Latonia Form Chart, Daily Racing Form, 1922-06-30


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I i . * ! ; . 1 LATONIA FORM CHART _____ _____ _ ____ _— -___ __ — — - LATONIA, KY., THURSDAY, JUNE 29, 1922.— I-ttonia 1 mile. Twenty first day. Kentucky Jockey Club. Spring Meeting of 29 days. Weather clear; temperature 94*. „ __ , Stewards. Charles F. Price, S. C. Nuckols. Jr., A. G. Leonard and C. W. Hay. Judges. W. II. Shelley, N. H. McClelland and J. S. Wallace. Starter, A. R. Dade. Racing Secretary, W. H. Shelley. Racing starts at 2:00 p. m. Chici.go time 2:00 p. m.. W indicates whip, S spurs, R blinkers. Fig- ures in parentheses following the distance of each race indicate date, track record, age of horse and weight carried. Indicates apprentice allowance. OOAQA FIRST RACE — 3-4 Mile. June 7, 1921 — l:10*i — 6 — 110. Clover Lick Parse. Puns 0-M«_r«7vf ,500. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming-. Net value to winner ,150: second, 25; third, 25. Index Horses AWtPPSt % % _| Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Str t 62830"HIGH COST wb 7 112 3 3 21 _■ ll li E Pool Florisant Stabla 220 100 62815 BULLION W 8 115 6 5 6 3 21 25 G Fields J B Respess 535-100 62868 GUVNOR 4 108 4 2 3 24 3» 31 L Penman M Goldblatt 28S0-100 62830 PONGEE wb 4 103 8 6 8 6»- 4» 4* J Heupel GaUaher Broa 4630-100 62659»CLINTONVLLLK w 5 107 5 8 71 7» 5» 5*1 R Harton S K Nichols *70-100 62835»»ANGON ws 5 103 1 1 4» 5» «• 6* G Brening D W Scott 240-100 62723 J. S. REARDON wb 4 110 2 7 C- 8 V 7» W Pool Montfort Jones 885-100 60582 RED LEAF wb 3 94 7 4 1_* 4J 8 8 J Owens B J Brannoa 2350-100 Time, 23%, 17%, 1:13. Track good. — gTW r*T-li ■ WUM1 L ■ WU. ■ ■■■■■■■■■■■!■■■■ I I I IMIIHIBIHII IMawnWWMlg31»aB—gPWE-*UJg-J,M"IL ww i».; mntuels paid, High Cost, .40 straight, .90 place. .90 show. Bullion, .40 place, .00 show; Gavnor, .30 show. _ Equivalent booking iMi WHtJk Beat, CM to 100 straight, 95 to 10 etac*. 88 to 100 show; Bullion, K 170 to 100 place, 130 to 100 show; Guvnor, 305 to 100 am. Winner---11. h. hy Von Tl— 1 ■ Ml 1 1 1 1. by King Eric 111 tali by E. TrottPr; bred by Mr. Daa F. Bean. Went to post nt 1 53. At po-t 2 minutes. Start good and slow. Won driving: second and third Hie same. 1 1 i » II COST, i lose up from I !: ■ start, mead into the lead on the hist ti.rn ::nd drew away, but M was tiring :it the pad. BULLION waa gaining stoadily at th lini ,-h, although weakly ridden, and his g rider foil oT when I nilf him up. CI VMIR began fust and raced nroaalaeatly all the way. POXGBS _ closed a gap and was running gamely at he end. ANOON would not extend himself fully. CLINTON-VILI.E Balihcd g. mHj. Scratched 82888 J.mku, tOt; 8BSU Ben, 112. £?* € C"3 SZCOKD RACE— 5-3 Mil-. June 22, 1910—69—2—103. Fena ,400. 2-ycar-olds. , 0.