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I 0 ENTRIES AND PAST PERFORMANCES mr L U U FOR WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 18 WEATHER CLEAR : TRACK FAST. Racing starts at 2:15 p. m. Chicago time 1:15. 6G229 Puff Ball 9S 1:08 3 105.. 700 Superior mud runner. X Good mud runner. 6G176 Jack Fairman M102J1:10 3 109. .700 Fair mud runner. M Maidens. Apprentice Fourth Race About 3-4 Mile, allowance, b Blinkers. prsc f500 3year-olds and upward. Claiming. First Race -5 1-2 Furlongs. 6G231 bBobby Allen 5 104 X 723 Purse ?500. 2-year-olds. Claiming. 66145 Nenette 4 103 X 720 Todays 662313 Money S 103715 Ind. Horse. Wt. Ree. A.AVt.Han. 65917 Devonite 3 104710 65890 ATHANNA 112 1:08 If, 107.. 725 C6183 bThe Enquirer 4 10SX710 65782 Dixie Dick 103 1:08 110.. 715 65924 Charles Jr. M . . . 5 108.. 700 66228 blllusionist 112 1:08 10G..710 , , 66175 Zapatos 103 1:10 103.. 705 -.-x,. Fifth Race 1 1-16 Miles. 66181 High Heels M... 97 1:11 101.. 700 News Bee Handicap. 65400 Silver Maid M . . . 101.. 700 1 urS ,000. 3-year-olds and upward. 66181 Billv El M 104.. 700 6G179 Harry 15 100 1:45 f, 5 110X723 Second Race-5 1-2 Furlongs. """ft?" --"2 J:J? J X720 66144 De Land 1111:08 8 109..2i. 661793 Eulah F 107 l:47s 5 10GX703 Wbffi-:::::::::igi!and SSKS 06231 st- 117 510lS 65847 Dancer 108 1:0S 9 113X715 Sixth Race About 3-4 Mile. 66049 Cock o the Main.. 109 1:09 G 113X710 , Purse 00. 3-ycar-olds and upward. Claiming. 66230 bLeading Star 112 1:07 6 107. . 710 1 65312 Magician 7 109X723 65836s bLast Girl 103 1:07 3 104. .710 , 65891 Ultimata 3 105X720 66117 bElmont 110 1:07 5 99. .705: 6G230S bllarry Burgovne... 7 109X715 66183 bMolly Puff 911:07 3 99..70Oj GG1503 NanMcKinney ... 3 105X710 66142 Red Chief 113 l:lGs 5 104.. 700 j 660123 Diomed 5 109 X 703 Third Race 5 1-2 Furlongs. CG152 Bully Boy 7 109.. 700 Purse 00. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Seventh Race 1 Mile. 65965 Acsyrian Queen 102 1:07 4 113.. 725 Purse 00. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. 65796 Ola Leo 109 1:07 C 113X720 65394 Colonel Matt 112 1:40 9 102X 723 661845 Chow 112 l:OS 4 107X715; GG185 Mallowmot 1111:40 S 102X720 65S283 Ras 107 l:08s 4 11GX715 66014 bElias 0 103 1:40 4 103.. 713 661773,bArrow Point 5 108.. 715 6G5783 Brown Bill 101 l:49in 4 10CX715 66118 Margaret Atkin ... 4 104.. 710 1 6598G bMurr.iy 10S 1:40- 5 105X710 64559 Magnet Land G 108X710 j 66142 Bill Head 10S 1:41 0 109X710 65917 bMomentum 107 1:07 3 109.. 705 ! 66234 blrimo 107 1:42 5 111X703 66176 Don Jose 114 1:07 7 113:1:703 G59753 Bill Hunley 103 1:40 7 109 X 700 ISt RACE 5 1-2 Furlonss. 2-ycar-olils. Claliiiliiff. Index Course Dist Time Tck Odds Wt St ri Str Fin Jockeys Started Order of Finish ATHANNA, b. f, 2 107 By Atheling II. Anna May, by King Eric. Trainer, S. Polk. Owner, S. Polk. C5890 M.Hghts 5-8 59fast 7-10 107 1 M Fator 7 Argo, Pinaquana, Love Bird G5700 M.Hghts 5-8 l:02fast 3-2 102 l3 M Fator 7 Love Bird, Futnrette, Athlete 65014 Thncliffe 51 f 1:09 slop 41 103 2 2 2 . 2 M Fator 8 Macbeth, Stylish Miss, Dentaria G4553 Devshire 5-8 1:02 fast 3-2 107 2 3 2" lb M Fator 8 EauGallie, VlrginiaFx, Hnrtel!. G4465 Windsor 51 f l:07good 6 107 3 2 31 410 M Fator 9 AlStebler, Ardlla, Rockgardn 64370 Windsor 51 f l:06fast 30 112 8 9 10i 9 M Fator 12 N.Secundus, M.Blanche, Argosa DIXIE DICK, b. e. 2 110 By Great Britain Sallio Ward, by Singleton. 3 Trainer, C. W. Hall. Owner, C, W. Hall. GG782 Hthornc 51fl:07fast 3 10715 6 4 4" A Tmbley 7 Delantc, Ormont, Miss Jane G5687 Hthorne 51 t l:09fast S 101 3 2 Mil R Doylo 8 Ijyol, Tip Too Inn, Dclnnte C.5213 Dorval 51 f l:09slow 14 105 7 7 7 5 F Merimee 7 E.CIaylon, W.Todler, S.sLcmon 64972 B.Bnncla 51 f l:0Sfaat G 101 3 3 11 1 T Doyle 8 G.Serappcr. Rkgnrdcn, Tppawa t 04829 H.Bnneta 3-4 1:15 fast 26 110 1 1 11 11 F Merimee 7 Veionieu. Fitzrue, Water Tax 64754 B.Bonnela 51 f l:07fast 35 100 3 6 8 S J Wallace 10 Patchwk, Rkgarden, MissTaft G4G13 Connght 51 f l:09fast 69 112 4 5 51 3l E Barnes 10 Eockgarden, WaterTax, Fitzrua C ILLUSIONIST, ch. f, S 10Q By Von Tromp Illusion, by Mesmerist. Trainer. E. C. Bellow. Owner, E. C. Bellow. G6228 Toledo 51 f l:0Sandfast 8 110 7 6 5 51 E Petzoldt 7 Argo. Athlete. Eau Gallic G577G Kworth 51 r l:08rast 5 108 5 4 5 41 E Ambrse G A.llampton, HigliTea, EauGallic G5730 Kworth 51 t l:07fast 20 112 11 8 Si S F "Weiner 12 Fr Lavana. Fitznie, Fly.Jacquo ; 65680 KworUi 3-4 l:14fast 27 107 4 S 31 4 T Nolan 8 Fitzrue. Ardella. Keformer s 65494 Woodne 51 f l:07fast 43 102 4 7 7 6IS M Fator 10 ratchwk, Mbcth, GamcSerap r s 65163 Thncliffe 3-4 1:17 hvy 122 111 5 6 7 7" J Mctcalf 7 Macbeth, EauGallic, StylishMisa r 64343 Toledo 5-8 l:01fast 11 110 6" E Hileman 7 MissJane, Futurcttc, Marg.Vi are 3 ZAPATOS, b. c. 2 105 By Ormondalo Light Shoes, by Hamburg. Trainer, G. A. Robertson. Owner, W. J. Bowling. 