1st Race [1st Jamaica, Daily Racing Form, 1922-05-20

past performance

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1 + DA PET 34 Bilc 3yenrolds and unirord Claiming Slay 3 1922 ISI nAUt 111 25 4 125 125Index Index Course Dist Time Tck Odds Wt St Str Pin Jockeys Started Order of Finish BERTUCE K ca f 3 08 By Golden Ktisim Eva K by Tio Friar Trainer J W Fleishman Ovrocr J 7 Flels hman 017G4 Jamaica S4 l13faat 3 93 G 2 1J 11 B Bell 7 Dare SwiftGrass Nlshtbont 61178 Jamaica 5i f 106 fast 13 102 0 8 C J 7 B Mar MariellilS RdRobin SccMiat Cnmouflago 605CG FGnds 34 l15hvy C 102 4 4 4 3 H Tho Thomas 8 LnstEffort GFoster DclhiMaid C0418 FGnds 1 l3Dfast 5 103 2 2 3 3 41 4s 4SJ A Wils WilsGOSH Wilson 8 Yhmak BlackBctty Omnlpolt GOSH FGnds 34 l13fast 115 111 2 22 2 21 2 M Gar Garner 11 Birdie G Galeta illraole Maa 5S174 Churchl 6 f l19 fast i 100 1 6 4 3 4l 4 1 B Parko 9 WofsCry BlllyStnr Bobd H r 58014 Churclil 34 lO3faat B 111 6 42 2 lh 2 B Pool 15 Oinuipott ScavcPrlnce BHal 37727 Latonla El f l07fast 7 112 8 76 6 G 6 M Garner 12 BrightLoar ColOIrL PrecLulr 37123 Latonla 34 I13good3110 107 2 62 2 2ll 21 M Garner 9 Lord Allen Topmast Lugs 57313 Latonla Gl f l10mud 10 107 3 56 6 41 4 M Garner 0 Rekab Una Clark Wolfs Cry 57171 Latonla S4 l125ifast H 105 4 45 5 31 3 M Garner 7 LMothcr MFnllon Bill andCca 37040 Latonla El f 103 good 5 111 2 S E ESWIFT E1 6 J M Garner 8 LinaClark Omnipotent BtLcaf BtLcafBy SWIFT GRASS ch f 3 85 85Trainer By Short Grass Safo Home by Hilarious Trainer IT L Byor Owaor E 7 Prlco PrlcoC17G4 C17G4 Jamaica 31 l13fast 41 99J 2 3 31 33 H Gllck 7 Bcrnlce K Dare NigUtboat 01542 Jamaica El f lC7 sood S 1 J 7 6 6ES64S 7s 6 A Gantner 8 Liberty Girl Old Bcsebud Daro ES64S Bowie 34 l16hvy 77 107 6 58 58E853S S 10 10 J Zoeller 11 Dclhimar Hillsdale Theo E853S Pimlico 51 f lOTfast 17 103 H 54 545S5D5 4 61 II10 G W Car1113 JosBrant DIXadt ye Dovesrst 5S5D5 Pimlico 34 l15good 22 IDS 4 6 13 135S279 13 13 G W Car1114 JewellVD Carmencita 5S279 Empire C f lOS fast 4 112 3 5 54 54S8176 4 G1 S 5 M Buxton 12 Grandson Fayelli Delhi Maid S8176 Empire Ab 34 l12K faat 15 K6 6 H 12 14 14 L MeAtee 14 Nose Dive Nishtboat Swwpy 58090 Empire Ci f 108 fast 10 104 7 3 34 4 61 9 J C BrenUigUS Marg White CcsUiuet KIrUe 57631 Jamaica El f l08faat 15 10J 4 7 77 77S716 7 61 91 C Breung 12 Svveepy Our Dear Fnsee S716 Aqduct 