*mI «J? L JL Claimins. Net value to winner ,100; secor.d, 00; third, C0. Index Horses AWtlTSt % Vs %. Str Fin Jockeys Ownrs Equiv. Odds Strt ] 62866 ROLDGOLD w 111* 4 6 4 ll 1* 1* D Connelly T ■ Mueller 800-100 a •PIEDMONT w 119 11 4 2» 3* 2 2l J Owens S K Nichols 4E0-ir,3 ; 62866 MISS JANE wb 112 12 5 1 21 3l 31 E Pool W Perkins USMM r, 62912 MINNIE B. ws 112 M 3 f « 4* 4* 4» J Kedoris J S Barboe. 630-100 i ,-; C2517?i;i:NDiTA w 112 110 9* 0» 5» 5» A Wilson T P Hayes 17VM0 I J 62912 BILLY BURN w 115 6 7 81 7% 6» 6» K Wilson I, C Crutc.her tlSSMOl j 62811 SOMA w 113 7 2 T, 6 7* 7* W W Tlor J M C.oode 3f.90-100 6 CHBCKKBCTTal w 115 9 11 10» 8 SI S* H Lunsfd Montfort Jones Ls3 -100 62301 ViiLMA If. wb 112 8 9 ll1 5 3! 9nk R Harton J II Nichols 5270-100 MISS Bl| w 112 G 12 12 10* 10* 10* J Ileupel C A Spealh C2718*CUPTON w 110 3 t 71 11 11 11 F Moore Mannion and Moore t s COLUMN C1IARTR wb 112 2 1 61 h rider. G Fields T M Murphy 8BS KK tMutucl field. Time, 24%. 48*4, 1:02%. Track ?ood. aifil paid. Eoldgold, S.00 straight, .50 place, .40 show; Piedmont, .30 place, . SO V show; Mis J :; rw. .50 show. Benin !■ n: b. -eking iak-Roldgold. S00 to 100 straight, 275 to 100 place. 170 to 100 show; 1iedmont, fa 315 i. 100 place, IM to 100 show; Mi -s Jane, 275 to 100 show. I Winner Ui. f, by Mentor— Rustle, by Russell trained by R. I Brooks: bred by Batata of Mr. Otto a F. St. i r w Veal I , peat at 2:29. At post 1 minule. Start good and slow. Won easily; s-eond and tlirrd dr.v- f lng. ROLDGCLD, away well and clear of interference, raced ferwardly rrom the stirt and. taking the lead oa the last tarn, drew away fa*t in the last seventy yards. PIEDMONT raced prominently areata- .-out aad tiin bed raaatty under hard riding. MISS JANK showed the most early speed and was lucky. minni:: u. i d aa atiaaana. bendita. prabably much the beat, suffered atventy from tataefcraan aad 4 was farced back to last place, then do ed a big gap. GOUEN CllARTK.K lost her rider when her bridle ■ came o!T. ■tiaUbed SSMSKeaaeaate, I12a 02C12*Stone Age. 110; 62812Mayor Carrel, 115; o2S66*Away, 112; 62SH Keacetaw, 115; ",is;;i Baperaaaa, 112. j Owwetakta Beama, 1 aeaaal; Ckecfeeretta, 3. g ■IQOOQ THIKD RACE— 1 Mile and 70 Yards. Nov. 3. 1917— 1:41%— 3— 126. Pursa ,400. 0i«y « /■-. 3-year-olds, Claimins. Net value to winner ,100; second, 00; third, 00. f Index Horses AWtITSt,4 % "4 Str Fin Jockeys Owners Ruuiv. Odda Strt 62867 TUX W 103 1 3 11 11 11 1» 1» F SmiUx G 1 Blackford 1475-100 62788 BOJII, wb 103 2 4 2* 3* 2» 21 2» II Gray G I Mattlngly MS-MI j CtllBT " FLTTIIC PRlKCEwn Ml 6 12 12 8l 51 31 3" J Owens Dortch Bros UM-MI •S4?S*AI AMBDA GIRL w 107 ? 5 3" i1 4» 4» 4 L. Penman Merle A V/illiama MS-MI | tt7M:RANDBL. w 100 11 11 10 91 8 7l 51 J Kederis T E Mueller 1j05-P 0 Bt4US**OrULRNT w 99 10 7 8" 6» CI 6* 61 G Brewing Williams Broa 555-100 11 62786Di: GILBKBT w 113 9 6 7» M 71 51 7« W W Tlor W C Goodloe UM-MI 6278I?