66175 Hthorne 51 f l:12slow 23 103 5 4 6 C" E Owens 5 ClosEnrique. GtLady, Y.Fatr k GG010 Hthorno 51 f l:14hvy 12 102 1 4 4 31 H Owens 7 Ormont. Cnidenas. Iaula 65923 Hthorno 51 f l:0Sfast 20 103 1 6 6 51 C Dishmon G Delantc, Ormont, Mt. Rose G5829 Hthorne 5-8 1:03 fast 8 108 1 3 31 31 B Owens 9 Cnidenas, Iaula, My Lorraine 65735 Hlhorno 5-S 1:02 fast 10 113 1 0 G 5" E Virgo 7 C.Enriqnc, Or.McAhur, AnitaK. 64343 Toledo 5-S l:01fast 33 10S 41 C Dishmon 7 MissJane, Futurcttc, Mars. vY are HIGH HEELS, br. f, 2 M 101 By Lovetie Hot Bird, by Dry Monopole. Trainer, T. Hodge. Owner, T. Hodge. . GG181 M.Hghts 51 f l:13?jhvy 13 107 6" T Duel G Jota. Trippawa. Frank Erb . G6115 M.Hghta 51 f 1:15 mud 11 113 . G" S Wida G Poor Puss, Back Taps, FrankErb 65775 Kworth 51 f l:08fast 32 100 4 5 6 6" F Weiner 0 Fitzrue, Fair Iiavanna. Kadin 1 65730 Kworth 51 f l:07fast C3 97 6 12 12 12 F Stevens 12 Fr Lavana, Fitzrue, Fly.Jacque SIXVEB MAID. ch. f, 2 M 101 By Atwell Miss Vigilant, by Rensselaer. Trainor, W, Beeves. Owner, "W. Beeves. 65400 Wood no 3-4 63 1124 9 12 H 11" A Jacobs 12 Itlue Stone, Blossoms, Uptown 61748 M.Hcights 1-2 49 fast 23 109 54 F Sharpe 7 Jean Malum, Illusionist, Argo BILLY EL, cch. c, 2 Iff 104 By Marathon or Fitzwilliam Elwah, by Chucta- Owner. O. K. Cowoll. nunda. 6G181 M.Hghts 5i f l:13Xhvy 19 10 6" C OMahy 6 Jota, Trippawa, Irank Erb 2nd RACE 5 1-2 Furlongrs. 3-year-olds and upward. Claimius. BE LAND, ch. g, I 109 By King Olympian Belle of De Land, by Griffoo. , Trainer. W. C. Weant. Owner, W. O. Weant. t,,.. M144 Hthorne 51 f l:14slow 1 113 4 3 4 GTi J Kcder s 0 War Pennant. Bncro Btae 65736 Hthorne 51 f l:08fc!ast 41 110 2 2 2 21 J Kederis 12 Tlantoon. Bill McCloy. Sirocco 65097 Thncliffe 51 f l:07slow 17 102 2 2 21 41 J Smith 12 Hindoostan, Ogarite, 62252 Thncliffe 51 f l:07andfast 4 107 51 E Barnes 12 LdingStar Ruddles b l.Sp rings A Gantncr 8- Betsinda Murphy Dotta i s Bes t C7372 Thclifro 51 f l:07fast 2 106 21 57249 Thcliffc 51 f l:07fast 16-5 106 61 A Jacobs 9 SisterSusIC. Whalebone. M route LUBA. b. f, 4 113 By Sir Huon Hortense, by Alvescot. Trainer, L, Haymaker. Owner. B. V. Hyms,kar, 65987 M.HBhta 3-4 l:16slow 11-S 106 G Corey G nchocross, Perrum, July 7 65937 M.Hghta 3-4 1:14 fast 6 106 3i G Corey 10 F.G.Corley. MajorDomo Elmont 6584G M.IlBhts 3-4 l:14Vyast 6 10S Cl G Corey S McssKit. Col3Iurphy, Oly.KinB 65705 M.HBhta 3-4 1:14 fast 6 113 61 G Corey 0 J.Hfman F.G.Corley. Mess Kit 64720 Connght 3-4 1:14 fast 17 107 4 2 21 1 G Corey G Vibrate. Bos3 R.. FreezySneczj C4578 Connght 3-4 l-HIast 27t 1U 7 5 4- 51 G Corey 12 Lancelot. Al Tierce. Allah EMDEH, b. g. 9 109 By Broomstick Miss Hamburg, by Hamburg. Trainer, T. Coffey. Owner, T. Coffey. , . , 5938 M.Hghta 51 f l:07fast 8 HI O M7 Bogski S Loch Leren, Discussion Capers 65799 M.Hghta 51 f 1:07 fast 14 113 41 T Wayt 8 n.BnrRoyne. Redmon Sp gValc 65706 M.HBhta 51 f l.-07fast 4 108 3 W Bog ski S FstCousul. MayMaulsby. Elmont 65465 N.Kton 3-4 1:17 fast 21- 110 51 C Eames G She Devil. Advance. Loch Lcvcn 85317 N.Kton Ab 5-8 1:00 fast 39-5 115 2 S Wida 5 O.King, ManonHollms HnronU. 64899 DufTorin Ab 5-8 l:02faat 19-5 115 3l H Chap ell S D.Dick, G.Scrappcr. Bockgardea DANCER, b. e, 9 113 By Isidor Danoicax, by Clifford. Trainer, O. Johnson. Owner. B. F. Coppaga. , . ttu 65847 M.Hghta lmTOy l:4iast 17-10 102 1 M Fator 7 VivaCnba, Dr.Shafer Handfull 3 T Daviea S Col.Matt, Pierrot. Fin. Booster 65754 M.HBhta 1 1:41 fast 19-5 107 64902 Duffcrin 7-8 l:34faat 1M 105 51 C White 8 JustFancy, Allah, riumBlossom G4840 Dufferin 61X1:26 fast S 105 4 G Corey 7 Bob.Allen. Panaman. Flib ty bet G472G Connght lm70y l:45fast 15 111 2 3 2" 21 G Corey 9 DukeRuff . Amer.Eaglc. B rcllft 64611 Connght 3-4 l:13fast S3 109 2 6 51 6J G Corey 12 Bctsinda. Toy Miss, MabelCurtU G4518 Connght 3-4 l:141good 13 112 8 7 7l 61 M Andsonl3 Mumbo Jumbo. Icon. Toy Miss COCK 0 THE MAIN, b. g, 8 118 By Cock o the Walk Private Hag, by Hamburg. Trainer, H. B. Thomas. Owner, C. X, KcDoa aid. 6G049 M.HBhta 51 f 1:12 mud 6 118 ll F Chiavta S Chow. Arapahoe. Suds 65797 M.irghta 51 f l:07fast 3-2 106 2 W Taylor 7 Golden Chance. Uranium. Hush 65027 Dufferin Ab 5-8 1:03 mud 9 112 451 F ChiaVta S Mormon, Harp o t.orth,L. gStar 64901 Duffcrin Ab 5-8 l:02faat 10 112 31 F Chlavta 8 McLane, MissCaltha, VAVinner 64841 Dufferin 7-8 l:34fast 1S-5 113 6 F Chiavta S Tarasn, Mylflddie, TwySeven 64693 Connght 3-4 1:14 fast 6 108 8 7 V 6 J Wallace 9 Kuklux. Col. Murphy, Ola Lee LEADING STAB, b. b, G 107 By Sweep Star of Bunnymede, by Star Shoot. Trainer, C. Koeraer. Owner, C. Koeinar. . . 