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Altont 2 12 Miles 31IenflovbrooU Stccplecliawe Hanillcai PECCAHT ch g I I1rainer By Trap Bock Peccadillo by Hastings 1rainer L Smart Owaer f W 62069 Belmont Ab 2 347 a t S40 1 2 2 I Barrett 10 Neaptide Rol Craig Bullseye 62001 Belmont Ab 2 352 fart 21 1 1 I1 I Barrett 6 Mohican Lytle Gold Foyle G1C81 Pimlico 2 343 fast G 1 1 Ban FoyleBan out I Barrett 11 Sea Tale Ireland Shoal 61445 Pimlico 2 353faat 2J 147 1 1G1S5C 1 1 13 I Barrett 0 Flying Scout Sobrigadc Shoal G1S5C HdcGco Ab 2 4li7 fa3t 2 147 3 3CSC91 1 1 1 I Barrett 7 LcMarsouln Nonns Formintre i CSC91 Pimlico S G03avy 14 145 5 4 1 1BJBOi 1 1 1 I Barrett 5 Lytle Robert Oliver The Trout BJBOi Pimlico 2 14 424 good 21 144 5 J I IK43S 1 2 l I Barrett 8 Shoal The Trout Lytle K43S Pimlico 2 405slop 65 143 6 5 4 S LytleS S50 3 S Bush 6 SSklpper Vigilante BryOLynn 332 Laurel Ab 2 357 fast 2110 145 2 3 2 2 3 3i S Bush G Minata Frank B JimOoffroth 67733 Laurel Ab 2 450 slop 8 142 6 6 4 4E7417 J 1 J S Bush 0 FlygScout LeMarsouin Minata E7417 ItdeGco Ab 2 405ifast 21 110 7 4 1 1TTATTAVTTT 1 1 1 B Bush 7 Perkiomcn Lytle Overmatch OvermatchBy TTATTAVTTT b g 135 135Trainer By Eorrilldon TUhalla by Pcssara Trainer W Garth Owner J S Cosdea 62232 Belmont Ab 2 3 3mud 4 O 2 2S124 2 I1 A Wniims 7 Sea Slclppcr RoyalArch Phoenix S124 Laurel Ab 2 3 3 fast 12 142 C 4 S SLUll 5 5 C3 N Eenndy G Musty Sobrigade Rriganna LUll Anduct Ab 2 417 fast 13 332 4 1 1 2 2i Il B H CTrd 4 Sobrlgade Giintnc Woodruff BULLSEYE br g 5 148 148Trainer By Wrack Sicgle Shot by Star Shoot Trainer W Garth Owner J S Cosden 62178 Belmont Ab 2 347fast 7S 146 3 3 3C20GO 2 2 R H CTd 7 BofBMawr Quecrk Smangha C20GO Belmout Ab 2 SMTrifast 41 1G2 9 0 0G1G13 B 41B R H CTfdtO Nraptide Peccant Roi Craig G1G13 Pimlico 2 353 fast 46 115 2 2 2BS539 Fell R H CTd 7 Earlockcr Sea Tale Uriganna BS539 Pimlico 2J 453 fast 8 153 C 4 6 7 7S2S3 4 4 R H CTrd 10 Fly Scout SeaSkipper Houdlnl S2S3 Laurel Ab 2 354fast 175 143 3 4 6 4 45V513 l k 1 N Kenndy 7 Joyful Pbocnli Lytle LytleJ 5V513 Aqduct Ab 2J 506fast 3 150 4 4 3 J 2 2 = i R H CTrd 4 Swcepmcnt Valspar Decisive 67377 AqUuct Ab 2 4ll fast 35 145 4 4 4 3 3EC562 2 1 R H CTnl 5 Soa Rryn Decisive Valspar EC562 Sartoga Ab 21 517fast 7 140 2 5 9 S SE6149 8 9U N Kenndy 9 RobtOllver Swpmt Smaneha E6149 Sartoga Ab 2 413 4fast 3 147 3 4 3 4 4VIGILANTE 1s I1 R H CTrd 4 CrtHill Soumangha Oandtell OandtellBy VIGILANTE br g 6 133 133Trainer By King James Virgilis by Darobia Trainer J H Lewis Owner J E Widener er 61734 Pimlico 2 14 422V fast 3710 136 1 3 3BS3SO 11 31 D Byers 5 Ireland Phoenix Minata BS3SO Pimlico 21 608 mud 1310 133 4 1 2 2 25S471 Il Il G Smout 4 Minata NewHaven Leilarsoula 5S471 Pimlico 2 358hvy 6 HO 3 5 4 4 4CS43S 3 1 D Byers 12 LtScas Overmatch LeMarsonla CS43S Pimlico 2 4057sslop 3 337 2 1 1 2 2S325 2l 21 D Byers G KSkipper Peccant