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MOUNT ROYAL PARK FORM CHART MONTREAL, duo., Thursday, July 20, 1DS2. Mount Royal Park. One mile. Fifth day. Back River Jockey Club. Summer meeting of 7 days. Weather clear. Stewards, W. J. Morrison, E. St. Pere, W. W. Lyles and John F. Ryan. Judge, Charles C. Cam-pcau. Starter, Edward Tribe. Racing secretary, Charles C. Campeau. Racing starts at 3:00 p. m. Chicago time 2:00. ftfiQ FIRST EACE 3-4 Kilo. Aug. 2b, UOUo 10101:134103. Purse S500. 3-jcar-olds and upward. Claiming. Canadian-owned. Net value to winner ?4G0; second, 70; third, ?S0 Equiv. Odds. Ind. Horse. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Straight. C3C72 Ramona II. 104 l"t F Hunt 2112J-100 03514 The Belgn II.10S 2"k W Taylor 150-1CO 03515Jakc Schas 111 3 W Kinphy 125-100 03352 Avion 108 4i S Eoyle S53-100 03514 Chlncoteague 1C2 51 J Thomas 3365-100 03551 Capt. Greet 90 6l P Gross H05-100 C3519M. HolIandlOl 7 R Doylo 3230-1OJ muttiels paid, Ramona II., 44.25 straight, 5.40 place, .80 show; The Belgian II., 3.S0 place, .50 show; Jake Schas, .30 show. Equivalent booking odds Ramona II., 2112 to 100 straight, 070 to 100 place, 110 to 109 show; The Belgian II., 90 to 100 place, 25 to 100 thow; Jake Schas, 15 to 100 show. Time, 1:14. Track fast. Winner Montreal Stables ch. m, 8, by Picton Ramoudia, by Grand Duke trained by M. J. Sim mons; bred in England by Mr. T. Leader. Went to post at 2:59. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won driving; second and third tha same. Scratched C3ol35Lai;d!css, 107; C3GGG Draftsman, 104; 03554 Fair and Warmer, 101; C3G13 Eva Song, 102. Overweights Ramona II., 2 pounds. vuui- fiqfSQA SECOND RACE 3-4 Kilo. Aug. 25, 13161:131103. Purse 1922.sh0. S-ycajT-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner ?-iCD; second, 0; third, S0. Equiv. Odds. Itnl. nors?. Wt. Fin. .Tookcv. Straight. C3G15:Lillian G. 112 Vi W Taylor 47T1-100 03089 Aunt Deda 109 2i S Wida 1S5-100 03009 Black Pat 114 3 W Hinphy 290-100 G3203 Seven Seas 109 4" S Boyle 4320-100 G3550 Drapery 110 5 W Dunkinson 4365-100 G3350Lewi3 B. 1C9 6i V Fulton 1520-100 02219 San Marcus 112 7s E Atkinson 7265-100 62372 Hocnir 109 8i C Eames 1915-100 G3G193CannonbaU 114 9l J Connors 935-100 03G14 Kayman 111 10 W Bogowski t G3410Ed. Tranter 109 11J R Dovle 3620-100 G3519 Autotic Red 109 12 N Collins t fMuluel field. mutuels paid, Lillian C... 1.55 straight, .f0 i place, .95 show; Aunt Deda, ?3.T0 place, 52. SO i chow; Black Pat, .90 show. Equivalent becking odds I.illiai G., 4T7V. to i 300 straight. 130 io 100 place. 7 . t.i 100 show; Aunt Deda, 85 to 100 plans 40 to VjO siiow; Black Ta., 45 to 100 show. i i i Time, l:14s. Track fast. I Winner G. Gndbols b. m, 0, by Martinet j 1 Peggy, by Dr. MacBridc trained by W. Walsh; bred by Messrs. Williams Bros.. I Went to post at 3:30. At post 3 minutes. Start good and slow. AVon easily; second and third driving. ! Scratched G3G14 Starkader, 114; 63519 Joes Sis-ter, 107; 63519 Sol Gilsey, 109. Overweights Aunt Deda, 2 pounds; Drapery, 1. fiqfiOK vjvuu THIRD RACE 3-4 Kile. Aug. 25, 19161:134103. Purso 00. 3-yoar-olds. Claiming. Net value to winner ?400; second, 0; third, ?S0. t Equiv. Odd3. j Ind. Horse. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Straight. I 63551Navisco 114 1and W Bogowski 355-100 ! 