66230 Toledo 51 I l:0714fast 35 105 4 5 6 7" T Burns 9 Flantn, H.Bgoyae. ShootAway w 65918 Kworth 7-S ld7tast 7-5 116 2 S 41 6 J McTagn 6 Ring, Dalton, Fair Virginia 65827 Kworth lm70y l:45faat 6 109 1 1 l1 31 T Nolan 7 Betty J., On High. Wakefield 65781 Kworth lm70y l:45fast 10 113 6 4 21 2 E Ambrse 9 OldChap, F. Virginia, Gal.Groora 65685 Kworth 1 1-16 l:48faat 22 108 2 2 4l 5" H B Bwer 6 Penelope, On High, Betty J. 65169 Thncliffe lm70y l:48hvy u 101 2 S 71 7" R Flynn 9 S.Away. F.Fogarty, BrotherJohn 65027 Duffcrin Ab 5-8 1:03 mud 7 113 31 H Chppell 8 Mormn, Harp o.t.N., Cock o t.ii. LAST GLBX, oh, f , 3 104 By Cock o the Walk Lida Thrush, by Royal Flush Trainer, J. Kearns. Owner, J. Koarna. HI. C5836 Mneuvo Ab 5-8 10fast 10 111 31 E Atkinsn 7 K.sQueen, Cap.Grcct, B.Morn g 65792 Mneuvo Ab 3-4 l:lSfast 2S 109 4 E Atkinsn G BUck Baby, Joe S., Attoo 65744 Mncuve Ab 3-4 l:17fast 6 U4 6T1 B Atkinsn 6 GoldcnRed, Starkader, LiuianG. G5G97 Mneuvo Ab 3-4 1:17 fast 6 109 Cl E Atkinsn 8 SirGalahadn., Mike, George W. C5502 Kcmpton 51 f 1:09 fast 23-10 104 11 C White G Propaganda. FlygKord. Uranm 65409 Kcmpton 5-8 l:05fast U-5 HJ C White 8 Bashful. Wise Lady, ChasteStar ELMONT. b. g. S 99 By Luk McLuke Kerr, by Uncommon. Trainer. T. Doyle. Owner, T. Doyle. 66117 M.Hghta 51 f l:12mud 40 113 S Wida 10 Mormon, St. Just, Old Red 66920 M.HBhta 3-4 l:17hvy 17 lit " S Wida 10 B.Wrack, O.McKcnna. M. Dixie 65937 M.Hshta 3-4 1:14 fast 14 106 451 T Burns 10 F. G. Corley, Major Domo, Lura 65799 M.HBhta 61 f 1:07 fast 19 103 Cl T Burns 8 H.Burgoync. Redmon, SpgVale 65706 M.Hghta Si f l:07faat 30 110 4 S Wida 8 FstConsul, MayMaulsby. Emden 63799 M.Heishta 51 f l:06faat 46 112 8 Bled. C Garner 12 GreyEagle. Huron II.. Vansylvia CS714 M.Hcighta 7-8 l:275fast 49 118 3 4 5l 9T3 H Lunsfd 10 Colonel Matt, Dr. Hall. Musito MOLLY POTT, b. f, 3 99 By Lovetie Margaret Angela, by Dr. MicBriio, Trainer. J. Hope. Owner, J. De Estrampes. 6G183 M.Hghta 51 f l:16hvy 36 105 61 A Arvin 8 The Enquirer, Punctual. Zainei 66117 M.HBhta 51 f l:12mud 81 100 7" P Gross 10 Mormon. St, Just, Old Red 66051 M.Hshta 5i f l:llmud 9 96 6" P Gross 8 First Consul, Cacambo, Zaincr 65701 M.Hshts 51 f l:09faat 15 105 S18 W Taylor 10 H.Burgoyne, Hopeful. By Right 61634 Mnouvo Ab 5-8 l:0Cgood 19-5 108 Pulled up. B Atkinsn 7 Serv.Flag. IadyBetty. KathlnK. 61565 Mneuvo Ab 5-8 1:08 slow 23-10 108 S" E Atkinsn 8 IngEyesII., Waac, Juanita III. 61009 Havana lmSOy l:41good 31 93 4 6 7 7" J Chalmers 8 Coscorron. Haran, Hush BED CHIEF,, ch. h, 5 104 By Stetson Winga to, by Ailyar Trainer, T. Smith. Owner, T. Smith. 66142 Hthorne 51 f l:15andslow 20 113 4 4 2 41 E Virgo 7 B.Head. Clecp.Boy. StylishMiss 66044 Hthomo 51 f l:14hvy 20 HI 7 7 7" H Clments 7 Different Eyes, Perch, Railbird 64772 ConLake 3-4 l:21good 6 112 31 T- Rae 7 KgWorth, Pr.Bonero, BnSpiller 64G75 ConLako 3-4 l:17fast 17 112 C" T Buel 7 Rafferty, Miss Orb, Ponderosa 64528 Krie Ab 5-8 lrflalop 11 113 41 T Buel G WthyAnn. Dr.Cpbell. D.Fashion C4447 Eria 3-4 l:15fast 18-5 112 1 T Buel 7 Sarafai, P.Greenway, Blue Star 64411 Erie Ab 5-8 l:02fast 18 113 T T Buel 8 Wea.Ann, Mr.Kruter, CorkeyW. 3rd RACE 5 1-2 Ftirlongrs. -year-oldf and upward. Claiming. ASSYRIAN QTJEEH, ch. f. 4 113 By Prince Ahmed I Dolores, by Boanerges. Trainer. W. E. CoUins. Owner, P. Colahan. 65965 Kworth 7-8 l:31hvy 7 104 1 2 6 51 M Andson 8 Tribune. Tarascon, Ciceronian C5822 Kworth 51 f 1:07 fast G 105 1 1 ll 2 F Weiner 8 ArcticKing, TheNephew, Vibrate 65729 Kworth 51 C l:06andfast 5 102 3 2 2 2 V Weiner 8 Sagamore, SomeBy, ArcticKing 65586 Woodne lm70y I:15l4fa3t 2t 100 3 Z and 6" F Weiner 7 Yorkist, Salvo, Affectation 65311 Woodno lm70y 1:45 fast 15C 99 7 2 9l110i F Weiner 12 Dellahm, Aquatic, SwcetBouquet 65028 Dufferin Ab 5-8 l:02mud 7 119 2S1 F Chiavta G I..Binmore, CaptainB., Hollymre 64987 Durferin Ab 5-8 1:03 fast 1-3 115 I1 W Taylor 8 KellysQuecn, Bloor, Dependence OLA LEE, b. m, 5 113 By Assagai Gypsy Adams, by The Commoner. Trainer, J. J. Quinlan. Owner, J. J. Quinlin. 