*BRASS TACKS sa 105 7 8 6« 1*1 91 I* 8« B Boehai M Shields 135and-100 | 62476 HYSTERIA wb 1021 4 2 4l 9 9* 9» A WBaaa B Miller I , Bt7BBa*CHABUNB w 100 12 10 ll1 10- 10* 10 10i J Heupel C W Claxk t BB7BS**ktONTJOT w 98 i 1 9* IP 11" 11,011* W Iool Montfort Jones 510-lfK BWriftlll CRASS a Mil t »B B H ll C Studer Short Crass Stud 2075-100 . fMatacI f.eld. Time. 23%, 43%. 1:15%, 1:42%. 1:47. Track good. - BMtarle paid. Tex. field, 1.50 strjight. .00 place, .20 show; Bojui. 1.50 place, 0.S0 show; Flying Prince, %~ IX show. Bpiivah nt hooking odds— Tex. field. 475 to KM straight. 250 to 100 place. 110 to 100 show; Bojil, 975 to 104 place, MO to 1 k show: Frrteg Prtace, 250 to 100 show. Winner— Br. . by " Doncaster— Uolly Ilayaian. by Crighton trained by R. N. Vestal; bred by Mr. Wade K. .M. I .euiorel. , Went to post at 3:00. At post 2 minute Start good and slow. Won driving: second and third ttn same, i i:x s.t the aaca fr«m soon after Hi" atari aad, ataadtag hard riding tliniugh the stretch, outstayed BCUDL in the tin:ii ■trMea. I.iUlT. raced daaa up all the way and only gave way in the last stride. rLYIKG PRINCB closed a b;g Rap aad was tiring and swerving badly in the stretch. AI-AMKUA BIBIj shove! s: i, bat Bred. BASiOEL was raaatag taaiflj aa tae stretek turn, when he forced out. eaaaiag aaai to toae much ground. OPCLBNT was also taread to come wide oa the stretch turn when raciug gamely. Scr.itehel- G:.1M93Tulane, 103; 627S8 Sportsman. 112; t»27NS Blue Deep. »8; 627S8 Jordan, 100; 62S67 teeapreaaa, as. Overwi ights -Oiiulent, 1 pound; Dr. Cilbert. 1; Hysteria. 4%; Split Crass. 3V». .. — T** Ofijr IVBJtXU RACE — 3-4 Mile. June 7, 1921—1:10% — 6 — 110. Bank Lick Purs*. Purse 0«l L?C- Sl.oOO. 3-year-olds and upward. Allowances. Net value to wianer ,200; second, 50: third, 50. , ] Index Horses AWtPPSt K % % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Roni v. Odds Strt 62815 BASTKS1DB w 4 110 3 1 3l 2» 2» 1» D Connelly D W Scott 205 100 j BMJS«*TD8COLA wr. 4 106 4 I V 1* 11 21 A WBaaa R M Hoots 550-100 BtStS*CHBRBT TP.EE w 3 102 5 4 5 5 3* 3* L Penmen H P n hitney l?i -100 02598 INDKRVVRITRR w 3 97 2 6 4* 41 4« 4» W Pool J H K.-sseter 9S5-10O , 62918 LAMTAOOS wb 4 108 1 2 l* M 5 5 J Owens M J Barrona 855-100 Time. 23%. 43, 1:13. Trak good. mutuels aaM, F.tsteside. straight, .40 place. .50 show; Tuscola. .90 place, . GO show; Cherry Tree, .3! show. Beeavalaat btlrtn "dds — BaataaMe, MB to B 0 straight, 120 to 100 place, 25 to 100 show; Tuscola. 345 to 100 place. M to Mt show; Cherry Tree, 15 to liK riav. Winner— Ch. g, by Handsel— Calanthe, by Ben Trovatu trained by J. MiPherson; bred by Mr. D. W. Scott. Went to peat at 3:33. At post 2 mie.trtos. Siart good and slow. Won easily; second and third driving. BA8TB8IDB was well up from the start and. racing TUSCOLA to defeat ia the last sixteenth, won rasing up. TC8COLA raced toto a good lead un the hist turn, but gave way in the final drive. CHERRY nUBl begaa slewi? and dropped far back at aace. but finished fairly well. UNDERWRITER had uo I mi.