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1 oS DA PC 2 Fnrloiisrs 3yearolds and upward Claiming Oct 17 I Si flAUt 1021 117 aG 4 112 112Index Index Course Dist Time Tck Odds Wt St Str Fin Jockeys Started Order of Finish CLIKIONVILLE b ci 5 115 By Transvaal Haid Militant by Rainbow RainbowTrainer Trainer J H Nichols Owner S K Nichiils 61S74 Churcliill 34 l12fast 2 113 6 1 1 1 J Kcderfs S Flaps Hadrian JoanSRcardon 61501 Lexton 1 l397ifast 136 107 1 2 2 11 J D Mney 6 Tody Rep Wickford 5209 Church 1 34 l12fast 1S5 115 9 Lost rider J D Mney 9 BegPanlon JGocdman Orlova OrlovaS4 ES10S Churchl S4 l12vfast 1910 103 7 4 3 21 I1 J D Mnej 10 JGoodman BenBolt Eefugeell 7677 Latonia 34 l12fast 1710 116 t S I 3 k 2 E Pool 11 Orlova CorbiaTenn StJilchael B7200 Latonia 34 l12fast 195 108 13 97 6 = 4 O Willis 12 Abadane Itedmon GloriaFrance S6943 Latonla 34 l12 ifast 95 112 9 3 4 4l 3J E Pool 12 Mahony GFrance GumblaTenn bt576 Latonla 34 l12faat S5 117 3 S S 21 2 M Garner 0 Freecutter Green Grass GStaii APPEOVAX h 7 7Trainer 103 By Plaudit Autumn Leaves by Princa of iTtmmx Trainer 7 E Suggs Owner W WC1736 P McCaffrey C1736 Pimlico 3J l12fast It 113 7 7 El 3 P TValls 7 LEffare Hid Jewel TlreMcGee 61312 HdeGce 34 l15iast 25 109 10 8 8l S H Thomasl2 ViccChrman Camflase Tidga 61054 Havana 1 116 l slop 2 102 B 2 I1 11 P Walls 7 Tony Beau Haman Molinero 61022 Havana 34 114 fast 21 106 8 S B1 31 P Walls 8 Bcrmont OldSinner GolChance 60874 Havana I 11C l4Cfast 21 216U570 104 1 1 I1 1 P Walls 7 Tocy Beau Molinero ThePlrate 6U570 Havana ImSOy l hvy 3 1C3 211 1 2 1 L Penman 6 Petrarch Tlcacey Hazel W 60 3 Havana 1 11C l alop 6 109 611 1 2 21 J Carroll 6 Osgood Golden Flint Hocnir 60405 Havana ImEOy l43fast 31 104 104600W 7 4 t t 8 D Prible 8 Ramkin Marcella Boy Harlock 600W Havana Bi f lOCfast 41 115 4 6 6 E E l J Malben 5 OldSinner ColChile XdGurlson GEACE WagnerTrainer HINAED br f 4 103 By Frontenac Roses by Wagner Trainer C Mitchell Owner W C Goodloe 61653 Lexton 34 lasfelow 21 216 105 E 2 2 V L ITcDott 5 Marimba My Ballot Plantoon 61535 Lexton 24 l13fast W WG1532 C6 99 4 2 21 2J L McDott 8 Icon Philanderer A Alexander AlexanderS4 G1532 Lexton S4 113 hvy 7 107 1 4 7 7 E Martin 8 Ragazza DrCarmen NthShore E83S8 Lexton 34 115 slow 82 1C8 1C8E82C2 12 S 4 1 7 J Kederis 12 Meliora Doric Port Light E82C2 Lexton S4 l13fast S6 105 10567U62 4 4 C Sl S J E Barnes 12 GdSwell GipsyQueen