6579G M.Hghts 51 f l:0Sfaat 2 HI l1 M Garrett 8 Cuba, Seven Seas, Thrills S1988 Duff erin Ab 5-8 1 :02fast 8 -111 CiW Taylor 7 UttleLcss, LeadingStar, Emden G48GG Duffcrin Ab 5-8 l:02fast 11 111 52 T Wayt S n.of t.Nrth, DiocletPn, Mormon 64721 ConnBht 3-4 1:14 fast 41 107 9 6 61 4 M Garrett 9 Joyce Hfraan. Hopeful, C.Colin 64G93 ConnBht 3-4 1:14 fast C9 1C6 4 1 21 31 M Garrett 9 Kuklor, Col. Murphy, Glenn 64547 ConnBht 3-4 l:llAgood 15f 103 2 3 3l 51 M Garrett 13 Feigned Zeal, Max Gold, Glenn CHOW. ch. c, 4 107 By Sapid Water Lady Oraama, by Ornament. Trainer, L. A. Daly. Owner, L. A. Daly. 6G184 M.Hshta 51 f 1:16 hvy S 108 21 A Arvin S Poraerene, MarnHollins, TossTJp GG153 M.Hghta 3-4 l:21mud 13-5 110 3 A Arvin Blazonry, Mad Nell, Rib GG049 M.HBhta 51 f 1:12 mud 41 121 2i W Taylor S C. o the Main, Arapahoe, Suds G5985 M.Hghts 3-4 l:16slop 10 109 4JS T Rae 8 JakeSchaa, T.Norris, VivaCuba G5273 N.Kton Ab 5-8 l:01Hfast 29-10 110 41 S Wida 7 Mr.Kruter, K.Chtham. O.L.Ann G5216 N.Kton 3-4 l:lSfast 41 115 41 S Wida 7 F. G. Corley, JulyFIy, OllieWood G4990 Dufferin 7-8 l:33fa3t 57 110 2"" II McAney S Kinglingll., Blondel, My Laddie BAS, b. c, 4 116 By The Manager Argon Esher, by Esher. Trainer, 3. Mock. Owner, B. Mock. 65823 Kworth 51 f l:07faat IS 113 3 6 3 T Nolan 8 noringa. FhantomFair, Ciceronn 6516G Thncliffe 3-4 1:17 hvy 31 115 3 3 3 ll H J Burke 8 Diocletian, Alva. Paul Connelly 65097 Thncliffe 51 f l:07slow 16f 107 6 9 61 3 A Pickens 12 Hindoostan. Ogaritc. De Land 64986 Duffcrin Ab 5-8 l.-01fast 9 118 2 F Chiavta G Dioclefn, BillsLuck, F.G.Corley 64901 Duffcrin Ab 5-S l:02fast 17-5 109 5 E Atkinsn 8 McLane, M.Caltiia. C.otheMain 64838 Dufferin Ab 5-8 1:01 fast 6 109 31 D Stirling 7 Avion, Emden. Arrow Point 64694 ConnBht 3-4 l:13fast 17 111 1 5 5 7 J Rowan 10 Assume, Mar Gold, Horlnga ABBOW POIHT, ch. m, 5 10S By Handsel Axis, by Orsirc Trainer. J. B. Partridge. Owner, C. Timberl ako. 66177 Hthorne 3-4 1:18 slow 6 103 8 5 51 31 E Petzoldtl2 BrotherJohn. BatiyH.. Toy Miss 65877 Hthorne 3-4 l:167ifaat 12 110 1 1 1 1 E Pctzoldt 8 SwtAppIc, I.uraMiller, Railbird 6578G Hthorno 7-S l:29andfaat 7 10C 10 9 9 8" E PetxoldtlO WarPcnny, Skeer.Face, Money G5097 Thncliffe 51 f l:07slow 17 101 12 10 9 9" E Petzoldtl2 nindoostan, Ogarite. Ras G4989 Dufferin CI f l:26fast 1 107 1 E Petzoldt 7 Canteen Girl, Banyan, Splnaway 64898 Dufferin 61 f 1:27 fast 14- 105 li E Petzoldt 7 Bogart, Maiden Voter, Banyan 64838 Duffcrin Ab 5-8 1:01 fast 11 103 41 E Petzoldt 7 Avion. Emden, Ras XABGABET ATBXK, br. f, 4 104 By Jack Atkiu Damson, by Ethelbert. Trainer, C. OMalloy. Owner, M. M. Shields. 66118 M.Hghts 51 f l:12?mud JJ7 108 . 6" P Gross 10 T.Norris, MyCowell, Treadwcll 65939 M.Hghts 7-8 1:28 fast 20 109 5 V Gross G Slip.Silver, F.Rooster, TheEnqr 65842 M.HBhta 51 r l:08fast 38 110 Cl P Gross 7 Whispering. Ucliocross, R.Angle 65480 Lcxton 3-4 1:15 fast 112 95 5 7 7 7,SA Yerrat 7 SamReh, C.otheRst. Gr.Minard G5294 Ixton lm70y 1:4C slow 93 10G 4 T 7 7" II E Jones 7 liveliness, Escarpolte, OoLaLa 65202 Ixixton 3-4 1:15 fast Clf 105 6 6 81 9 II Gray 12 Lottie Lorainc. Stamp, Dad 61791 Churchill 61 f l:19taat ISC 104 10 10 10 10" H Gray 13 Ruby, Louanaa, Pongee ilAGNET XA2TD, ch. g. 6 lot Bv Magneto Broczyland, by Orlando. Trainer, H. Evtrrett. Owner, H. Everett. 4559 Erie 3-4 1:19 slow 4 112 11 C Everett 6 Rapidan, Benecia, Amerlnnosa 34 5 3 0 Eric CI f 1:27 slop 11 112 5 C Everett G Sea Mime, Kedgwick, Neg 3447G Erie 3-4 l:lGfaat 12 109 41 C Everett 7 romercne, Malvolio, Rafferty 2891 Conncaut CI f l:25fast 13 115 Pulled up. C Everett 8 Chicken, Daddy, Stir Tp J2424 Eric 3-4 lUSlfefast 8 115 it C Everett 10 Primitive. Hercules. Benecia !2102 Chagrin 5-8 l:01slow 8 104 4 D Hall 6 Prin.Myrtle. I..I!oot9, Miss Orb J1997 Chagrin 61 f l:26andfast 43-10 115 41 R Ball 7 Rivulet, Obstinate, StarryBanner MOMENTUM, ch. g, 3 109 By Harrigan Meddling Hannah, by Bedeck. Owner, J. Keshmon. 35917 Kworth 7-S l:27faat 11 104 3 3 5l 6" P Hurd G Devonite, Billy Lane, Tamper 32144 Thncliffe 51 f l:0S,tifast 6 117 8" T Brooke 9 Thco, The Wag. Trick 6157 Dshire 51 f l:0Sfast 30 110 2 3 4 5 5" W Morsey G DarkAgcs, Devonite. Glengarry 6026 Dshire 5-S l:03Jhvy 19 118 4 3 5 9 9T J Bell 9 PeacePal, Pep.Tea. Swiftcricket 5SI3 Kworth 51 f l:07andfast 15f 107 3 2 1 11 11 J McTagt 12 PeacePal, Forestall. Z. Terrell S776 Kworth 5-S 1:02 fast CO 1081 6 3 4 41 41 B Taylor 11 B.Dunn, Delhimar, LeocharesII. i55S3 Ft.Eric 5-S liOllafast 23 107 2 1 2 2 5 E Taylor 10 MossFoxII.. Marble. D. l.uckner DON JOSE, ch. g. 7 113 By Ballot Micaela, by Watercress. Trainer, C. E. Groves. Owner, C. E. Groves. 3G17G Hthorno 51 f 1:12 slow 4 113 4 4 44 9 II S Jonesll M.Dennnzio, H.Rudder. C.Btirns 3G143 Hthorne 51 f l:15hvy 7 113 7 4 3S1 21 II S Jones 7 Whippet, Dane. Girl. ti. Cochron I3G077 Hthorne 3-4 l:25mud 10 112 2 3 5nk 8" H S JoneslO N. K. Bcal, Railbird, May Girl 35971 Hthorno 3-4 l:21slop 8 11! 