Pimlico Entries And Past Performances For Friday, May 5, Daily Racing Form, 1922-05-05


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PIMLICO ENTRIES AND PAST PERFORMANCES FOR FRIDAY MAY 5 5WEATHEII WEATHEII OLE A H I TRACK SLOTV Racing starts at 3CO p m Chicago time 200 Superior mud runner X Good niuil runner Fair mud runner M Maidens Apprentice allowance b BliuKers BliuKersFirst First Race 4 12 Furlongs FurlongsPurse Purse 51300 2yearolds Selling SellingTrack Track record May 10 1921 53i 2 US USTodays Todays Ind Horss Wt Rec AWtIIan 61447 bJosophine 0 103i 56 103X725 61447 I nk 110 55 1127L0 614471 Be Trueman 10i 55 103 715 715GH531 GH531 Topango M 1115 710 710GH47 GH47 Soviet M 102 5fi 4 101 705 61453 Bowsprit M 103 705 61447 Royal Oak M 110 56 101 705 G1485 Rag Doll M 112 564 103 700 700Second Second Race 2 Kiles KilesPotomac Potomac Steeplechase SteeplechasePurse Purse 2000 4yearolds and upward Allowances 58534 tbThe Trout 5 139X700 61445 Esquimau J 144X695 61484 Free State 5 139 630 53233 bFrank B 6 144 630 630614CO 614CO Phoenix 4 136XCSO 61445 tBlishty II 5 144 635 61424 Bryan O Lynn M 6 141 CSO tMrs F A Clark entry entryThird Third Race 1 Xffile XffilePurse Purse 1500 3yearolds Allowances Track record Nov 5 1920 138 4 120 61443 bCHAilPLAIN 115X750 115X75061443s 61443s bOil Man 118 l4Gh 120X740 120X74061S72 61S72 Maryland Belle 112 l45m 110X735 110X735614CO 614CO bHca M 99 1293 115 7SO 61434 Superlative 115 725 614 0 Double Cross M10S 140 115 725 725Fourth Fourth Race 4 12 Furlongs Purse 1300 2ycarolds Fillies Claiming Track record May 10 1021 53 2 US 61447 Lady Boss 109 54 110X725 61458 Faith W 113 720 7206U5S1 6U5S1 Insulate M 115 715 61423 bOur Tellie M 104 710 j 61485 Patchwork M 110 53 109 70 70Ray Ray L 109 Fifth Race 1 Hile Stafford Handicap HandicapPurse Purse 1500 3yearolds and upward Track record Nov 5 1920 13S 1 126 126614D7 614D7 Lunetta 93137 5 93X750 61449 Sedgefield 102 137 4 104X743 61433 Slippery Elm 114 139 Vs 9 100745 61449 Parisian Diamond 108 139 5 95 740 61449 Rebuke 91 140 3 97X735 61464 Comic Song 112138 3 102 733 733Sixth Sixth Race 34 Mile Purse 1500 3yearolds and upward Selling SellingHandicap Handicap Track record Nov 9 1920 111 2 101 5 413fbFusee 113114 3 93 7 61431 Ptngourdine 105112 7 103X7L 61435 JJacqucs 115 115 4 100X715 100X7156144C 6144C bSagainorc 110 112 5 113X715 113X715614G3 614G3 bDuc de Murny 112 114 4 10SX710 61425 bMilcs S 99 l15sy 3 91 710 7105S5C9 5S5C9 rtamonfleur 93 114 61050710 610507105S323 5S323 bDantzic 101 113 4 9SX710 61446 Bromelia 101 113 f S5703 S570361C21 61C21 tMa YGold 103 115 3 87X703 61431 uDr Charles Wells 112 113 4 93 700 tJ R Skinker entry JW S Murray entry entrySeventh Seventh Race 1 116 Miles MilesWoodbnry Woodbnry Claiming Handicap HandicapPnrc Pnrc 1500 3ycaroIds and upward upwardTrack Track record Nov 1 1920 143 1 119 119G1461 G1461 = bSaper 103143 5111X723 61 61tbThe Lamb 1101145 5 1CDX720 6HG3 Serapis 101 14 146 4 111X715 61435 King John 101 14 145 7 107 715 61461 tbPastoral Swain 103 14 143 0 113X715 61435 bConc Ci 11214 6 99X710 61401 Sea Pirate 103 14 l4S1 sy G 103X710 61449 Sedgcfield 103 14 146 4 113X710 01435 bGain de Cause 10S 14 147 5 99X703 99X703GOS275 GOS275 bCharley Boy 101 148 4 97X700 61389 Kentish Boy MJ104 143 4 S3 700 tG C Winfrey and S Louis entry

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1922050501/drf1922050501_5_3
Local Identifier: drf1922050501_5_3
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800