UryOLynn S325 Laurel Ab 2 357 fast B 145 2 7 7 4 Z 3 D Byers 7 Infidel II Keltit New Haven 57971 Laurel Ab 2 4C3 fast 275 142 2 7 7 7 756CS9 6J C11 D Byers 7 Surf Robert Oliver Le Cyprln 56CS9 Belmont Ab 2 354fast 92C 110 3 3 S S C 31 C Smoot 3 Joyful Lylle 51125 Laurel 1 12 23Gfast 37 102 8 3 2 3 3 3T L Penman 8 Pndun Regreso Napthallna 50483 ILdeGce 2 4OStifast 2010 140 3 2 3 2 2 2s W McClry 0 Griff wood Nonus Infidel II 50223 HdeGco Ab 2 411 fast 5 137 1 1 1 2 1 1 W McClry 6 FullCry FllghtCaptalu Irelaad 50077 HdeGce Ab 2 4247igood3110 134 1 8 2 1 1i 1 W McClry 3 Dorcris Full Cry 19653 Saratoga Ab 2 431fast 7 143 4 4 4 4 4 4 W McClrr 4 KingTerry Surf Queen of tSea tSeaBy EAEXOCKEB b S 0 139 139Trainer By Fair Play Lady Aristocracy by Bainbow Trainer M Brady Owner J E Davis 01031 Pimlico 2 343 fast 7 143 7 6 6 J Pierce 11 Sea Tale Ireland Slioal 01613 Pimlico 2 353 fact 275 139 B B5693S 3 1 1 J Pierce 7 Sea Tale Briganna Quccrcek 5693S Belmont Ab 21 4G3fast 5 151 5 3 4 4E6GC2 4 4 4 W Mahny 5 Hondini Lytle Skibberecn E6GC2 Sar toga Ab 21 517fast 8 155 9 7 75M90 9 0 8 W Mahny 9 RcbtOliver Swpmt Smangn 5M90 Aqduct Ab 21 505fast 115 139 5 2 Lost riderM Mntaln 0 Sweepment Minata Joyful 54940 Belmont Ab 3 55Sfast B 142 4 2 1 11 1 W Mahey 4 Ticket Swecpment Decisive 54649 Belmont Ab 23 451fast 20 lt3J 8 6 2 2 2 W Mahny 8 Swpment Ticket HighldLlsht 5474 Bclmont Ab 2 355 fast 7 146 6 2 2 3 3 W Mahy G Frank Ticket Wisest Fool 54191 Pimlico 2 4Q01 slow 5 142 6 7 4 4 41 W Mahey 8 Itullscye Decisive Syrdnrya 54093 Pimlico 2 358 fast 165 139 2 1 6 2 21 W W Mahey 7 Frank H Joyful Syrdanra LYTLE ch ff 8 140 140Traircr By Leonid Chickadee by Duncombo or Sir llodred llodredan Traircr J Hastings Owner J F Flanagan an Jr 62069 Belmont Ab 2 347fast 8 149 10 10 S M XConrlO Neaptide Peccant Rol Craig G2001 Bolmont Ab 2 352 fast 7 146 4 4 31 31 M OConr 0 Peccant Mohican Gold Foyle ES594 Pimlico 3 609hvy 22 150 3 2 4 3 2s 2 = W Keating 5 Peccant RoberJOIivcr TlieTrout 58339 Pimlico 21 453 fast 4S 140 4 9 8 8 6 5 W KeatinslO Fly Scout ScaSkippor Iloudinl 58304 Pimlico 2 14 424 good 215 133 6 6 5 2 4 41 W Keating 8 Shoal The Trout Peccant CS2S3 Laurel Ab 2 354fast 16 140 4 3 3 6 6 4 W Keating 7 Uullteye Joyful Phoenix 5S203 Laurel Ab 2 357 fast 6 142 7 6 6 6 6 6 W Keating 7 RobertOliver Joyful Frank B 57553 HdeGce Ab 2 4 03fast 2110157 5642 2 21 11 V Keating 7 Overmatch Norms Itedileflt E7417 HdeGco Ab 2 405fast 2 158 5 5 6 5 4s 3s W Keating 7 Peccant Perkioinen Overmatch 67106 Belmont Ab 23 453fast 10 137 7 7 6 5 6 5 W Keating 9 Iloudini Sweepincnt Skibbreen 56938 Belmont Ab 21 4 53fast 1310 137 4421 1 2 2s W Keating 5 Ilomiini Skibbcrocn Karlocksr EC757 Bclmont Ab 2 352fast 65 133 2 2 2 2 2 1 W Keating 3 Frank B Joyful 56689 Belmont Ab 2 354fast 2 143 2 2 2 2 2 2 W Keating 3 Joyful Vigilante VigilanteBy PHOENIX br g 4 4Trainer 135 135E By Garry Herrmann