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C0NNEAUT LAKE FORM CHART C0NT?EATjT LAKE. Pa.. Tuesday. June 27. 1922. : — Half lUle. Third day. Oaaaeaat Lake Racing Aaaaeiarlaaa sp:in aaaetJag of 9 day. Weather I cloud;-. Preaidiag Jadge, .loeph A. Margery, aaaaciata jadga, O. Othrer. Starter, LbIo:- Deaa. Bajckag set-i r a; v. II. I. Maori e. R dag siurts at 2:30 p. m. Chlcage tiiae 2:S0. j A 9 C O Q ITEST KACE— About 5-8 Mile. Pi:rse I V6aando M_ tyaaraHi and apamri. Otaim-ir.-. Net value to winter $~25; se;oi:.. J60: taird, 25. E jiiiv. Ods. Ind. Ilorvp. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Straight. 02703 ft Ik raw 113 1" C Oanaar 740-B3 82703 li. BcCarty BB 3* T Raa 1370-iM i 82704sMarcht*aa H.7 J«l T Way! BBO-1B 02702 *8kr Adaaaa IB 4 B Wella BB-BB r,20ii Panderoaa 111 :- T WRliaaaa 4340-MB I 32703 Al x Gets 109 G: T huil 254-144 B54 ! i ■ Weeth IB 7 E Hlleeaaa 130-WB dii Bab] Erelya B4 Williams 1180-100 32 atataela pake, Alhena. atraigkt, 30.00 ;• ice, hB5. ; siiow ; H.ittc BcCarty, 5 83 : ■ 373 ■haw; Marcktaaa, ?• fi:» ahaar. Baadraleajt haaklag odd- -Alhena. 740 to 1 K Btrai-ht. UOS to 100 place, BO to 10X -how; Haltie McCarty, 300 ta 108 place, 2W to 100 bow ; March-t ■. e, a .o to 100 -hov7. XiH.e. 1:03. TTack slow. Wlaaei B. T. o h. g, lo. ay star Shoot— Belle of ;: -::da!e, liy .Sir Diaaa drained by S. T. Car; bred ky Mr. John E. Madden. Went to [ro t at 2:43. At no t 2 rninutcs. Start jro d and slow. Wou driving; second and third the s-.ime. Scratched—«iriruitiTe, 111; 2M29 Etella II. . 107. T.9Q9 0 £rCC:iD RACE— Abcut EC Kile. Furac uiocf u 4_. ear.cId3 and aparard. Cl?irn-ir.g. Net valuo to wi_rer 25: second, 0; third. Baa Equiv. Odds. Ind. Horse. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Straight. 4B3BSMalaaUa 110 li F Lux Bt bB fi2040l:tish Isles 113 2* C Jarner 3HJ-100 62503 H.r. Lerch 110 3l 1 WBUaaaa B40-BI C2854Pomei-ene Ba 4" J Groth 3.0-100 62735 San Diego 111 5* E Hileman kfiO-10j C23751 -oombs 110 6« T Rae 491-100 82614Fourleaf lo8 7 T Euel M3B-B8 Baataaki paid, BataaMa, . 38 straisht. B3%38 place, .00 shrrsv; British Is!e , .0U place, 82.03 ■bear; livraee laveh, 33UB3 siiow. Ejuivalent UookinB odds- Alalsolio, 2.50 U 100 straight. 81 to 338 place, 30 to 100 show; British Isles. 10O 3a 108 phiee, 30 to 100 show; Horace Lerch, 90 to 100 show. Tirae, 1:02. Tr?ck slow. Winner — Wendel and Allens eh. c, 7, by Pnper-man Itasia. by Wiakfield tmincd by G. Ethiug-ton; bred by Mr. ner.ry T. Oxnard. Went to post at 3:07. At post 1 minute Start pood and blow. Won driving; second and third the same. Scratched— 12 5S« Celtic Laaa, 108; 62SS7lr. Hall, 110; 027643 Salome, 108. OverweigaU — British Isles, 3 pounds; Pomerene, B; San Diego. 1. cnqofi THIRD RACE — 6 1-2 Furlongs. Purss U4andOU |3W s-year-olda and upward. Claiming. Hot vsine to winner 25; second, 0; third, 5. Erjulv. Odds. Ind. Horse. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Straicht. 62737 Minnie H. 110 V F Lux 290-lO 62800 Rafferty 113 2i J McGlothln 3r«-10" 62736 Kimono 104 31 G Willlarna 290-100 62891* Stir Up 115 4« C Jackson 470-100 62740 Troben 113 5* E Wella 4730-100 62712 Bean Splller 119 4* F Moore 470-100 82543»E1 Cai.itania 107 7 T Wayt 1600 100 32 mutuels paid, Minnie 11. , 37.80 straight, .40 place, 33.40 ahow; Battetty, J5.00 place, 83.20 y al oar; Kha ■ ■. 8280 bbj • . : _ EajaiTalcat aoeklag :!,;•; Minnie H.. lim ba KM , atraigkt, 220 ta BO place, 7i ta 100 sheer; it. f t • rly. 1". 1o 108 Blace, CO to 100 show; Kimono, j; 40 lo 1jO shew. j I Tine. 1:£G,. Track slow. I K, Dvoraks eh. m. 6. by Ilarrjran -T ■ by Bfaadera traiaed by G. BBaSkBrkaa; l bred bj Air. Bearjaaaba A. laaea. ! Weat to poet at :;:::3. At j.ost 1 mi-iute. Start good and abaw. Wou hand;! ; aecead and third J d: i v i t ; . . ! i J Beratrhed- B2884 Catactka, 1 19; *52:-9l Matn-t IJ 1 Ixind. UK; ;u-0i B lefjesd, i!:i. Oeciaaighta Ilafii.iy, 1 poaaB; Kimono, 3; Tro- M hen, 1. • _ ! gOO-QI FGTJETJT RACE— G 1-2 Furlongs. Purs- : ■ ° x ?:C09. 