Meliora 67U62 BGrass Ei ii Melioraii DorothyHlneiES f 103 mud 1 106 106E6370 11 C VanDun 4 Gallant Lad Rog DorothyHlnei E6370 BGrass ES I0flifa3t 5 110 110CC914 2l C VanDun 5 Peasant MadByng CrdeFcu CC914 BGrasa MiasMinksES E8 l02mud 1910 110 110EG371 2l C VanDun 4 MmByng VIolaPark MiasMinks EG371 BGrass 5S l01mud 107 441 C VanDun 5 LouieLou Peggy Mrtia Peasant IwnTrvIIT JudgeTrainer b s 6 113 By Voorhecs Othale by The Judge Trainer E C Crockett Owner J L Knight 62360 Lexton 1 116 lUTOsfast 175 103 4 2 2 1 4 431 J D MncylO Colonel Lit Prospector Jetsam ES33C JetsamES33C Lexton 1 l44hvy 2110 113 1 2 3 2 2s 21 D Connelly 6 Link Boy Hondo Our Alice E3891 AliceE3891 Serbianfi572 Lcxton 1 11G l10good2310 107 3 3 S 3 41 4 J McCoy 8 Insp Hughes Bond Serbian fi572 FGnds 1 11G l47fast SI 107 1 1 4 4 S 31 J J MneylO Corson ColonelLit Broebannock EL502 BroebannockEL502 FGnda 1 11G 143 fast 75 105 2 2 2 2 2s 1 = J J Mney 8 Sandy Mac Undine Salma G E2JCS NomineeE2334 FGnds 1 116 l4GM fast E lot 3 1 1 S 31 4 J J Mney 7 DavidCraig Plenty Nominee E2334 FGnds 34 l13fast 20 106 9 11 11 101 8 T Jarvls 12 Ina Kay Rbow Girl CarlineS HEEEAFTEE OctagonTrainer ch h 5 113 By Dick Finnell Octavo by Octagon Trainer E Goose Owner E Goose GooseG1773 G1773 Churchill 31 112 fast 39 111 3 2 CJ ESJ H J Burkel2 Ggway DthyBuckner OJiakcr E7166 Latonia 34 l12fast 45 112 1 1ECSM 1 1 2 41 II J Burke 8 Honor Man Furbelow Orlora ECSM Latonia 34 113 fast 2110 120 2 2C6TK0 Z OrloraZ S 21 I1 H J BurkelO GipsyQueen Kiaglikc MissDora MissDoraB C6TK0 Windsor 34 llUfcfast 9 110 2 2C6IiG B 6 6 6 H J BurkelO BuPtProof LstOne MidnhtSun C6IiG Windsor 34 l18iimud 1110 115 1 2 2 21 3 H J Burlte S Meliora Ruby Anticipate 0572 Windsor 34 115 slop 10 103 3 3EC159 2 2 35 3 H J Burke 8 MinMan Bullet Proof Bastille EC159 Dshire 34 l12fast 32 IIS 1 1C5973 1 1 1 1 H J Burkell Youneed Nurse Jane SaraUeh C5973 Dshire 34 l13fast B 125 4 4E56U7 1 1 21 33 H J BurkelO Mis the Time CoUMatt N Janr E56U7 Windsor 34 l12M fast US I IBINDING 1 1 11 11 H J Burkel2 TheBaggage Klrah Amcckastin BINDING TIE b m 6 10 By Kelsict Stumpy by Handsome Trainer H J Thompson Owner Idle Hour Stock Farm Stable G1829 Churchill 34 115 mud G 10G 3J Cei C Studer 11 DcBonero STcilesKcob WmOldt 47319 Churchill 78 l 9mud 11 110 5 3 S S15 M Garner 8 Converse Fly Welshman Alula 47115 Churchill 78 l29j slovr 2310 100 9 13 13 13 B Kenndyll StGermaiu Wdtrap