Latonia Form Chart, Daily Racing Form, 1922-06-28


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e? *T an not n- rt te of fi- ed BO so a a pel ° the 1 us rp ■*■ on on 60 LATCNIA FORM CHART LATONIA, KT., TUESDAY, JUNE £7. 1982. — Iitoni.i 1 mile. Nineteenth day. Kentucky Jockey Club. Spring Meeting of 29 days. Weather clear; tcmpeiature £0". Stewards. Charles V. Price, S. C. Nuckols, Jr., A. G. Leonard and C. W. Hay. Judges, W. H. Shelley, N. H. McClelland and J. S. Wallace. Starter, A. R. Dade. Rating Secretary, W. 11. Shelley. ____ __— Racing starts at 2:00 p. m. Chicago time 2:00 p. m. W indicates whip, S spurs, B blinkers. Flg-f I ores hi parentheses following the distance of each race indicate date, track record, Ege of horse aad i weight carried. •Indicates apprentice allowance, ....._. . . _ 1 1 — — __ __m QSPCbflP* FIRST RACE— 3-4 Kile. June 7, 1921— 1:18% — 6 — 110. Parss ,300. 2-year-olds aad i £p«jrtjF 4 upv.aid. Claiming. Net value to winner ,000; second, 09; third, 00. I — Iudei Horses AWtPPSt % % % Str Fin Jockeys Owners RjuIt. Odds Strt 6S750*GROtTND SWELL wn i 99 C 1 21! 2s 1" l1 J Owens R McGarvey 380-100 62865 GRAYSON w 7 109 5 8 6" 31 21 2= A Wilson G Drumhellcr 835-100 68e03»*DORi w 4 99 7 6 41 41 4 3» W Pool G J Long 1S6O-100 C2812 PL.ANTOON wb 4 101 4 2 P 11 21 ds L Penman Cain and Sanford 2600-100 624S0 CA8TLEREAOH w 4 109 S 3 3" 51 11 £» J Heupel D Ihan 995-WO C2747* ARROWHEAD w 5 134 11 4 P P 6 6s C Ralls M Shields 285-100 C233S TWINKLE BLUE W € MS 8 • 7 Vi 7» 7» E Martin Chandler Stable O50-M0 58195*LOCT LEAVES wb 5 99 10 9 10 8l S» 8« R Scheffel W F Knebelkarms t4S10-100 62782 MAHONT wa 5 1C9 2 10 9* 9« 9s 91 E Pool Florisant Stable 325-100 62812 SK1LES KNOB w 10 110 3 7 8* 10* 10* 101 R Har*ton W Feuchter 16530-1« 53404 MAYROSE w 5 104 1 11 11 11 11 11 G Fields T E Mueller t tUutuel field. Time, £3%, 4.7%, 1:12%. Track fast. mntuel* p.iid. Ground Swell, . CO straight. .20 [ 1 ;ce, .70 show; Cray on. .00 place. .70 show; Doric, .30 show. — Equivalent booking odd*— Cround-Swoll, 3S0 to ltd straight, 160 to 100 place, S3 to 100 show; Gray- H son, 308 to 100 place, 135 to 100 show; Doric MB to luo riMr, Winner— Th. m. by Whisk Broom II. Bai I wall a. by Laureate or lifford train H by It. McGarvey; _ bred by Mr. John Snnford. Went to post fit 2:00. At post 2 minutes. Start good find slow. Won easily; second and third driving. GROUND-SWELL began fast and followed PLANTOON closely to the stretch, then raced into the M lead in the last sixteenth and won gasag iwiy. GRAYSON was hard lHa a from the start, saved gronnd Sl when coming into the stretch and finished with a rusli. DORIC finished gamely after closing a gap. _ PLANTOON set a fast ace, but tired in the last eighth. 