58 l00Rood 41 SS 3 3 H H14 L Penman 11 BanPass Modisly Ilejihaiftea 56778 Belmt Elf MC lOS4fast 6 S3 3 1 11 1 I1 I1 L Penman 10 Bantry Pass Pastoral Citattsa 338 Saratoga El f lOT fast 41 107 1 11 11SPUGS 111 54 L Fator 11 Janku Koster Girl RsKjooUm SPUGS b JT 4 110 By Charles Edward Shoo Ply by Koddler Trainer W B Gibson Owner W Kearns 01823 Jamaica 34 l13faat 185 85 108 3 6 6 41 H Shilllck 7 Monastery Esquire Star Court 61729 Jamaica ImTOy l4 ast 31 HO 2 3 3i 3 Et Kummer 8 ScotCMef Drummond WalkUp 01519 Jamaica ImTOy l46mud 95 112 3 1 1J 2fJ G Babin 7 Asterisk Armistice Nightboat 014 30 ILdeGco 34 l13fast 0 113 3 3G1402 8 fil 5 i J Wallace 15 LEffare Arrah Go On FTircur FTircur7f G1402 HdeGco S 12 lOTfast 7f 112 11 11C12G4 10 91 63 T Nolan 15 TiUtnia TingaLins Japo C12G4 Bowie El f l10mud 32 109 1 13S632 3 3J I1 T Nolan 11 HBuxton MissPnrneU Titania 3S632 Pimlico 1 11G 153 livy 11 112 12 1 1 3 35S5T9 3 31 3 E Atkinsnl2 ViceChairman Romeo Parla 5S5T9 Pimlico 1 116 l52mnd 73 103 03311 3 1 1 13S153 1 21 21 R McNme 9 BribedVoter Kmarty TUccision 3S153 Pimlico 1 l45smud 9 111 11 5 6 7 6 4 = k 2J E Atklns12 KTrojan FFogarty Natural 57351 Kvrorth El f lllJihvy 5 111 11 4 11 1 1 J Conway 10 HeathBell Rcdlancl TheDcilon 57S73 Kworth El f lKHihvy 1C5 102 02 7 B 1 1 1 J Conway 9 Betsinda BugManrli Lad Ion 7773 Kworth El f l10 Blop 4110 1021 9 8 6 5 2 J Conway 0 Plantoon Chow War Tank 55157 Connht 34 llifast 38 1C3 8 78 10 9T1 R LcasterlJ Oiriiioran Efficient IlazuDry 55033 Connht 34 l15fast 15 1C5 13 1 11 8 7 I Fletcher 12 General Cormoran MrnlnzFac tDisaualifled WEINECONEE ch m 5 102 By Hoelick Goldon Agnes by Goldea Uaxiio UaxiioTntinor Tntinor G Peterson Owner G Peterson 01425 ILdeGce 34 l13 fast 37 101 14 11 II1 11 E Martz 15 HiddcnJewcl Rnnasol LBSh LBShG1341 G1341 HdeGco co S4 115 l15fast JSfast 5 57S 10113 13 13 13 J Owens 13 Old Sinner TingaLin Kttahe KttaheC1233 C1233 Bowie 7S l28fast 95 105 1 1 1 2 A Gantner 8 Allah Siesta Lucky Girl 01128 Bowie 24 l13fast 8 104 Wheeled A Gaumerl2 Penelope Turbout Ace of Ace Acea G0340 FGnda 34 l13ifast 85 107 7 4 4 6J 3 A Gantnerll Buagoro Philderer Mhiavelll G01GS FGnds 34 114 fast 21 102 7 31 31 21 A Gantner 8 Ace of Aces Jock Scot Troilua 59697 FGnds 34 l15mud 31 105 3 31 1 2l A Gantner 7 Burcoyne Plaiu Bill Car 3S657 FGnda 34 113 fast 6 102 4 11 1 I1 A Gantnerll