1 03519 Silk Sox 105 2" V Falton 1630-100 G3551 Carrie Baker 107 3i S Boyle 1263-109 j ! 63255aThe Wag 111 41 W Hinphy 90-100 : G3409JFIy. Beauty 107 GJ N Collins 2115-100 ! 03551 Plurality 103 61 C Eames 1050-lOrt 03514 Dolly Vden 109 7" S Wida 4173-100 G3551King B. 101 8i P Poirier 5195-10-5 ; G2572 Muzzey 101 91 F Hunt 19G3-1C0 . ; G3551Chaste Star 101 10 T Bonham 10615-1C0 I mutuels paid, Navisco, .10 straight, S4.T0 1 place, .20 show; Silk Socks, 0.50 place, .65 j show; Carrie Baker, .15 show. j ! Equivalent booking odds Navisco, 355 to 100 straight. 135 to ICO place. 60 to 100 show; Silk Socks, 425 to 100 place, 1S2JA to 100 show; Canie Baker, 122. to 100 show. Time, 1:164. Track fast. Winner P. O. Julians br. f. by Trevisco Pitti, by Plaudit trained by P. G. Julian; bred by Mr. Kenneth D. Alexander. Went to post at 4:30. At post 2 minutes. Start good and slow. Won driving; second and third the same. i i Sera tciicd 63269 Capt. Bob. 100; 63205 Fairy; i Nymph, 109. i Overweights Silk Sox, 4 pounds; Carrie Baker, I j 3; Flying Beauty, 3; Chaste Star, 2; Dolly Varden, I ! 5; Plurality, 2. j fiftQfi FOURTH RACE 5 1-2 Furloags. Aug.! ! vovov 23 i9iGl:0G3lC7. Purzo ! 3- year:ods ard upward. Claiming. Net valuo to j j winner" ?-1l0 ; second, 00; third, 0. Equiv. Odds. I J Ind. Hors. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Straight, i 63443Col Murphy 107 li S Boyle SG7J-1C0 , ! 6351GsBlack Baby 113 21 J Connors 215-100 I GS tlOLoch Leven 109 3i W Taylor 413-1C0 i 03515 Twenty Sen 107 li N Collins 4155-100 : C3511s3unrose 101 51 A Banks IGjS-IO1! ! I 03355 Nan 108 Gi C Eames 1945-1M I 03 11 2 Flying Orb 107 7"t E Atkinson 3523-100 i ! 08311 Propaganda 111 S W Bogowski t2S0-100 i G3143Golden Red 9S 9 R Doylo 2210-10: : 02571 Enos 111 10i H Chappell SS5-100 ! 03091 Gratian 113 11 W Hinphy t vMutucl field. mutuels paid. Col. Murphy, 9.35 straight, .90 place, .S3 show; 15 lack Baby, .2-3 place, .30 show; Loch Leven, .70 show. Equivalent bookiug odds Col. Murphy, S67t to 100 straight, 295 to 100 place, 142V: to 100 show; Black- Baby, 112,-i to 100 place, 65 to 100 show. Loch Leven, 85 lo 100 show. Time, 1:08. Track fast. Winner J. Arthurs h. g, 5, by Tbco Cook Harvest Queen, by Peep oDay trained by J. G. Arvin: bred by Mr. William Garth. Went to post at 4:31. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won easily; second and third driving. Scratched 035l4UIopefiiI. 10T; G3014Runmie, 10T; 01S39 Miss Dixie, 101; 03350Laughing Eye! II., 105. I Overweights Twenty Seven, 1 pound; Nan, 3. j j i q2Q7 FIFTH P.ACE 1 1-3 Hiles. Sept. 21, I "tJUtfi 1915 1:53 1107. Pursa ?6C0. , 4- year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value ; j to winner hB150; second, 00; third, 0, j i Equiv. Odds. Ind. Horse. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Straight. j C3517:Peggy Rives 108 1J C Eames 170-10 03553 M. Roberts 111 2 S Boylo 35-100 63554 H. M. Stcns 101 3 F Hunt 525-100 03517 Tlon March 104 4 W Hinphy 575-100 03553 Trospoctor 10$ 5 W Taylor 1275-100 03554 Hercules 101 G A Banks S9.0-1O ! G35183Shipmate 109 Br.d.S Wida 935-100 mutuels paid, Peggy Rives, .40 straight, j ! .15 place, .60 show; May Roberts, .30 place, .73 show; Harry M. Stevens, .00 show. Equivalent booking odds Peggy Rlvcs, 170 to 100 straight. 