untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1922-06-28


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IE S 1 J | ; III j i r AJTTf 1 r V M— MMMM ■ -~--"—— XlIJliUillLi i».u.aji,.Tgswswgj» i-aaaaaai £ I 0.00 ] HORSES INFORMATION j 35.00 Iff I ?er Week | J# UA YNES LLJ I **7 W. 42d St., New York City.N.Y. YESTERDAY S 0NS AND ONLY H0SSE Ground -Swell .60- Won | TUESDAY" S ONE AND ONLY H0ESE | Miss Meise .60- Won 1 AT LATONIA TODAY | AT I.ATONIA A big surprise horse for you that from what I know will win and pay I at least ». M to .00 today. t UNDERSTAND, MR. PLAYKR. that my information is strictly HORSBMEN8 information. No guesswork or tips. 0.00 FOR SIX DAYS WINNINGS DAYS 0.00 j DONT WORRY ABOUT V/l NNERS— FOLLOW HAYNES EVERY DAY. v Wire .00 for todays horse or 0.00 for Six Days. £ -.,,.., .,-1, -_ ,.,._ ,,... . .__ , is, s d I i I j r i in n; to O I r i ti j T"m A XT DTnrV*fTt FREE COOES, "CLOCKERS SPECIALS, " BEST RAILKIK1Jand BETS ETC ■*■»•*■ Ja.*.a-I*L» A. A. %a~T K*r Soid on all jfe-vsstaads. 25c week "MR. PLAYER" — You have a chance to "CLEAN UP" TODAY. We l.ava a horse goin? in the raoe at LATONIA that has been kor,t "UNDER COVER" lor this ra.ee today by a "SHREWD" trainer. This is the same crowd that won last week with JOHN S. REARDON. and this was our CLOCK-ERS Book Special. This one they have today ihey claim sliould easily pay S*J» POM hB IIKT as very few will know anything about him. Thii is about the 3EST THING wa have handed for a long; time aiid we are so confident of this one winning TODAY at a Mg rrit;o that we will 6vo you A WMMMLa IfS --nt ASIOS A I.S" riBI You may as woll "aTJIT PLAYING TM" U you let thU osm "lip by you today. YOU cant BEAT THIS GAME if you dont e«t the -RIGHT KIND OF INFO." and *e liavc proven to YOU that WE GET THE RIGHT "INFO." Our la.;t Occasional was Saturday, ivvkis w n . Tanf. *s.s:o--j PLACE If you will read the CHART you will see where it ays that PARIS MAID should have WON EASILY. as she was KNOCKED ABOUT, and this spoiled her chances and still rho ran second, showing YOU that WE HAD THE "RIGHT ONE." VOL CAM Wl. fSM TODAY with a 0 straig-ht play on this ons today, so RUSH to your nevrr.dealer a::d get "RAILBIRDS OCCASIONAL" and read on the sheet "HOW TO PLAY THIS ONE." etc. Hurry before your newsdealer sells out, and if he is sold out, tp to nearest telegraph offl.ee and WIRE us , with name and address, and you will hear from us in half an hour. Send the to BAILBIRDS PUB. CO.. £0 W. Jackson Blvd.. Chicago, 111. TODAYS FREE CODE: Latonia-BIack-29-41. PLAY WIN ONLY. Last FREE CODE was REGENT QUEEN. Won, .70. :This U on our 25c. book. j ! i ; I n. j 700 95 50 I j ! 685 690 90 ; ; *0 ; =0 | ! I . 700 .695 ».- ; g 85 2 580 ; .680 80 «• 725 **" .720 715 .715 .710 l2 .705 Margaret Winsori *;2.40-* - Won Better filly than she has shown aught to cop a purse soon at a big price three -quarters or over. ! This is what we said about thi3 long shot in this , weeks book. lAshland 7.50- Won was a-other long shot given as one of cur Best Bets on the middle page. We give fewer horses and more winners than any other pahHoatiaa, and only hare to get one book to get WINNERS. The ! others might just as well ha::d you tho entries. Whiskaway ... 1.10- Won and a loser were last Saturdays .00 XX Specials Doat mis3 next Saturdays TWO LIVE ONES ALL THEY COST IS .00. Todays Form Soecial: April-Pear-20-77-22-16. aaaaaMMHMMrMMMMMBiaMaMw ~~~~~*B*m?WFmandtllWand,lKmW9Gla,QP*% 403. 22 West Ouincy Street, CHICAGO, ILL. 705 aa .725 s 715 111 705 r05 .705 05 700 ,00 r, 2 i LT- 715 -!