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LATEST WORK-OUTS 4 SARATOGA SPRINGS, N. Y., August 7. Sundays training gallops here included the following : SAKATOOA. Weather clear; track slow Three-Eighths Mile. 1- Ilit o Klnck ..35 2-Morvieh .V.Vs 000-Iirilliance 3H73 Pennant 3S2 907-l!lack Fox .....IS TlS-Iancakc 3s" l90-Irenm layn ...-10 ..-Spot Cash 35 flOT-Kxtcrniiriutor ..10 OM5-f4veep Hawk is!" 099-Edict 37te i-Sallys Allev ..10 2- Ilow Fair . 30 1198-Suii Doll 3fl2i 2-.liuie Jrass ...3S i-Siin Kev 39 098-Kai-Snns 40 C97-.Suti Mist 39 2-Miss Smith ...3fi 990-Sunsini .KrV. 2-Moohraker 35 1-Savoy 39" Half Mile. 99C-I51ossom Time 48 2-Prince Itegent 50 1- I!ctty llenll ...4S l-litlslon 53 s 999 -Con tour 55 2-liork 52 2- Crcsta 52 950-Hcuttish Chief 52 1 - Daniel 50 999-Transom 50 997-Exodus 5-1 89S-Two Feathers 50 99G-Hklelerry Finn51f, 991-Vacuum 54 Josiah M 53 2-WooUland 52" Five-Eighths Mile. 2- Iletty Wood 1:03 999-N. IIanipliirel :05 997-Crilcie 1:0. 1 -Prince Til Tlll:0.- 3- Innlin 1:03 997-1HirlbelIe ...1:10 1- !adfly 1:01 998-1aradpr 1:00 3-Kniglitliooil ..1:03 2-Snob II 1:03 2- Marton 1:03 Three-Quarters Mile. 1-Avispn 1:17 992-II3frare 1:19 1- AuIumn l!ellsl:10 2-Long llont ..1:22 2- Atherstone ..1:19 2-Me.spnger " ...1:20 9S9-Atliolslon ...1:19 99S-Modo 2 1 -T1- 1-Uud Fislier ..l:18s l-Ion Rose .!.1:12" 1-Blue Peler ..1:22 2-1ifketer 1-22 1-Hayonne 1:19 IHHI-Iolly Wale ..1:18 1- Catapult 1:24 1-Polylhia 1:1S 2- Care Free ...1:1S 090 -IT. of Umbrinl :19 2-Cliiffon 1:22 1ow Wow ...1:20 990-Dovesroost ..1:19 l-l!el Urand .A:2zi 9r,-l:mme.sdale 1:27 3-Serenatler ...1:19 999-Kleeteil II. ..1:L2 992-Tiifler 1:17 2- Flag Staff ..1:23 999-Toil .1:19 ; 1- IIorolose 1:27 2-Valenlia 1:17 970-Jimniie 1:18 2-Whisknway .1:24 997-Kippie 1:19 2-Wigwam ....1:22 Seven-Eighths Mile. 997- Dr. of Allah 1:31 One Mile. 99S-Arapahoe ...1:50 2-Xortholif f ...1:43- 998- Ililly Karton 1:47 1 -Nancy Shanksl:51 992- Cath. Mronel:4fi 2-Xcdnn 1:50 3- Daniel A. ...1:47 997-Prudery 1:45 2- Frigate 1:47 99S-Tliundrrcli IMS 1 - Irish Confettil:43 2-Trvster . 1-43V " " 997-May Ulossom 1:57 " Mile and an Eighth. 997- Grey Lag ...2:0G 2-Prudish 2:07 Mile and a Quarter. 974- ISrilliant Star2:15 997-IlilI and Coo 2:15 I Gadfly showed a good turn of speed. Grey Lag had an easy gallop. Prudery seems fresh and good. Northcliff and Irish Confetti worked on even terms. Frigate looks and acts good. Polythia ran well. Blossom Time and Betty Boall worked well together. Dunlin showed his speed. Tryster was not extended. Pen Rose was under restraint. Morvich is nearing racing condition again. OKLAHOMA TKAIXIXO TRACK. Weather cloudy ; track good Three-Eighths Mila. 999- Allie Ochs 38 2-Sailing Along.. 