0AM 1 1 ■■ ■ I fill rated well and finished OM u; . MAiiONY was always far back. n, Scratch.,! «.:S71 Louis A.. 107; d3*d8May Bodinc, 109; 02MS5 Pyx, 109; 62S36 Gem, 109; 0-634 Trooper, 109; 012 Lristow, 110; gdhEStOpalrat, 9.. w Overweights Twinkle Blue, 2 r.ounds; Skiles Knob, 1. = — ===== - - j sQfJOaQ SLCOI-iD RACE— 5 1-2 rilaaga fH— 7- 1903— l:C5=i— 3— S3. Purse ,400. 2-year- "* 5tJVrO sssdasaa, Colts and Geldings. Special Wasesda. Net value to winner ,100; - secoid, 03; thiid, 00. * ludex Horn-a AWlPFSt % *, Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt ■ i2 62333 IN MEMORIAM w 112 7 3 2* Pi 2* 1» F Wilson C Woidemann 1770-100 C2748-KiN.;S!T.K!lK w U2 S 2 l1 lJ 1" 2* J Heupel OaBaWc Rroa 200-100 u PRINCE Til Til w 112 2 5 3* P 31 fa L Penman H P Whitney MMM 62831 DONEGAL wit 113 5 6 7* P 5* 41 W W Tlor J Livingston 7S.-100 SS74S CHITTAGONG W 112 10 8 C 6 6"* 5s B Kenndy IOIQB Keen* 177r»-l X 62831 TORICK w 112 11 4" 41 41 fi4 A Wilson CI L Blackford MMM 61623 EVERHART w US I 4 S* 7* 7s 7« ■ Martin .1 M Goode BBVMd «28312LICKY RUM W 112 9 9 10« Q S:J 8" D Connelly II H Hewitt fcMt-MI C2718 rOl.lTM w llli 2 11 11 11 91 91 H LsaaaTd Monlfort Jones flMMM EDDIE JR. w 112 4 10 9» lo» 10* 10» G fields ■ J Wall t _ MR BECK W3 112 U 7 5* 9 11 11 E Pool G F Baker 52SO-100 tM:itu;d kid. Time, 23"b, 47i. l:C0"i. 1:07%. Track fast. Mtaels paid. In Memoriam. 7.40 straight. 59 GO place, J.-..30 show; Kingsrlere, .50 place, 50 sl.ow; Prsace Tii Tii. ELM show. ■ ■qaivsleat b sktag sids Is llfllsas 177. Is 100 straight. 3H0 to 100 place, 105 to 100 show; a Kiugseb n, 7a to 100 ■! ice, 3d to 100 show; Klagsrlrre. !0 to ltd show. ■ TTIsnrr :-.. r. by llrflrr Enrhsa tiros II., by Collar trained by G. Land; Iwed by Mr. P. T. Chinn. ■ Went to pes! it J::U. At past 2 minutes. Start nvwl a:i.l slsw. Won ensly; second and tliird driving. IN MKMORIAM. racinc Isrwardly fnri the -tart sad SSSwIsf .-n.-i!en jtnprovenient. came fast after - rsacsdac Ike -t - •: . h sad, passlag KUJOSC1 BBS hi the last ebjbth, won coins away. KING8CLKRR be- Kin well and showed line s;-eed in |ISf — SbltiC bat tired when the winner chsUensed. 1RINtK Til Til ran well. I.i.f he 1 tS he ridden hard in the streteh and ju:"t lasted to hold third place. DOMsWAL came •rttfe a nih rl«ht at the end and would hive been third iu auolher stride. THITAGONG, while racing wije on the en., rui a sood ra "e. ■etmtehed 62633 I.a Orb. 112. C I.e.-.v..,- , Polite, 2% l-ourels: DSSJBCSi, 1. £ COA?1 THOM P-ACE— 1 Mile and 70 Yard-. Nov. 3. 1917— 1:41 i— 3—126. Purse ,400, OniOlrcJ ii-year-olds. Claiminjr. Net vaioe to winner ,100; second. C0: third. 00. Index Horses AWtPISt Vi Vi % Mr Kin Jockeys Owners skjsJv. Ofdsl sWr*l f St7M*GEORGETTE » 100 S J C 6 fi 4 1" J Owens D W Scott 570-100 C272RS; Ai S wit 110 a S 4s 2"* I* 1 21 B Kenndy D Ihan laa-100 St7M*TUt.ANE wn 110 2 S 2 Zh 3» 2» 3"k J Hevjpd Csllsfcsr Bros 420-100 ; «SSSt*BII !.V STR w Mi 14 1 lh i* 31 !* W Iool Montfort Jones 2GO-100 KSM t * V8HL -ND wp. 110 4 8 51 5 51 P 5 G Bre*nlas C Weidemann aK-lN . 