2 4 7 7" D Hum 10 C.Robcrts. Dif.Eyes. W.H.Frc i!5831 Hthorne 51 f 1:09 fast 12 111 4 2 22 55J M Slghtcrl2 Van. Welles. Jacobina, Woolday t!.rG29 Omaha 3-4 1:14 fast 4-5 112 1 M Slghter 1 Kberly, SeaWater, LyVoltrome G5377 Omaha 5-8 l:01andfast 23-10 lis 2 D Hum 10 Torch. EdLeVan. Little Pointer PUTF BALL, br. g, 3 105 By Hearts of Oak Burdette, 07 Plaudit. Trainer, J. F. Hynes. Owner, D. Brenner. GG229 Toledo 3-4 1:U fast 23 103 3 4 41 53 T Bums. 8 Manna, J. Hoffman, Bills Luck 6G085 M.Hghts 3-4 1:19 mud 5 105 C Watson 7 Blue Wrack. Rajah, Silence G5983 M.Hghts 51 f 1:10 slop 4 107 2 C Watson 7 ItlueRibn, MkGarner, D.Moore G5843 M.Hghts 5J f 1:0S fast 6 108 21 S Wida 9 Babylonian. ScaBoard, Cavalier G5701 M.Hghts 51 f l:097sfast 27-10 105 4 J Wallace 10 H.Burgoyne. Hopeful, By Right G4932 Duffcrin Ab 5-S l:02andfast 6 105 Lost rider. J Smith S Flying Ford. KellysQueen, Bloor G4865 Dufferin Ab 5-S 1:02 fast 31 105 2 C Gordon 7 L,.Binmore, CaptainB., LadyFelix JACK F AIRMAN, b. c, 3 M 109 By Marta Santa Bettie ODay, by Peep oDay. Owner, E. Bivand. CG17G Hthorno 51 f 1:12 slow 25 106 2 1 11 4 E Owens 11 M.Dennnzio, H.Rudder, C.Buraa G6045 Hthomo 51 f 1:15 hvy 15 109 9 8 S S,T E Owens 10 Dad, Whippet, Rivulet G5879 Hthorne Gl f l:08fast 30 1021 4 7 7 S" E Owens 9 HarryB., Brilliant Ray, Diomed 4th RACE Alt oat I! 4 31 tie. "-year-old.s and upward. Claim luff. BOBBY ALLEN, ch. f, 5 104 By Harrigan Mae Irwin, by LL Trainer, L. Whitehall. Owner, L. WhitehiU. GG231 Toledo 3-4 1:10 fast 6 108 6 5 4 41 J Majestic G Mumbo Jumbo. Assnme, Money G5751 M.Hghts 3-4 l:12fast 6 107 6T J Majestic 8 Spinaway. C.Pillar, Mum.Jumbo 65702 M.Hghts 3-4 l:12fast 3 105 21 J Majestic 7 Mumbo Jbo, Spinaway, C.Pillar G5210 Thcliffe 1 1-15 l:47jgood 7 105 3 2 2 2 A Tmbley 8 Graycsian. King John, SisterFlo G5132 Thncliffe 3-4 1:14 slow 10 105 2 3 3J 21 A Tmbley 8 L.BlkSliecp. Graysn, Bctsinda 04933 Dufferin 61 f l:25fast 13 105 1J J Majestic G Panaman. Verity. Betsinda NENETTE. ch. f. 4 103 By Ivan the Terrible Yo Ho Ho, by Masetto. Trainer, W. C. Weant. Owner, W. C. Weant. GG145 Hthomo 3-4 l:20slow 7-3 112 3 1 lk nj j Kederis 8 CTdourll., Rivulet, SwtApple GG048 Hthomo 3-4 l:21hvy 3 111 3 3 4 41 J Kederis G Jacobina, Delhimar, B.Blackwell G5925 Hthorno 3-4 l:llfast 13-5 108 3 4 4 4 J KederU S End Man. Toy Miss, Bond G5832 Hthomo 3-4 1:13 fast 41 109 7 7 64 2 J Kederis 11 Mor.ev, TuyMiss. Bill Blackwell G5204 Thcliffe 51 f l:07good 2S 97 6 5 41 41 J Wallace 8 Ablaze. Ogarite, Sagamore G5132 Thncliffe 3-4 1:14 slow 29 101 6 5 6 51 J Smith 8 Ii.BlkShecp, Bob.Allen, Graysn 65059 Thncliffe 1 l:4114slow 61 111 2 2 21 41 H J Burke S BeesWing, FairVirginia, Verity MONEY, b. g, 8 103 By Dick Finnell Metrical, by Anchorite. Trainer, F. B. Doyle. Owner, S. Jones. GG231 Toledo 3-4 1:10 fast 21 108 2 1 21 31 R Doyle 6 MumboJumbo, Assume. B.Allen 66178 Hthorne CI f l:24s!ow 3-5 115 1 1 l" 3 J Sington 5 Bond, liedra, Mary Reigcl GG014 Hthorne 1 l:51ihvy 7-5 113 1 1 1 1 J Sington S Ednal., Madrono, Elias O. G5832 Hthorno 3-4 1:15 fast 4 107 1 1 1 1 J Singtonll Neaettc, ToyMiss, B.Blackwell G5786 Hthorne 7-S l:29Vifast 3 1H 5 2 21 3l J SingtonlO W.Penny, SkrFacc, Reliability G5G88 Hthomo 3-4 l:13fast 21 114 10 7 5l 5 J Singtonl2 Bond, Skecr Face. Jacobina G5558 Omaha 51 f l:06fast 3-4 115 1 J Sinston 7 CIRobts, KirstiesCub, H.Rudr DEVONITE, br. g. 3 104 By Granite Devonshire Dolly, by Broomstick. Trainer, J. Bishop. Owner, J. Bishop. G5917 Kworth 7-S l:27fast 27-10 103 2 4 21 1 S Turpno G Billy Lane, Tamper, Eoyallieu 65874 Kworth lm20y lMlfast 19-o 105 1 8 21 1" E Ambrse G Blos.House, TheWag, F.Virginia 65777 Kworth 3-1 l:13rasl 21 105 4 5 7" C M Andson S Ogarite, Amer.Eagle. Nightstick 65G82 Kworth 7-S.l:2G5sfast 12 99 7 6 6 5 F Sharpo 11 Ogarite, Colando, The Wag G5500 Woodne 1 1-16 l:47fast 5 105 1 4 4 41 M Andson S BlkBetty, Blos.nouse, Disluta G5021 Dorval lm70y 1:43 fast 9 107 8 3 3 1 M Andson 8 M.Curtis, F.Sneezy. Lucky Girl G4930 B.Bnnets 1 l:40?jfast 12 97 3 3 5 V F Sharoo 7 TheWag. BeverlyBelle, PaulaV. THE ENQUIRER, b. g, 4 108 By Luke McLuke Fleeing Venus, by Kantaka. Trainer, F. J. Stevens. Owner, T. Doyle. GG183 M.Hghts 51 f l:lGKhvy 1 111 It T Bums S Punctual, Zaincr, Redland GG119 M.Hsht3 3-4 1:21 mud 19-5 113 4 S Wida 8 MessKit, She Devil, Quick Bun G5939 M.Hshta 7-8 1:28 fast 6-G 115 3 T Burns 0 Slip.Silver, Fiu.Rcoster, BkPat G5102 Dorval 3-4 1:20 hvy 9-5 13 3 2 1 ll II Gresorjll Mess Kit, Jacobean, Viva Cuba 65062 Dorval 3-4 l:18andmud 20 105 1 1 11 1 H GreBoryll Lancelot, Propaganda. MaxGold 64929 B.Bnnets 1 l:40fast 17 105 2 2 3MS H Gregory 7 MnyorHouse, Fornovo, Roisterer 64894 B.Bnnets 1 l:41fast 29-10 105 4 2 2l 41 II Gregory 10 Gallivant, Indnlrince, Cavalier CHARLES JR., ch. g. 5 M 108 By Ormondale Partridge, by Longfellow. Trainer, G. F. Stambaugh. Owner, G. F. Stambaugh. 