-.bap;. LAKTADOS quit after leading for the first ejamrtar. Overweights — C.iderwriter. 1 pound; I* lateaMf, 2. i FFTH RACE— 1 Mile. July 3. 1919— 1:36%— 4— 106. ,709 added. 3-year-olds and I J GOShTi * t 5rl: upward. Allowances. Net valae to winner ,300; second, 89; tiurd, 76. IndiX Ho;.. s AWtPPSt "4 % i Str Fin Jockeys Owaen Equiv. Odds Strt . •BtBBPARAIMBB w:: 4 11:1 1 1 :il 2» l1 11 l-"" F Smith T J P. adfltajaat 210-100 BMMRADIO tra 4 MS S i i 5 4» 3» 21 E Pool W Perkins M0 Ml BtBBBGANGWAY w 1 106 3 2 2 3» 3» 21 3» B Kenndy F J Kelley BB-1M «;2CG:; BIT OF WHTTB W 4 113 5 4 1 11 2l 4» 4s A Wil3on Idle Hour Sfk F Stb 410-100 ; C28S9 WOODTBAF w 8 111 4 3 4* 4 5 5 5 D Connelly Fair Acre Farm Stable 1450-100 Time. 23i, 48, 1:13%, 1:S9. Track good. mutuels paid, Parader, straight, .40 place, .20 show; Radio, .50 place, .40 show; • Gangway. .30 show. Equivalent booking odds Parader. £10 to 100 straight, 70 to 100 place. 10 to 100 show; Radio, 125 to • 100 place. 20 to 100 show; Gangway. 15 to 100 show. Winner -Ch. g, by Whisk Broom 11.— Pageant, by Delhi traiued by J. C. Cahn; bred by Mr. Harry Payne Whitney. Went to p;»st at 4:03. At nost 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won driving; second and third the • same. PARADER was forced back on the first turn and saved under r-straint until on the last turn, where he raced into the loud, but had to be ridden hard from near the end to outstay RADIO. The latter I ■■eased fast aad gamely after closing a big gap and would have won at a longer distance. GANGWAY : ran well, but was bumped several times in the stretch drive and tired. BIT O" WHITE set a fust early r pace, but quit in the stretch. Scratched BBS1 Brooms tor, 93. i — isl £»ff £ £ - SIXTH RACE— 5 1-2 Furlongs, June 7, 1909— 1:05%— 3— 93. Purse ,500, 2-year-O " j£i nj i »T olds. Claiming. Net valno to winner ,150; socond, 25; third, 25. • Index Horses AWtPPSt K % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt t - 626372PUNTA GORDA w 103 6 4 l 3» *» 1» L Penman H P Whitney 205-100 9 62870»JAK1E HAY w 110 4 5 5 i 6* 31 21 D ConneUy E G Walker 1J05-100 » «;2«98*JACK BAUER w 103 7 I 1» 1 U 31 J Owena R L. and A Baker 210-100 • 6»83S TAYLOR HAY w 113 5 I 6i 51 4* 4» W W Tlor C W Hay 955-100 » 62695 TKN SIXTY w 104 3 3 3l 41 51 5» J Heupel H P Gardner % 735-100 9 62949 PHENOL wb 104 3 7 7 7 7 61 T Wilson I E Clark 3685-109 9 62151 FULL SPOON w 106 1 1 2* 2l 6l 7 E Scoble Montfort Jonea 925-100 • Time, 23%, 48%. 1:01, 1:07%. Track good. mutuels paid. Ptmta Gorda. straight, .80 place, .90 show; Jakte Hay, place, -30 D show: Jack Bauer. .70 show. Equivalent booking odds — Punta Gorda. 