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L2 Mile 2yearolds Allowances May 9 1922 48 3 Index Course Dlst Time Tck OJds Wt St Str Fin Jockeys Started Order of Finish STRAIGHT SHOOTER chgr 2 II IITrainer 156 By All Gold Whisk By by Whisk Broom U Trainer H ITeusteler Owner H Neustotac G1816 MHcighta 12 49 slow 8 104 24 J Wallace 7 MissBenlah StylMiss HighTea C1714 MHeightS 12 49fast 215 RaymndWIll 109 3 R rolton 7 MRenlali HichTea RaymndW GJCGO MHeigbts 12 48good 3310 Ill 31 J Groth 7 FCanadn StylishMiBS Dtarla G0870 Havana 12 4S ifcist 23 103 2 2 2 L Penman 7 Palladium Gonwithhn Troth 60451 Havana 13 DO slow 85 1M 4 5 5 5 C Robson 6 Cwliim Tender Seth Pandina 60291 Havana SI f 41fast 65 109 6 E 6 I C Robson 8 Palladium TenSetb MissDlalj ESS47 Havana 38 SSvSmud C5 110 6 54 45J L Penman 6 LMareellia TFlier SsLenion STYLISH KISS b f 2 112 By Granita Intricate by Hastings Trainer Q Archibald Ownor G ArcMbxH 61816 M Heights 12 43 slow 215 103 10301C60 84 O AtweU 7 MissBlah SthtSliooter HhTea 01C60 MHeighta 12 4Ssgbod 135 113 11301C2G 21 O Atwell 7 FCanadn StrtShootcr Dtarla 01C2G MHoighta 12 4Sgood 28 102 I1 O Atwell 8 MissBenlah HighTea JMahan JMahanM4 60414 FGnds 38 S5fast 40 112 U 1 1CC1S7 M4 95 G Walls 12 Rork Eerhart The Ulster CC1S7 FGnds S8 S8CD140 35fast 50 110 H 1 1CD140 10 10 G Walla 12 Daaiel Peter Brown Hughle CD140 FGnds 38 38E9653 35fast 50 116 10 10E9653 9 95J G Walla 12 Mascotte Dearie Golden Fork E9653 FGnds 28 28HIGH 35 alow S3 114 7 1 11 11 G Walls 11 Duster Corto Kewple S HIGH TEA br f 2 By Tea Caddy La Hode by Peep oDay Trainar G Ethington Owner Wendel Banor G181G MHeighta 13 49 slow 4 I F Murphy 7 MIssBlah SfhtShter StylMisa 61714 MHeighta 13 43faat 2 F Murphy 7 MBeulah StShootcr KaymdW 61626 MHeighta 12 4Sgood 86 97 312 J Wallace 8 StyMiss MissBeulah JnMalian 61557 MHelghta 12 El slotr 7 113 1 F Murphy 6 Illusionist FCanadian JMahan 61248 Bowia 12 4Sifast 15 112 1 5 61 T Rice 12 Jean F Dentaria Illusionist 61172 Bowio 12 2 49 good ES 112 6 4 3 H Thomas 12 Kewpie S Jean F St Angelina 61127 Rowia 12 49faat 63 112 10 S 10 10 H Thomas 11 BcsLeisliton JeanF ICewpIc S 0119 FGnds 33 3G5 slow 10 113 3 7 7 1 N Barrett 12 TMulklnr LGaffy Putlmn ARGO b f 2 M By Theo Cook Everdene by Sempronius J Croftoa Owner Crofton Cites 61748 MHeighta 12 49 fast 10 109 S a Corey 7 JnMahan Illusionist RaymdW RaymdW61GCO 61GCO MHeighta 12 4Ksood 34 107 6 2 G Corey 7 FCanadn StylMiss StrtShter StrtShterYALMOND YALMOND ch o H 109 By Frontenao High Pass by Ultimus UltimusTrainer Trainer D HilL Owner D Hill 61748 MHeighta 13 43 fast 22 113 6 W Bogskl 7 Jean Mnhan Illusionist Arso 61714 MHeighta 1J 49Vffast 41 112 64 W Bogskl 7 MBeulah HighTea StrShooter StrShooterG162G G162G MHeishta 12 4Sgood 60 M6 Gl A Jacobs 8 StyMiss MissBeulah HighTea HighTeaBAYKOND BAYKOND KingstonTrainer W b c 2 SI 100 By Zous Lida B by Kingston Trainer F Cropper Owner Branson Cropper CropperG1S1G G1S1G MHcighia 12 49 slow 26 107 6 i F Mooro 7 MissBnah SthtShter StylMiss StylMissG1748 G1748 MHeighta 12 43 faat 10 112 44 L Gray 7 Jean Mnhan Illusionist Argo 61714 MHeighta 13 43faat 70 113 45 K Graves 7 MBeulah HichTea StrShboter StrShboter61G2G 61G2G MHelghta 13 4Ssood 43 10S 7 W Meehan 8 StyMiss MissBeulah HighTea 12 19 fast 61 107 9 11 11 U J Kederls 11 Old Top Poppye Ailsie Yernor