65924 Hthorne 3-4 l:15Vandfast 20 110 3 9 9 9" C Phillips 9 B.Bckwcll, BattyH.. D.ofWrath 64278 Toledo 51 f l:07andfast 40 U0 5 C Phillips 9 Quin.Ward. MissCaltha. Benecia G4245 Toledo Ab 3-4 l:09fast 140 110 45 T Rae 9 QyWard, Discussion, M.Caltha 62422 Erie 3-4 l:18V4fast 13 109 4" C Phillips 10 IdaMcGco. Kedgwk. AVilt.Arrow 62348 Erie Ab 5-3 l:00faat S2 115 41 C Phillips 9 Olym.King, MyGracie, IdaMcGeo G20G2 Chagrin 5-3 l:08hvy 43 108 6 C Phillips 3 Becswaw, Angela, EtdPrincesa 5th RACE 1 1-1G Miles. Xevrs-Ilce Handicap. H-year-olds and upward. HARRY B ch. g. 5 110 By Jim Gaffney Flying Frances, by Planudos. Trainer, J. B. Partridge. Owner, Cain and San ford. GG179 Hthomo lm70y l:51slow 6-5 108 1 1 14 11 E Petzoldt G BlacfcBetty, Eulah F., Jacobina C6113 Hthorne 3-4 l:22hvy 3-2 111 1 3 31 1 E Petzoldt 5, M.Reigel, Betsda G5974 Hthorne 51 f l:llslop 7-10 113 1 1 Is 11 E Petzoldt 4 B.Kean. B.ofEliztown, Incogce 65879 Hthorne 51 f l:0Sfast 21 109 6 1 1J 1 E Petzoldt 9 Brilliant Bay. Diomed. Bctsinda G3739 Hthorne 3-1 l:145ifast 31 107 1 1 11 1 E Petzoldt 7 MaryBcigel. UEnficld. Betsinda 65G89 Hthorno 51 f 1:0S fast 15 107 11 11 11 11 E Petzoldtl2 Tuscola, Lina Clark. MossFoxIL G3539 Windsor 1 l:434slop 21-6 101 4 4 4 4" F Wilson 4 Cote dOr, Gr.Mayers, Mad.Liln HONOLULU BOY. ch. g, 7 104 By Salvation Zerita, by Cerito II. Trainer, F. B. Doyle. Owner, S. Jones. G6146 Hthorno 1 1-16 l:5Sandslow 2 110 5 4 4 3 J Kederi.s 5 Croupier. Grayssian, Fincastle GG015 Hthorne lm70y l:55hvy 13-5 106 5 4 3 l1 J Kederis ." T.Marcii. W.Mgomy F.Fogarty G533G Lexton 1 1-4 2:10hvy 3-5 10S 4 2 2 21 M Gamer 4 Dr.Gilbert, LaFoudre, TheSmer G4967 Churchill 1:1-4 2:07andfast 4-5 113 7 2 21 2 E Pool 8 Travesty. Fiyglrince, Dr.Gilbt C4855 Churchill 1 1-S l:52fast 5 107 5 5 3 3 W Pool 7 Bunquoi, Normal. Lou Widrig 64410 Windsor 1 3-16 2:00fast CI 100 8 6 4 3i L McDottll Croupier, K. Rankin. Fantoehe C4303 Windsor 1 1-S l:53fast 33-10 111 3 6 31 H Ericksn 7 JuneFly, Ferguson, Kath.Bankta K UKLUX,, b. g, V 100 By Broomstick Valkyrie, by Hamburg:. Trainer, C. W. Hall. Owner, C. W. Hall. G5973 Hthorne lm"0y l:34slop 6 971 3 4s 2 R Doyle 5 Croupier, Ten Can. Coyne G5927 Hthorno Gl f l:20fast 10 115 7 5 6 5J H S Jones 7 MyReigel, Betsinda. LecBnfld 65785 Hthorno 3-1 l:14Vfast 6 101 2 5 51 41 E Petzoldt G MsFoxII., HigliCost. LinaCtark 65692 Hthorne 1 l:43Vsfast 9-3 101 6 3 3l 1 R Doyle G Tan Son, Brother John, Citizen 65240 Dorval 3-4 l:13fast 8 10J 5 6 5 V R Doyte S EndMan, Mum.Jumbo, Bromelia 64973 B.Bnnets 7-S 1:26 fast 6 8S 2 6 5l 21 R Doyle 10 Purl. Manna. The Nephew 64861 B.Bnnets 7-8 l:2Crfast 4 107 13 9 7 4 F Merimeell Chas.J.Craismiie, Purl. Jacobina TAILOR MAID, ch. m, 6 115 B7 Fair Play Toggery, by Rock Sand. Trainer, G. W. Atkinson. Owner, G. W. Atkinson. 66185 M.Hghts lm70y l:57hvy 7-6 115 l C Eames 5 Ballotcar. MyMaxim. Mlowmot 66120 M.Hghta lm70y 1:54 mud 1 103 1 J Majestic 5 NorthWalcs. St.Paul, Spinaway 66019 M.Hghts lmTOy 1:52 hvy 41 100 1 J Majestic 1 St. Paul. Gray Gable?, Advance 65845 M.HBhta 1 1-16 l:45fefa3t 23-10 105 4i W Bog"ski 4 AmernBoy, Sentimental, Primo 65751 M.Hshta 3-4 l:12faat 8 103 51 W Bogski S Spinaway, C.Pillar, Mum.Jumbo 650G5 Dorval 1 1-16 l:53mud 6 94 3 5 5 56 W Martin 5 G. Gables. M.A.Noonan, C, dOr 64976 B.Bnnets 1 1-S l:53fa3t 9 97 1 3 2l 5 F Shame 5 Fairway. Mar.A.Noonan, Finery EULAH F., bUk. m, 6 106 By Ten Point Buttonhole, by Stalwart. Trainer, W. C. Weant. Owner, W. C. Weant. 66179 Hthorne lm70y l:51sslow 2 109 3 4 31 3 J Kederis G narryB., BlackBetty, Jacobina 66079 Hthorne 1 1-16 2:02 mud 11-5 108 3 3 3 3 J Kederis 4 Red Wingfield. Dantzic. Citizen 65926 Hthomo lm70y l:4575tast 31 107 3 3 41 31 J Kederis 7 R.Wingfield, Dantzic, BkBetty G5738 Hthomo 1 l:40tfaat 3 107 1 4 35 3 H S Jone3 G Coyne. Dantzic, Red Wingfield 65405 Woodne lm70y l:44fast 7 109 5 4 4l 3l F Wilson 5 Muttikins. Bril.Jester, R. Visitor 65167 Thncliffe 3-4 l:13hvy 12 102 5 5 31 33 J Wallace G Cardale, J.F.OUara, Elemental 64621 Devshiro 1 l:41Whvy 9-10 106 7 6 5 5i D Stirling 7 Stoto, Rubidium, Lunetta ST, PAUL, br. g, S 101 By Plaudmore Panthea, by Bassetlaw. Trainer. J. F. Hynes. Owner, J. F. Hynes, 66231 Toledo 3-4 1:10 fast 34 103 3 4 S1 61 E Petzoldt G Mnmbo Jumbo, Assume. Money 66120 M.Hghts lm70y 1:51 mud 9 105 31 C Watson 5 TlorMaid, NthWales. Spinaway GG019 M.Hghts lmTOy 1:52 hvy 6 106 21 G Wallace 4 Tail.Maid. GrayGables, Advance 65402 Woodne Ab 2 3:59fast 22 137 2 1 Fell. R McMus 3 Perkiomen. Briganna, J.Coffroth