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DA PC 1 14 Miles 4ycarolils and upward Claiminjr May 21 1921 riAUt 203 15 7 1OG 1OGLILLIAN LILLIAN bli f 4 103 By Zeae Black Swan by Herbert Herbertrainer rainer E Hankies Owner J J Asho Churchill 1 14 207 fast 6 101 3 3 Ii I1 B Scheffel 7 AVsLast Pir McGee The AYit 61772 Churchill 1 1S 152 fast 23 102 5 S 41 4 W Pool 5 Rep Uncle ATeIo Paris Maid G1422 HdeGce 1 316 200fast 2 101 2 7 41 3l C Lang 9 Tan Son Pluzey Joan of Arc 61345 HdeGco 1 316 201fast 2310 102 J 6 4 43 R Rice 6 Royal Dack Joan of Arc Romeo t0413 FGnda 1 11G l4C fast 7 102 7 7 C C E 4 A AVilson 7 Tribune Claymore Attorney 60345 FGnds 1 18 154 fast 65 1C6 7 7 7 C 3 21 C Lang 7 DtyLass Darkllill MasterJack 60234 FGnds 1 316 201Hfast i5 109 6 7 5 31 3 C Ponce 7 Trioksterll Exhorter DtyLass 60144 Claymore59S38 FGnds 1 115 l47fast 12 107 2 10 10 9 9 6 i C Ponce 10 Padua Runzaf Claymore 59S38 FGnds 1 116 l47fast 10 104 9 9 9 9 8l 8 F AVdstck 0 High Gear Tun Son Kternity 53377 Sun6S271 FGnds 1 116 l48fast 8 U3 6 6 C 6 S 51 F AVdstck C Tlate Murray Midnight Sun 6S271 Jeffson 1 116 l47fast 2 102 4 6 8 41 3 1 H Gregory 7 High Gear Murray Scourcema 59177 AVitS86S7 Jeffson 1 116 l46fast 12 101 4 8 8 C S 31 H Gregory 6 Wynnewood Tody The AVit S86S7 iJowle 1 116 l51slow 215 103 4 4 6 t 11 I1 C Lang 3 Yorkist Tantalus Mlsa FlUey MERCHANT ch s 8 110 By Star Shoot Danceress by Ogden OgdenTrainer Trainer J KcPhorson Owner J McPherson 61747 Churchill 1 116 l46Vafast 6J 103 3 G 31 Il B KenndylO Topmast Cat ITp Alex Jr 61550 Lexton 1 116 l50hvy 4 110 4 2 2 I1 E Pool 8 Escarpolette Pimlico Pictor 61471 Lexton 1 1S l53Vifast B 109 3 S 41 Gi J D Mney S Ainer Boy Paris Maid Nordeck 61430 Lexton 1 18 154 fast 65 115 4 3 21 5 1 J D Mney 12 Chacolet AvaH 1irateMcGce 6CC37 FGnds 1 116 l Sslow 6 1071 1 6 6 8 May Bcdine Attorney Murray 60090 FGnds UnTOy l49hvy 41 110 3 7 4 8 J1 1 F CTltiletti 8 Serbian riuzty Little Ed Ed5S313 5S313 LazyLon387S1 Jeffson 1 18 l57slow 2 114 3 2 6 6 4 4 F Cltiletti 5 JCStone Sentimental LazyLon 387S1 Jeffson 1 316 202fast 1110 103 E 6 C 4 S1 1 L McDott 6 PMcGee LLgfellow Richard V V5S700 5S700 Jeffson 1 115 150 fast 4 114 10 10 9 T 4 5J F Smith 11 Walnut Hall LEnJolcur Jerry 58237 Lexton 1 18 l52fast 2310 110 384 2 1 2i D Connlly S OFaithfuI NYorke BritLlncr BritLlncriSlS iSlS Churchl 1 116 l45fast S4 111 2 7 7 71 D Cnnelly 12 Diana Hish Gear Sea Princo AVICKFORD b e 6 93 By Free Lance Oaadere by Ornament OrnamentTrainer Trainer R ilcGarvey Owner R McGarvey 61591 Lexton 1 lS9fast 3S 102 4 E 21 4 G Breune 6 Cllntonville Tody Rep RepKS44 KS44 FGnds 1 1S 154 fast M 1C9 3 2 1 1 41 7 J Owens 7 Pit Exhorter Current Events 65234 FGnds 1 316 2rfllfast T K9 2 1 3 1 7 7 J Wallace 7 Tricksterll Exhorter LyLilln LyLilln5S763 5S763 FGnds 1 116 lCO imud IE 194 6 4 8 0 C F AYeiner 0 Gray Gables Gourmand Tbaron 59599 FGnds 1 116 l47fast 12 105 7 6 8 7 71 5 J Owens 9 Raider Murray Grayson 55477 FGnds 1 116 150 mud 8 S3 2 3 8 4 6 5 G Brenlng 6 PasSwain Tantalus BalWheel BalWheeli933S i933S FGnds 1 116 l47fast 136 107 3 1 4 S J 24 E Scobie 7 Baladin Trust Official Wrecker 55235 Jeffson 1 1S lE2 fast 4 104133 4 4 61 E Scobie 6 Pimlico AVyunewd