Promising Tom Rolo Twopalr 5S453 FGnda 34 lKalow 8 103 I Left at the post A Gantneill Rolo Sandalwood Fleer 59193 JefTson 34 l14sfast 6 105 L Left at the post A Gantnerll Ace of Aces Bcngore Sandy H iSOal JefTson 34 l15Heood 19 108 5 5b 444 31 A Gantner 10 Cormoran Mnrpby Perhaps b r 6 1 122 By Ogdon Quebec by St Juds Trainer B Vititse Owner Shea Stable C1324 Jamaica 1 11C l47faat l47faatC1785 Si H3 2 1 1 2 = k H ThomaslO LordHerbert WalkUp LadyZcu C1785 Jamaica ImTOy l4otifast 7 110 6 4 4 2 L Morris 8 ToctScot Armistice Sunny Hill 01729 Jamaica Im70y l45j fast fast61C07 8 HO 4 2 2l 2 B Sande S Scottish Chief Spngs Walk Up 61C07 Jamaica 1 115 l47fast 8 HO 13 12 12 12 L Fator 13 Horcb Copyright Aimslice Aimslicea5 01205 Bowie El f lC9mud lC9mudG1249 a5 a5G 106 S 6 61 6 i H Thomas 9 The Nephew Little Patsy Jago G1249 Bowia G f l21fast l21fastG05S1 95 110 B 3 3l 42 A Gantncrl2 CJCraigmilo Bryagar LGrge G05S1 FGnda 34 l16hvy 2i 2i6C168 103 103 4 11 Il 1 A Wilson 11 Roy C Brown Clieis Back Buy 6C168 FGnds 31 114 fast SO 117 17 8 88 7 7 F Weiner 8 Aee of Aces Winconne JkScot 00X0 FGnds 34 120 hvy 30 30J3S91 113 13 7 7 7 7 7M F Welner 7 Sagamore MkcyMre TDecian J3S91 FGnda 34 l13 hvy IC ICO 159 59 6 6 6 G C Hamnd 0 Sagamore Col Taylor Crayson J2S48 Bowie 1 l42V frood 26 1111 111 777 7 7 7 J Rodgez 7 LndsLovu SmartUuy Frotftowa FrotftowaL02 52321 FGnds Im70y l Jtfast 7 102 7 6 6 6 5s 41 S Wlda 7 CapHersliler SdragonlL Chief 5224 FGnds Im70y l50hvy 5 102 02 3 4 3 E 5 B L McAteo 5 Pictor Hadrian Romeo 30 117 6 11 11 U 104 61 J RodKezl2 TheWit TomMcTagrt Knklns THE 1IEPB3W b s 5 115 115Trainer By TTncls Qualify by Sir DUoa DUoa9l Trainer C Enrtoc Osmer A Jiarrone C1803 Jamaica 34 115 fast CO 115 G 7 9l S M Buxton 11 Victor S Ogarite TinsaLinsr 01733 Jamaica Im70y l4Cfast 10 115 2 3 3 4 M Burton G Service Star Armistice Orderly C1542 Jamaica 51 f l07soocG1402 l07EOod 5 117 4 4 41 S M Buzton 8 Liberty Girl Old Rosebud Dara G1402 ILdeGce B 12 l07fast l07fastG12C5 16 109 9 U 10 SJJ A GantnerJ5 Titania TingaLing Jago G12C5 Bowio El f Irfa mud mudC1234 6 103 5 1 1 1 J A Gantncr 9 Little Patsy Jago AHaasiltoa C1234 Bowia 7S l fast 1 110 2 1 41 71 A Gantncr 8 LadyZeus ForestQun Pretender 01212 Bowia 61 f 122 fast 7 115 5 3 2 2J M Buxton 10 TDecisn Pteadcr AHaiailton 61159 Bowla 34 O2 4faat 71 113 4 6 E S M Buxton G Jock Scot