627 JC RIB GRASS wb 104 3 13 4J 4 6 6 I. Short Grass SUible 3000-100 f Time. 2G*4. 47%. 1:13%. 1:40%, 1:14%. Track fat. t S2 BNrtaels paid, OlWU IK . 3.40 Stralsht, Jtl.SO place. .00 show; Spats, .60 place, .00 show; j Tulane. .30 show. J stpslisll si IH.kinj adds— Gearxette. -".70 »o TOO straight. 240 to 100 place, 130 to 100 show; S 1 rats, ISO la lad ;":•■• i.i to um shaw; Tataae. no to i* h »w. Winner !i. f. by lae Manager-Jsalaa, by The Scribe trained by J. MePherson; bred by Mr. T. J. lay Went tii post St 1 n. At out 2 Bliaates. Strtrt cood and slow. Won irieiac; seeond and tliird the sasse. GKORGETTK man badly satras Is the last tarn, tut cnm» with a rash threats, the stretch and pat ap Is srin is the last rew strides. BPATB reed into th- lead after paiac ■ bast mile and app-ared the winner is the !;:t rifhth, Imt Ured sear the end. T1T.ANK ran weil and tinished gamely. HIIJ.V SiAU Sri 1 test early pace, but n-tir.d after gnins IhllW sasilllS ASHI.ANO bad no uii-shaps and , deished • .o *■ ni». itii: GRAEH ran a paad three -oaarters. Orerweicnti Rib Grass, 1 pemd. , fb IWIBI KACE— 3-4 Mile. June 7. 1021— 1:10%— 6— 110. Miami Valley Purse. Purse ] GCfeS t/IJ M.SOa. 3-year-olds. Fdlies. Al.ovrs,nces. 17et value to winner ,150; second, 25; thiid, 25. Index Horaeg AWtPPSttt V4 !4 Str Fin Jockeys Owners EqnlT. Odds Strt ttVM*htARG*T WINSOR «1M 3 5 5 4» 2» 1» J Hsopal D Indian 2070 100 COTTMlJEANNE BOWDRE w 112 1 2 l| 1- 1| 2» i Penman J O and Q II Keejis 220-100 , 62830 I NAUGHTY NI8BA w 103 5 3 3J S« 3* 3s W Pool D Hrvckinridge 70f,-l00 ••#•7* MARTHA PAULON W 112 4 1 2i 2J 4« 4« E Pool J Livingston lOf.-lnO 62785M.ADV MOTHER wii 10T 2 4 4- i 5 5 B Kenndy F J Kelley 1000-1CO Time, 23%, 47%. 1:13. Track fast. sastaels paid. MargarH Winsor. 3.40 str:ii;;it. 2.10 place, $ ..30 slow; Jeanne Bowdre, .50 place, 12.70 shew; Mang-hty Nhrita, S3. 70 fcfcaar. ■oalrsleat boakiag odds- Margaret Ifiaaar, SV70 ts Iff straight, SOS to 100 place, 215 to 100 show; taassse Bawdre, 70 ts IM place, :..". h 100 shaw; Kaagbty Nisaa, 85 ts 100 sheer. vvir.-K ,- -Br f. by Hasa--Braaaewiag, by Stalwart traiaed by l». l-han; bred by Mr. Dan T,ehan. W "it tn post at :;:::." . At post 1 Sllsatf . Start geed ssd slow. Won handily; seessd :ind third drir-lnc MARGARET WIN8OR was sadly oatascrd in the early ninuin?. Imt moved up rapidly after reach- J j lag the Stretch and. tluishing gamely. t"- k the lead ia the last : ixteenth and won troin away. JKANNK BOWDRE rushed tats I gsed had at once Bad s.-t a [sat early pace, but begas. tiring in tbe last .ix-teaath. KAFGIITT NI8BA was twenriag 3fter raaadiag into the stretch, but linislied well. MARTHA FAId.i. raa ■ Cast half and ISsTrrrd whes NAUGHTY NISKA swerved, but ran l tdow her true form. -g FIFTH ACF — 1 1-3 fcTiles. June 20, 1911 — 1:50% — 3 — 105. Grandin Road Claiming GQj-j dai *J -1- -a- fftaiHiray Puree ,700. 