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1 A II D C I ENTRIES AMD PAST PERFORMANCES I LAU KL L FOR SATURDAY, OCTOBER 14 WEATHER CLEAR : TRACK GOOD. Racing starts at 1:45 p. m. Chicago time 12:45. Todays Superior mud runner. X Good mud runner. Ind. Horse. Wt. Rec. A.Wt.Han. :;: Fair mud runner. M Maidens. Apprentice Fourth Race 3-4 Mile. allowance, b Blinkers. Arundel Handicap. First Race 3-4 Mile. Purse ?2,000. 3-ycar-ohls and upward. Purse ,500. 2-year-olds. Allowances. Track record: Oct. 5, 191S 1:11 1 10S. Track record: Oct. 5, 191S 1:11 1 10S. G5G901 Exterminator 132 l:14V-;h 7 133900 Todays 65961 Hildur 124 1:11 4 124XS95 Ind. Horse. Wt. Rec. A.AVt.IIan. 65SG13 bOn Watcli 123 1:11 5 124XVJ5 66035 Heeltaps 313 1:12 112XT25 65678 Second Thoughts. . .107 1 :12 lOGXMVj ! 66072 New Hampshire . .113 1:lh 30SXT2. 65961 bTippity Wilchet... 124 1:11 7 112S9J 65824 Ethel Clayton It 7 1:13 309X735 66040s Calamity Jane 119 1:12 3 133..SS5 C4403 iGolden Rule 109.. 715 06306s bDexterous 101! 1:13 3 9SXSS0 65959 tJrar.som Ill l:14m K19..V15 65961 bRay Jay 100 3:32 3 10S. .SSO 65956 tMocmraker 112 1:3SVf.h 109. .735 6G0063 biSigheart 10! 1:11 3 109..S0 65576 luly Mjra 1011:14 "H"? Fifth Race-1 1-4 Miles. 6G0053 ttrochct 10 ... Eighth Running Maryland Handicap. 65SS9 Carol 100 1:12 112... 10 0,000 Added 66005 Valadcr 11 115 1:15 103.. 700 a-year-oId 65824 Buckwheat 103 1:13 10G..700 Track record: Oct. IS, 1917 2:02 3 15 109 l:llni IOOXiOu 66959 Coniixa ,Clr,r-7 BUNTING 1- "O tH. P. Whitney and Grccnlrcc Stable entry. g5318 tJfwlna ....;;;;"-..114 L,.t;s nbiwri J.l. b. Cosdcn entry. 65319 Rebuke 100 x 735 Second Race About 2 1-2 Miles. 66073 Tangerine 99X735 Eleventh Running Chevy Chase Steeplechase Handi- 65011s Athclstan M 90.. 730 j cap. ,000 Added. fll. P. Whitney and Jreentroe Stable entrv. 4-year-olds and upward. s5xth Hile and 70 YardSi 65124 tSoumanglia 7 152.. 700 irso .,300. 3-year-ohls and upward. Maiming. 65192 tbPeccant 5 155X095 Track record: Oct. 7, 1918 1:42 4 113. iS ,!!"";" 1 ,",r;J e610i Current Events ...114 1 :4ti 4 109x725 64539 SHomlim , L,0X.9: 35393 Mabel Curtis 104 1:45 3 105x720: 65124-Sea Skipper 5 141.. 090 G6042 Tingling 117 1:45 4 109X715, 65449 JSea Tale 0 152.. 090 65G74 iSlli1 .ck 10Sl:4i 9 114::715 65957 ttJIinata i 144X0S5 G61043 Lads Love 110 1:43 0 114X715 65581 JConrteous 7 135. .685 CCi08 Kings Belle 110 1:45 4 111X715 65863- Natalie M 4 130..C.S0 C5773 ,;. 10S3:43 0 111. .715 G61373ftWrack Crass 4 130.. 0S0 66108- i:ttahe 107 1:45 7 114x71 tGrecntrce Stable entry. G5SG8 l.Star Realm 114 1:43 i 114710 JC. K. Harrison. Jr., entry. G5578 Bullet 90Sl:15 3 105x701 ttMrs. F. Ambrose Clark entry. 66104 Mr. X 100 1:40 4 109.. 705 J. E. Widener entry. GG0C9 The Clockmender . 99 1:55 3 103.. 700 j Third Race 1 Mile. Seventh Race 1 1-10 Miles. Purse ,000. 2-year-olds. Allowances. Purse ,500. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. I Track record: Oct. 21, 39191:37 1125. Track record: Oct. 7, 1910 1:13 5 110. 64540 fCresta 110.. 750 65S69 Penelope 105 1:47 5 100X725 65959s tDimlin 111X745 659583bWar Mask 109 1:45 0 115X720 66072s Caveat Emptor ... 113.. 740 66074 Trajanus 102 1:54h 3 105.. 715 66039 JHenna 107X740 65305 bFannie Beau 102 1:45 3 108X715 06072s fWoodland 107.. 735 66041 Kings Champion .103 1:46 5 112X715 1 65911 Belphrizonia 109 1:42 107. .730 6G041 King John ...104 1:45 7 111710 65815 My Own M 105.. 725 66038s Moco 302 3:4Sni 3 304X730 65771 I.umliiist 110. .725 66107s Maryland Belle ...113 1:47 3 10SX710 til. P. Whitney entry. 66074 Double Cross . 107 1:51 3 110. .700 JJ. S. Cosden entry. 66038 Mollie Barnes ... 4 110X700 ISt RACE :,rJ1 --year-olls Allowances. Oct. Ti, 101S 1:11 :i-5-H Index Course Dist Time TVk Odds Wt St Str Fin Jockeys Started Order of Finish HEELTAPS, ch. f. 2 112 By Ultimus Queen of" the Water, by Waterboy. Trainer. W. Irvine. Owner. E. F. Whitney. 60005 Laurel 5J f 1:08 fast 6-5 1131-2 1 Is 3J J Rutwell O Valador. Crocliet, Frank G. G5817 Laurel 5J f l:07fast 11-10 116 111 Is J Butwcll S SpHawk. Felicitous, Thr.Square G5673 H.deGcc 5J f l:07fast 17-10 119 1 1 1 l5 J Butwell 9 Druid Hill, Tassel, Snsiaua G5576 H.deGce 5i f l:0Sfast 9 109 1 1 lk 4!i J Rowan S Vigil, Daniel, Dunlin G5302 H.deGcc 3-4 1:15 fast 13f 103 3 2 3h 4s! J Rowan 15 Bluemont, Vigil, Marie Bla icha G4190 FortErie 3-4 l:12fast 3S-5 113 2 1 Ink 2" J Rowan 7 Vennie, Sympathy, Donegal G3966 Hamton 3-4 l:14slov 11 110 4 1 li 3SJ J Rowan S Canmore, Delusive, Oakwood NEW HAMPSHIRE, b. c, 2 108 By Granite Annagh, by Broomstick. Trainer, II. Hirsch. Owner, M. Hirsch. GG072 Laurel 3-4 l:16hvy 21-10 113 1 1 Is 1 B Marielli 7 CavtEmptor, Woodland, Bucado G4544 Saratoga BJ f l:0Shvy 5 113 1 1 Si 6,s E Sande 9 Daniel, Shamroct, Doughoregar. G3328 Empire 5i f l:07slow 10 112 6 3 3" 33S B Marielli 9 Wildrake. Bet.Luck, WilmTell 63104 Aqueduct 5-8 1:00 fast 17-10 112 2 13 551 E Sande S BlancSeing, Thessaly, Anonyms G2904 Aqueduct 5-8 59good 2 112 1 2 Is 11 E Sande 10 Anonyms, Ambler, Lady Myra 62431 Belmt 5J f MC l:05fast 15 122 4 3 35 75 B Marielli S Cherry Pie, Cresta, Canaque C2292 Belmcnt 5-S st 5Smud 6-5 117 2 2 ll li E Sande 8 Brilliance, Anonyms, B.Monkey ETHEL CLAYTON, ch. i, 2 109 By Adam Bede Tea Biscnit, by Rock Sand. Trainer, J. Butler. Owner, Kenton Stable. C5824 Kworth 3-4 l:12fast 4J 112 1 4 3J li J McTagt G S.sLemon. D.Gaicly, Bkwheat G5347 Woodne 3-4 1:13 fast 6-5 10S 4 3 31 7 F Wilson 9 Rockerv, FirstWard, Patchwork G5213 Dorval 51 f l:09slow 31-10 106 2 1 l5 1 E Barnes 7 AVeeTodr, S.sLemon, H.sJewcl 650G3 Dorval 3-4 1:18 mud 3-2 113 3 2 2s 2s II Ericksn G Patehwk, Nickname, Rkgardca 6499 B.Bnnets 5S f l:06fast 11 103 1 4 4 5JE Barnes 5 Seths Lemon. Lilt, Vespra C4579 Connght 5i f l:0Sfast .2 112 4 4 1 2h H Gregory S S.sLemon, Ptchwork, QnCcok GOLDEN RULE, b. c, 2 109 By Wrack Golding, by Flint Rock. Trainer, W. Garth. Owner, J. S. Ccsden. 64403 Saratogr. 51 f l:06fast 3 115 2 1 l3 V L Ensor 11 Pittston, Aspiration, Quarrel G3285 Aqueduct 5-S 1:02 fast 8-5 115 1 3 3 6s E Sande 8 Dunlin, Caveat Emptor, Fullon 628G4 Aqueduct 5-S 1:00 good 3 115 2 1 2J 2J C H Millerll C. do Lion, Mac Lir, Park Hill G2809 Aqueduct 5-S 59fast 13-5 115 9 7 7s 4 L Lyke 12 Wildrake, MacLir. Doughoregan 02030 Belmont 4i t st 52fast 12 110 3 3 3s 2s E Sande 5 Canaque, Wf ulWaiting, Crochet TRANSOM, ch. f. 2 109 By Broomstick Traverse, by Tracery. Trainer, J. Rowe. Owner, H. P. Whitney 65959 Laurel 3-4 l:13mud C 111 4 7 7J 6ci J CallahanlS Wilderness, Dunlin. Scribble 65865 Laurel 5! f l:06fast 1-2 107 1 1 2s lt J Callahan 5 Comixa, Prince Regent, Giarre G5768 Liurel 51 f l:07fast 1-2 115 4 1 31 lsl F Keogh S Sun Quest, Insulate, Windigo C4432 Saratoga 5-S 59fast 16-5 105 9 S CJ 3s! L McAtee 13 Toucana, Miss Star. Best Love MOONRAKER, ch. c, 2 109 By Broomstick Alster Cress, by Watercress. Trainer, J. Rowe, Jr. Owner, Greentree Stable. 6595G Laurel 51 f 1:0S mud 2-5 113 2 1 1 1 J Callahan G Sog.Aroon, Wdflower, O.Timefi G5815 Laurel Si f 1:07 fast 1 115 1 2 2s 2l J Callahan 9 ISetter Times, My Own. Noel G4274 Saratoga 51 f l:06fast 4 .115 1 1 Is 21 L McAtee 11 GreatLuck, B.BveMe, Monardla G4107 Saratoga 3-4 1:18 hvy ll- 112 6 5 3s 6s F Keogh 9 BoMcMn, D.E.OSuln, T.Timber G3938 Saratoga 51 f 1:06 fast G 107 4 8 5 11s! L Penman 13 DtFlower, Cartnist, Messenget G3829 Empire 51 f l:06fast 6-5 10S 5 3 3s 31 L Morris 5 TallTimber. BoMc-Millan, Mutiny LADY MYRA, ch. f, 2 106 By Atheling II. Minnow, by Minora. Trainer, M. J. Murphy. Owner, S. Louis. G557G H.deGce 31 f l:0Sfast 14 1031 S S 71 7,s E Barnes S Vigil, Daniel, Dunlin 65441 H.deGce 3-4 l:14fast 10 101 5 5 4l 4si II Thomas 7 Caligula, SundiallL, MinuteMan 64573 Saratoga 51 f 1:10 hvy 5 112 1 2 2 2 H Thomas 4 Certain, PceRcgent. B.andGold 64233 Saratoga 5-S l:00fast 7 109 5 6 Si S II Thomasl3 Thessaly, Tassel, DksDaughtet 63990 Saratoga 5-S 59fast 10 104 6 -3 5i 4 H Thomas 9 Edict, Rustcm, Daniel 63470 Empire 51 f 1:10 mud 20 115 3 4 45 42 H Thomas 0 Cyclops, Dunlin," Jolly CROCHET, br. f, 2 106 By Celt Network, by Eon. Trainer, W. Garth. Owner, J. S. Cosden. 6G005 Laurel 51 f 1:0S fast 9 103 3 2 2s 3" C Lang 0 Heeltaps, Valador, Frank G. 65007 Belmont 5-8 st 56fast 20 107 7 7 71 6s C Lang 12 Sallys Allev, Miss Star, Kippy 64880 Belmt c? f MC l:06s!ow 8 307 3 5 . 5s S J Merimee 9 Silk Tassel, Edict. Untidy 64G50 Saratoga 5-8 1:02 hvy 4 115 1 3 21 2 L Ensor G Kippv, Henna, Brocade G4432 Saratoga 5-8 59fast 15 110 6 5 7s 71 C Kummerl3 Toucana, Miss Star, Transom 64211 Saratoga 5-S 1:00 fast 6 107 3 4 5s 5 L Ensor 12 SilkTassel, BIos.Time, Possible G3031 Aqueduct 41 f 53fast 16-5 109 6 7 6l 5 C Lang 9 Possible, Nantokah, Equinoctial VALADOR, ch. c, 2 M 103 By Short Grass Cheer, by Plaudit. Trainer, T. Moran. Owner, W. L. S. Martin. GG005 Laurel 51 f 1:08 fast 41 303 5 3 3s 2i J Callahan 0 Heeltaps. Crochet. Frank G. 65771 Laurel 3-4 l:13fast 51 300 7 4 41 4S1 J Callahan S Rialto, Lilt. Carol G5G47 H.deGce 3-4 1:14 fast 13-10 113 S 3 4s 2 J Callahan 9 Luminist, Bet.Times, St.Lawce 65128 Belmt 51 f MC l:05fast 13 108 S 9 9 83 J Callahan 9 Curtis, Newmarket, Flagstaff C3065 Aqueduct 5-S 1:01 slop 3 112 4 5 3s 2i J Callahan 5 BoMcMiln, Stockmar, Hillhusa 62901 Aqueduct 5-8 5Sfast 15 105 6 4 41 3 J Callahan 9 Martgale, Bet.Luck, BoMcMiln G2809 Aqueduct 5-S 59fast 20 113 11 10 10s 8" J Callahanl2 Wildrake, MacLir, Doughoregan BUCKWHEAT, ch. f, 2 106 By Spanish Prince II. Wheat-ear, by St. Frusquin. Ttainer, J. T. Mooney. Owner, F. Musante. 65824 Kworth 3-4 l:12fast 7 112 6 3 43 4 F Weiner 6 E.Clayton. S.sLemon, D.Gaiety 65535 Woodne 3-4 l:13fast 4 106 4 3 3s 3 T Nolan 5 F.of Truce, Ban.Bearer, Jigstep 65450 Woodne 3-4 1:13 fast 41 103 3 4 5 5J F Wilson ! KirkLadv, OldTop, SetusLemon 64GG9 Devshire 51 f l:07slow 7 114 5 3 2" 2" D Stirling 7 H.Graham, KirkLudy, M.Blanche 64555 Devshire 51 l:06fast 9 110 6 2 2-t 32 D Stirling 9 MarieBlanche. Tycoon, LadyBoss 64439 Windsor 5-S l:00fast 31 115 6 4 :ih ink f Wilson 10 Blossoms, Salton, Hot Coal 64336 Windsor 51 f l:07fast 6 102 3 1 1 Is F Wilson 5 E.Clayton, H. Graham, EosieH. COMIXA, br. f, 2 106 Ey Colin The Minx II., by Great Sport. Trainer, J. F. Schorr. Owner, E. B. McLean. 65959 Laurel 3-4 l:13mud 31 309 1 5 9-1 G Walls 33 Wilderness. Dunlin, Scribble 55865 Laurel 51 f l:00fast 3 10S1 5 2 1and 2and C Ponce 5 Transom, Prince Regent, Giarre 65651 ILdeGce 5-8 1:01 fast 2 113 1 1 li 21 J Butwell 5 Carol, Mar.Blanche. PrceRegent G5302 H.deGce 3-4 1:13 fast 31 102 6 .4 4 6 E Josiah 15 Bluemont. Vigil, MarieBlanche G5128 Beimt 51 t MC l:03fast 10 112 4 2 2s 4 E Josiah 9 Curtis, Newmarket, Flagstaff G4432 Saratoga. 5-S 59fast S 119 C 6 8s 9 J Butwell 13 Toucana, Miss Star, Transom G423G Saratoga 5-S G9 fast 6 119 1 3 31 51 E Josiah 11 Zev, Enchantment. Dunlin CAROL, ch. c. 2 " 112 By Ormondale Bonnie Carrie, by Ogden. Trainer, F. Herold. Owner, Quincy Stable. G5959 Laurel 3-1 l:13mud 23 111 9 3 Oi 4s C Ponce 13 Wilderness, Dunlin, Scribble 65771 Laurel 3-4 lU3fast 31 10S1 1 2 2s 3s C Ponce S Rialto, Lilt, Valador G5ff51 H.deGce 5-S 1:01 fast 1 116 2 2 2s 11 S Bullman 5 Comixa, M. Blanche, PrceRegent 65527 H.deGce 51 f 1:07 fast 3 105 1 1 1 2s S Bullman 9 Rialto, SwpHawk, Mar.Blancho 65299 H.deGce 5-S l:00fast 32 116 2 1 l3 l3 C Ponce 13 Scribble, Blue Peter, Sun Mist 64964 Belmont 3-4 MC 1:12 fast 7 112 7 2 21 33 C Ponce 11 Bot.Beall, Runviso, PrinceTiiTi 9nrl RAPP About - 1 -2 Miles. Chevy Chase Steeplechase Handicap. 4-year-CUU llHOU iis ami upward. SOUMANGHA. ch. ra, 7 152 By Don de Oro Sunrise, by The Bard. Trainer, V. Powers. Owner, Greentree Stable. 65 124 Belmont Ab 21 5:02fast 2 150 G 3 3 1 V Powers S SeaSkipper, Earlcckcr, Sweepnt 04182 Saratoga Ab 2 4:1S fast S-5 342 2 1 lsl 1 V Powers 3 Faunus. Belle of Rryn Mawr G4045 Saratoga Ab 2 4:23 hvy 13-5 3 33 5 1 1 Is V Powers 7 Lrtlc, Houvhnhnm. Comique G2651 Aqueduct Ab 2 4:21fast 13-6 132 2 3 2 2nk w Bethel 3 Decisive, Earlocker 62232 Belmont Ab 2 3:53mud 3J 333 4 G 5 53 W Bethel 7 Hallavil, SeaSkipr, Roval Arch G2178 Belmont Ab 2 3:47fast 31 134 1 5 4 4 V Powers 7 B.ofB.Mawr. Bullseye, QuecreeK PECCANT, ch. g, 5 155 By Trap Rock Peccadillo, by Hastings. I Trainer, V. Powers. Owner, Greentree Stable. 05192 Belmont Ab 2 3:3Ufast 1 150 3 4 Fell. B Haynes 0 Earlockcr. Crest Hill, Irish Sea 65124 Belmont Ab 21 5:02fast 2 157 3 6 71U 725 B Haynes S Soumgha, SeaSkippr, Earlockcr 61783 Belmont Ab 2 4:20slop S-3 147 5 1 1 Is B Haynes li Sea Skipper. Earlockcr, Unar 04539 Saratoga Ab 21 5:24 hvy 41 152 6 4 3 3S1 I Barrett 5 Houdini, Bullseve, Wisest Fool C2943 Aqueduct Ab 2 4:llgood 4-5 354 4 3 3 5"i I Barrett 7 Roi Craig, Bullseye, Minata G2069 Belmont Ab 2 3:47fast 9-10 35S 3 1 2 2s I Barrett fO Neap-tide, Roi Craig, Bullseye KALLAVILL, b. g, 4 142 By Berrilldon Vilhalla, by Pessara. Trainer, W. Garth. Owner, J. S. Cosden. 65957 Laurel Ab 2 4:01mud 16-5 13S 2 1 11 Is R H CTd 10 Wrack Crass, Earlockcr, Minata G5583 AVoodne Ab 2 3:5Sfast 2 112 1 4 Is l5 R H Cfd 5 Licut.Seas. Baroact, SeaMonV-U G5449 Woodne 2 1-2 4:4Sfast 3 133 3 1 Ink 2 R Simpson t! Minata, Bullseve, Dandv G5308 Woodne Ab 2 3:57fast 5 135 6 5 7" VI R II CTd 9 Sea Talc, Dandy, Lieut. Seas G4085 Saratoga Ab 2 4:28 hvy 9-5 136 4 Fell. A Willims 4 Joyful, Sea Bryn, New Haven G4018 Saratoga Ab 2 4:24slop 4-3 141 4 1 Is5 l3 A Willims 0 Mohican, BryanO.Lynn, N.IIavca HOUDINI, b. g, 6 150 By Sir John Johnson Cremorne, by Carlsbad. Trainer, J. H. Lewis. Owner, J. E. Widener. G4539 Saratoga Ab 21 5:24 hvy 11-10 144 3 3 Is 1 D Bycrs 0 Bullseye, Peccant, Wisest Fool 64305 Saratoga Ab 2 4:24hvy 13-5 U7 4 3 3!0 31 C Jones 5 Bullseye, Joyful, The Trout 5S539 Pimlico 214:53 fast 12-5 145 3 6 5 4 310 3s3 B Haynes 10 Fly.Scout, SeaSkipper, Bullseye 57106 Belmont Ab 21 4 :53fast 4 140 2 2 3 4 22 1" D Byers 9 Swcepment, Skibbereen, F.Scot 56938 Belmont Ab 21 4:53fast 8-5 133 3 5 5 2 1J Is D Byers 5 Lytic, Skibbereen, Earlocker SEA SKIPPER, ch. g, 5 141 By Seahorse II. Ansonella, by Clear the Way. Trainer, J. H. Lewis. Owner, J. E. Widener. 05124 Belmont Ab 21 5:02fast 16-5 117 1 1 11 21 D Byers S Sotimngha. Earlockcr,, Sweepnt 04960 Belmont Ab 21 5:16 fast 3-6 142 1 1 1 1 D Byers 3 Ards, Decisive 54783 Belmont Ab 2 4:20slop 16-5 140 2 2 2 2s D Byers 5 Peccant, Earlocker. Unar 63281 Aqueduct Ab 2 4:27 fast 4-5 140 2 2 1 15 C Jones 4 Vorshirc, Jaekv, Vox Populi II. ;2232 Belmont Ab 2 3:53mud 2 337 3 1 2 21 D Byers 7 Hallavill, Roval Arch, Phoenix G20G9 Belmont Ab 2 3:17fast 1S-5 137 4 6 10 10" C Jones 10 Neap-tide. Peccant, Roi Craig SEA TALE, b. m. 6 152 By Sea King Anecdote, by Tom Ochiltree. Trainer, S. Veitch. Owner, C. K. Harrison, Jr.. 65149 Woodne 2 1-2 4:49fast 3-5 155 0 2 L. rider.S VtchJr 5 Minata, Hallavill, Bullseye G5308 Woodne Ab 2 3:57fast 1-2 155 7 1 Is l"t S Veitch Jr 9 Dandy, Lieut. Seas, Minata G2082 AVbine Ab 2 1-2 4:33fast 1-4 14S 4 1 1 1 S Veitch Jr 4 Blightyll., Overmatch, McCorba 61681 Pimlico 2 3:49 fast 9 137 4 2 11 Is S Vtch Jr 11 Irelaud, Shoal, Phoenix G1S13 Pimlico 2 3:53 fast G 117 3 4 2;s 23 S Veitch Jr 7 Earlockcr, Briganna, Quecreek MINATA, b. g-. 6 144 By Mirador Aminta, by Tasso. Trainer, T. J. Donohue. Owner, Mrs. F. A. Clarkl. G5957 Laurel Ab 2 4:01mud 15 143 8 3 4s 4 W Green 10 Hallavill, WrkGrass, Earlocker 65581 Woodne Ab 3 5:594fast 11-5 145 4 2 2s 2 W Green 5 Courteous, Bullseve, Dandy 65449 Woodne 2 1-2 4:49fast 13 110 0 4 2 1 W Green 0 Hallavill, ltjillseye. Dandy 05308 Woodne Ab 2 3:57fast 16 lit 9 7 5it 43 It McMus 9 Sea Tale, Dandy Lieut. Seas 64975 B.Bnnets 21 5:C0 fast 21-5 143 7 0 Ss 471 W Green 7 Dandy, Courteous. Houynhum 04757 B.Bonts Ab 21 5.03fast 8-3 14S 5 6 51 53 X Kenndy 7 Omatch. Hyhnhnm, Lietit.Seafl COURTEOUS, ch. g, 7 135 By Marcovil Politely, by Persimmon. Trainer, S. VeUch. Owner, C. K. Harrison, Jr.. 05581 Woodne Ab 3 5:59fast 10 130 1 1 Is 1 R Simpson 5 Minata. liullseyc, Dandy 05308 Woodne Ab 2 3:57fast 1-2 330 1 4 4s 53 R Simpson 9 Sea Tale, Dandv, Lieut. Seas 54 9 7 5 B.Bnnets 21 5:00 fast 3-2 130 2 1 Is 2 R Simpson 7 Dandv, Houynhum. Minata 54891 B.Bnnets Ab 2 4:03 fast 21-10 333 4 4 4S 4i S Veitch Jr 5 Flying Frog, Keltic. The Trout G4071 Hamton Ab 2 4:21mud 6 13S 1 3 3s 3"k C Ireland 5 FlyingFrog, Fair Mac, Gav Ksip G3903 Hamton 2 4:12slow 19-5 133 5 Fell. H Willims 0 Ammunition, St. Paul. Fair Mac. NATALIE, br. f, 4 M 130 By Huron Lady Joy, by Nasturtium. Trainer, H. Craven. Owner, Malvern Hill Fa rni Stable. 05803 Laurel Ab 2 4:00fast 20 345 7 5 2s5 23 L Goines S Reparation, Vicaire, Gimme G4844 Bc-lmont Ab 2 4:06 fast 30 142 6 4 4s 5ls P Brady 7 Our Boots, Quecreek, Irish Sea 56S3S II town Ab 3-4 1:26 fast 30 109 li R Walcott 5 Tuscarora. Fourleaf, Sulphur CIS36 Htown Ab 5-S l:02fast 12 107 3s R Waicott 4 Allah, Rubber II., Job Thayer 36S03 Htown Ab 5-S l:02fast 11-10 113 35 R Walcott G Advance, P.Grnway, Tuscarora CCSOO Htown 1 l:51fast 9 99 710 R Walcott 7 Dairyman, Billy Stuart, Casetaa WRACK GRASS, b. f, 4 130 By Wrack Meadowsweet, by Yankee. Trainer, T. J. Donohue. Owner, Mrs. F. A. Clark. GG137 Laurel 1 l:43good 12 113 4 1 2k 3"! R Romelll 7 Vitamin. Kelrnian, W.ofCorotod G5957 Laurel Ab 2 4:01mud 15 130 7 2 2i 2 M KcnndylO lrallavill, Earlocker. Minata 65451 Woodne 2 1-4 3:53fast 22 97 2 4 S S53 F Sharpe S P.Diamond, B.of White, Finery 85349 Woodne Ab 2 4:04Tast 4 137 3 1 1 Is W Green S Byng, Deputy Vest, Madrid 61543 Pimlico 2 4:07 slow 21 137 I 6 5" 5- N Kenndy 6 Gold Foyle, Perkiomen, Gren.ad1 1 Allowances. Oct. 21, Jflf 1:7 S-5 4 3rd RACE Mil"5 j:",caro11- CRESTA, ch. f, 2 110 By Whisk Broom IX. Cresson, by All Gold. Trainer, J. Rowe. Jr Owner, H. P. Wliitney. 3 01540 Saratoga 51 f 1:00 hvy 1 12111 It 3o S11 F Keogh 11 Kdict, Fly by Day, Brocade 63369 Kmpire 51 f l:07good 7-5 119 C 3 Is l1 L Penman 8 Suwccp, Twaddle, Brocade 02744 Aqueduct 5-8 50 mud 7-5 124 7 C Gl 631 I rcnmai, 9 Sal.sAUcy, SilkTnssel, ElDorad 02431 Eelmt 51 f MC l:05fast 7 122 8 7 5 l 2 L Penman S Cherry Pic. Canaquc. Vigil 5 02233 Helmont 5-S st 5Smud S 109 11 S 2 12 L Penman 11 Equinoctial, Solisa. Sally s Alley 02073 Belmont 41 f st 52fast 13-30 10? 6 4 4 ii L Penman S Equinoctial. The Kiss, Papillon j 01800 Jamaica 5-S l:0Orast 31 110J 5 5 5 31 F Keogh 5 MuriclVonDcr. Solisa, TrueFlier DUNLIN, ch. c. 2 11G By Fair Play Dona Roca, by Rock Sand. 3 Trainer, "W. Garth. Owner, J. S. Cosden. 05959 laurel 3-4 l:13mud 5 330 10 2 31 2 C Kummerl3 Wilderness, Scribble, Carol 65570 H.deGce 51 f 3:0Sfast 3-4 326 C 4 5 V. Kumuicr S Vigil. Daniel, Heeltaps 01081 Saratoga 3-4 l:12good 4 115 5 S 33 12 C Kummcrll! Goshawk. Zev, Cartoonist 04300 Saratoga 3-4 1:15 hvy 21 115 9 5 .",1 .2 M Garner 10 Zcv, Bud ITiier, Martingale 04230 Saratoga 5-S 59 fast 44 11! 9 5 5 Z-l.C Kummcrll Zcv, Knclmntment, Newmarket CS712 Empire 51 t 1:06 fast 11-2" 103 2 2 2 33 W Pool 5 Zev, WilliauiTell, D.andDrakes 03470 Empire 51 f 1:10 mud 5 110 4 2 2 2 AV Pool 0 Cyclops, Jolly, Lady Mym 1 CAVEAT EMPTOR, blk. c, 2 113 By Celt Bobolink II., by Willonyx. 1 Trainer. J. Fitzsimmons. Owner. Quincy Stable-. 00072 Iiurrl 3-4 l:16hvy C 126 5 3 1! 2 C Ponce 7 N.Hampshire, Wdland, Bucado 05193 Belmont 3-1 st 1:11 fast 25 127 16 IS 13 T Rice 23 Sallys Alley, Zcv, Wilderness 05012 Belmont 51 f st 1:03 fast 4 110 7 5 4 4 C Ponce. 11 Cyclops, AmorPatnac, .Shamrock 04743 Belmont 3-4 51 C l:llfast 1S-5 116 2 5 53 Z- L Morris 0 CherryPic, WJU.Tell, SpotCasIi 04544 Saratoga 51 f l:0Shvy 15 122 5 4 41 5" C Tonce 9 Daniel, Shamrock, Poughoregan O3740 Umpire Ab 5-4 l:10fast 10 110 4 2 2s 1L McAtee S Better Luck. Moonrnkcr, AlgU HENNA, ch. f. 2 107 By Colt Red Hair II., by William Rufus. Trainer. W. Garth. Owner, J. S. Cosden;. GG0S9 laurel 51 f 1:00 slop 23-10 103 14 2 ll C Lang S MabclK., AVm.TakcAll, A indigo 05012 Uclmont 51 f st 1:03 fast 25 106 5 4 GJ V C Lang 11 Cyclops, Amor Patriae, Shamrock 04880 Helm t 5?. f MC l:063islow S 110 S 4 71 G5 C Iing 9 Silk Tasselt Edict. Untidy 04050 Saratoga 5-8 1:02 hvy 4 113 4 5 5 35i C Kummer 0 Kippy, Crochet, Brocade 01510 Saratoga 51 f 1:00 hvy CO 112 10 0 S 7IC Kummcrll Edict, Fly by Day, Brocade 01400 Saratoga 51 f l:05fast 25 112 8 S S S" C Kummer S Enchantt, BhtTomorw. Aladn 01007 Saratoga 51 f l:0Smud 5 107 8 7 7 41 C Lang 32 Edict, Miss Smith, Great Luck WOODLAND, ch. f , 2 107 By Whisk Broom II. Sylvan, by Disguise. Trainer, F. Hopkins. Owner, H. P. Whitney. 0G072 laurel 3-4 l:16ijhvy 7 100 2 2 r.3 3s 3 L Penman 7 N.IUpshirc, ClEmptor, Bucado ; 05959 I-iurel 3-4 l:13mud C Hill 32 323 H2 F Kcogh 13 Wilderness, Dunlin, Scribble 04880 P.elmt "1 f MC l:06siow 16-3 112 4 2 l1 51 L McAtee 9 Silk Tassel, Kdiet, Untidy 01412 H.deGce" 41 f 54fast C-5 113 1 2 23 1 -L Penman 7 True Flier, TallTimber. AVrangle 01303 H.deGce 1-2 40 good 1 110 0 3 3 L lenman 8 True Flier, Daniel, Osage 0121 1 Howie 1-2 4Sfast 7-10 312 4 1 ll Ii 1 Stirling 0 OmcnPtnges, Wrgle, Armedec 61157 Bowie 1-2 43fast 11-5 112 4 3 2 21 O Lang 10 B.Luek, Cmenrtascs, FaithW. 3ELPHRIZ0NIA, b. f, 2 107 By Vulcain Belphocbe, by Orsini. Trainer, R. McKeevcr. Owner, R. McKecver. 05911 1-aurel 11:42 fast 7-5 100 a 3 S 31 J Marielli 7 Little Hope, Water Girl, Tassel 05502 Aquedct 7-8 l:2Gfast 7-30 100 5 4 3s 35 t McAtee 0 Lady Inez, Virginius, Hoy 05429 Aqueduct 5-S 59ifast S-5 107 4 3 21 1 L McAtee 9 Adventuress, Sequel, Lady Inez 05328 Aqueduct 5-S 5S fast 5 112 5 5 5J V.l F Kcogh S Amusement, PowWow, Panache 05230 Aqueduct 5-S 60 fast 0 114 0 G A X. Knsor 4 Miss Star, Ive. Ilourbel 05102 Belmont 5-S st 5S fast 31 107 1 3 3 3; C Ponce 9 SiinDoll, Th.Square, D.andDkes MY OWN, b. c. 2 M 105 By King James Bettie Xandon, by Mentone. Trainer. W. H. Brooks, Owner. Salubria Stablftl. 65815 Laurel 01 f 1:07 fast 13 115 7 C 41" 3 F Kcogh 9 Better Times, Moonraker. Noel 05302 H.deGce 3-4 1:13 fast 0- 07 14 11 H 34lt S McLar.e 1". lUiiemont, Vigil, Marie Blanche lilGlO Saratoga 51 f l:llhvy 6-5 115 4 0 5; C E Sande 7 Capt.Costigan, I.Donna, Owasco 01510 Pimlico 1-2 40!slow 24 115 C G G:5 G10 D Stirling 7 TallTimber. Catapult. Jolly XUHTNIST, b. c, 2 110 By Hourless Lumineuse, by Hacdonaid II. Trainer, J. Price, Owner, W. J. Salmon, 05771 Laurel 3-4 l:134fast 11 10 C 7s S" S Pullman S Bialto, Lilt, Carol 05047 H.deGce 3-4 1:14 fast 5 335 2 2 1! 1 J ButWell 9 Valador, Bet.Times, St.UawrenC 05440 H.deGce 51 f 1:0S fast 0 1071 C Sl Cl C Ponce 10 Blue Peter, ltialto. Sun Doll 05399 Il.iMJw 5-8 l:00fast 32 136 5 5 G 719 J Lutwell 13 Carol, Scribble, Blue Peter 05128 Pelmt 51 f MC l:057fast 7 10S 3 6 6 61 L Ensor 9 Curtis, Newmarket, Flagstaff 04882 Uelmt ."1 f MC l:06vislow S 113 7 6 V 41 J liutwcll 9 Amor Iatriae, Bunviso, Kigci iU DAOIT Mile. Arundel Jlaiidieajt. :!-ye:r-lds :nd upward. Oct. rlM nhUt 5, iins 1:11 i ios. EXTERMINATOR, ch. g, 7 133 By McGee Fair Empress, by Jim Gore. Trainer, E. Way land. Owner. W. S. Kilmer. 050901 Hthorne 1 3-4 2:30 fast 326 Against time. A Johnson 05310" Woodne 1 1-4 2:05,4fast 4-5 332 2 4 3 ll A Johnson S Guy. of White. Boniface 04682 Saratoga 1 3-4 3:00good 7-5 126 1111 1" A Johnson 3 Mad Hatter. 3!on Homme 03939 Saratoga 1 1-4 2:03fast 5 137 3 0 5 510 A Johnson 5 Grey Laz, Bon Homme, Prudery 03152 Latonia 1 1-2 2:30good 0-20 140 1 5 Gi 6,: A Johnson S Firebrd, lcvastation, MintoII. 02629 Aqueduct 1 1-S 1:50 fast 3-2 135 5 2 2s V A Johnson 5 Greylag, Pol.Ami. Capt.Alcok 02513 15eImont 11-16 1:44 fast 7-5 135 1 2 1 ll A Johnson 0 M. Hatter. Devtation, B.McLn 02207 Belmont 1 1-8 l:52good 1-15 1S3 1 1 31 35 A Johnson 2 Be Frank 02078 Churchill 1 1-4 2:04slow 1-2 13 1 1 15 ll A Johnson 4 Fbrand, Bl.Stoue, S.ofrieasure 01873 Churchiii 1 1-8 1:50 fast 3-5 133 4 2 11 ll A Johnson 9 LyMadcap, IPIeau, S.ofPlcasure HILDUR, blk. c, 4 124 By Star Shoot Shelby Belle, by Knight Errant. Trainer, H. McDaniel. Owner, J. K. L. Host. 65901 laurel 3-4 l:12mud 5 317 2 1 1- V C Turner 8 OnWatch, CalJane, T.Witchet 05580 Woodne 3-4 l:llfast 11-10 120 3 3 3s 2n- C Turner 4 Cardale, Dr.llicknian. J.Times 05404 Woodne 3-1 l:llfast 2-5 32 2 3 3 21 C Turner 3 Dr. Hickman, Good Times 05300 Woodne 3-4 1:12 fast 1 125 5 3 3l 21 C Turner 0 Estero. Stoto, Bnbicn 03407 Windsor 3-4 l:lliast 3-2 324 3 3 1 33 C Turner 7 Dr.Hickman, EulahF.. Ultimata 02875 Hnmton 3-4 l:13!ifast 1 123 3 2 3 3i C Turner It Enlali F., Serapis, Sailing B. 02440 D.nnncta 3-4 1:13 fast 1 126 3 4 31 2 C Turner 0 Champlaiii, Bui. Proof. LiondOr ON WATCH, b. h. 5 124 By Colin Rubia Gracda, by Greenan. Trainer, M. Hirsch, Owner, G. W. Xoft. 05901 Iaurel 3-4 l:12mud 16 126 1 2 25 2: C Kummer S Hiltlur. Cality.Tane. T.Witchet 03883 i:niTiire 1 1:30 fast 5 120 3 2 2 3i L Morris 4 Dr.Clark, Capt.Alcock, Galtman 03708 ihnpire Ab 3-4 1:00 fast S-5 330 1 4 4 35i 1! Marielli 4. Thderelap, IJt.Chief, AVishbooe 03437 Empire Ab 3-4 l:00"ra3t 3 112 5 7 Gl 6 W Kelsay 9 Trystcr, Exodus, Knobbic 03145 Aqueduct 7-S l:24mud 13-5 120 7 4 41 5r C Kummer 7 ICiiobide, Careful, Bon Homme 02553 Pelmont 3-4 l:UsCast 31 140 6 5 2 3 E Sande S Lanius. Exodus, William A. 03291 IJelinnt 3-1 MC l:14;imud 0-20 IK 1 2 1 12 E Sandc 3 Muskallonge, Mystic SECOND THOUGHTS, ch. f, 3 - 106 By Ultiimis Lydia II., by luke Blackburn. Trainer. W. Irvine. Owner, E. F. Whitney. 05078 H.deGce 3-4 l:14Vifatt 17-10 115 1 3 ll l1" E Smwoo 0 Min.Man, D.deMrny, Sundial 11. O5390 H.deGce 51 f 1:07 fast S 305 2 2 2l 1 J Howan 7 McKenna. Well finder. Blazes 04134 FortErie 3-4 l:12fast 4 307 3 2 2 2 P Walls 7 Top othMorning, Super, Bullion 04028 llitmton 3-4 l:12fast SO 300 2 2 2- 3 J Rowan 32 I.uster, Hid. Jewel. Sundial II. 03747 Kworth 3-4 l:12jtifast 10 306 4 2 3 551 J Itowan 32, Pet.Pipcr, Mad.Lillian 03003 AVindsor 3-4 1:15ts1ow GJ 310 1 3 41 6i J Itowan 7 Corenzio, Elemental, Oil Man TIPPITY WITCHET, b. e, 7 112 By Broomstick Lady- Frivoles, by St. Simon. Trainer, W. Livingston. Owner, X. T. Dauer. 05901 laurel 3-4 l:12mud 6 111 7 7 51 4- G Walls 8 Hilinr, OnWatch. CalamityJane 05528 H.deGce 51 f 1:07 fast 6-5 114 4 5 5; 3i G Walls 0 McKenna, Cliampln, MinuteMa:: 05301 H.deGce 3-1 1:12 fast 71 310 6 5 41 21 T largton 7 CalamityJane, Knot, AVellfinder 01159 FortErio 3-4 l:llfast 30-G 330 S 7 li 2- G Walls S Mar. Fallon, Estero. Sve Prince 03999 Hnmton 3-4 l:12,r.fa3t 41-30 131 2 2 3i 1" G .Walls 4 Sailing P.., Dr. Hickman, Super 03795 Kworth 7-S 1:26 fast 3S 112 5 G G C G Walls 7 Cardale. M.Jemima, Dr.Hkman CALAMITY JANE, ch. f, 3 113 Sy Pennant Mrs. Trubbel, by Hamburg. Trainer, J. Rowe, Jr. Owner, H. P. Whitney. 00010 Laurel 3-1 l:13f..slop 6 132 3 2 2- 3:i L lenman 3 Careful, Paul Jones 05901 laurel 3-4 l:12mud 7 333 3 3 3J :: FICeogh 8 Hildtir, On Watch, Tip.AVitchet 05772 Laurel 3-1 1:12 fast 11-5 113 1 5 31" 531 F Keogh ! Exodus. Champlaiii, Careful 05301 H.deG c 3-1 l:12fast 16-5 332 2 3 V 11 I. Penman 7 THp.Witchet. Knot, Wellfiudcr 03137 Empire Ab 3-4 l:007ifast 3-2 101 4 3 11 l3 1 Penman 9 Tryst er, E.vodns, Knobbic 02835 Latonia 3-4.1:llfast 23-5 112 6 7 7 711 L lenman 7 Distinction, P.niedaltmnc. Angon 01780 Jamaica 3-4 l:127fast 31-5 10S 4 2 31 2l L Morris 0 OnWatch, Mkallonge, Tlidercp DEXTEROUS, b. g, 3 93 By Peter Pan Adroit, by Broomstick. Trainer. W. X. Oliver. Owner. W. X. Oliver. 06000 Laurel 3-4 l:13fast 42 301 1 3 3"t 3s J Callahan S Oceanic, Bigheart, Playfellow 05901 Laurel 3-4 l:12andmud 41 07 4 6 7 7" J Wallace 8 Hilelur, On Watch. Calam.Jane 04600 Saratoga 3-4 l:18hvy 30 OS 2 3 3l 2n J Callahan 5 WhiteStar, Violinist, SaI.Along 04437 Saratoga 3-4 3:L1 fast 15 308 S 8 S 7" J Itowan 9 Harridan, Galantmau. lir. Gold 04180 Saratoga 7-S l:2o75fast 7 104 5 6 7 7 J Callahan 7 Adonis, lioutledge, Muskallonge O4009 Saratoga -4 l:15smud 30 111 4 5 4 4s M Garner S G.Times, Slcivcconard, Violinist 03028 Aqueduct 3-4 l:12fast 4 3111 1 7 5 5J A Johnsonl3 SK-iveconard, Sedge, F. Friend RAY JAY, b. c, 3 103 By Assagai Romagne, by Polymelu. Trainer, J. Fitzsimmons. Owner, Quincy Stable. 05901 laurel 3-4 l:12imud CS 300 5 4 43 fii C Ponce S Ilildur, OnWatch. CalamityJane 05772 Laurel 3-4 3:32 fast 46 300 3 5 SI S1 C Ponce 9 Exodus, Champlaiii. Careful 05G44 Aqueduct 3 3:37fast 30 331 8 S SB Se C Ponce . 9 Flan.Shirt, Missionary. ijt.Chief 05381 Aciucduct 3-4 l:llfast 30 124 4 5 5J Ci C Ionce S OilMau, 1irateGold, Hephaistos 03809 Empire 1 1-16 l:47good 4 IIS 5 4 4" 5 1. McAtee 9 Brainstm, Gnlntman, SweepUy 03239 Aqueduct 1 1-S l:52good 15 137 5 2 31 31 C Ionce 5 Lctterman, Oceanic," Serenade: 03105 Aqueduct 1 l:377ifast 41 US. 3 G G 4" C Ponce 0 Serena der. Hephtos, S.amlBoots BIGHEART, br. g, I 109 By Sweep Highflown, by Peep oDay. Trainor. W. Gartli. 0.vner. J. S. Cosden. 00000 Laurel 3-4 l:13fasl f. 114 5 1 11 2 O Iing S Oceanic, Dexterous. Playfellow 05091 P.elmt 3-1 MC P.lViifast 7 331 G 5 0 f."2 3ing 0 DryMoon, Sad.andB.iots. Georgie 01910 Bclmt 3-4 MC l:32fast 30-10 118 G 4 41 6 C Lang 9 Bkerlirown. Valtia, Slvecond 04209 Saratoga 1 l:S6fast 12 110 1 2 3 51 C Kummer S ICxodus, Frigate. Thunderclap 04120 Saratoga 3-4 l:lis!ov 7 121 2 1 3 31 C I-mg 11 SurfKider, Lit.Cliief. Sedgefieid 03901 Saratoga 3-4 l:ll5fast 15 30G 2 1 l1 2? C I-mg 9 Kai-Sang. Sweep l.v, Scdse 63710 Empire Ab 3-4 l:00fast 5 110 6 5 01 21 C Kummer 4 Exwlus, Thunderclap, Kai-Sang ,,les;, l0l,l HaJtdleap. 3-jear-ohls. Oct. IS. :li17 5th RACE BUNTING, b. c. i 125 By Pennant Frillery, by Broomstick. Trainer, J. Rowe. Owner, H. P. Whitney. 05077 H.deGce 1 1-S l:53fast 1-3 Hi it 1 P F Keogh S Nedna. Bluffer. Polly Ann 05444 H.deGce 1 1-3G l:4Gfast 4-5 127 1 2 2 2i F Keogh 0 Lkyllour, SthernCross, Ddlock 01902 I.lmont 1 0-8 2:427ifast 33-10 326 2 1 2J 21 C Kummer 3 Kai-Sang, I.ockministcr 04810 Polmont 1 1-16 l:llfast 0-30 320 1 1 11 1 L. McAtee 3 Mad Hatter, Best Pal 01434 H.deGce 1 1-16 l:4Sandfast 13-10 321 2 1 3"- 12 L Morris 4 Luckvllonr, Snperve, Sail.Alcng r.693 Uelmont 3-4 MC l:llifast 17-10 317 3 4 41 t F Cltiletti22 Galantmn, D.ofAIlah, Surfltider NEDNA, b. f, 3 110 By Whisk Broom II. Xeayonara, by Woolsthorpe. Trainer, J. Ro-we, Jr. Owner. Grecntree Sta ble. 058 IK Laurel I l:30fast 11-30 307 2 1 Ill: J Callahan 0 Plfellow, D.deMorny, Harmious 05G77 H.dKJ co 1 1-S l:53?ifast 3-3 301 3 2 21 2 J Callahan 8 Bunting. Bluffer, 1ollv Ann 05443 H.deGce lmTOy 3:45 fast S-5 111 C 2 ll l:i Ij Penman 9 YankeeStar, Prelude, ltalChlie 04047 Saratoga 1 1-4 2;ll1,Jivj 3-5 115 1 1 2 21 V Keogh 2 Emotion 04127 .Saratoga 1 1-4 2:08 slow 3S-5 314 1 2 21 ll F Keogh 5 Emotion, Prudish, Irish Confetti 03900 Saratoga 1 lTafast S 100 4 5 5s 41 L renman 8 Parader. JhnlauUoncs, Bouleau REBUKE, blk. c. 3 100 By Dick Finnell The Scold, by Meddler. Trainer, M. J. Murphy. Owner, S. Xouis. 05819 Ijiurel 1 1-16 l:46fast 51 105 1 1 1 1 E Smwod 5 Capt.Alcock, T.Sergeant, Blaze. 05077 H.deGce 1 1-8 12 100 C 5 5 51 J Wallace 8 Bunting, Ncdna, Bluffer 05577 H.deGce lm70y l:46ferast 21 110 5 2 i- 2" E Smwod 0 AllFair, P.y.Iiminy, SlippcrvELn 544.ri H.dcG ce 1 1-16 l:4Sifaat S-2 106 3 3 ll ll E Smwod S Trevciyan, T.Sergeant, By.Timj 05305 H.deGce lm70y 1:47 fast 4 103 1 3 31 1 W Kelsay 10 Pas.Swain, Trevciyan, M.Ornge 04570 Saratoga 1 1:44 hvy 8 110 5 4 0 Cl" H Thomas 5 Wellfinder, Recount, Bil.Barlon 01434 Saratoga 1 17Xfa3t 6 108 S 4 31 3s II Thomas 8 Fairway, Tnfter, Bridesman Continncd on plerenth page. LAUREL ENTRIES AND PAST PERFORMANCES Continued from tenth page. TANGERDtE. h, g. 3 99 By Olambala Orango Lilly, ly WiUiam tha Third. Trainer, T. J. Healoy. Owner, H. T. "Wilson. GG073 Laurel lm70y l:48ihvy 8-5 1C6 4 3 23 l B Marielli ." Yankee Slar, Clinniplnin. Finery G5854 Jamaica lmTOy 1:43 fast 1 103 4 G 4 1J E F.ell 5 rilgrim, StoryTeller, .TuncGrass j 40-l8 Saratoga 1 1:43 hvy 7-10 99 2 i 4 2 B Marielli 4 Costisan, Mkallonjre, SodKcficlil G4290 Saratoga 1 l:37?ifast 4 101 5 5 5 33 H Thomas Costigau, lloil.i, Nosi Dire 64088 Saratoga 1 l:43hvy 13 10 105 3 1 1 131 E Martz 4 Wellfindcr, lied Less, Kebuke C3092 Saratoga 3-4 l:llfast C ICG 5 5 4 33 B Marielli 5 Hullabaloo, Hilly "Watts, B.Urown ATHELSTAir, b. c. 3 M" 9G By Uncle Coasuelo II., by Bradwardins. Trainer, E. Hcffner. Owner, E. F. Cooney. 65011 Belmont 1 l:3Vsfast 13-5 97 5 4 4s 2U Callahan T, I.kyllour, YkeeStnr, .TuneGrass 04819 Belmont 1 1:37 good 12 100 3 3 3 2! J Callahan 3 Kai-Sans, ISrainstorm 64151 Saratoga 1 1:40 good 12-5 105 5 3 4U 33 E Josiah C Serenadcr. Galantman. Pir.Gold G39G0 Saratoga 1 l:37fast S 102 S S 7: 5" J Merimee S Paradcr, JhnraulJoncs. 63788 Empire Ab 3-4 l:12mud 1S-5 103 5 0 8 1h L McAtee 12 Nortbcliff, Jaunebar. D.RoUinR C4-U DAOC 1 Mile and 7 Yards. "-vcar-olds and upward. Claiming. Oct. Dill HAUL 7. i:4u 1-5 411:1. CURRENT EVENTS, br. g, 4 109 By Wrack Votes, by Voter. Trainer, G. C. Vinfrev. Owner, C. P. "Winfrey. GG104 Laurel 11-16 1:52 good 6 104$ 5 1 2 2 E Smvodl3 rhalaris, IidsIove. Annivsary 6C008 Laurel 1 1-1C l:48ifast 9f 105 9 3 3 3;i E Srrivodl5 Gallivant, Troma, Miss Filley 63719 IC worth lmTCy l:45fast 15 114 1 5 5 G;l J Bo wan 11 OoLriLa. Dr.Cli.Wells, Sum.SiKh G3541 Windsor 1 1-S l:o8r5slop 31-10 103 G 3 3 4:2 J Rowan 9 Wakefield, Rlnrllealm, Dr. Hat G3408 PortErie 1 3-1G l:.r,9H;faat 11 10G 1 7 7 7,B F Weiner 7 Fantoclie. Wakefield, Dcvonitr 63299 PortErie 1 1-S 1:55 fast tf 107 5 5 7 C5 E SmwodlO North Sea, Skcer Face, l.?ta MABEL CURTIS, eh. f, 3 105 By McGee Dutch Barbara, by Flying Dutchman. Trainer, W. Durnan. Owner, "W. Durnan. 65398 II.deGce lm70y l:4SMfast Gi 107 3 7 7i 77 E Barnes 10 IlloPdner, Tglins, FkMo:iroe C5170 Dorval 3-4 l:21hvy 4-5 107 2 1 l3 11 E Barnes 7 Il.Olywpiis. Fln.Hooster, Ur.inm G5108 Dorval 1 1-16 l:57jhvv 17-10 93 1 2 1! 5" M Andson 8 Lavaga, Pier.-a-Feu, Cap.Evans G5021 Dorval lm70y 1:45 fast 1 104 3 2 ink 2n E Barnes S Dcvouitc, Free.Sncezy, LkyGirl 64895 ll.Bnnets 1 l:40fast 5 100 G 1 li 13 M Andsonll Ilialaris, Bullet. Quaker TINGLING, ch. g. 4 109 By Dafcwusie Tinker, by Handspring. Trainer. G. R. Bryson. Owner, E. K. Bryson. 66042 Laurel 1 1-1G l:50sloi 7 105 S 4 4 5 A Abel S IlloVdner, MilcsS., LyLtmiry 65868 Laurel 1 3-1G 2:01 fast 14 107 1 2 4$ 5 E Smwodll KgTrojan. HoyalDuek, Debadou G5773 Laurel 1 1-S l:55andfast S 109 5 4 4 l 5l J ShelepetslO Rossi:.. WarVietor, Star Healm 65578 H.dcGce 1 1-16 1:50 fast 4i 112 4 2 in VI E Smwod 8 H.Atkin, Dr.C. Wells, Invigtor 65493 H.dcGce 1 1-4 2:10 fa3t 7 110 1 2 6 7J J Bo wan 9 WarVietor, K.George, Invijrtor G5398 H.dcGce lm70y l:4Stfast G 115 1 3 31 2J T ParrtonlO Hlol"dner. FkMonroc. Hickory SOLID ROCK, b. p. 9 114 By Trap Rock Amaranth, by Sir Dixon. Trainer. W. Smith. Owner, W. Smith. G5G74 H.dcGce 1 1-1G l:49fast 9 11C S 7 7 ,vj J Wallace 13 Gath, Gallivant, Hard Guess - 65442 H.dcGce 1 1-S l:57Vfetasi 21 105 9 S 7s 6"i II ThomaslS HelcnAtkhi, Gallivant, N.Wales 65304 II.deGce 1 1-1G l:51fast 33-10 115 2 7 S1 53i L Ensor 14 Our Birthday, Miles S., Amaze 64218 FortErie 1 1-S l:52fast 2i 10S 7 4 31 1? H Ericksn S Bond, Johnny Overton, Baniay C413G FortErie 1 3-16 2:013good a 10C G 4 31 2 F Sharpc 9 Katli. Rankin. Secretaiy. Baniay 63891 Kworth 1 3-16 2:00 fast 12 110 4 7 S G;3 J Wallace 9 Grayssian, Louis, Hainan LADS LOVE, ch. g, 6 114 By Hamburg Ballet, by Ben Brush. Trainer, A. C. Torrotto. Owner, W. J. Kramer. 66104 Laurel 11-16 1:52 good 14-5 115 3 5 33 31 C ICummerlS Plialaris, CtKvcnts, Annivsary G59C9 Kworth 1 3-1G 2:08Vthvy G 100 5 2 21 21 E Benzetti 7 Penelope, Betl.v.1., .loan of Arc 65875 Kworth ImTCiy l:44fast 3 110 4 3 5 f. J McTagt 7 Penelope, Flibgibbet, Boyallicu 65778 IC worth 7-S 1:27 fast 5 111 2 4 31 33 M Andson 7 Colando, Shoot Away, Tribune 65734 Kworth lm70y l:45fast 21-10 109 C G 7l S?3 M AndsonlO Ogarite, Blarney Boy, Penelope KINGS BELLE, b. f. 4 111 By Sea King Belle Nelson, by Sempronius. Trainer. F. A. Herold. Owner. W. J. Kennellyl. 6G108 Laurel 1 1-1G l:51igood 16-5 103 S 9 9!5 913 C Ponce 11 Gallivant, Httahe, Kath.Hankin GG009 Laurel 1 1-16 1:43 fast 4 100 G 2 21 S3 G Mein 14 KgGeoige. K.Trojan, P.G.King 65913 Laurel 1 1-S l:54fast 23 109 4 2 2i 21 C Ponce 9 K.Hankin, Gallivant, Dc-ckmata 6541R Aqueduct ll:40fast 1G-5 107 10 9 9 9J S Lowe 13 LibertyGiil, Huonee, Scrv.Star 61509 Pimlico 1 l:43mud 34 10G 10 12 12 11" P "Walls 12 Sister Flo, LiugUtcr, Antilles GATH. b. g, G . 114 By Tracery Pbilistia, by St. Blaise. Trainer. O. 3. Akers. Owner, O. B. Akcrs. 65773 Laurel 1 1-S l:55M;fast S-5 115 9 C Zl 6-1 J Butwell 10 RossR., WarVietor, Star Realm G5674 II.deGce 1 1-1G l:49fast 41f 116 3 1 ll 1: J Butwell 13 Gallivant. HardGuess, Cimarron 65531 H.dcGce lm70y 1:4S fast 21 115 9 9 9 CA W Kelsay 9 SlarRealm, JakcSchas, Gallivant 650GG Doi val 1 1-S l:59mud 3 110 S 7 74 G II Ericksn S Plialaris, Tok. March, Gallivant G4859 B.Bnnots 1 1-S l:55fast 17-10 134 5 5 51 11 FJ Barnes 8 Kent. Boy. Cavalier, GrcatHawk G4760 B.Bonr.ets 1 1-S l:55sfast 21-10 113 S 5 51 7s E AmbroselO Sailor. KtishBoy, SpectlarGirl ETTAHE, b. g, 7 114 By Lovetie Indian Lass, by Locohatcnee. Trainer. C. Johnson. Owner, J. E. Cahill. 6G108 Laurel 1 1-1G l:51good 9 10S 4 1 ll 21 L Penman 11 Glivant, K.Rankin. HelenAtkin CG008 Laurel 1 1-1G l:4S,fast 16-5 114 11 5 C1103 A Jolmsonl5 Gallivant, Troma, Curt Events G5G52 II.deGce lm70y l:4Sfast 2 11G 1 3 :! Z- 3 Chalmers S RossR.. Dr.Cli. Welles, Hondric G5533 H.deGco 1 1-1G 1:51 fast 13 111 2 1 Is I3 J ChMmersll Miss Filley. Miles S., Waukeag 05140 II.deGce lm70y l:47fast 9 113 G 6 and Zl T Parr ton 14 Itromelia. KgGrge. Dr.C. Wells G5343 H.deGco 3-4 l:15fast 12 113 5 G Gs C!JT Parrtonl2 Gaudy. Pietrus, Jock Scot STAR REALM, ch. g, G 114 By Star Shoot Continental, by Yankee Trainer. E. Rathman. Owner, K. E. Bilscn. G58G8 Laurel 1 3-16 2:01 fast 1S-7. llli 3 7 9- 9 P Madeirall KgTrojan, HoyalDuek, Dcbadou G5773 Lauicl 1 1-S l:55Hfast 31 nr, -j l 11 p MadeiralO RossR., WarVietor, KingTrojan 65531 H.dcGce Im70y 1:48 fast 9 115 3 1 ll l3 P Madeira 9 JakeSchas, Gallivant, Bob.Hair 65495 II.deGce 1 1-4 2:09;sfast 13-5 110 2 G 730 7 G Walls 9 ClcauGoac. Dcckuiate. Hickory 65399 II.deGce lm70y 1:4S fast 27-10 115 4 4 G G5 L Morris 7 Attor.Muir, WarVtor, IldGucs.s BULLET, b. f. 3 105 By Hessian Dam Dum, by Yankee. Trainer. J. P. Smith. Owner, J. P. Smith. 65578 II.deGce 1 1-1G 1:50 fast 26 104 5 6 CI G,; J Bowan 8 Tingling, H.Atkin, Br.C. Wells 65398 II.deGce lm70y l:4Sandfast 11 107 9 9 9s WL Penman 10 HloPdner, Tgling, FkMoaroe 65301 H.dcGce 1 1-1G l:51fast 11 107 6 G 6h 75I L Penman 14 Our Birthday, Miles S., Amaze 64977 B.Bnnets 1 1-S 1:55 fast 3 100 10 7 ? S11 A Claver 11 DukeRuff, Picnc-a-Feu, Piialis G4895 B.Bnnets 1 l:10?ifast 19-5 9S 11 S 5 32 R Doyle "ll Mabel Curtis, Plialaris, Quaker 648G1 B.Bnnets 7-S l:20Hast . 19 102 1 12 S 5 P Walls 14 Cli.J.Craigmile, Purl, Jacobina MR. X., ch. s. 4 109 By Frizzle Floral Park, by Burgomaster. Trainer, C. Burton. Owner. A. Marrone. GGKll Laurel 1 1-1G 1:52 good Sf 109 5 P 713 M Buxton 13 Plialaris, CurtKvcnts, LidsLove 6G009 Laurel 1 1-1G 1:19 fast 2T.f 105 2 4 V 10J G Breungl4 K. George, K. Trojan, K.s Belle 65915 Laurel 1 1-1G l:47fast 89 107 2 8 S S B Marielli S .Demon. FrzySnzy, Camflage G5770 Uiurel 3-1 1:14 fast 105 112 9 9 9 93 M Buxton 9 Jock Scot, Pietrus, Flags G5G48 II.deGce 3-4 l:14vifast 23 110 5 9 ll1 1213 M Buxton 13 Fleer, Whalebone. Tidings G0343 F.Gnds 1 1-S 1:54 fast 10 107 4 1 1 1 5 55i A Gantner 7 DMyLass, LyLillian, Dark nill THE CLOCKMENDER, ch. g, 3 103 By Sea King: Amphoraria, by Amption. Trainer, W. Hijginiotham. Owner. J. Nechamkis. GG009 Laurel 1 1-1C 1:19 fast 25 f !W 10 12 12h ll- G Rose 14 K. George. K. Trojan, K.s Belle 65592 Kempton 3-4 l:14fast 1 102 31 A Sstrom 8 Attoo, Mike, Capt. Greet 65158 Kempton 1 1-1G l:51?jfast 41 K3 5I C White .", Dairyman, M.Crowii, Fin.Roostcr 65175 Dorval lm70y l:55hvy 51 99 7 G 21 2 W Martin 7 Boonevillc. Tan II., Viva Cuba 65100 Dorval 1 1-16 l:5T1ihvy G 92 S 9 95 Csl P Gross 10 T.Ptuguese, StMoney, JnArbor 1 !-yar-lds and linirnrd. Claiming. Oct. 7, 101 7tll RACE 1"i5 i?11 PENELOPE, b. m. 5 106 By Sweep Josie Cohan, by Handball. Trainer, W. C. Baines. Owner, J. M. Collins. G5969 Kworlh 1 3-10 2:05hvy 19-5 107 4 1 1 VI A Abel 7 Lads Love, BcttyJ., Joan ofArc 65875 Kworth lm70y l:44fast 6 107 1 1 ll 1?. T Nolan 7 Flibygibbot, Royaleu, Tarascon 65734 Kworth lm70y l:45fast 37-10 108 4 1 2 31 T Xolan 10 Ogarite, Blneylloy, Geo.Duncan 65085 Kworth 1 1-16 lrJSJifast 14-5 105 1 1 Is 1 E Ambrose G On High, Betty J., Chefa 65353 WToodne 1 1-1G l:17fast 20 105 1 4 5U 5;1 E Ambrose 12 Halu, Dantzic, Bills Luck WAR MASK, b. g, 6 115 By Star Shoot Miss Kearney, by Planudes. Owner, C. Turner. 65958 Laurel 1 1-2 2:35!ifnud 12 102 3 1 U 2h E Legerc 7 Dresden, Moody, Clean Gone 65679 II.deGce 1 1-16 t:4Ufast 13-10 110 7 7 7 71 S Bullrnan 7 Camflage, M.Hobrts, Roy.Kuck 65490 II.deGce 1 1-16 1:49 fast 9 110 2 2 21 1 P Wdstk 9 Mcco, Hello Pardner, Padua 647G7 Devshire 1 1-S l:5Shvy 2 115 4 3 5" 5i C Buel G F.Fogarty, CleanGone,-Commc C G4409 Windsor 14-S 1:52 fast S 100 5 G G 6 M Fator G Jouett, GrayGables, C. o Dawu 64192 FortErie 1 1-S l:515fast 33-10 110 2 3 I5 G2 II J BurkelO Sangrado, Past.Swain, BleanoiS. TRAJANUS, br. g, 3 105 By Rock View Bolgravia, by Ben Brush. Trainer, J. Boden. Owner. F. "W. Morris. GG074 Laurel 11-16 1:53 hvy 5 102 1 G 51 41 B Marielli 7 Cop.Dcmon, D.deMorny, Lunetta G5912 Laurel 11:41 fast G 103 7 2 1 11 B Marielli 7 Calialan. Mol.Barncs. Harmonis 65719 Jamaica lm70y l:43fast 20 iC7 3 3 3" 3s M Mounfn Violinist, Canyon, So It Goes 65518 Aqueduct 1 1:39 fast 3-2 110 6 1 1- 1" L Fator 10 Esquire, Xotime, The Peruvian C51G1 Belmont 3-4 MC I-Tifast 31 115 9 3 3l 1" E Sande 11 Guelpli, Homulu?, John Joseph FANNIE BEAN. br. f. 3 ICS By Zeus Mascal, by Sain. Trainer, W. A. Burttschell. Owner, J. R. Skinker. 65305 H.deGco lm70y 1:47 fast 12 109 9 9 SI 913 .1 McTagt 10 Rebuke, Past. Swain, Trevelyan 64703 Dcvshlro 1 1-16 1:45 fast 1S-5 102 6 5 51 53 P Wilson 9 Plucky, Jimmie Daw, Mcrrimac 64588 Devshire 1 1:39 fast 1 110 6 4 43 3i F AVilson G Plucky, Moss Fox 1L, Procyon C4002 Ilmn 1 1-1G OT l:10ifast 6 104 2 4 4 11 E Ambrse S Lunetta. Eleanor S.. Citizen 63818 Kworth 1 1-1G l:13fast 3 103 5 3 3 1 P Wilson 7 Night Raider, Messines, Sword KINGS CHAMPION, b. h, 5 112 By Uncle Continental, by Yankee. riMaor, J. Beamish. Owner. G. W. Foreman. 66041 Laurel 1 1-16 l:4Sslop 21 103 3 5 6 G;i P Wdstk G Servitor, By Jiminy, Dresden C1738 Pimlico 1 1-16 l:46tefast S 1021 C 6 7 719 F WdstcK 7 Serapis, Lunetta. Kins John 61684 Pimlico 1 1-1G l:4Gandfast 51 105 9 9 9 913 F Wdsfck 9 Lunetta. KingJohn, SlippcryElm 01583 Pimlico 3-4 l:12iifast 39 123 4 10 7i G52 A JohnsonlO Supcrla live, Messines, Nt Haider 61191 Bowie 11-16 1:4: fast 57 110 4 5 5 5" T Rico 5 Bgalluck, Lunetta, BygoneDays KING JOHN, b. g, 7 111 By Sir John Johnson Deviltree, by Top Gallant. Trainer, H. E. Crist. Owner, J: T. Buckley. 6G041 Laurel 1 1-16 l:4andvislov 10 103 5 C 0" It McCrnn Servitor, By Jiminy, Dresden 65774 Laurel 1 1-16 l:47fast 9 111 3 1 4- 1 It McCrnn 5 Cop.Demon, Camflage, DollyC. 65G12 II.deGce 1 1-18 IMSandf.-uit 12 101 4 5 6 3lJ S McLane 7 Trevelyan, Servitor, Plucky 65532 II.deGce lm70y 1:4S fast 3C-5 115 5 2 21 2n t" Kummer K.of t.IIer, H. Baker, G.Foster 65210 Thcliffo 1 1-1G l:47good 6 110 1 4 3 3 H J Burke 8 Grayssian, Bob.Allen, SisterFlo 65101 Tiincliffe 1 1-1G lMTligood 10 102 6 2 21 5!1 C DamVlle 8 Yorkist, High Gear, Procyon MOCO, br. f, 3 104 By Zeus Sans Gene, by Rock Sand. Trainer, "W. Irvine. Owner, E. F. "Whitney. 6G038 Laurel 1 lMislop 3 107 6 3 35 3 E Smwod 7 M.Barnes, T.Buttons, MIMBelle C5902 Laurel 1 1-1G l:4S7iinud 14-5 102 G 3 21 Is W Martin 7 Clansman, Dghnut, Lit.Ammie 65G09 H.deGco lm7Cy 1:48 fast V-C 106 5 4 1 l1 J Chlmers . Griselda. Bromelia, Mol.Barncs 65490 H.deGcis 11-16 1:19 fast 16-5 103 7 4 3i 2 E Baines 9 War Mask, Hel. Pardner, Padua 65300 H.deGco lm70y 21 103 9 5 CI 33 W Martin 10 J. Morrill, P.ravo, Crock o Gold 64729 Dcvshiro lm"0y l:47vshvy C-5 110 . 2 1 2 2 C Damclle 5 Griselda. Ellas O., BroUier John MARYLAND BELLE, br. f. 3 108 By Zeus Dorothy K., by Kilmarnock. .. Trainer. F. Harrinjton. Owner. W. H. Snyder. 66107 Laurel 1 1-16 l:49good 3 109 4 3 2s 23 C Lang 7 Clsman, Dghnut. Wel.Stranger 6G038 LaurcL 1 l:42H;slop S 109 2 5 4ll li C Ponco 7 MollieBames, Tcnlluttons, Moeo 65491 II.deGce lmTOy l:16?ifast 32 10G 3 9 Sl 72 J Rowan 10 Servitor, Ten Buttons, Bellsolar 65305 H.deGco lm70y 1:47 fast 6S 103 10 9h 7SJ P Wdstk 10 Rebuke, Past. Swain, Trevelyan C4436 Saratoga 1 l:33fast 12 10S C 6 6 451 L McAtee 0 Ixgiiorn. Roulette, Catli.Marrone DOUBLE CROSS, ch. g, 3 110 By Superman Olcvia, by Omus. Trainer, H. Rites. Owner, J. E- Griffith. G6074 Laurel 1 1-16 1:53 hvy 26 105 7 7 7 7" 3 C Lung 7 Cop.Deuion, D.deMorny, Lunetta C5958 Laurel 1 1-2 2:35-",mud 7 105 2 6 C,s GJ .1 Rowan 7 Dresden, War Mask, Moodv 65821 Laurel 1 1-S l:53fast 13 100 1 3 3 3J S Bullnian G Trevelyan, Dresden, K.of t.IIer 65610 H.deGco 11-16 1:51 fast 11-5 107 C 1 1 1 J Rowan ti Neapolitan, Bob.Hair, Thriller 64271 Saratoga 1 l:3S5fast 12 107 3 5 5 4" A Collins . Helmke, Loglieni. Excelsis C3095 Saratoga 11;3S fast 15 112 10 8 9 S1 L Fator 10 fcou.Cioss, HrlltStar, Brocklcsby MOLLIE BARNES, ch. f, 4 110 By Trojan Suivez-Moi. by Seahorse II. Trainer, J. Crofton. Owner, J. Crofton. 6G038 Laurel 1 l:42Iislop 14 103 4 1 l6 1 C I-ing 7 TcnRuttons, Moco, MaryldRellc 65912 Laurel 1 1:41 fast 31 103 2 1 3 i 31 C Lang 7 Trajanus, Cahalan. Harmonious G5G09 II.deGce lm70y 1:48 fast 12 III 2 2 3 45i C Kummer 6 Mbco7" Gflfeelda, Bromelia G5443 II.deGce lnuOy 1:45 fast 8G ICS 1 7 7l 7 M Harson 9 Nedna1,1 Yankee Star, Prelude G294G Aqueduct 1 1:40 good 16-5 103 1 3 3J 31 C Lang S Mount Hope.HSravo, Algoa C2514 Belmont 1 l:40Jifast 13-3 1111 7 2 31 4 E Sande 9 Algoa, Gen.Cudorna, MountHope