DanSpray 46373 Jefferson El f lOCfast 20 10S 3 4 3 2 S Vida 0 Arnold Ticklish Bobby Allen YOUNEED YankeeTrainer b h 6 113 By Ogden The Knrso by Yankee Trainer E J Gilaore Owner E J Gibnoro EG900 BBonta 34 l13fast 6 115 11 11 11 11 11 2 J Gnelsenll Pinard Mess Kit Plain Bin E6159 Dshire 34 l12fast 4110 IIS 3 J 2 21 25 J Mooney 11 Hereafter Nurse Jane S Reh EC02S Dehire 34 llShvy 7 120 4 S 6 7 7 J D Mneyll Nightstick CLydecVer M Dora E6761 Kwcrth 34 l14 BOod 12 108 4 46 91 A Pickens 12 FitzBdle RTrayeler Meliora MOM ch f 3 By Eockview Compensate by Compute Trainer W Perkins Owner G F Baker 5870 0 K worth El f l07V l07fast fast 910 112 2 11 1 l H Pool 9 Hysteria Orma Dale Alverida E5118 AlveridaE5118 Latonia 58 l00fast 2710 115 3 22 3 21 E Pool 8 WwdLady BirdicG BrTacks E5022 BrTacksE5022 Latonla 58 lCOfast 1910 115 3 43 2 23 E Pool S WLady 21 Crtwood P Wther E42G9 WtherE42G9 Churchl 41 I E3fast 1G5 113 2 2 2 3s T Murray 5 JBowdre AnglumMaid Holdile HoldileLIETJT LIETJT FlorianTrainer COLONEL b g 3 88 By Light Brigade Yolaada by St Florian Trainer J Thomas Owner J Thomas 61795 Churchill 1 116 l47fast Et 1 4 1 3 GJ E Scobie 8 Megan Stonewall Oo La La 61587 Lexton 1 116 l45fast 9 107 S 7 7 7 H Stutts 8 Tulalip EvelynWhite Stonewall E57G2 StonewallE57G2 FGnda 1 l mutl CO 104 7 7 7 7 7 7 H Stiitta 7 ComMcMcekin Ashland Swccpy E9701 SwccpyE9701 FGnds Im70y l47V mud 15 101 2 3 6 C 6 6 E Scobie G GGnbs KdArmce TVgeanco AshlandB9G97 ESG40 TVgeancoESG40 FGnda 1 l3S fast 100 93 5 6 7 7 6 61 II Stutts 7 ComicSong BalMark Ashland B9G97 FGnds Im70y l44fast 100 93 5 S fi 6 6 6 H Sttitts G DnkeJohn SlippcryEIm Pimlico PimlicoE9517 E9517 FGnda 1 l45umud 20 1C6 2 6 6 C 6 6s B Scobie 0 Marsdale CMcMeekin Charline CharlineC9434 C9434 FGnda El f 107 fast 30 10S H 11 9 8l 81 E Scobie 11 Penitent Comic Song Fly BulJ BulJE9310 E9310 Jeffson EJ f l0a lfast 8 113 7 S 7 7 7 E Scobie 8 Coloredlloy CapcPUlar ByGosh B9234 ByGoshB9234 Jeff son 51 f lC7fast 41 113 7 177 7 H Stutta 7 BrilntRay Ashland Honorable TWOPAIR b e 4 113 113Trainer By Broomstick Trumps by Sandringham Trainer C W Chappell Owner C V7 V7G1G5G Chapell G1G5G Loxton 34 l15Hslow 15 113 6 6G05S9 Lost riderE Barnes 10 Ragazz HnzelW Swtlibrty G05S9 FGnds 34 llGVihvy 6 101 5 3 4 4l 3 J L McDott 12 Vansylrin Turnalwnt MDUe 60428 FGnda 34 l12fast 30 116 5 5 B 51 3 i B AmbrselO BghtLithts Rising Hock Holo 00340 FGnds 34 l15fist 