3-ycar-olds ami upward. Net vaJue to winner 31,300; second. IZbO: thiid. C0. Horses AWtPPStVi % % Str Fin Jockeys Owners friutr. Odds Strt I •ZSISBAIGXEUR w 6 105 i 3 34 31 2i I1 1« J Owens F Gering Jr 1301 IM Stt tS,8AND- OF P*DREwa t 113 2 4 44 41 3i 3i 2 » F Wilson J M Goode 210-100 StStS BLARNY STONE W 4 101 G 5 5* 5« 4" 2» 2* I. Penman Reiser Pros ltw-ljO ;2814 1..ADY ASTOB w 3 9o 4 1 2" 2» .,- 4J I B Scheffel W K Knebelkamp 5S0-1O0 •SS14 CHACOL "i WS 1102 1 2 V V 1J 5 f.5 G Fields lla.1 Price Headley and 100 62C01 BTHERLT LOVE vilM i I i 6 6 6 6 D Connelly J MePhataaa 142V100 I Time. 25. 43%. 1:1*%, 1:41%. 1:15. T-.-iwls muddy. J2 mataela paid. Bafaraear, Ji-i;.:.ti straight, 0.70 place, .70 siiow; Sands of Pleasure, .70 place, .!.! show: Illarney Stoae, .;!0 sho.v. Bqol leg add* Baigaear, 1305 ts 100 straight, CSS to 100 place, 85 to 100 show; Sands of f Pleasare, I ;-" 1 1 1 ;" 1 lace, 3d ts ! • shaw; Blaraey Stone, 19 to loo shaw. Winner -B. h, ! .• ■ Sardaaapale— Bala de Her, by flsToa trained by V. Qeriag, Sr. ; bred in France by r Bares It. I • :-1 hw hildl. Wnt !o i mi l i:i. At past - minutes. Srart gasd and slaw. We.n easily; second and third driv-i-i7. BAIGNEPlt m 1 ap faal sftor goiag three-qaariers and. rsciag lata the lead in the strvtch, won galag away. SA.".IS 0¥ PLEASCBE was restrained uutil la the. l; t eighth, where he rushed into the - lil. bat tired so lesly and was lucky .i be seroad. BLARNEY STONE ran well up and was raasisg ; caniely ia the Stretch, when his Jeckey leased riding h:rd, eostinj him sc. .ii:d place. I.ADY ASTOU ran I [airly w.ll. CUACOLET set a goed pace t.i the streteh and quit. BROTHERIiT LOVE ntn poorly ia Uie Ovarwelghts Chacolet, 1 pound; Brstherly Lrra. 2. : A?*i~f g-i O SIXTH RACE — 5 1-2 rurlcnga. June 7, 1SC9— 1:05%— 3— 93. Purse ,300, 2-yeax. 2*di3 JLJ oltb. CUiming. Net value to winner ,030; BSCSad, $£O0; tlurd, 00. " Index liurses AWtPISt V* % % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Egulv. Odds Strt 1 gMM MART 0*HABA wit HT 10 3 11 l1 lUJE Pool G F Baker 1020-100 i:811 MAY i;t CARRSXi W Mi 7 6 31 :» 23 I* I Penman H P Whitney 3G5-100 J: •SdM*STONE AGE w 102 8 8 V 3» 3i 3» K Roehm W A Baumffartner 1470-100 02721 MINNIE B. W 102 9 10 9J 4 5 4 4« G J S Rarbee 700-100 2 ttlU*GLENLdVBT w IK 4 5 61 r.! 5s 5* K tohhlaa G L Blackford IMi MO CiitJfi BBSS I. w IM G 2 2 71 6i 6* A Wilson C Weidemann 380-100 J StSlI Bil.l/i BERN W a 106 2 9 7- 6J 71 7" li Martin L C Crutcher 2T.45-100 C2553 ATHLETE s:il03 3 4 44 S:H 8* F Smith BoRers and Aubuchoa ltO-100 l.2 ; ;0 LICHEN w 103 5 7 10 10 91 9t H Gray A Williamson 79SO-10O * 62787 SLANDERER w 108 1 1 81 9 10 10 D CeaacHy T C McDowell 500-100 10 Tin.e. 24. 49, IM%. 1:03% Track muddy. mnteeis paid, M rt Oilara. 2.40 Itralght, .o0 place, .40 show; Mayor Carrel. 80 place, fl.70 show; Btsat Akc, |7.00 shaw. ■saJTShnal txiokinK adds- Mart Oilara. 1020 to 100 straight, 315 to 100 place, 170 to 100 show; Mayor T Carre!, 140 to UK piae.