 0 Malvolio PlnBill AAlesandw NAPOO ch c 4 107 By Martinet La Gloria by Woolsthorpe Trainer WoolsthorpeTrainer P J Williams Owner Williams Bros BrosK1451 K1451 Lexton 34 114 fast 24 110 5 2 C 6s H E Jonesll Grayson A Alexander Louis A 553CC LMonia 34 112 fast 7 Ill 5 65 52 6 J Francis 7 SirLawnfal Rnnzaf JS Rrdon 65272 Latonia 1 116 l46fast 7 107 4 4 3 3 3 4 J Francis 10 Jim Daisy Ace Miss Fontaine C5171 Latonia 34 l12V fast 127 109 2 61 64 J Francis 10 BelieveldleHour Bwick Flacy 64S38 Latonia 34 l17hvy 7 1041 1 44 3 J Francis 11 Herald Redmon By Ginger 64728 Latonia 34 l15Hmud 6 106 3 2 I2 J Francis 9 Guvnor G Agramonte SCourt 64479 Churchl 78 l27slow 135 109 3 64 5s J Francis 9 Bal Wheel Sea Court Dantzic 64178 Churchl 34 l16 hvy 1 10S 9 63934 Lexton 34 l14hvy 16 99i 3 E3823 Lexton 34 3 llf ast 47 SSI 4 51115 Latonla 34 l12fast 6 29 2 61002 Latonia LatoniaPHILANDERER 1 l38 fast 77 106110 10 10 10 9 9 H J BurkelO BYourself MeGdwin BrotherB PHILANDERER ch s 4 107 107C By His Majesty Pretty Kaiden by Kingston Trainer J C Cain Owner J C Cahn 61465 Lexton 34 l14Kfast 21 109 1 2 44 4 E Scobie 12 May Bodine Marimba Settle C05S8 FGnds 34 llChvy 20 105 1 8 11 115i 11 11 F Smith 11 The Decision Rolo Flnzey C0303 FGnds E 5i f l03 ihvy 10 108 3 34 41 41 A Wilson 12 Ras Turnabout Granny Lee G0340 FGnds 34 l13fast 8 103 1 87 61 24 A Wlson 11 Bengore Winconne Mhiavelli 602SG FGnda 34 l17hvy 115 102 2 23 31 ST A Wilson 0 Kirah Sandalwood Herald G0120 FGnds 34 l144 slow 185 103 4 22 21 2l A Wilson 10 Sandy H Actress Horeb 69S01 FGnds 34 l17hvy 12 1021 5 4 7 82 S A Wilson 11 PromTom LyLuxnry MMoore 69717 FGnds 34 l16hvy 10 10 4 18 41 6 A Wilson 12 Anticipate Helen Atkln Ettabe 69094 FGnds 34 l14fast 8 104 2 11 U EttabeU 22 A Wilson 0 AceofAces Titania Ollie Wood 69554 FGnds 24 l15 slcm 3 108 6 32 21 2 A Wilson 0 Bond Nordeck Flying Orb 69472 FGnda 34 116 mud 10 107 2 32 3234114Ufast 11 2 A Wilson 10 JlicMre MRkln LyRocitr 59133 FGnds 34114Ufast 20 107 6 22 22Sil14faat 2 31 A Wilson 12 Oraleggo Pavia Fluzey 6S319 Jeffson JeffsonPLAIN Sil14faat 8 107 7 62 62g 21 I F Smith 12 MlssUankln Zealous Gold Ston PLAIN BILL b g 5 112 112Brown By Ivan the Terrible Nantura by St Simoniac 11 Trainer J Brown Owner Hickey Bros C05S3 FGnds 34 llGHlivy 20 110 7 56 6 9 i J D Mneyll The Decision Rolo Fluzey G04S2 FGnds 34 l15mud 30 103 4 83 S FluzeyS 7 A Hoach 10 Vansylvia MMoore Macbiavelli 60313 FGnds 34 l14sood 8 109 1 31 1 1 J Owens 12 SimSimon Nutcker Complity 65974 FGnds 34 l21hvy 10 109 4 28 51 gn u Thomas S Helen Atkln Serbian Car 69913 FGnds 34 l19mud 5 103 2 12 6 = 64 C Lang 8 Ragazza HelAtkin Ace of Ac a 69637 FGnds 34 llGmud 15 108 1 13 34 H Thomaa 7 Burgoyne Winneconne Car 69555 FGnds 34 115 Blow 20 110 6 1 74 J D Mneyll TNephew Actress AHamllton E 320 Jcffson 34 114 fast 20 108 8 9 10 10S4 71 6 A Gantnerl2 Bengore Midnight Sun Oraleggo 69193 Jeffson S4 l14 ifast 15 10710 8 7 74 6 J Wallace 11 Ace of Aces Bengore Sandy H QUICK VIEW VIEWTzaiaer blk f 4 107 By Eock View Mistress Quickly by Nasturtium Tzaiaer E C Frakes Owner Kobn Theison G14G5 Lexton 34 l14Mfast 16 100 7 8 61 C12 II Gray 12 May Bodice Marimba Settle 67037 Latonia 24 l14sKood 40 10611 11 11 11 11 M Garner 11 Honor Man Green Gold Cozette 6785 Latcnia 31 l17hvy 23 107 8 5 4 3 34 H J Burke 9 Waterford DonRoma HonMan 6C596 Dshiro 34 113 fcood 25f 100 8 9 11 11 11 S McGraw 12 PhantoniFair BlackBaby Blaise 6C132 Dshiro 34 113 good 35 108 12 12 12 12 12 W Morseyl2 TheNephew Diana SwtLibcrty 64761 Latonla 1 l47mud 27 107 1 2 2 3 54 5l M Garner 7 Eteside WotheWisp M Fine 44479 Church 1 78 l27slow 81 1081 8 9 9 7 7 N Barrett 9 Bal Wheel Sea Court Dantzic 61367 Church 1 31 l15good 28 103 11 11 10 101 10 N Barrett 15 Sandalwd Machlavclll JDaisy 61035 Latonla El JDaisyEl f l07ifaat 21 103 8 7 6 4 4J E Pool 10 PepPolly SocialStar EicijEos OLD CHAP ch c 4 112 112Trainer By Jack Atkin Eoyal Child by Childwici Trainer J C Gallaher Owner Gallaher Bros 66819 Latonia S4 l13slow 8 109 9 10 10 10 10 H J BnrkelO WhStar Guvnor JSReardon 66407 Windsor 1 116 l52mud 5 105 323 3 21 2 E Pool 8 Golden Sphere Guy Petrarch D6131 DBhlre 1 116 l4Geood 8 102 11 1 U 2 C Lane 8 Lothalr Accelerate The Wit EC993 DBhiro 1 l33fast 8 103 533 3 3 2 C Lane 0 MissPetite J Hoshor All R Sir 65793 Kworth 34 l141tfaat 3110 118 4 2 3 4V 41 H J Burkell Sergeant York Doyle Surmount 66559 FtErle 34 l13fast 15 114 1 i t 61 6 H J Bnrkell BysoncDays MyBootB Hrmiiuo