5th Race [5th Latonia, Daily Racing Form, 1922-06-28

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» d 11 | j a • "r r , u JJ ,n I M t , J ,. I I , j " : ; J ; ! J 19 , ■ sr ;t 3 is lb el ik . 1 f" . y : j "° ] , it I ; rl j ; [ I , . | I • j A 1 ! or , et I I 1 ce ; e 1 c* 1 ** S« ! ] ad riU DA PC 5 1-2 FanraaaaanB. Che.iter Iarl-; Pnrse. 2-year-ohla. AUvnaatM. Jill nMUC Jane 7, 1MJB 1 :05 2-5 :i y;L CERTAIN, b. c, 2 111 By TJltimus— Lady Satroy. by Morion. Trainer, W. Bnford. Owner, F. Johnson. 62H33 ltocta 3-4 l:U%Caat 17 us 1 1 3* 5T1 w w Tlorio Danaaa, Dust newer, Ilent L. 627.12 latonia 51 t l:07«ifast 8 112 S 1 11 2 V W Tlor .". Dianili 1. Bkeeaiz, Metric 62662 L:itonia 5-8 1:01 fast 11 117 3 2 3* 1» VV W Tlor T Cherokee. Banter, Actuary 62103 Belmont 4i f st 521;last 2o 113 2 1 1»§ It L Lyke r, Praras, Donshoregan, BriUianea 61903 .Jamaica 5-8 1 «i fast 9 10 115 4 1 l2 ll L Lyke B Pravus, Boaeate II.. Cape Cleat 61828 Jamaica 5-8 1 :ul mud S-5 115 5 1 l 27 C Fn*tber 7 B.Lanier, BoaeatelL. Clinkerlaa 6176a .lamaica t-t l t%laat 7-4 116 1 1 1* 2» C F*bthrr 8 BJSebnr. Kaaaan, MarielTonDM 61470 Leston 1-2 frUtaat ll 1H12 1 1 lf» W W Thulo rri;:ceK., GoHLApnle, Baat.BeBa 61142 Lexton 1-2 48ijjcod 41 1121 4 3 4» 1« W M Tlorll Mt. Rose. Caster Bells, rteneaa TDisqualified. VXirNIE, b. c. 2 103 By Colonel Vennie — Princess Kathleen, by Sain. Trainer, B, Goose. Owner, J. Livingston. 62C98 Itr nia B f l:«7fast »i !•» S 4 3 V B Kenn.Iy 9 Hopeless. Ihl IlllIT ill I.TtBaWI 62319 Betancnt ft f at SSHfaat « i!5 1 3 4! 4i i. McAtee 7 Berk, AdTcntnreaa, Buster T1813 Jamaica MlMKnod 7 10 112 4 11 1JL McAtee S JoBy8*ior, LyMonmtb, S.Crovr 61783 Jaaaaiea 5 s l: a%Caat 1 107 2 2 2» 21 L McAtee B Bae, JoUySailor, SophiaGoahnaa 61746 Jamaica 5-8 MTLfnat 4 115 4 2 31 4*1 L McAtee 5 L.Granite, BiahCkieC. Beaaeatck SE2IT L., ch. g, 2 1CS By Zous— Hoila, by Honry of Navarre. Tra-.ncr. T. F. Eorraran. O-wner. M. Keiley. 62833 Latonia 2-4 lJT%fnat 44 US M M sj F .1 Bennaj IB Doacea, DnatFlower, TaylorBay 62725 latonia B f l:07r.faat 4i M 7 7 t F D Conntry 7 Fair Alice, Firat TTard, Leslie 62603 latonia 51 t IsBBUnat 24 nolo 8 q 2 D Conniiy? Tokihhne, Dearie, Paaaa 6*»400 Lctor.ia 6-t 141%taat 14 112 S I 3 F 1 Conniiy 8 I.osiie, Ten Sixty, Dearie 622S8 latonia 44 f 55 fast 7 115 6 6 V 4-J W W Tlor 7 11, li". Melon. B. Bearer, M.Caml 621B4 Churcliill t-B ajBMfcfnat 6 11210 5 F| V W W Tlor B Bkeearz. ianiter, »!. WbaUea 62079 Churchill 41 f tfnataw 15 ill 6 I W 4i H .1 Bane » Panoye. Hnrhea Graham, Certe 6190S Churelull 41 f 54,-fast 22 Hi 8 8 6» 674 A Johnson S rail Bpeoa, An. Tod, IL Grahaai 61870 Churchill 41 f 54sfa3t 3 115 11 11 11 n i .1 Zoeller 11 Beiaanht, Metric, TreeAaaerieaa 6IS10 ChurchiU 1-3 BTlMii W 11 115 « 5 41 F A Johnson 11 Beaa I... Athlete Taylor lh-.y M65S lexton 4s f 56 mud 42 104 t 8 6i 5* E Roehtn S Ail. Vernor. Ptoye. Mlaa !aite 61.586 Lexton 