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HOST TO THE RACING WORLD Thousands of Visitors Reach Saratoga by Train and IVlotor. Conditions Never More Propitious for Successful Meeting Over Thousand Horses Available. SARATOGA SPRINGS, N. Y., July 29. This city today began to play host in real style to the thousands of visitors who came here for the racing during the month of August. Every train was loaded to capacity, while hundreds came by motor from various points. Since last night this little town has taken on a changed appearance and within the next twenty-four hours it is expected that the crowd here will be as large as ever, if not larger. At the present time there are close to 1,000 horses stabled at the main track and tha Oklahoma training course and this number will be increased by almost 30 per cent when the thoroughbreds arrive that remained for the windup of the Empire City meeting. Every available stall within the grounds is either occupied or reserved, while a number of stables were forced to seek quarters on the outside. Racing secretary A. McL. Earlocker announced today that every box was taken and live hundred applications had to be turned down. They came from all parts of tho United States and included persons prominent in every walk of life. Conditions were never more propitious for a most successful opening. The best handicap horses in this country are on hand, tho jockey colony is larger and better than ever before and the main track was never in better condition. In addition to this the steeplechase enthusiasts will got their share of enjoyment, as there are plenty of jumpers available with which to fill the races devoted to them. MANY IMPROVEMENTS MADE. Many improvements have been made in tha track since last summer and all are calculated to afford more conveniences for tho patrons. A new entrance on Union avenuo will eliminate the congestion of former years and at the same time remove the danger of being run down by automobiles and hacks, as it will lead the racegoers in on the sidewalk instead of the street as formerly. Track superintendent William Clark has the course proper in excellent condition. The recent rains were needed to pack the soil and it is now faster than at any time in its history. A number of candidates for the Saratoga Handicap, ,000 added, one of the opening day features, were given work-outs this morning. Trainer James Rowe of the Harry Payne Whitney stable, indulged Prudery, Bunting and Bioomster in good gallops, the former covering the one and one-quarter miles in 2 :0G, while the latter pair worked one and one-eighth miles together in 1:56 in commanding fashion. Prudery never looked better than now and she was eager to run from the start. She ran the first quarter in 23, half in 43, three-quarters in 1 :13 and mile in 1 :38. EXTERMINATOR IX FORM. The veteran Exterminator, which has been resting since last trip to Kentucky, showed a good performance in working one and one-quarter miles in 2 :07. Jockey Alfred Johnson was astride him and he had him well under restraint at all stages. He was timed the first quarter in 23, half mile in 19, three-quarters in 1:13 and mile in 1:41. This was the best move for the son of McGee Fair Empress since his race in the Independence Handicap at Latonia. Bon Homme, from the Xalapa Farm Stable, turned in a nice work-out of one and one-eighth miles in 1:55, with jockey Andy Schuttinger on him. He covered the first half mile in 43, three-quarters in 1 :14 and mile in 1 :41. The Pelican Stable was a late arrival from Windsor. Trainer C. J. Casey of the Pelican Stable left one division of his string at Windsor, and they will be sent to Shreveport, La., to rest up until the winter season at New Orleans. Jockey Charles Mergler was injured this morning when one of Woods Garths jumpers fell with him. It is thought that he sustained a fractured collarbone. The rider was unconscious for thirty minutes and he was removed to a local hospital. Jockey A. Nicklaus camo in from Windsor this morning and he will ride for tho Pelican Stable here. Continued on tenth Dace. 3 HOST TO TEE RACING WORLD Continued from first page. William Hurley, who has one division of the E. U. Bradley stable in his charge, was an arrival from Kentucky. J. Simon Healy, trainer for the Syndicate Stable, came in from Empire City. Trainer Louis Fcustel had a number of the August Belmont two-year-olds at the barrier this morning. C. W. Clark, who has one division of his stable here, departed for France yesterday, to be gone for several months. The horses of John B. McKee. Covington, Ky.. turfman, including Crystal Ford and Teddy R., will be sent from Empire City to Jamaica to be rested for a month instead of coming here. Trainer Kay Spence was advised today that jockey William Pool, who has been riding at the Yonkers track, will join his stable hero tomorrow morning. There were more horses on the track this morning than on any day since last summer and the crowd of work watchers assumed generous proportions. A number of two-year-olds were sent along at top speed for three-eighths of a mile or a half and good time was in order for them.