- ! ll0i ;05 700 Racing Patrons Read Carefully While at the track at Latonia one morning re-riO cently I saw one of the most sensational work-outs ! I have seen in some time by a horse that has ! shown nothing in recent races. This horse goes j next week and will be placed in a soft spot and a good rider will ride and I want a few reliable | bettors who will bet 0 straight for me to wire j or write at once, so as to receive code try which horse will be sent. To those who received my last I horse I will send code at once. My record as a I successful jockey, owner and trainer is my refer-!,„ ! ence. EX-JOCKEY TED KOERNER ! Apartment 4 Liberal Building Eighth and John Streets Cincinnati. Ohia S .715 -T- ;iJj .TM 70.-, 705 05 "• 7*5 «■• THE HOME STRETCH WEEKLY PUBLISHED AT SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. PRICE 15 CENTS. SIX WEEKS TRIAL SUBSCRIPTION . TODAYS CODE: Rel-Forty-one-Sixteen-Forty-six-Fifty-nine FOR SALE AT ALL NEWS DEALERS. HOME OFFICE. 625-627 PHELAN BUILDING, SAN FRANCISCO. CAL. iid .710 jj 710 .710 710 705 705 705 70."i .700« 700OJand — THE TURF REPORTER OLDEST PUBLICATION IN EXISTEHCE Heres the Best. Costs no more than the r»»t. Only 35 cents at all newsstands. WEDNESDAYS SPE- CIAL: Forward-Wednesday-You-To-To-Pan. W. ftuincy St. Estab. 1SC4. Chicago, I1L JACK FIELD THE MAN WHO CAN MAKE YOU WIN. Only One Horse a Day Given. PRICE .00. AUK VOL V I.OSLIt, MIL IM.AYLIII If you arv, then let me put you aa the WINNING ROAD, :is 1 am loins to hundreds of my followers. Voa must have the ritht kind of INFORMATION if you want to beat cm. My expel iaaca on the tuif for the pat fifteea years as OWNR and TRAIN-■R atoeaa BM in I position to furnish you with the Iwst of information. MT IKPOKMATIOH IS WORTH 00 A DAY If you knew from where I get my Daily One Hoi-se every tlay. "U WlM t« williiiK to pay IH for it, as you couldnt iniy it yourself for less than 00. Now. isut tiiis ereeth to you every day, w rhea you know you are getting such VALUAlLIC INFORMATION as this? 00 Free Special Today AND THIS ONLY COSTS YOU in the race at "LATON L," and you nerer will forgive yourself IK you miss this one 4.1 iTC MM1 NOTICE JACK FIELD Speelal sold every-whert- Daily. You can have it either MAII.KD or MLMBMAPMM0 to you for 1922.sh week. Send to J. FIELD 20 W. JACKSON STREET CHICAGO. ELL. LONG SHOT BRENNAN THE METROPOLITAN TURF WIZARD. RACING PATRONS READ THIS OFFER Starting SATURDAY, JULY 1. I will send you by wire e?ery morninjr for the remaining eight days of the Latonia race meeting two live horses that will win FOR TEN DOLLARS My reputation for honesty and reliability is unquestionable. My 25 years as handicapper and expert docker is my reference. If interested, send me ten dollars to this address to reach me no later than Friday. L. S. BRENNAN Care of Henry Straus* Cigar Stand in the HAVLIN HOTEL CINCINNATI, OHIO NOTE — Send your correct address when writing. 100 PER CENT HANDICAP COPYRIGHTED. Figure your own horses. 100 Per Cent Handicap will give a percentage that wiU startle yon and enable you to make two or three plays a day, or the entire card. No tips; yen figure your own winners. Reliable, consistent, successful. L. R PATTEN, Look Box La Salle, N. T. FOR REAL INFORMATION get the THOROUGHBRED. Only 35 cents everywhere Racing Form is sold. TODAYS BEST: No. 215. THE AMERICAN THOROUGHBRED Baltimore Bldg. Estab. 1907. Chicago, I1L

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1922062801/drf1922062801_12_5
Local Identifier: drf1922062801_12_5
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800