41 f 55*tfL .t o 115 U 10 Wilt1* H King 12 Bopeiesa, Beaa I... Stone Ace BUSS Lexton 41 t 57*-,hvy 13 110 « 8 6« 6-: II Gray 0 .Shamrock, Prince K., Mt. Lose 61191 Lexton 41 f 6t%nuad 31 115 5 5 41 Mil Cray 9 Larcaait, Healo. SboveroCGeM DOCTOR GLE1TH, ch. c, 2 IC3 By Dick Welles — Floral Day, by Nasturtium. Trainar. L. V. Belles. Opener, Glenn Be L"ffon. 62833 Latonia 3-4 l:B%faat "0 115 I * F t*l J H BarkftlO Dengea, Bust 11 ■ .:-. Real L. BS74B Latonia 51 f lB%faat 19-5 112 I 2 21 ll A Wilson 10 Kingarlere, Donegal, C26;!3 l_-itr,nia 6-t 1 .01 Caat 17-10 lit 2 1 1" B K Martin 8 Baa. Bearer, Kingsclere, Wida 61976 Churchill 4J f Kt%faat 12 117 5 4 7" 6T A "ii-MM 12 Trioznph, I E.OSnlTa, J.B act C1746 Chtri.hiU 41 f ttlfczaat 31-10 109 3 1 l" 3» a BTBaon 7 I. K.oSiiin. Sc.Bnsler, Lehmm SXEEZIX, b. e, 2 1C3 Ey Sweep — Ilarjaret T., by Ssir.proaius. T.-ainjr. C. C. Van Koter. Oicncr, T. J. Keiley. 62752 Latonia R t l.o-.fust 41-1 M 5 4 31 3-1 B Kenndy •" Deatea, Certain Uetrle 62637 LatonU 6-8 l:4t%faat 11 104 4 3 l2 1 B Kenndy 7 Pan.Gorda. EdPendletaa, J.Hay .-.: 9C Latonia B C 51 Caat 41 ill 7 6 3 3T B Kenndj 9 Hopeleea, HogbesGliaai, Blderea 62184 Churxhill 6-t 14t%faat 3-5 lis 3 1 1« 1* B Kenn.Iy S Keal I... Jupiter, 1 ,1. Vi.ii,:i 62134 Churchill 41 f 54 fast 9 114 7 6 4 3* B K m.dy 7 llu.u -siChani, OldTop, KoidSoi4 FAIR ALICE, b. f, 2 105 By Liiko McLuka—Farsst L.-.dy. by Kis Hajaaty. Trainer, G. H. Keece. Owner, J. O. and G. BT. Keeaa.. BSTSC Latonia 51 f 1 :07*ifaat 13 106 3 3 U V B Kenn.Iy 7 First Ward, Kent L. Leslie METRIC, br. c. 2 108 By Short Grans — Star Maid, by Star Slioot. Trainer, J. L Smith. Owner, H. H. Hewitt. 62752 Latonia 51 f l:B7%faat M M8 1 I 4* 4*| D ConnIl 5 Donaea, Certain, Bkeeaix C22I2 churxhill 5-8 laM%Caat 11-5 115 1 l li I- D Coanlly 8 Toy! r u.:y. Wida, Tender B. M 62161 CbnrchUl 5-3 l:00%faat 16 112 4 5 5i 61 D ConnUy 9 Dengea, Dream Maker, Prince .;. 61870 Churchill 45 f 64aXaat 27 115 7 6 F F l Connilyll Beisoni, TraeAawrieaa, Calada LA ORB. ch. c, 2 M 10G By Orb — La Luz, by Liober Karl. Trainer, S. Berry. Owuer, I. E. Clark. 62633 latonia 5-8 1:01 fast 81 1.5 t 5 51 50 R Harton S B.Bearer, Dee. Glenn. KgaCMaa C2436 Latonia 5-S l.OlV-tast 43 115 4 I 41 41U B ii:rton 7 L.:.,i.:i. AtStebler, Actaary ;",298 Ij.tcr.ia 41 f 55 fast 50 115 4 4 4" 5T1 It Harton 7 BdP*dleton, B.Bearer, M.C.-.rrel 61S70 Churchill 41 f .".ifast 329 115 10 10 hJJ 11-* B Jackson 11 Belsoui, Metric, True American Fh-rt start for the following: GADFLY, b. f, 2 fJE 103 By Chicle — Gadiola, by Cylad, .Trainer, M, Goldblatt. Owner, H. P. V.rhitney. LATHROP, b, c, 2 M 105 By Dick Fianeli — Poky OH-ley, by CharIC3 Cllal- Trainer, E. Trotter. Owner, Florisiiit Stabla. loy.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1922062801/drf1922062801_5_2
Local Identifier: drf1922062801_5_2
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800