Traatula Betsinda SCC32 FGnda 34 l15slow 6 114 10 11 12 1 1FGmla 12 li M Buxton 12 Betsindn Tractnla Eternity 5SC97 FGntla 34 l167mud 115 120 6 67 67FGnda 61 7 i C Ponce 7 Burgoyne Winccane PlainBlll 35555 FGnda 34 116 slow 165 113 2 22 22Jeffson 11 I1 C Turner 11 Actress AHamilton Anticlpata jf320 Jeffson 34 114 faat 41 115 7 77 77Jeffson 61 S S Wida 12 Bengore Midnight Sun Oralegga jr ± 93 Jeffson 34 113 faat 3 110 2 2 4 3 C Lang 8 CotheRoost KirstPulIet Doric 59114 Jeffaon 34 117 mud 10 HI 2 34 34 3 S Wlda 5 Tody Smart Guy Rep GALIirC ch e 9 110 110Trainer By Et r Shoot Lady Vincent by St Biaisa Trainer W C Clancy Owser W C CUncy G1S03 Jamaica 34115 fast 3 HO C 3 L MeAtee 11 Victor S Ogarite Beckna G1537 Jamaica El f lOS good C 114 4 2f 2 L McAte TO ScaMint Victors War Map G1402 ILdeGce B 12 lC7fast 8 112 4 6 B4 2J1 C KummerlS Titania Jago Mack Gamer G1341 ILdeGce 31 lOS fast 10 HI 5 2 2 2l C KummerlS Old Sinner Bttahc Eternity 01279 HdcGco 34 117 hvy 14 113 3 7 10t 10 C KummerlS Betsinda Turnabout AT rocker rockerSS34G SS34G Empire ImTOy l47fast 115 112 Left at the post L MeAtee C Astcrk WHBkner AiHiltoa AiHiltoa5S226 Wynncwood5S1GO 5S226 Empire Im70y l43isfast 10 IOC 3 3 3 3 21 21 L MeAtee 10 FFogarty DkHill Wynncwood 5S1GO Empire Ab 34 112 good 15 121 3 3 5 Bl 3 L MeAtee 15 War Pennant Asterisk Rolo RoloE7732 E7732 Jamaica 34 l14sKOod S 116 C 2 4 El 4 C Kummer 7 St Isidore Esquire Tidings 7683 Jamaica 34 l14Hfast 7 H8 1 1 2 1 I1 L MeAtee 12 SChief LEnjoleur StarCoart 57545 Aqduct 61 f 121 mud 135 112 4 1 2 21 3 L McAlee 5 Wynncwood Fluff Orderly 671GO Belmt 34 MC 113 fast 10 113 Left at the post C Kummerl2 Saddle Ring Esquire Tiding StTSKT HILL b e 7 1C7 1C7Trainer By Lemberg1 Leisure by lleddlsr lleddlsrSJ Trainer P C Frisbie Owner G E Hall 01785 Jamaica ImTOy l43fast 15 HI 1 3 SJ 4 F Keogh 8 Jock Scot Drummond Armistice ArmisticeV 01401 HdcGco 1 11G l4Tfast 1110 1CS 3 4 V 5 C Lang 15 Laughter HCBasch SericcStar SericcStarS 61053 Havana 1 1S lS7slop T5 K6 S S S P Walla 6 Smart Money Poilu Mildred 01 02 4 Havana 1 116 l4S fast 35 1C8 5 1 1EMSS 1 1 P Walls 7 J C Stoac Ravensea Hush EMSS Havana ImoOy l44tjood S5 lit 6 3 3 4 7 P Walla 8 ThePirate GolChance FEnibry 5S124 Havana 1 l29sfast 85 104 2 2 2 1 ink p Walla G Mclvin Harlock Trooper SSOS1 Havana 1 11C l Vifast 3 1 1 P Walla 7 Ptoureau BlkThong