15 115 9 9 9G0193 11 11 11 ° J D Mneyll Ucngore Philander Winccnno G0193 FGnda 1 11G l47fnat 5 108 3 1 1 1 91 11 J D Mneyll Lazy Lou Currt Events lloieb 60012 FGnda 34 117 hvy 7 107 2 1 15S637 1 1J Il J D Mneyll Brown Bill Service Star Pie 5S637 FGnds 34113 fast 30 110 6 B B3S2iO 5 5 4 S McGravf 11 Winnecoime Pising Tom Rolo 3S2iO Jeffson 34 l14faat 6 112 10 10 105S912 8 8 814 N J Jt5niesl2 Cockroach My Rose Zalner 5S912 Jeffson InYiOy IHSiialov 15 101 6 9 10 105SS19 10 10 10 S Bullman 10 Courlis Phelan Magician 5SS19 Jeffson Im70y l47fast 6 103 5 2 2 2 4 6i S Bullman 9 Deckmate Copyright Jo Joe 5577 Jeffson 34 l14faat 5 110 1 2 4 61 61 F CltliettilO May Bodine Doric The Moor 8091 Empire Ab 34 l1054faat EO 105 8 8 8 S 9 S McGraw 10 FortChurchill Ksqulre IMwOla DR EAE b s 6 120 120Trainer By Sea Eang Stake and Cap by Ellisdale Trainer R L Rogers Owner E L Eogers irs 100G Churchill 1 1S l52 ifast G5 110 5 7 7G1770 4 4J G Studer 11 Cut Up Countess WadthsLnst G1770 Churchill 1 116 l47fast C 108 4 1 15SO 1J 1 J Owens 10 Virgo 1oungAdam ChinWalsh 5SO 10 Churchl 1 1S l 2fast 5 109 8 0 8 5 31 R Harton 12 YgAdam Guaranteed HarKing 51915 Churchl 1 315 200 fast 21 109 7 7 5 1 2 2k R Harton 8 Laekawanna Gourintuid OI clC 57776 Latonia 1 116 l49Hslow 2i 110 9 B 3 2 2 21 H Gregory 10 YgAdain ScrFlag MFontairo 57595 Latonla 1 116 l47fast 8 112 6 fi 5 5 55605S 2 2 R Harton 9 Arravan CanLight SirJVersuo 5605S Dshire 1 14 215 ihvy 125 107 B 6 B 6 655S48 3 1 4 G Fields 11 Court Fool Pit Goldine 55S48 Kworth Im70y l44fast 19 109 8 8 7 6 E1 42 R Harton 8 Kuklux Winneconne Grace 5S02 K worth Im70y l43fast 63 109 8 7 8 8 8 S11 R Harton 8 Xncog Murray Madge F 55701 Windsor 1 116 l47fast 4 111 6 7 7 6 653G24 7 71 R Harton 7 Madge F Brisk Grace 53G24 Latocla 1 1 l52 fast S 107 9 8 S 4 4WTKDING 6 J5 D Joslah 1C Kimpalong WhlrlDun NTorko NTorkoBy WTKDING THEOTJGH ch f 3 93 93I By Vandergrift Little Slani by Goldcrcst I Trainer W Eeed Owner W Reed 5S515 MapleH 58 104 hvy 4 103 1 1El 3 41 4 1 W Bosski 8 Incognance Razon Swiftcrickct 58444 MapleH El f l17mud 2110 107 2 2FC 3 5 B P Lone G Swiftcricket Plaudel Incosnce 5S359 Lexton FC l12V slow 16f 104 1 1 I1 3s B Parlte 12 Tulalip Miss Crestwood Image 5S014 Churchl 31 l13fast 22 105 S SB 9 12 12 H Gregory 15 Omnipott BerniccK SuPrince 57727 Latonla B f l07fast 15f 109 E 2 71 7 J Kederis 12 BrightLeaf ColGirl PrecLnhl 57625 Latonia 34 l16 