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CHAGRIN FALLS ENTRIES Probabilities Weather clear track heavy heavyRacing Racing H tarts at 215 p in Chicago time 215 Superior mud runner X Good mud runner Fair mud runner M Maidens Apprentice allowance b Blinkers BlinkersFirst First Race G8 Kile KilePurse Purse 500 3yearolds and upward Claiming Track record Oct 9 1920 100 6 110 110Todays Todays Ind Horse Wt Rec AWtHan 61749 bWalter Mack 7 112X725 61793 bPurdey 10 112X720 61837 Surmount 4 107 715 7155S557 5S557 Itapidan 5 107X715 107X71561857s 61857s bMargaret N 0 110710 61683 Marchtone 5 114 710 710618S7 618S7 J E Hertz M 4 112 710 61884 Thrills 7 114X710 68546 Our Little Ann 6 110 703 61837 Aunt Sndie M 5 110 705 61817 Judge Fox M 8 1127CO 67637 Noiseless M 11 112 700 700Second Second Race 53 Mile MilePurse ClaimingTrack Purse 500 3yenrolils Claiming Track record Oct 9 19 61926 Baby Evelyn 109X700 109X695GOD37 61886 bFarcwell Taps 109X695 GOD37 Kedgwick JI 112 690 61790 Maura M 109 690 61836 Happy Girl M 100X685 61836 Chas LefkovitsM 111 680 Ruth E b f by Jack Atkin Miss Klein by Stalwart 101 Third Race 53 Mile MilePurse Purse 500 3yearolda and upward Claiming Track record Oct 9 1920 100 6 110 81838 bArrow Point 5 no 70 C0918 bArtbur Middleton 0 11X7 0 61931 Mill 6 109 715 61800 bObstinate 4110 713 61884 Gay Life 8 110 713 60853 Dinty 5110X710 66806 Fait Accompli 5110 710 67837 Mascot r 112 703 61856 BInnchita 0 H0v70 61818 Ethcl II M 0 103 700 61884 bAler Getz 9 112070J 66556 bUlkton 9 11 x700 x700Fourth Fourth Race 31 Mile MilePurse Purse 500 3yearolds and upward Claii Track record May 3 1921 11975 C 122 61887 PROPAGANDA 113 114 C 112X72 61800 Cockroach 109 113 G 1177ir 61384 July Fly 110 114 8 113 71 7161859s 61859s McLane Ill 114 0 115x71r 61690 bNeg Ill 114 7 115x71 63577 Bloomington 100 114 4 115X710 61840 Hopeful 103 114 6 115x710 61833 Lucky Pearl 107 114 0 113X710 61841 Peggy fiaton 101 115 4 110 703 61841 She Devil 110114 0115X703 John W Klein 0 115X700 61S29 Goldle S 111116 7 113 700 700Fifth Fifth Race About 58 Mile MileHill Hill Top Purse PursePurse Purse 600 3yearolds and upward Allowances Track record Oct 9 1920 100 0 116 61560 Huron II 6 110X725 53995 bOlympian King 7 107 720 61663 bMurphy 9 113X715 61883 Fort Churchill 5 118715 11871561S861 61S861 bForest Queen 3 95X710 61778 Skooter 3 103X703 43629 Charles Jr M 5 107 700 700Sixth Sixth Race About 58 Mile MilePurse Purse S500 3yearolds and upward Claiming Track record Oct 9 1920 100 0 110 61820 Sister Susie 9 11GX 60939 San Diego 5 113 720 61800 Hoover 5 117 715 71561GS9 61GS9 Sweep Up II 7 123X715 123X7155855S5bWoodpilL 5855S5bWoodpilL 108 710 61923 Treadwell G 111 710 61749 Kigi C 109X710 109X71061E5S 61E5S Virge 8 105 705 61929 = bVansylvia G 1110700 1110700Seventh Seventh Race 1 116 Miles MilesPurse Purse 500 3yearolda and upward Claiming Track record May 3 1921 153 9 103 61889 bJolm Arbor 107 147 4 110X725 61890 bShort Stop 103 143 7 110X720 61862bCaptain 110X72061862bCaptain Burns 107 147 11 110X715 61840 Jackslraw 97 147 8 115 715 61755 Kallipolis 101 14C 5 113X715 61925 Magnet Land 109 147 G 115X710 61861 bCaptaiu Tom 110 Ir30 5 107X705 61840 bSea Urchin 112 149 9 112X703 01889 Cruces 103 148 8 112X700 61340 Harry Smarr M 0 112 700