3-yctr-oas and upward. Claim-bag. Net value to winner J225; second, 50: third, l J.25. 1 ! 1 BaaJr. Odds, 1 j I T-.d. nore. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Straij-iit. 02033 *P*areH Taps 108 l« T Wandyt MB BB 02054 Br. Favorite 112 2* F Aloor 443-BB 1 62707 Sea .Mime 113 3 Garner S30-10O , ! 820SO*Zaiaer 117 4 R Bail 3io-ico j I 82834 nalaroaa 112 :,- c Wataaa BB BB II 02780 V. Ciirarette 98 6» W Lux BB Bl j I 28": Alhgarven 110 7 L Gray 343-140 J28 55 Gay Life 111 P. up. H Hil- man 8MB-BB 1 I 1 .-2 mutuels p.iid. Pare w«.B Taaaj, ST. 20 Btrairbt, t« 70 p!ac, -20 abaw; Brawa Parerlte, a.fco i -place, ?::.M show: Bea Jir-ie. jt.oi abaw. i Bqaivaleat h"okir:r otlds Kar-.well Tapa, 208 ta 100 straight. BB lo 100 placa, W to 108 show; Browa [ J Pararite, y." to ion ataee, 38 to 100 show; Seals I Minn-, 100 lo loo abaw. Time. 1:27]L- Tra.k slow. Winner T. Patises h. f. 3, by Patand -Kuhla, kp 8aH Heels or Trcartata trakaed by G. Ptakca; bred b.v Mr. Bpaad K. 1 | t Weal ta pot al 3:20. At post 1 Baaaata. start J I pool aad slow for all but Ailigarven. Won haudiiy; j second and third driving. j ! | Bcratched— 02701 Little Niece. 117; C1993 Magic Caatte, 112. j Uvi rweifriils Sea Mime, 3 pounds; Atbgarven, 3; Cay Life. 1. I 62032 F11"-11 EACE— 6 1-2 Furlongs. Purse f j v m o J and j,.-0 4.year oles ard upward. Claim- I s iisg. Net value to winaer 5 22i; second, 3; third, 5. Esjuiv. OJds. I Ind. Hc.r--e. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Straight. ! 62 765 Don Dodge 113 1*1 G Williams 170-100 53904 :Ienera P. 10C 2J T Buel 20.50-100 • ; C2S56,WiIl Soon 111 Sl C Watson BB-BOll 1 r.285Hl*AI. Hollins BB 44 T Wayt 190 1 »0 6271I*Slery Silver 110 5« T Rae 4G0-1O0 : 62617 aAIajor Domo 113 4 E Hileman 740-100 I mutuels paid, IKm Dodge. J5.40 slrai .ht, 34-28 « place. 20 show, Ix-nora P., .40 place, .00 -show; Will Sooo, .20 show. . E.iniv.ilent booking odds— Don Do lge. 170 to 10 straight, HO to 100 place. 60 to 100 show: I -nora j P.. 324 to lOO place, 100 to 100 show; Will Soon, i 110 to 100 show. Time. 1:26. Track slow. Winner — U. T. Palmers b. e, 7. by Toddineton — , Aliss Oertel, by Hands l trained by C. M„i.hj ; bred by Messrs. Stone and. Bucker. , Went to post at 4:23. At post 1 minute. Start j good and slow for all hut Mar, on Uolhns. Won I e::sily: second nnd tbitd driin r. , Scratched— G2711 Hoover, 117; 627105She Devil, . 109. Overweighta — Lenora P., 4 pounds; Major Djidd, . 1. 62933 SIXTH EACE— 1 Kile. Purse 3300. 4- yeax-olds and upward. CUimins. , Net value to winner 25; second, 0; third, 5. Equir. Odds. Ind. Horse. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Straight. 02761 Baby Cal 108 V F Moore 680-100 1 62858 Al Strauae 115 2» J Groth 150-100 ! 6: ; « 6 C ! ! pi lab : el 4: 4.5 H 10d py bg kg c, »J: 11 li 62856 Tiapidan 112 3- T TVilliams 240 100 I C267i«W. Arrow 112 44 E Hileman 460-100 62675»Afidlan 106 , B* T Wayt 10SO-100 31858 Supermaid 113 4 E Weils 3020-100 S2 mutuels paid. Bahg Cal. 5.60 straicht, .50 Plaea, 32.80 show: Al Strr.uss, .90 place, 60 ahaar; Rapadaa. . so abaw. Equivalent booking o lds--Baby Cal. 6S0 to 10O stniight, 7.5 to 100 place. SO to 100 ahow: Al Slrjust;. ; ; to 100 place, 30 to 100 show; liapidan, 40 to slow. Time. lAVi. Track slow. Winner -A. Fechri;:eirs b. g, 9, by Durante -Pepita, by Baaaear trakaad by J. BcCJaaan; bred I I Mr. p. a. Pas ay the. Went to post at 4 47. At post 1 minute. Slart good .ind slow. Wou easily; second and third dririag. Bcratched 12S92 W.:r Club. 115; C2767-Wi; Haaipbrey, 112; fi2Su«; Miss Orb, 103; C2G42 Widaa. 112.