Phoenicia by Troutback Trainer M Brady Owner J E Davis DavisZ G2232 Bclmont Ab 2 353mud Z 132 7 4 4 4 J Pierce 7 Hallavil ScnSkipr Royal Arch 01734 Pimlico 2 14 422fagt 12 134 4 1 21 2 W Mhney 5 Ireland Vigilante Minata 61681 Pimlico 2 349 fast 7 13711 5 4 4J W Mhoneyll Sea Talc Ireland Shoal ShoalLost 61524 Pimlico 2 403slow 95 136 2 Lost riderW Mhey 4 Esquimau TlieTrout It 0 Lynn 61460 Pimlico 1 l297 fast fast5S566 85 115 6 7 63 614 J Pierce 10 Star Jester Ilea SpauisliMaize 5S566 Pimlico Ab 2 403Smud 13 137 1 3 1 1ISO 1 I1 11 W Mahny 4 SobrSgade Briganna Ierkiomca BS452 Pimlico 2409 mud 14 ISO 1 1 1 1ISO 1 IJ 1s W Mahny 4 Kofcrigade Uriganiui KHarlan 58283 Laurel Ab 2 351fast 27 ISO 6 6 6 5 3 3i W Mahny 7 Itullscyc Joyful Lytle 58124 Laurel Ab 2 359 fast 3 137 1 3 4 4 4 4 P Brady 0 Musty Sobrigadc Uriginnn 67867 Laurel Ab 2 359fast 16 130 9 6 6 3 Fell W Mahny 10 Shoal LeftFielder JimCof froth 57767 Laurel lm0y l46fast 43 108 5 4 3 3 3H 31 J Callahan 9 Gallivant NfordsCIioice Rnjah 57377 Aqduct Ab 2 4llfast 95 130 5 5 6 E 6 B W Mahny 6 Hullfieye Sea Bryn Decisive 57266 Aqduct S4 l13fast 20 112 8 8 8 8 8 M Mountn 8 Ruddles CareFren PriuceJamea 54S90 Belmont ll3Sfast 40 115 5 6 6 6 7 7 M Mountn 7 TopSergt CtView TwoFeatn 54754 Eeimont 1 138 fast 10 110 7 7 8 9 12 M Mountnl2 ScotlandYet CtView VRcgal ROBERT EonTrainer OLIVER ch g 11 146 By Fatherless Diamontina by Eon Trainer J W Hoaly Owner J W Hcaly 02001 Belmont Ab 2 352 fast 12 153 C 6 6 5 A Sims 6 Poccant Mohican Lytle 01647 Pimlico 2 14 410fast 2910 152 665 4 W Keating G Wisest Fool Minata Esquimau G1459 Pimlico 2 355fast 4 142 7 5 5 5 R Simpson 8 LcMarson Infiurl 11 Peikinen 8591 Pimlico 3 609hvy 8 157 4 6 6 4 3 3 W Hunt 5 Peccant Lytle The Trout 5S539 Pimlico 21 453 fast 3 145 8 10 10 10 Fell W Hunt 10 Fy Scout SeaSkipper Houuinl 58256 Laurel Ab 2 402trast 3 154 B 3 2 2 3l 3 A Sims G Shonl Formistrcss Le Marsouln 58203 Laurel Ab 2 357 fast 8 148 4 3 3 3 21 1i A Sims 7 Joyful Frank 15 Minata 57971 Laurel Ab 2 403 fast 1710 150 6 3 3 3 2 2i W Hunt 7 Surf Le Cyprin Overmatch 57798 Laurel Ab 21 459 slop 215 139 2 G 9 Ran out W Hunt 9 FiyScout LeMarsoiiia Peccant 67262 Aqduct Ab 2 412 faat 12 150 1 3 3 2 2 1 W Hunt 4 Musty Algardi Decisive Skllibreen5C562 57106 Belmont Ab 2i 453fast 7 147 9 Ran out W Hunt 9 Houdiui Swecpnuut Skllibreen 5C562 SarHoga Ab 21 517fast 41 140 8 8 8 6 31 I1 W Hunt 0 Swcepment Sounianglia Dnblal DnblalKETGD02X KETGD02X PersimmonTrainer II br h 7 M 135 By Haintonon Kings Favour by Persimmon Trainer S P Harlan Owner Greentrea Stable G2178 Belmont Ab 2 347vsfast SI 133 5 7 7 W Bethel 7 PofBMawr Rnllseye Quccreek 67379 Aqduct 1 516 2ll14fast 15 106 3 3 3 2 3 L McAtee 3 Damask Mad Hatter 66779 Belmont 1 116 l44fast 10 108 2 2 2 2 2 L McAtee 2 Had Hatter HatterC1 56399 Saratoga 78 l27hvy 30 126 6 6 6 C1 6 C Kummer 6 SScreen BMcLaughlin Lanlni Bcced in France