-. h5 to 100 show; Stone Ae, 2-*0 to 10 fhov. Winaer !i. ;;, by Biihi Ineer.diary, by lamplighter traiaed by W. Perkins; bred try Mr. Thomas Piatt. Went to psrt St 4:44. At po*t 1 minute. Stut good and slow. Won easily; second and third driy-Inc. «. MART 0*HARA raced into the h ad soon after the tart and. racing well in the going, held MAYOR ? CARREL safe for the eatita race. UAYOR CARREL raced press 1st stly all the way and finished resolutely. STONE AGE ran a gaaae race. MINN Hi I!, tame Crasa far back under a ;,rood ride. SLANOEUEli n;n n p; orly in the going. Overweight Hart Oilara, 2 pscads; Stone Ace, 2; Billy Bern, 1; Lichen, 1; Slanderer, 1. ~ £*C%T*-and O SZVZNTH RACE— 1 3-1G Kies. July 9. 1321— l:£i6%— 4— 119. Pnr=e ,400. 3-year-£i%J - JLel oidj and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner ,100; second, 00; third, 00. lidex Horses AWtPISt % V4 % Str Fin Jockeys Owntrs Bquiv. Odds Strt •t C2832»r, a AitFOl.F.TTK w 5 99 5 1 V 1*| V l4 1* G Breninc T V Deverer.ox 110-100 M «,2810 ITRUON ELDER wb 6 108 2 4 3J 3 2i t* 2» B Kenndy Jones and Phiilips 3 0-10 » C281« MISS rPBBITT wb 4 102 8 5 5» 4» 4» 31 3* A Wilson W Grriter 1320-100 10 M1dd**DAMOR18 wn 4 98 1 2 2» 2* 3i 4» 4« W Pool G J Long 6i»-l00 X C2753 WWTH.S LAST w 10 111 7 7 7* 6» 5« f.« V* F Wilson J M Goode 735-100 X BflSSJMTSAM w 4 101 3 6 6| 7» 63 6« 610 R Kspade S D Lee MBO-Mt X fi2740,*i:!T OF GRBB1 wn 4 97 4 8 8 8 !•» V* V* C Studer T W Mountjoy 1405-100 X C2788 LAST BRUSH wa 3 99 6 3 41 5 8 8 8 S MeGtaW G L Hoffman 14373 100 w Time. 23%, 48, 1:16, 1:42%, 1:55, 2:01%. Traek muddy. S2 mutnels .aid. Ka-arpoiette, . SO straight, . GO place, .40 show; Mormon Elder, .50 place, * .20 show; Mies Prsaperity. . SO show. Einivalent book ng odds— gacarpahl tte. 110 to 100 straight, 30 to ICO place, 20 to 100 show; Mormon ,a Elder. 75 to piO place, i0 to 100 show; Miss Prosperity, 00 to 100 show. Ml— If n m. by Fitz Herbert — Balancoire, by Meddler trained by T. J. Devereaux; bred in France * tj Mr. Claiaare II. Miekay. Went to post at 5:19. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won easily; second and third driving. r- KSiAHlOi.KiTK, helped by the gong, raced into the lead promptly and, keeping it, came wide le into the stretch to win as her rider pleased. SlOUllOS ELDER raced forwardiy and gamely, but was ia easily hebl safe. MISS PROSPERITY ran a game race DAM0R1S began tiring after going well fflt X three quarters. The others were badly strung out. Scratched fiiTTSCWar Spirit. 10!5; C2871*Walnnt Hall, 103; «2G79*Maxola, 101; 6281C Fenwell, 103; 5- r27SS»r.hnrlu:e. PI; 02753 Chinnie Walsh. 101; 62520 Bond, 106; 62812 Maehiavelli, 101; 62810 Wade ilc-Lemore, c- 101 ; 62C93 Marion Adler. 101. Ovefcights Esearpolette, 1 pound; Miss Prosperity, 1; Damoris, 9; Bit of Green, X.

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Local Identifier: drf1922062801_2_10
Library of Congress Record: