untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1922-08-30


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Entire Dispersal of the BASHFORD MANOR STUD on the Farm, two miles from Louisville City Limits, on the Bardstown Road, Thursday, September 7 at 10 A. M., Completing Sale in Time for Races. 76- HEAD -76 INCLUDING THE STALLIONS RALPH FREECUTTER . . ix 13 Yearlings 13 -- MflPPS THE GET OF LL IVIMt3 LL ga.n Ralph UnderF.re I 15 Weanlings 15 Six Two, Three, Four-Year-Olds j,HE GET OF I Cross Country Type. Escoba Ralph Alvescot 1 18- HORSES IN TRAINING -18 I DORIC DORIUS ORLOVA ASIA SIR LAWNFAL 1 THARON DAMORIS ANBEANA FEDORA HAMET I I MODNA LEONTES LOCARNO LUBECK MANOR I MARCEL MELUN SELIM I CATALOG READY. APPLY TO I I The Kentucky Sales Co., Lexington, Kentucky 5 XXX Special This horse goes Thursday at Churchill Downs, providing track is right; has been carefully prepared by the smartest people in the business and will pay a good prici-. Itcmcmbcr, this horse must win or your money refunded next day or our next SPECIAL free, at your option. "Wire your sufc-scription at once with telegraph address. "We will also have two more 5 Specials during the Churchill Downs meeting. Dayton Information Service 24 Xorth Canal Street, DAYTOX, OHIO. MERRIMAC ...0.85- WON GEM $ 8.35- WON Grace Mayers. .0.45- WON FLAGSTAFF ..$ 3.00-S1 WON . CURTIS 0.00- WON Abovo is just a sample of what you get in the BLUE BOOK. NEW BOOK ON SALE TODAY. Contains renorts on some HEAL LIVE ONES at LOUISVILLE, CANADA and NEW YOEK. Plucky, 2.60-, Won WAS MONDAYS FOEM SPECIAL. When it comes to making good the STANDAED is in a class by itself. Over 15 years in business also speaks for itself. 35 CENTS AT ALL NEWSSTANDS. THEEE COPIES MAILED DIEECT FOE . TODAYS FOEM SPECIAL: Kentucky-Apple-38-44-28-88-Entry. H Wm l I II N In II 8 J 403, 22 W. Quincy St. Chicago, 111. LOUISVILLE RACES J. J. SCHREINER AMERICAS PREMIER CLOCKER YOU CAN EMPLOY ME TO WOEK FOE YOU 5 FOE TEN DAYS OPENING DAY AUGUST 30TH I HAVE BEEN ON THE GEOUND THEEE WEEKS EUSH YOUE SUBSCEIPTION DONT FAIL TO SEND ADDEESS. From Me You Get Track Conditions and No Scratched Horses, but Fit Horses. My many clients will vouch for my marvelous success at Kentucky tracks. Consult a specialist of the game. I wire one or two horses daily at 11 oclock. Telegraph remittance or remit by express order in letter. Propositions Not Considered. Strictly Cash Only. Apartment 204, Gaston Bldg., Louisville, Ky. SATUEDAY A 5 FLAT BET AT SARATOGA WON 02. MONDAY A 5 FLAT BET AT DEVONSHIRE WON 51. Including SHOOT AWAY, 4.30- among others. Tuesdays results unknown. SPECIAL NOTICE SPECIAL 0.00 offer expires SATUEDAY, SEPTEMBEE 2. In order to give the larg-e and small player a chance to test the "Eeid Idea" I will send same upon receipt of 0, balance, 40, from winnings, Eemittance must bo made by money order, certified check or telegraph. Name and address must be telegraphed when remitting by wire. A. 0. REID BOX 583 LAECHMONT, N. Y. P. S. Money refunded unless above winners were selected through the "Eeid Idea." I have no time for correspondence. Sale of system limited to each locality. WARNING I have no agents or representatives; beware of fraudulent copies of the "Eeid Idea." ADVERTISE IN RACING FORM THE BEACON Mailed every Thursday evening. Contains news of interest to horsemen and trainers regarding present form of horses that are expected to win next start; also ratings and intended coups. WE HAVE NO SPECIALS TO SELL YOU. When wo receive late word on anything good we wire or mail same to subscribers free of charge.: Tuesday we gave ANONYMOUS ..2-1 WON Again we start the week well by giving all subscribers on Monday Fusee, .30-, Won Send your order for next weeks BEACON at once and it will be mailed you on Thursday evening. We expect another free special in Canada on Friday next. Last Fridays special Redstone, 9.70-, Won Dont miss our free specials. We will have a good Una on Kentucky in next weeks BEACON. Order at onco. Make checks and money payable to BEACON NEWS SEEVICE 1463 BEOADWAY NEW YOEK CITY SUBSCEIPTION BATES 1 week, ; 4 weeks, . SEA COUET 0.80 - WON MEEEIMAC 0.85- WON BEOCADE 7-5 WON wore three nice cnes that we gave on our sheet last week. We arc not like some of the others that hand you the entries asd let you do the picking. We absolutely only give TWO HOESES EACH DAY 50c DAILY AT ALL NEWSSTANDS 50c NATIONAL O. K. PUBLISHING CO., Boom 411, Baltimore Building, CHICAGO, ILL. DIEECT FEOM TEACK Saturday, September 2, two Specials, f. . Jf.J Guarantee a WINNEE or following jpEy vandCt two FEEE. Mail your for them jSSSyjSSF NOW. New issue of THOEOUGH-Jjjj; BEED today, any newsstand, 35c. E-Ji3and.S-: You need it to help you beat them. PIF TODAYS BEST: Bring -Kentucky- Buy-Joe-Out-Nut. THE AMEKICAN THOEOUGHBEED Baltimore Bldg. Estab. 1907. Chicago, 111. 00.00 for Nothing! No Foolin! If you think you can pick winners you have a chance, to make a little easy money. Bead the full details in The San Francisco Homo Stretch Weekly. If your dealer does not handle the paper tell him to drop us a card and wc will send him a supply of papers. Address 661 PHELAN BLDG., SAN FEANCISCO, CALIF. BUSINESS INVESTMENT Would like to get in touch with reliable business men who will place 5.00 for me in return for real live advice on a few stables only. About six horses a month. Unless you mean business and I are reliable dont waste your time. References required and exchanged. Write and I will identify myself to your satisfaction. Address AY. D. L. 201 Norton Bldg. Louisville, Ky. The Monthly Form Book containing charts of all races run on recognized tracks in North America during the month of AUGUST. WILL BE ON SALE SATUEDAY NOON, SEPTEMBEE 2. PKICE ,00 Single copies by mail will POSITIVELY only be sent as registered mail, -with an extra 1 charge of ten cents for registration. Not responsible - for books sent as regular mail. DAILY RACING FORM PUBLISHING CO. 441 PLYMOUTH COUET :: CHICAGO, ILL. . 157-159 EAST 32ND STEEET, NEW YOEK, N. Y. 74 EXCHANGE STEEET :: BUFFALO, N. Y. Annual Racing Form for 1921 Is Now On Sale DAILY RACING FORM PUBLISHING CO, 141 PLYMOUTH COUET :: CHICAGO. ILL, ! 157-159 EAST 32ND STEEET, NEW YOEK, N. Y. 74 EXCHANGE STEEET :: BUFFALO, N. Y. , I KNOW OVER 1,200 NORSE OWNERS AND TRAINERS The TUEF EEPOETEE, oldest publication in existence and originator disseminating information from track weely in booklet form, enabling thousands to obtain Experts Preferred Track Eeports, Work-outs, Eeflections, Comments, Conditions, Horses in Training all Tracks, Horses Form of Which Public Knows Nothing, at fraction of its cost. WHY WE MAKE GOOD. BUILT UPON n Our editor, a- H. tr J. t c Seideneck, v always , on the . S PEEMANENT PEINCIPLES. X - i -o . , , ... We never misrepresent. Business run job, many years raced a large stable of jtand Uko your bank. Thats why we do all our thoroughbreds, various times training them SmjS business by mail. Guarantee and promises himself; account his numerous track inter- kept inviolate. Losers advertised as well as ests jot to know personally fully 75 per cent S winners. Past 18 years our ads. appeared of the owners and" trainers on the turf today. in Daily Eacing Form. THAT YOU MAY KNOW US BETTER Compare EEPOETEE with any 1,001 imitations. Not particularly this weeks issue. Take any week in the year if you really want and appreciate legitimate track information. Past 18 years same people weekly all over United States, Canada, Mexico, even in Cuba, using EEPOETEE. Why! Get one at any newsstand, only 35c. Wired us direct from track each Saturday, 2 horses. We have made good 40 out of 62. Missed last two Saturdays, so dont fail to mail , two going September 2. We are due for a hit. Wednesdays Special: Kentucky-Thursday-Law-Run-You-Will. THE TURF REPORTER, 22 West Ouincy Street Established 1904. Chicago, Illinois. CREATED TO SURPASS NOT TO PARAhLEh

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1922083001/drf1922083001_11_1
Local Identifier: drf1922083001_11_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800