ihvy 37 104 4 t El 7 G Fields 7 MFjillon LlnaClark Omnipotent 74SG Latcnia 34 l13good 9 107 5 3 71 9 J D Mney 9 Lord Allen Bcrnice 1C Topmast 57071 Latonla 34 114 fast 22 112 1 1Ei 1 1 1 G Fields 10 BlckBetty BounieCrest Ggette 569S9 Latonla Ei f l12hvy 145 109 3 3El 1 11 441 B Parke 11 FBlossom Georgette IJnMcGes 56S91 Latonla El f l07fast 9 113 3 8 4s 4 i W AndresalO Col Girl BonCrest MarWlnso PIRATE KcGEE ch s 5 107 By HcGee Precocious by Pirate of Penzanco PenzancoTrainer Trainer J P Phillips Owner Cunaiffe Phillips 01790 Churchill 1 14 207 fast S710 106 4 4 Z 31 J Owens 7 LLillian WadsLast The Wit Wit61G25 61G25 Lexton 1 116 l45fast 13 103 4 3 21 33 A Frieshon 4 Marse John Louis A Warlrize 61510 Lexton 1 116 l52hvy 4 10G 3 5 E 5 G Breuns G Tony Beau Nurture Frank F FG1439 G1439 Lcxton 1 18 154 fast 13 107 9 7 6 3 i J Owens 12 Chacolet Ava R Bob Baker BakerC050S C050S FGnds 1 116 l50hvy 3 IOC 1 S G 4 42 416 C Lang 8 Romeo Ettahe Mormon Eldur Eldur6CH20 6CH20 FGnda 1 116 l47fast 21 10D 9 7 7 8 4f 2 C Ponce 11 Troilus La Kross Mark West WestG0236 G0236 FGnds 1 116 l4Sfast 32 100 7 5 5 B 4i 31 M Garner 0 Hiiouec Phclan Paula V 59633 FGnda 1 1S l54fast 85 114 7 7 6 4 4 3 G W Carll 7 LorMoss JOvertou Sparkling 59634 FGnda 1 116 l46faat 7 111 9 8 8 7 4 3 G W Croll 9 Darnay IlloPardner YgAdam 5943S FGnda 1 115 l4Sfast B 112 9 9 9 4 3J 3 G W Carll 9 Verity Zone dArmee Lively 5S324 Jeffson 1 316 200fast T 112 8 8 8 7 6 4s G W Carll 9 AUorMuir LucyKate PGKlnj TRUST OFFICIAL ch g 4 113 113Trainer By Ucelick Princess Industry by Farandole FarandoleV Trainer L Johnson Owner G Knebelkamp Knebelkamp604S2 604S2 FGnds 34 laa imud 10 103 2 55 55C03G7 V Sl A Wilson 10 Vansylvia MMoore Machiavelll Machiavelll8l C03G7 FGnds 34 l13 fast 115107 3 66 8l 6i A Wilson 11 Grayson MayBodine MarseJohn 60192 FGnda Im70y 145 fast 4 106 8 3 3 1 31 54j A Wilson 9 Joaquina Wiilntit Hall Murray Murray5s 60142 FGnda 34114 fast 12 NT 9 66 5s 2S A Wilson 12 Arrowhd Panaman JsUmiGa 59755 FGnda 1 116 l47good 8 103 2 1 1 1 2 4s A Gantner 8 The Wit Day Lilly Marse John 69532 FGnds Im70y l43fast 20 106 3 3 8 5 8 8 J D Mney 8 Veto Sea Cove Padua Padua2l 8396 FGnds 1 116 l47ysfast 8 101 3 3 1 1 2l 31 A Gantner 7 Baladin Wickford Wrecker 59269 Jeff son 34 l14fast 6 107 2 41 61 J D Mney 7 ArchAIexander Tody Matoura 59174 Jeffson S4 l14fast 7 105 4 4 3s B Marielll 8 Tan Son Arrowhead CormorsB 59093 Jeffson 