G5311 Woodne lmTOy 1:43 fast 15f 113 12 11 1111" R Romellil2 Dellahm, Aquatic, SweetBouquet G51G5 Thncliffe lm70y i:47hvy 7 106 4 4 4 4" R Romclli 5 Procyon. Push Pin, Dellahm 65093 Thncliffe 1 1:13 slow 6 110 1 2 1 2l R RomeUi 7 June Fly, Dellahm, Troubler 6th RACE About 154 Mile. H-year-olds and upward. Claiming. MAGICIAN, br. g, 7 109 By Salvation Illusion, by Mesmerist. Trainer, E. Bice. Owner. E. Bice. G3312 Woodno 1 1-16 1:47 fast 9 104 2 5 4 21 M Fator 9 Yorkist. Sister Flo, Claymor 65018 Thncliffe 1 1-16 l:49slop 51 96 8 2 2 2 J Thomas 8 WildFler, Fluzey, Rlosinllouse 64671 Dcvshire 1 1:41 slow 5 109 8 7 61 3 T Wayt 10 American Boy, Jacques, TanSon G4557 Devshire 1 1-16 l:45sfast 4 991 4 4 3 M Fator 10 Greenland. WaikUp. Flibtygibt G4313 Toledo Ab 3-4 1:09 fast 11 110 3 T Wayt 5 Lou Widrig, Coffield, Gurnor 63803 M.IIeights 3-4 1:12 fast 6 114 1 5 4 1 T Wayt 7 F.-Fifty, Pr. Welles. J.S.Rrdon 63G88 M.IIeights 7-S lfast 1-5 US 4 2 l1 T Wayt G Boistercr. CapRock, FlygPrinca ULTIMATA, ch. f, 3 105 By Ultimus Hurakan, by Uncle. Trainer, J. W. Pangle. Owner, J. W. Pangle. G5891 M.Hghts 51 f lSXDifast 7 107 11 W Taylor G Panaman, Redmon, San Diego 65751 M.Hghta 3-4 l:12fast 25 100 8" J Thomas 8 Spinaway. C.Pillar. Mum.Jumbo G5702 M.Hshts 3-4 l:12fast 19 103 61 J Thomaa 7 MumboJbo. Bob.Allen, Spaway 64980 Thncliffe 3-4 l:13Vsfast 12 99 8 8 8 S J Thomas 8 Lit. B. Sheep, Ogarite, Dellahm 64728 Devshiro 3-4 l:14hvy 5 111 4 4 4" 41 P Poirier 5 Quick Run, Marmitc, Panaman 64586 Devshiro 3-4 l:12H;fast 16 108 5 4 7 7" P Poirier 10 Ablaze. Ring, Fincastle HABBY BUBGOYNE, b. g. 7 109 By Peep oDay Farley, by Frankfort. Trainer, S. Polk. Owner, 8. Polk. 66230 Toledo 51 f l:07andfaat 11-10 103 1 11 21 J Chalmers 9 Ptantn, ShtAway. B.Blackwell G5848 M.Hghta 1 lMOHfaat 9-10 104 1 M Fator 8 My Bosc. Bermont. Blazonry G5799 M.Hghta 51 i 1:07 fast 19-10 117 . ll M Fator 8 Redmon, Spring Vale, Emdea 65701 M.Hshta 51 f l:09fast 13-10 108 1 M Fator 10 Hopeful, By Right. Puff Ba.l 65534 Woodne 3-4 l:12faat 15 99 3 I 4 3 M Fator 8 Bullion, Quanah, Thorny Way 64468 Windsor 3-4 l:14good 19 105 11" M Fator 11 Chas.Hcnry. Fusee, Quick Run 64239 FortErie 3-4 l:12fast 10 110 9 7 5 5i M Fator 11 ThyWay, TovMiss, Falb.Damien NAN HcKINNEY. ch. f . 3 105 By Leonid Kate Dorman, by Mcdred. Trainer, L. T. Whitehill. Owner. L. T. Whitehill. 66150 M.Hghts 5i f lU2mud 6 101 3J M Garrett 5 Mnrmitc, Cacambo. Ttcdmon 6017 M.Hghts Bi t l:10hvy 6 106 "ll J Majestic 7 Ilntrcl. SilkSox. JudgeHoffman 65800 M.Hghts lmTOy l:andfast 11 96 C11 J Majestic tt MnryMaxim. DukeUuff. Quaker 65703 M.Hghts 1 l:40fast 36 106 91 J Majestic 9 Primo. Quaker, Duke Kuff 64805 Durrin 3-4 1:25 fast 25 103 812 A Abel 8 Tricks, lMssmllous.e. HillsLucl: 63780 M.Heigbts 51 f l:0Gfa3t 7 99 1 3 4 3 J Chlmcrs 9 Itelbility, WdgThgh. Hattyll. 63C90 M.Hghts lm70y l:fast 7 106 2 2 41 V M Fator 8 Leap Fro?, Theo, Canny Lady DIOMED, h. g, 5 109 By Durbar Eegulation, by Irish Lad. Trainer, W. C. Weant. Owner, W. C. Weant. 66012 Hthorne 3-4 l:19hvy 4S 106 2 2 33 3 J Kcderis 5 LinaClark, nalu. Flash of Steel 65879 Hthorne 51 f l:0Sfast 10 105 9 8 61 3 J Kederis 9 HarryB., Krilliantltay, Bctsinda 64671 Devshirc 1 1:41 slow 21f 109 6 8 8 8i D Stirling 10 AmericanBoy, Jacques, Magician 63865 Kworth 1 1-16 l:4ofast 14 109 1 5 7s 6" H Erlcksn 8 NightRaider, Amer.Boy. Fluzcy 63604 Windsor 1 1-16 l:49slow 8 107 1 5 51 651 O Willis G iloco. King John. Ben Valet 63468 Windsor 1 1-16 l:46ifast 76 111 6 7 7 7" O Willis 9 MateUp, By Jimmy, Oourmand 63192 FortErie 3-4 7 99 3 3 4 41 M Andson 0 Cho Cho, Lion dOr, Serapis BULLY BOY, ch. h, 7 109 By Ogden Yankee Sister, by Yankee. Trainer, L. A. Daly. Owner, X. J. Daly. 66152 M.Hghts 3-4 l:21mud 7 100 61 A Arvin 7 Cape IMIlar, Mnsito. Mallowmot 64867 Dufferin Ab 5-S l:02fast 9 114 21 B Taylor 8 Kising Rock, Lady lone," Knos 7th RACE 1 Mile. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming: COLONEL MATT, b. g, 9 102 By Colin Ormelia, by Orine. Trainer, S. Polk. Owner, S. Polk. , , C5894 M.Hghts 1 1-16 l:46fast 9-10 114 Is M Fator 7 Tuzzlc, Vanity Dresser, BabjCal 65754 M.Hghts 1 1:41 fast 6-6 103 1 M Fator 8 Pierrot, Dancer, Finan. Rooster 65134 Thncliffe 1 1-16 l:48slow 14-5 105 4 2 3k 9 M Fator 9 Stanley, Skeer Face, Sum rSigh 64984 Tncliffc lmTOy l:4ifast 2 99 2 1 21 31 M Fator 11 Encrinite. Stanley, Cavdourll. 64730 Devshire lm70y l:4Shvy 16-5 112 3 7 8 S M Fator 8 Serbian. J.OConncll, F.Virginia I 64591 Devshirc 1 1-16 l:47fast 8-5 109 3 4 3 2J M Fator 8 Tingling. Summer Sigh. Dr. Rae 64242 FortErie lrny l:43fast C 10S 1 1 I1 7 M Fator 8 Encriuite. Sans Pcur II., Dan MALLOWMOT. br. g. 8 102 By Cedcrstrome Kitsilas, by Xitimat. Trainer, J. H. Smith. Owner, Riverdale Stable. 