571,2 to 100 place, 80 to 103 show; May Roborts, 65 to 10! place, 37! to 100 show; Harry M. Stevens, 50 to 100 show. Time, 1:55. Track fast. Winner- C. II. Spragues b. f. 4, by Sea King Mintless, by Minting trincd by C. II. Sprague, b:ed by Mr. Thomas V. Ryan. j ! Went to rost at 5:03. At post 2 minutes. Start j ! good and slow. Won easily; second and thud j driving. j Scratched 68317 George C. Jr., 10C; 63.353 Crimson Rambler, 10S. J Overweights Harry M. Stevens, 2 pounds; Her- I culcs, 3; Shipmate, 5. j fifiQP, VOVUO SISTH RACE 1 2!e. Hay 23, 1S3 1 j i:39ji5U6. Purse S500. 3-i i year-olds and upward. Claiminff. Net value to winner 00; socond, 0; third, 0. E juiv. Odds. Ind. Horse. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Straight. 03515 George XV. 109 lk S Boyle 650-100 I . 03515 Lucky Pearl 109 2J J Connors 493-100 , j 03013 Comment 109 31 S Wida 13535-100 ,1 ! C3555Lava 102 4" T Bonham t: 0351 3 Lad 103 55 F Hunt 1S70-100 ,! : 03515 Top Rung 111 Gl W Dunkinson 1400-1 X ; 03515 Smite 108 7 W Taylor 933-100; ,! G3385 T. Pcrguese 113 Sl W Bogowski 2583-10 I C3G17 Plantarede 103 9i P Poirier 1C63-100 l I 085 1 9 Chow 109 10 C Eames 2S59-1O0 X C3G183Just Fancy ICS 11 W Hinphy 115-100 , i 1 iMulli:! field. j mutuels paid, George XV.. 5 20 straight. .?0 i ; place. S3. 95 show; Lucky lenrl, place, .40 I : show; Comment, field, 3.40 show. j Equivalent hooking odds George W., 660 to 100 straight, 190 to ICO place, 97J,i to 100 show; Lucky Tearl, 2l7Ji to 100 place, 120 to IJO show; Comment, field, 570 to 100 show. Time, 1:42, Track fast. Winner M. Seiferts b. c. 4, by Runuyniode Embla, by Solitaire II. trained by M. Scifert; bred by Mr. A. B. Spreckels. Went to post at 5:40. At post 2 minutes. Stsirt good and slow. Won driving; second and third the same. Scratched 63555!Chimera, 100; 63872BaccIiann-lian, 101; 63555 Polygamiat. 103; 63013 Kehoma. 101. Overweights Lucky Pearl, 3 pounds; Comment, 3; Smile, 5; Lava, 2. j I ftftQQ SEVENTH RACE 1 Hile. Slay 23. ! VOUOU 1022 l:33?i 6 110. Purse . 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net valuo to winner 00; second, 0; third, 530. Equiv. 0dd3. Ind. Horse. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Straight. 03518 Richard V. 108 H E Atkinson 22321-100 03514 McLane 109 2i J Connors 815-100 03555 Dewitt 10S 31 C Eames 1023-100 C35543Lavaga 103 41 V Fulton 1975-100 G3551;Cavallcr 10S 5 XV Bogowski 310-100 C3515By Jovo 107 6 S Boylo 470-100 03017 Forge Ahead 101 7l F Hunt 1400-100 03G19 Counsel 108 8l W Hinphy 1600-100 03331 Capitania 110 9! XV Dunkinson t C8412Morng Face 99 10 R Doyle 2150-100 0S550 Homam 108 11 N Collins t G3S17ILnt Perkins 109 12 S Wida 420-1CO tMuiucl field. mutuels paid, Richard V., ?4G.G5 straight, 7.15 place, 4 00 show; McLane, .95 place, .30 show; Dewitt, .E0 show. Equivalent booking odds Richard V., 2232U to 100 straight. 1257 to 100 place. GOO to 100 show; MeLane. 347Vi to 100 place, 315 to 100 show; De-, witt, 310 to 100 show. J Timo, 1:424. Track fast. Winner W. R. Halls b. g. 5, by Everett Trade I Mark, by Broomstick trained by W. R. Hall; bred j Ly Mr. I. E. Clark. Went to post at 0:14. At post 11 minutes. Start j good and slow. Won handily; second and third I driving. Scratched 03555 Zoic, 10G; 03017 ncralock, 10S; C3013 Satlnmorc. 103. I Overweights Lieutenant Perkins, 1 pound; Capitania, 1 2; Forge Ahead, 4; By Jove, 1; MeLane, 1; Lavaga, 4.