SumSigh 5S523 Pimllco 1 142 fast U 10S 1 1 2 4 4 L Penmaa 12 Mose Parla Anniversary 5S003 Laurel 1 l31537sfast 11 S7 10 B 7 8 10 9 E Penn 10 Old Dad OurBtliday PillHunley sT93S I aurel 1 116 l4Dfast 9 31 9 Li Coney 11 BribVoter Gnth Stch Verdict 57669 Laurel 1 l42 l42rfast = rfast 135 ICO 9 3 3 2 2 2 J Caliahan 9 Pibroch King George Iron Boy 57558 ILdcGce 1 14 203 fast 10 104 2 2 1 1 21 31 J Caliahan 7 Benevolent L Lillian CEvcuta FRANK WATERS ch e 7 105 By Eng James Lacona by Potomac PotomacTrainer Trainer J Wilson Owner R Pimcno 01803 Jamaica 34 115 fast CO 103 9 11 U 10 H Mooro 11 Victor S Ogarite Tia aLing 61537 Jamaica 51 f lMjrood 60 114 3 3 5l 7iJ H Mooro 10 Sea Mint TingaLing VictcrS VictcrSL54S1 L54S1 FtErio Im70y l44fast 33 102 5 5 4 5 5h 7 A Gantncrl2 Air Man King George Flame 55353 Hamton 34 l14fast 33 107 8 8 9 11s 1193 A Gantnerl2 ToetheMk IronBoy TheDesion 54722 Belmont 61 f l19fast 20 117 fl 13 14 IS3 16l M Buxton 17 CarlineS Perigrdine Tnabout Tnabout526C9 526C9 Sflpyll53fB9 Tijuana 58 lOO ast SI 111 7 33 41 4 = 1 M Buxton 8 CAComkey JohnJr Sflpyll 53fB9 Tijuana 34 114 fast G 107 2 2 1 1 1s B Josiah 10 BandStars MnkinlL LUgaa LUgaa5S575 5S575 TUuana 1 l42fast 125 110 5 2 2 2 S1 43J M Buxton S Cobrita Pierrot Sam Hill Hill5S4S1 5S4S1 Tijuana EJ f l0 ifuat lif 107 8 9 11 101 7 1 A Gantnerl2 Celebrate GolRose StnMaggie WAR KOTE ch h G 115 By Spanish Prince San Kaidea by Su = dridsa I0l ThigaTmyS3 GTJ C Lans 11 Victor S Ogarite ThigaTmy 51375 HueGce liaTOy l44fast 1310 114 9 S3 7 it Morris 9 Sweepy Tan Son Lucky B 61305 ILdeGco 34 l14 good 7 115 2 71 El A Gantner 13 UltrsGold Sidereal Brt Llghta 01251 Bowie Gl f l Cfast 7C 1C9 2 2BJ101 21 11 L Morris C Snper St Donard Erccse ile ileI1 BJ101 Bowie EJ f 1 0 = ifast 1 169 5 5C1123 HobeyBaker2J I1 l L Morris C StDonard AllFair HobeyBaker C1123 Bowie 78 l28 faat 8 116 4 4KC1S 2J 21 C Kutnrncr 7 Sujier Lucky B Hidden Jewel KC1S FGnds Im70y l4Sfast 15 104 6 6 6 6 6s F Weiner 0 Valor Balgncur T dHonnenr 1S9 FGnds 24 113 fast 30 112 5 6 6 1 F Cltllettl S Elmer K Mias Jemima Valor 59754 FGnda ImTOy l44good S HI 8 8 S SyjeSO 6 JJ F Cltlletti 8 Wynnewd Translate Courtship yjeSO FGnda 34 l12V4faat 20 104 5 S 31 4 1 F Cltllettl 5 MarvMny MtssJcmima TanSon 3137 PGnda ImTOy l4C9smud 20 109 5 5 5 5S33T 5 5 M Buxton 5 Thimble Wynnewd Flibtyet S33T Jeff aon 34 114 