34 114 fast 5 103 4 41 4 B Marlelll 8 Frigate Mavourneen Tan Sen SenBy TROOPER ch g 7 113 113Trainer By Trap Rock Ecstacy by Ben Stroine Stroinef Trainer 7 H Hall Owner 7 H Hall 01 874 Churchill S4 lJ2fast 101 103 6 7 f 65J A Yerrat 8 Clintonville Flags Hadrian 55223 Havana 1 l4Sslow 85 110 3 1 1 1 1E9134 4 1 G N Swart G Accelerate Lads Love Betty J E9134 Havana 1 l39fast 75 111 1 1 1 2 21 4 J N Swart G Sunny Hill Melvin Harlock 59001 Havana 1 116 l50mud 85 109 3 1 1 1 1ES774 I15 1 N Swart 5 Mclvin The Enquirer Whippet ES774 Havana Im50y l42fast 15 104 1 1 1 1 1s 1 N Swart 5 FosEmbry Starkey ChrHolters 58257 Laurel 1 l43fast 59 US 5 5 8 8 8BS127 8 8 ° J Heupel 8 Trantula WBedotte HPardner BS127 Laurel 1 18 l53fast 44 114 5 1 S 4 6 8 J Heupel 8 Commc 01 Br Voter HPardner 57663 Laurel 34 l14Mfast 27 115 11 6 11 101 11 3 J Heupel 12 Cotlmltoost BLights Brgoyne 57435 HdeGe 1 116 149 fast 2910 113 5 1 1 1 1573o9 21 7e C Jacltonll Miss Filley LEnjoleur Ileudrie 573o9 ILdeGe 1 116 l48slow 95 110 4 1 1 1 1 2 F Merlmee 6 SamJay CurEvents TheTrump 57305 HdeGe 1 116 l52ysslop 145 HI 1 2 2 2 2 3 1 F Merimee 7 Chief Scotch Verdict Little E J PENWELL b f 4 108 By Bicl BiclTrainer Welles Penalty by Harathon HarathonScheffel Trainer C E Richards Owner Kohn Theisen 61769 Churchill 78 l 6fast Sf 104 14 146151G 9 7eJ B Scheffel 15 May Bodine Win OUit Troilus 6151G Lexton 1 115 l50mud 10 103 2 2EST61 21 4 H Gray 7 BrMaid MissPperity Nordeck EST61 Lexton 1 116 l47slow 61 1001 768 7685S262 6 4 A Wilson 10 Countess Bond Marse John 5S262 Lexton S4 lU3fast 50 ICG 9 12 12BS175 71 7 3 E Pool 12 GdSvell GipsyQueen Meliora BS175 Churchl 1 116 l46fast 66 104J 311 311ES071 3t Gl H Gray 10 Dantzic M Fontaine Mavehona ES071 Churchl 1 116 147 fast 68 107 10 10 9 71 7J H Gray 12 MarCorpa MFntaine BMald 57622 Latonia 1 116 l52hvy 33 108 3 7 6i 6 H Gray 8 BStone Mavehona GDauglirty 57113 Latonla 1 116 l46 faat 19 107 2 8 6 41 4 M Gamer S EleanorS Dntyl ass MJ Baker 6S18 Latonla 1 115 l4Sslow 10 107 7 6 6 5i 5 E Pool 7 IIGirl Lackawna Tawasntha 56567 Dshire 1 116 l46fast 7 98 1 10 10 McGraw 12 WalkUp SirJVergne FShann 5C502 WinOsor 1 l40fast 43W 94 2 7 8 Gantner S Kirab Kohinoor Franklin RING ROSE ch c 4 113 By Seth Rose Ring by Hippodrome HippodromeTrainer Trainer A T Phillips Owner J Kastorson 61490 Lexton 34 l15mud 59 110 2 4 7 T29 R Harrton S AtieMay ChHenry RapStrHo RapStrHoES262 ES262 