66185 M.Hghts lm70y l:57hvy 23-10 98 4 M Fator 5 TlorMaid, Ballotcar, MyMaxim 65922 Kworth lmTOy l:45fast 16-5 101 112 21 C Lanville 7 The Wag, Tarascon, Wakefield 65779 Kworth 7-8 l:27fast 7-10 111 2 2 ll 11 E Ambrse 8 Bltrym. Aunt Un, Bassano Boy 65G83 Kworth lm70y l:44fast 20 101 2 1 2and 3 F Sharpe 8 KexOaiety. Troubler, Blarn.Boy 65586 Woodne lm70y l:45Hfast 19 103 6 4 6 51 F Sharpe 7 Yorkist, Salvo, Affectation 65447 Woodne lm70y l:44fast 6 108 2 2 2i 4 F Sharpe 11 BabyMine, RcxGaiety, JuneFly ELIAS 0., ch. o, 4 105 By Short Grass Mary Eowell. by Star Shoot. Trainer, W. C. Weant. Owner, W. C. Weant. 66011 Hthorne 1 l:51hvy 6 105 2 4 51 4 J Kederis 8 Money. Edna D., Madrono 65880 Hthorne 1 1-8 l:57fast 11-5 102 5 5 41 4J J Kederis 7 Friz. Brown Bill. Buckboard 65740 Hthorne 1 1-8 l:5Gfast 2 103 3 1 3i 2s J Kederis 7 Picdra, Buckboard, M.Prosperity 65692 Hthorne 1 l:43fast 8 103 4 C 51 5i J Kederis 6 Kukliix. TanSon, ltrotherJohn 65406 Woodne 1 1-16 l:47fast 11 106 5 4 5s G5 F Wilson 10 Fincastlc, SisterFlo, Klibtygibt 65099 Thncliffe 1 1-16 l:49slow C 102 8 C a1 5 J Smith 8 Flibygibt, Tarascon, Havwood BROWN BILL. br. g, 4 106 By Waldo Cutaneous, by Farandole." Trainer, J. B. Partridge. Owner, Cain and Sanford. 6G078 Hthorne 51 f l:15mud 3 108 6 5 C5 3 E Pctzoldt 7 Roy C. Carl Roberts, Toy Miss 65880 Hthorne 1 1-S l:r7andfast 11-5 104 4 1 in 22 E Pctzoldt 7 Friz. Buckboard. Elias O. 65783 Hthorne 3-4 l:15fast 3 106 8 2 2 ll E Petzoldtl2 Whippet, Black Top, Railbird 65691 Hthorne lm70y l:47sfast 4 106 4 2 31 4 E Petzoldt 8 War Penny. Sea Way, Picdra 65099 Thncliffe 1 1-16 l:49slov IS 101 4 5 6 6s E Petzoldt S Flibygibt, Tarascon, Ravwood 65015 Thncliffe 3-4 l:15slop 22 104 7 S S 8" E PetzoldtlO Ilindstan, DifftKyes, Mannite 64899 Dufferin Gj f 1:26 fast 27-14 ICS 11 B Petzoldt 8 Earnest, DottasBest, BlucAVrk MURRAY, b. g, 5 105 By King James Bellamina, by Henry of Navarre. Trainer, O. Johnson. Owner, E. F. Coppage. 65986 M.Hghts lm70y l:47slow 10 102 55 W Bogski 7 MaryMaxim. KthWales, Primo 65750 M.Hghts 7-8 l:27fast 14-5 114 4i G Corey 7 Mv Rose, Hopeful, Glenn 65703 M.Hghts 1 l:40fast 5 107 41 G Corey 9 Primo, Quaker, Duke Ruff 65169 Thncliffe lm70y l:4Shvy 10 111 S 9 9 914 C Buel 9 S.Away. F.Fogarty, BrotherJobn 64935 Dufferin 61 f l:25fast 7 105 55J E Petzoldt O Bobby Allen, Paiiaman, Verity 64664 Connght lm70y 1:45 fast 21 110 1 2 21 2 G Corey 7 HMoPardner, Amer.Eagle, Gatb 64584 Connght 1 1-16 l:43fast 13-6 111 1 2 1 2 G Corey 7 Paula V., DukeRuff, KentisliBoy BILL BEAD, ch. g, 6 109 By Doncaster Seddie King, by Leonid. Trainer, J. McCoole. Owner, J. McCoole. 66142 Hthorne 51 f l:15slow 4 113 1 5 4 U II S Jones 7 ClpatraBoy, StylhMiss, R.Chief 66112 Hthorne 1 l:5Shvy 9-5 108 5 4 2nt 23 H S Jones 7 Normandie. Huzzas. T.Col.Bawn 66045 Hthorne 51 f 1:15 hvy 2 111 7 6 6 6" II S JoneslO Dad, Whippet, Rivulet 65473 Omaha 1 1:41 slow 12 115 31 R. Scoville C W.Mgomy, C.Holters, DyLady 64281 Toledo 1 l:415sfast 17-10 108 ll H S Jones 6 Pierrot, Miss Kruter, Grandee 64225 Toledo lm70y l:!4 6-5 112 5 H S Joncsl2 Pierrot, Frank F.. Misj Kruter 63900 M.Hghts 1 1-16 l:46fast 6-5 110 1 4 31 2 M Fator 9 Puzzle, Red, Madge F. PRIMO, ch. h, ft 111 By Plandmorc My Honey, by Yo el Bey. Trainer, J. F. Hynes. Owner, J. F. Hynes. 66234 Toledo lm70y 1:45 fast 51 113 1 1 3J 510 W Heinch 7 Tarascon, DukeRuff, Blos.Housc 65986 M.Hghts lm70y l:47slow 3 10S 35 C Watson 7 MyMaxim, .N.Wales, Stimental 65845 M.Hghts 1 1-16 l:45fast 21-G 109 31 S Wida 4 Amer.Boy, Sentimental. T.Maid 65703 M.Hghts 1 l:40fast 3S 10S l C Watson 9 Quaker. Duke Ruff, Murray 65447 Woodne lm70y l:44fast 32 109 3 4 3i 711 T Nolan 11 BabyMine, RexGaiety. JuneFly 65350 Woodne lm70y l:43fast 51 102 3 6 61 71 T Burns 9 Frocyon, Cliloris, Dellahm 65131 Thncliffe 3-4 l:15slow 6 117 1 3 11 VI K Romellill GlantGroom, Broadview, Bcljoy BILL HTJNLEY, ch. g. 7 109 By Setback Homesick, by Deutschland. Trainer, G. Stambaugh. Owner, Syndicate Stable. 65975 Hthorne 1 1-2 2:51slop 5 111 2 2 23 23 C Phillips G Tok.Xlarcli. B.WcliII., Spec.Girl 65881 Hthorne 1 1-16 l:49fast 30 111 6 5 CI 6" C Phillips S Frank Fogarty, Picdra, Louis 65739 Hthorne 3-4 l:14fast 20 109 2 7 7 6,s C Phillips 7 HarryB., MaryRcigel, L.Enficld 63838 Kworth 1 1-8 1:53 fast 39 103 7 7 71 6" E Ambrse 8 Joaquina, Dark Hill, June Fly 63348 Devshire 1 1-2 2:35ood 20 96 2 3 41 4 N Swart 8 Dan, Pit, Lazy Lou 63260 Devshire 1 1-16 l:4Sfast 30f 106 11 11 9 955 N Swart 12 Gen.Cadorna, Explosive, S.Sigli