fast 8 HO 9 8 8J7S61 7f Flibtyet7f 6 M Buxton 9 WZone RapTraveler RapDay J7S61 Jamaica Im70y l43faat 2 115 1 1 1 1S7710 lh RapDaylh 21 C H Miller 3 Regal Ledge Brutnado S7710 Jamaica Im70y l44 ifast 95 U5 1 1 1 1VICTOR 1 Ii C Turner 0 Siren Maid RegalLodge Thlmbla VICTOR S b h 5 113 By Sweep Victoria EL by Gold Spianoi Trainar W S BinEO Owner W S House 01803 Jamaica 24115 fast 4J 10710 1 I1 1 E Taplin 11 Ogarite TingaLlng Becksa 61537 Jamaica 51 f l06feood 15 114 7 7 41 3 E Taplin 10 Sea Mint TingaLins WarMsy i5SGC WarMsyi5SGC Empire Ab 34 ItflWifast 41 117 7 55 51 5l T Ric 11 Curfew Killala Arrow of Gold 514J1 Bowie 1 l iifast 8 103 2 3 3 B 4 k G J Butwcll 8 Wyomin WViolet TMeTagt 31333 Pimlico 31 l2fast 46f SS H 11 U H 11 J Callahanll CaptAlek PeterPipcr Panoply OC43 Jamaica 34 l13faat 1110 115 7 5 1 1 I1 L Ensor U LEnjoleur LeGanloiH SClarc 50131 Aqduct ES lOOVtfast G 110 5 4 450GC8 I1 2 W Kelsay 14 LsrgUetto WarMap Beaumaraia 50GC8 Belmont 34111 fast 8 113 2 S 3 2 3 i W Kelsay 10 Sea Sinner Frank B Joe Jw JwBy LUCKY GIRL br f 3 100 100Trainer By His Majesty Pleioce by Sain Trainer U J Hnrpty Owner R Scherrcr rrcr 01513 Jamaica ImTCy l467 nrnd 20 101 6 5 61 6 H Thomas 7 Asterisk Spnrs Armistice C1430 HdeGce 34 llSXfast 33 93 3 7 8T1 H Thomas 15 LEffare Arrah Go On FTircnr G1311 FTircnrG1311 HdeGco 34 l16good 24 10114 14 34s U J Fraley 15 Rolo Dare Titania 01203 Bowia 7S l2SVsfast 13 100 3 31 4 1 H Thomas 8 Allah Winncconne Siesta G1212 SiestaG1212 Bowie Ci f 122 faat 6 100 EC1 Gi H Thomas 10 TDecisn TNepbew lretender G1173 lretenderG1173 Bowio Gl f l22 isood 23 102 2 H 1 1 H Thomas 12 FgnedZcal BsLnck Nightboat JOIST FGnda ImTOy 119 mud 10 101 9 S 8 71 8s H Tliomas 10 Eve White VlcdColn Adrtnra AdrtnrarC459 rC459 FGnds ImTOy l45fast 12 133 S 8 8 71 T H Thomaa 9 D Sinker MlrMan HKemble HKemble1C315 1C315 FGnda ImTOy l liHfnst iHfnst 8 100 4 4 6 El 31 H Thomas 11 HKble BarssTks VledColn 50343 FGnds ImTOy l50nvy 16S 100 1 6 4 61 6 H Thomas 8 BillsLuck HKemble VCoIleea VCoIleeai9941 i9941 FGnds 1 l51hvy 41 107 2 1 1 1 21 3 E Pool 7 Charline Prs Devil MntM ry SS5S1 FGnda Im70y l4Sfaat 8 101 10 3 J 21 3 B Marielllll Uttle Ammle Hermodca Data 19537 FGnds 1 I4i3hy 6 1851 4 4 3 3 3 3 J Zoeller 8 Petie Klrtle Nig S941S FGndfl SI f 1 3V fast 15 ICG 12 12 12 HUH J Zoeller 1 fusee Simple Simon Dare PAHST b f 4 103 