Latest Training Gallops, Daily Racing Form, 1922-06-08

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LATEST TEAINING GALLOPS 944 944MONTREAL MONTREAL Quo June 7 Todays train ¬ ing gallops at Blue Bonnets included the fol ¬ lowing lowingBLUE BLUE BONNETS Weather clear track fast ThrcsEichths Mile Mile029Baby 029Baby Grand 35 S37Hickory 37 37927BaBtillo 927BaBtillo SS 942LToyl George 37 37BUtonri BUtonri 42 943Messincs 35 35877Genie 877Genie W 39 924Diadema 50 933Royal Visitor5ii 8 SLazy Lou 49T3 gi Registrar 54 54FiveEighths FiveEighths Hile Bread Line 104 029Hindoostan 103 103913Chow 913Chow 110 903Jewell V I 101 101733Furberow 733Furberow 105 943Star Realm 106 106Three Three Quarters Mils Mils942Bcngore 942Bcngore 123 939PrIsmar 117 117924Eleanor 924Eleanor S 117 899Pamphs 120 120929Little 929Little Ammiel18 903VChainuan 117 = 4 4942Mess 942Mess Kit 117 942Zoie 120 120942Moco 942Moco J1S J1SOna Ona MUo MUo931Hendria 931Hendria 154 154Lloyd Lloyd George showed good speed and looks to be ready Genie W galloped an easy threeeighths Royal Visitor is on the slow side and not quite up to a race yet Lazy Lou showed a good turn of speed and appears to be in her best form Diadema ran well llindoostan showed some of his old time speed and finished with something in re ¬ serve Star Realm ran out and lost much ground on the turn Jewell V D and Breadline worked together and were doing about their best ViceChairman worked evenly all the way with plenty of weight up

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Local Identifier: drf1922060801_10_8
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