3S 3- Satellite 39 Half Mile. 99S-Antorio 51 923-X.intucket 51 998- ltraedalbane ...51 l-Pay Dear 51 9S7-Cheapside 52 1-Suweep 50 941-Horemon 51 U9S-Tliessaly 50 1- IIluminator ...50 2-W.itcliful AVg 51 99S-Little Chief 50 Tliree-Quarters Mile. 2- Knot 1:18 1 -Mercury 1:24 Knot is near good form. Little Chief seems fresh and good. Thessaly showed good speed on the slow track. Nantucket was not extended. FORT ERIE, Ont., August C Sunday training gallops here included the following: FORT ERIE. Weather clear; track sloppy Three-Eighths Mile. 9S5-Eulah F 43 971-Itoyal Maid ...43 994-L.loyrt George .42 9S3-St. Donard ....44 928-Mary Reigel ..43 954-Water Willow. 40 951-Reluctant 41 974-Wee Todler ..42 Half Mile. Cimarron 51 95C-Toe the Mark. 54 993- Knot Grass ....55 970 Tailor Maid ..55 503-Social Star 53 Five-Eighths Mile. 550-Roisterer ...1:10 Three-Quarters Mile. 9G3-Athlcte 1:25 9Sl-Xonette 1:27 983- Attncy Muirl:20 994-Koyal Duck .1:22 975- Ilobadil 1:20 730-KeliablHty ..1:21 9S5-Elias 0 1:25 9S1-Skeer Face .1:27 955-Marjorie M...l:25 971-Serbian 1:19 984- Manocvre ...1:24 975-White Ridge .1:21 One Mile. 975-Fornovo 1:57 S90 Master Jack. 1:53 578-ladM Ixre .1:47 95S-North Walcs.l:5-t Last Coin ..1:54 994-Wnukeag 1:49 Mile and an Eighth. 992-Firebrand ...2:05 Water Willow appeared to like the going. Eulah F. Tan well. Royal Maid has plenty of speed, but she always appears to tire at the end. Toe the Mark was going well. Wrhite Ridge and Bobadil galloped together, both tired horses. Royal Duck was going easily and appears to be in good form. Manoevre ran well in the sloppy going and appeared to like it. Firebrand was only cantering all the way and had plenty in reserve. 5 SARATOGA SPRINGS, N. Y., August 7. Mondays training gallops here included the following: SARATOGA. Weather rainy; track sloppy Three-Eighths Mile. 3- High Speed ...30 3-I Minister ..38 997- Noel 37 1-Ruddy 37 1- Nassau 30 1-Spray 37 Half Mile. 3-Amusement ...53 99-Georgie .50 998- BIazes ..49 999-Haidee 5li 2- BilIy Mclhlin 50 3-Lnstrous 53 2-Capt. Costigan 5C 3-Many Smiles .51 999-Ocrse rayton..C0 929-Regal IOdge . 55 3-Contaet 52 l-St. Allan 54 971-Falth W. ...50 3-Stonv Point ..51 3-Fiim Friend ..51 2-Ten-Ic 53 Five-Eighths Mile. 3-Ar. of Gold 1:05 1-Kock Uottom 1:0S 997- llatter Sea .1:11 4-Sallvs Allevl:04 1-ltarbary Uushl:09 4-HnnKey ...".1:0-1 1-French Furzel:07 990-.Sun Quest .1:05 1- Felside 1:01 4-Sunsini 1:05 2- Khls Uridgol:ll 998-Vlolft Kav . .l:s 998- No Time ...1:03 748-Thc Forcner 1:07 3- 1urity 1:08 711-Tom Cassldy 1:04 997-ltaffles 1:10 Three-Quarters Mile. 3- Ir. .Tohnson. .1:19 2-Nnney F. ...1:25 4- Extermlnator 1:20 3-Iloutiedfce .1:19 1- Goshawk 1:17 3-Slippeiy i:iinl:24 9S3-Jaunebar 1:22 4-Spot Cash ..1:10 2- Ioiterer 1:23 995-Vulcnin lirkl:23 4-Moonraker ..1:10 3-W. Heather 1:22 2- NaturalUt ..1:23 One Mile. 992- Thornhedge ..1:517s 3-Wylie 1:53 Mile and a Quarter. 