103Trainer By Prior Rack Disparity by Singleton SingletonB Trainer J P Eclly Owner J Kalm KalmG1591 G1591 Jamaica ImTSy l4Srt3low 12 102 2 B 4 H GIIclj C Barriskane Lady Zeus Aillht 61429 ILdeGce 1 18 lSCfaat S3f S3 8 8G1408 7 GJ J Wallace 11 Lacy Kate II O Basch Dan G1408 HdeGca 1 116 It854fast Cf 93 1 6 5 C Lane 13 Maize Exhortcr Mar Lnckctt C1S09 ILdeGca 1 11G l50Vsjood Cf 9fl 12 13 1 12 A McLlin 14 Roseate IronBoy VanityDresi 01279 HdeGca 34 111 livy 13 S3 15 13 11 11 J Wallace 15 Betslnda Turncbort Wrecker SSS FGnda 1 11G l529shvy CO 103 8 9 10 10 91 9 11 Glide 10 Mormon Elder The Wit Ettaha tC433 FGnda Im70y l45faat 20 93 8 8 9 9302iG 7 G CJ J Wallace 12 Bit of Green KingsBleSDsrril 302iG FlGnda 1 11G lmifast 13 93 3 3 3 3W172 4 6 5 H Thomas 0 Hnonec Phelan Pirate McGea McGeaC W172 FGnda 1 116 IMTfefast 20 100 6 C CXSS 4 4 4 S Lowe 8 Zone dArmee Corsoa OUleW4 XSS FGnda 34 lJ7ihvy 10 1C1 4 5 5SC017 T 9 9 R Romelllll Iron Boy Crest Capers CapersS SC017 FGnda 1 115 l85hvy 12 St 4 5 S S5PES1 E fi 71 J Wallace 7 LlttleEd P Peddler ZdAnaea 5PES1 FGnds 1 116 l5CHavy 30 97766 977665SSOO 6676JJD Mney 7 MadgeF Wdtlirush HPardnei 5SSOO FGuda 34 l17ttbvy 30 96 6 1 10 8i 8 J J Wallace 11 The Decision Jago Rolo 51321 Jeff aon ImTOy l4SHfaat 12 97 4 3 1 1 3 3 J Wallace 8 Gorilla TheMoor Grim Bjunblei JUG ch g 3 II 97 97Trainer By Hcno Gcnesso by Onocdaga Trainer G Peterson Owner G Peterson PetersonC17G4 C17G4 Jamaica S4 l13kfnst 30 58 3 4 4G1640 6 CJ T Doylo 7 Bernicc K Dare Swift Grass G1640 Jamaica 34 l12fast 60 112 3 S SC15J3 8 S B Marts 8 Olynthus Tarn Orro Orro6J C15J3 Jamaica 5t f l07igood EO 100 2 3 6J 81 E Martz Liberty Girl OldUosebud Dare Dare7l 67534 Jamaica 5 f lOT fast 3n 303 2 25 7l U1 C Ponco 13 Com Song MirMan ForgcAliead 17520 HdeGee rS 1 00 fast 114 10G 3 46 l 71 C Ponce 8 Dexterous CUniplaln LBSheer 67355 HdeGVe GJ f l07alow 207 116 6 68 68E6937 91 11 E Martz 11 J Merrill Gondolier Trevelyan E6937 Bilmt 5jt AiC 106 fast 40 110 4 46 46EG 5 61 C Ponco 5 Uantry Pass llellatrix Evil EG XI Sartoya 34 lai fast 100 115 4 46 41 41 C Ponco 7 Snob II Sunreigh Plutrus CC037 Sartoga 5S l02hvy 30 112 4 7 6 C Ponce 7 Galeta Tulwar Bounce

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1922052001/drf1922052001_8_3
Local Identifier: drf1922052001_8_3
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800