Lexton 34 l13fast 3Gf 103 8 99 10l 1012 F Wtiner 12 GdSvcll OipsyQueen Meliora ES175 Churchl 1 116 l48 4fast 225 104 10 7 7 B 51 S B Parke 10 Dantzic MFontaiue Mavehona 67ir77 Churchl 103 10 7 7 6 61 5 R Harton 15 HUItra FosBmbry Glrnnce 57559 Latonia 34 l17hvy 128 107 7 3 4 6 71 R Harton 11 JGoodman Meliora GrdSwell 57079 Latonia 34 113 fast 45 107 8 9 10 10 10 R Harton 11 JSRdou UncleVelo RisgRocfc E6762 Latonla 34 lU5slow 62 112 10 10 10 10 9 R HartonlO Ruby Columbia Tenn Cozetta 5327 Latonla S4 O3fast 7 107 8 5 41 I1 R Hartonl2 Penwell Currency Jacobean 55073 Latonla S41U2fast 37 107 S 9 9 8 6T1 N Barrett 10 Guvnor Cozette JanePnybakei K002 Latonia 34 lOlfaat 31 103 9 76 7 k 7 1 N Barrett 12 GrdSvell Sirocco Honor Man ManBEOWN BEOWN CHECK br g 4 113 By Black Tony Benanet by St Avonicus AvonicusTrainer Trainer R G Bonny Owner A Paletere PaletereC1809 C1809 Churchill 34 115 slow 66 112 7 6 61 5s E Martin 8 GndSwcll TonySue ColTaylor ColTaylor605S1 605S1 FGnds 34 U6hvy 6 105 8 6 G 41 35 E Martin 11 Drummond Roy G Back Bay 60367 FGnds 34 l13fast EO 104 6 2 3 41 S43 E Martin 11 Grayson MayHodine MarseJona MarseJonaESS53 ESS53 Jeff son 1 116 lB5 mud S 102 Left at the post A Gantner 8 JoeJoe WUBnckner Copyrignt CopyrigntES912 ES912 Jeffson Im70y l48slow 7 99 10 10 9 8 S5 551 L McDottlO Conrlis Phelan Magician 58729 Jeffson Im70y l47fast 8 108 4 2 2 3 3 351 J Wallace 8 fialiot Phelan Miss Rankln RanklnES752 ES752 Jefson 51 f l09 fast 10 112 4 1 1 11 2n R Ball 9 JFredrick ArMidton DoraW DoraWEGC37 EGC37 Dshire 34 I16i4mud S 108 6 8 6 4 411 H J Burke 6 Smart Guy Cahalan Orlova 56500 Windsor 34 lllfast 38 102 10 10 10 10 1019 J D MneylO Bulletlroof IxistOne MidntSun 54414 Churchl 34 l12mud 16 107 Left at the pest C Thpson 6 nisllock RapMDay Westwoo3 MASJOBJE McKAY T f 4 U 108 By Judge Wright Cain Chaser by Otis OtisTralnar Tralnar G H Johnson Owner W Eees EeesE5579 E5579 Latonia 34 113 fast SI 96 5 6 6 71 e7 A Wilson 11 Youneed Gip Queen CclTaylcr 65327 Latonia S4 l13fast 22 105 11 10 8 S S J O Willis 12 Ring Rose Penwell Currency 53148 Latonla 34 O3fast 16 106 2 1 2 33 4 1 II Kins 12 MBodine BlkHackle GrKins 54709 Latonia 34 lO3fast 22 106 6 3 4 71 8 H King 12 G Swell Sw Liberty GFranco GFrancoB4343 B4343 Churchl 34 113 fast 6 104 4 4 4 41 4 J McCoy 12 Runnan ItoyalDuck ClTheisen ClTheisenst E4261 Churchl st 15 99 7 5 4 61 5ll J McCoy 15 Lady Rachel Troilus Siiueeler 