1-Kmolion ....1:37 Nassau and High Speed each showed good speed in the going. Georgie was under restraint. Blazes galloped well. Moonraker and Spot Cash worked together. Goshawk was not extended. Exterminator had an esy gtillop. Dr. Johnson and Routledge worked on even terms. Emotion galloped easily over the long route. OKLAHOMA TKAIIXG TRACK. Weather rainy; track sloppy Three-Eighths Mile. v 3- Pillory 3S !SS-Trevolvun 38 993- I!:ilCo 39 Half Mile. 3-Chile 51 3-MoKee 49 3-Fitiality 50 Threc-Quarters Mile. 1-HrlRht I.iglitsl.:20 1-Im Wllsmi .123 993- Forcst Ijore 1:19 3-Tall Umlnr 1:19 One Mild. 3- Capt. Alcock.l:53 S-llayfellnw ..1:53 1-Jock Scot ...1:51 9tS-Keil I.ugs ...1:53 4- Kai-St:ng ...1:45 Finality ran well in the going. McKee seems in good condition. Tall Timber and Forest Lore worked on even terms. Kai-Sang did a creditable move. FORT ERIE, Ont.. August 7. Monday training gallops here included the following: FORT F.UIE. Weather cloudy; track sloppy Three-Eighths Mile. 95S-A1 Pierce 42 4-I.lovd Georce. 44 950-Itlue Ribbon ..41 992-Moss Fox II. .40 3- I?iilliant liny. .44 3-Prism:ir .41 727-Colonel Matt .43 999-Keformcr 43 4- St. Donard 39 985-Son Way 40 999- Kienno? S. ...41 4-TnHor Maid . 41 1-Fair Gain ....41 59S-Ti:ninbut ... 42 891-Laura 43 99S-Tricks 42 Half Mile. 958-Cot. I?los?om...53 95S-ld Ued 57 975-Dancinir Girl.. .KG Swain55 974-I0rantc 50 Itock Gnrden .50 927-Juy 53 970-IMiymcr ."! 4-Lnds Ixjvo ...52 3-Servitor 55 3-Little Ammie..54 973-TijIiH Sahib . 54 994- Manna 57 4-Wee Toddler. .50 1-Mad Hatter ...55 Five-Eighths Mile. 9S5-l!llion 1:09 955-St. Angelina . 1 :12 SSS-Earneft 1:10 973-The Nephew 1:0!! 984-Finea!st:e ...1:09 999-Tlp. Witchct.llO Three-Quarters Mile. 9S2-Crock o Goldl:21 3-Miles S 1:20 SS7-Handfull 1:21 972-I!eilmon 1:28 3- John. lundee.l:21 One Mile. 994-John. Overonl:S9 2-Spnn. Maire.l:59 4- Knot Grass .1:55 925-Solid ltock ..1:48 999-St. Germain. .1:48 SSS-.Seeietary 1:58 Mile and an Eighth. l-I5oniface 2:13 Blue Ribbon showed some speed, but ran out. Fair Gain was not extended. Brilliant Ray was only cantering. Reformer was going well. Eleanor S. only cantered. Pastoral was never extended. tm. Lads Love appears to be in good form. Tippity Witchet and Miles S. ran well together. The Nephew appeared to quit. Boniface cantered all the Way. Mad Halter galloped a half easily.