MasterJack 58218 Jeffson 1 18 l55good 2J 134 4 1 1 3 4 4 F Weiner 4 Lampus Blarney Stone Pimlico PimlicoKS56 KS56 Jeffson 1 l46hvy 10 103 1 3 3 3 31 3 F AYeiner 4 Green Gold Grayson Tran laU HORDECK b h 6 108 By Sain Bashford Belle by Falsetto FalsettoTrainer Trainer C W Ctappell Owner C ff Chap pell pellCISSo CISSo Churchill 1 316 2dmnd 41 115 6 S 2 2l A Wilson 7 Nurture Alex Jr Countess CountessG1655 G1655 Lexton 1 14 2Cr7 2Cr7ssloTV = ssloTV 23 110 3 S 1 1 A Wilson 6 YAdam WadsaLast The Wit 61516 Lexton 1 116 l50mud S5 110 S 6 4 3l B Pool 7 BrMaid MProsperity FenvrcU 61471 Lcxton 1 1S l53fast E3 ID9 8 C EJ Sl E Pool 8 AinerBoy ParisMaid TSwimr f 61443 Lexton 1 11S 147 good 23 H3 8 1 10 10 N J BrneslO AmericanBoy Rep Esearpoletta SOSS6 FGnda 1 1IS l52hvy 4 1M 4 4 3 2 21 S4 E Ambrso 8 JArbor SheDevil B Watch II 60009 FGnds 1 18 200 hvy 6 109 154 4 2 2 E Pool 12 Tulsa Old Faithful John Arbor CC313 FGnds 1 1S 154 fast 15 103 1 8 3 4 6 M Garner 7 DtyLass LyLillian Dark Hill 50236 FGnds 1 116 l4Sfast 8 HO 1 Ioct rider J D Mney 6 Huonec Phelan Pirate McUee McUeeCC171 CC171 FGnds 1 116 l434fast 12 HO 1 3 8 3 34 31 J D Mney 9 Trksterll Phelan AttorMuir 60015 FGnds 1 116 l53f hvy 13 195 2 4 4 4 4 611 L McDott 7 Hello Pardner Phelan Bond 1S979 FGnds 1 1lfi 201hvy 1710 112 4 1 1 6 6 6S1JD S1JD Mney 7 La Kross Kingfisher TuLia HOHOLTOTT BOY ch e 7 109 By Salvation Zcrita by Cerito H HTrciner Trciner A T Phillips Owner X Hcstoisan HcstoisanC1772 C1772 Churchill 1 1S 152 fast B 104 4 4 6 t1 J Orrens 5 Rep Uncle Yelo Paris Maid 61443 Lexton 1 115 147 good 15C 115 6 41 4 R Harton 10 AmericanBoy Rep Escarpoletto 5S403 Lexton 1 1S lS2fast 2710 113 8 8 8 T 61 5Ti L McDott S Jouetr Plus Ultra Gen Haig ES193 Churchl 1 1S lS2 fast S 103 8 S 8 8 S 51 B Parke 8 Belgian Queen Jouctt Eastcsido 5SOI4 Churchl 1 18 152fast 21 110 6 6 6 6 J 1 B Parke 8 Paris Maid WIckford By Golly 57S10 Latonia 1 18 l53mud 310 112 S S S 4 2 21 B Parke 5 Gen Haig Accelerate Arravan 57163 Latonia 1 116 l4D hvy 1710 HO 8 8 8 I 3i I1 B Parke 8 Repeater Furbelow Nordeck 57337 Latonia 1 116 l51hvy 1 H3 7 8 1 8 I1 I1 R Hartonll Nonleck Tulsa May Bodine 57166 Latonia 34 l127ifast 153 114 7 T 7 7 5 R Harton 8 Honor Man Furbelow Orlova 55943 Latonia 84 Idi ifast S2t 113 12 13 13 10 10 R Hartoa 12 MaUony GiaFrance Clinton villa PLATO ch g 4 03 By Uncle Diho by Biran BiranTrainer Trainer D SIcBersiid OTCECT R Hearilia 0153G Lcxton 1 15 153 Irvy S4 107 6 7 1 T3 B Schoffel T ITmnElder Tulsa MarieRpoId C151C Lcxton 1 115 150iaad It m 7 7 7 C J D Mney T BrJIald MissPperity Nordeck 60942 Mobilo Ab 1 5S 231 fast 12 137 3 4 71 S R Rice 8 LMOBS OaklnBelle MissDixia 60921 MoUllo Ab 1 1S 153 fast 10 113 9 9l 7 R Itico 10 LtPerklns LaKross LorMosa 0799 Mobilo ImTOy 2 CHhvy 3 112 2 5 8 f S AY Hinphy 6 AaiSoldier CaptTom DickieW E0455 FGnds 34 lH4fast 0 123 4 8 6r 61 C Lang 12 PortLight BlueJeans LyMildJ S0318 FGnds 1 115 l4Sifa3t 15 iaiiTf5J93SJ Owens 11 Phelan Pie Kinss Belle 5941S PGnds 1 116 lH7fast 8 M5e7S88C Lang 8 Galiot Lazy Lou Challenger 5SS05 Jeffson 4 Id5ifast 12 107 4 t 41 1 C Lang 12 G Autumn Archive PBIosscn SS212 Jeffson 1 1S Id5 faat 15 CZlfSatJJtJL MciyoltlO Flypaper MRappold Sparkllaj