205 to 100 straight, 90 to 100 place, 45 to 100 show; Jakie e nay. 355 to 100 place. 115 to 100 show; Jack Bauer, 35 to 100 show. Winner — Br. f, by Thunderer — Tampa, by Rabelaia trained by BC Goldblatt; bred by Mr. Harry f Tayne Whitney. Went to post at 4:37. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won handily: second and third driving. ■ PCNTA GORDA had to be ridden hard for the entire race, but gnined steadily into the lead r.nd • was going away tit the end. JAKIE HAY dropped back steadily in the first quarter, but came wiUi a II rush through the last quarter. JACK BAUER showed fine speed in pacemaking, but began tiring in the • last eighth! TAYLOR HAY closed a gap. TEN SIXTY quit. Overweights— Jakie Hay, 3 pounds. I J7»a *- £ £» SEVENTH RACE — 1 1-8 Kilea. Juno », 1914—1:50% — 3—106. ,400 Added, 4-year- - 0.*W«! «l t? olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner ,100; andeoond, 60; third, 44. - Index Horses AWtPPSt % % % Str Fin Jockeya Owners Equiv. Odds Strt _ 68816 *PlCTOR w 6 UO 3 2 2* 2»1 ll H 1» W Pool C W Clark 80-100 0 62913* ESC ARPOI/TTK w 5 103 1 4 4» 3» 3* 3« 2* G Brentna; T F Devereaux 1140-100 O 59598* REP EATER wb 5 100 2 3 11 ll 2» 31 3» J Owena Florisant Stable S90-100 0 02871 COUNTERS w 4 110 6 1 3* 4» 41 41 41 R Haxton W S Bruce 780-100 0 6291S»MISS PPERITY wb4 100 4«« « S 5»5»F Wilson W Grater 2770-100 0 62871 BANCE WHEEL wb 4 112 5 6 6« 61 5 6 S J Heupel L A Serecnl 1355-100 0 Time, 23%, 48, 1:14, 1:40%, 1:58%. Track good. motnels paM. Pictor, .60 straight, .80 place, .20 ahow; Bacarnoletta, .10 place, .10 show; ; Repeater. .70 show. Equivalent booking odds — Pictor, R0 to 100 straight, 40 to 100 place, 10 to 100 show; Bacarpolette, s. 255 to 100 place, 55 to 100 show; Repeater, 35 to 100 ahow. Winner— B. g, by Plcton — White VeU, by The White Knight trained hy Q. V. Barnes; bred In England by Mr. V. Luscombe. Went to post at 5:13. At poat 1 minute. Start good aad slow. Won easily; second aad third driving PICTOR was hard restrained until reaching the last quarter, where he raced into the lead to win as his rider pleased. KSCARlOLETTK was taken back and saved for the first halt, thea came fast and d finished well. REPEATER showed much speed in early pacemaking, but began tiring in the last quarter. :. COUNTESS bad no mishapa. MISS PROSPERITY waa cut off on the stretch tarn and again ia the a stretch. Scratched — 62871 Uncle Veto. 112; 6281S1MornM» Elder, 109; 62758 Alex Jr., 110; 62788La Foudra, | 107; 62953Sun God, 105; 62B90I4nk Boy, 107; 62519 Richelieu, 102; 61770 Quito, 105; 62728 War Penny, , 100; 62867*Michael I. Daly, 105.

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Local Identifier: drf1922063001_2_8
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