51393 Churchl 7S l27fast 7f 109 8 6 8 7 4 H J Burkel4 Gorilla Eleanor S Cut Up S1323 Churchl 34 l14fast 145 112 2 3 3 3 6l ° II J BurkelS Cranebird Ionia Eleanor S 50530 Latonla El f lCSfast 65 112 2 8 7 9s 12l H J Burke 12 Cozette Countess Maysrllls 50415 Lexton El f lOS fast 34 US 2 2 1 1 2 H J BurkelO Tasentha MPsperlty Maysla GRAND DADDY ch c 4 M 113 By Everett Miss Paamure by Panmuro PanmuroTrainer Trainer J Amend Owner H C Human 61855 Churchill 1 316 201 hvy 110 114 6 8 8 S11 B Jackson 8 Legal Alex J British Maid 61775 Churchill 1 115 l 67ifast 44 113 6 7 7 7 B Jackson 9 TonyBcau British Slaid Corson 55561 FtErlo Im70y 145 fast 25 110 S 1 1 1 23 3 H J Burke 8 Roseate John Arbor Hucn 55503 FtErie 1 140 fast 4110 1C6 4 2 2 2J 2i M Buxton 8 KgGeorge Gibby DiamondDalo 55373 Hamton 34 l14fast 23 no 2 3 3 21 2l H J Burkel2 Plantoon Wraith Gratian 55301 Hamtn Im70y 151 good 8 115 7 3 3 2 6l 8 3 J H Burkel2 Warcanoe Toreador KgTrojan KgTrojanE5243 E5243 Hamton 34 l15Vifast 76 103 1 5 2 21 2 R Holwayl2 Social Star Vic Munoz Tan Son SonB4S27 B4S27 Dufferin 78 l334fast 10 112J 4 1 J Bell 5 DaintyLady Chow DancIngGirl 54623 Thorncliffe 34 Id4fast S 103 Sl J H Burkell Wabuska Rajah Mollie Barnea BarneaB45S3 B45S3 Thorncilffe 34 ia6hvy 27 110 5 J Burke 8 SomeBaby Bluffer Mol Barnes BarnesE4C9S E4C9S Churchl 7S l26fast 21 103 7 8 8 S 45 4s S McGraw 12 CdleLIght WGMcCltk Virgo Virgo5SS51 5SS51 Lexton 34 116 mud 3 104 5 4 4 6s E S McGrawI2 Hereafter Tom Norris Serbian SerbianLTJGS LTJGS t E 3 103 By Bulse Princess Thorpe by Woolsthorpe WoolsthorpeTrainer Trainer W Buford Owner Hal Price Headley 61809 Churchill 34 115 slow IS 1001 3 7 7 7 G Breuns S GndSwell TonySue ColTaylor 61769 Churchill 7S l2Gfast 32 IOS1 1 S 8 9 J E Barnes 15 May Bodine Win Oldt Troilus TroilusES335 ES335 Lexton 1 Irf2mud 2710 US 3 3BS236 8 6 5 5 5 E Barnea 7 Rckab LadyAstor Evelyn White WhiteES236 ES236 Lexton FC iaOfaat 6 H5 3 357S05 6 S 2J I2 E Barnea 7 Cautious IdaMcGee KvStorlca KvStorlca57S05 57S05 Latonla 34 118 mud 75 117 1 2 2 2 21 E Barnes 9 Moon Winks Spods Tamper 57597 Latonia 1 l39fast 75 1C3 10 7 8 10 8 8sl E Barnes 12 Startle John Finn June Grass 57496 Latonia S4 l13goo l 39 112 3 48 41 4 E Barnes 9 Lord Allen Bernice K Topainat 67424 Latonla S4 mehvy 5 US 3 3 2 21 2 E Barnes 7 Demos Lieut Colonel Boju 5733S Latonla S4 Iil6hvy 31 115 3 1 1 3 3 1 E Barnes 8 Pindar Peel Demos Tulana