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Latest Work-Outs 85 LiATONIA, Ky., October 31. Todays training gallops here included the following: IiATONIA. Weather clear ; track fast Three-Eighths Mile. C3-Aliuring ......30 83-Iithrop 37 f. 78- Avispa 38 79-Miss Petite ...3!s 81- BedazzIe 36s 75-Pumps 39 79- Brunell 37 81 -Resting Time 37 82- Certain 37Vf. 75-Victoite 37!-s 79- Guy 39 81-Waywas;amo .37 Half Mile. fiS-Ameriean Ace 49 81-Indian Trail ..51i 96-Albert L. ... 49 Si-Kit. Williams 4S!f. 61-Ablaze 47 S2-Lord iranite . .4SM-. 72-Brotherly IiOve49 S2-Lily M 4S 72-Eastem Star ..50 80-Triumph 51 If: 80- Firebrand 51 82-Teds Plum ...49 79-Fair Alice 51 78-Tulsa 50 Five -Eighths Mile. Si-Beach Beautyl:03 572-Judgc Price .1:02 83- Carnarvon ...1:01 SO-Miss Joy 1:00 83- Guvnor 1:01 79-RuggIcs 1:03 78- Great Jaz ...l:035f. 7S-Radio 1:01 SO-Immokalee ..1:01 74-Sunuy Iucrowl:02 Three-Quarters Mile. 77-A1 Strauss ..1:18 83-Lot. Ijraine 1:14 50- An. Klizabethl:15 S41-Marj. Wool .1:15 82- Bendita 1:10 81-P. and Takel:15and 51- Blanche Mac. 1:15 S2-P. and AVhitel:10 Sl-Chattcrton ..1:17 77-Postlude 1:14 50- Fame 1:15 81-AV"g Through 1:17 St-FIpwer Shop 1:15 S2-Wake Up ...1:15 51- In 3Iemoriam 1:17 Seven-Eighths Mile. 50- Cautious 1:31 and 75-The Wit 1:30 77- Machiavelli . . 1 :35 One Mile. 52- Frank W. ...1:43 SO-Suave Prince 1:43 72-Jack nare Jr.l:43 83-Sea Prince ..1:43 79- Ixjc. Leaves 1:40 47-Wakefield ...1:36 81- Sister Flo ..1:43 Mile and an Eighth. 79-Brynlimah ..2:01 78-Wads.s Last 1:57 Mile and a Half. 74- Rouleau 2:41 Mile and Three -Quarters. 81 -Bit of White 3:03 Two Miles. 51- Rockminister 3:34 Lord Granite and Kitty Williams did a fast gallop together from the barrier. Ablaze showed rare speed. Bit of Whites work for the cup was good. Rockminister, witli Rouleau pacing him the first mile and a half, worked two miles in line style. BALTIMORE, Md., October 31. Todays training gallops here included the following! PIMLICO. Weather clear; track fast Three-Eighths Mile. 52- Balance Wheel 37 S3-.Mavourneen ...30 50- Fifty-Fitty ...37 75-Sun Mist 39 75- Joseph Brant ..37 Half Mile. 75-Bromelia 51 74-Maryland Relle53 u-BIue Hawk ...51 S3-Miles S 51 ."87-Brigadr Gonal3l Sl-Oceanie 51 S4-Cottompa 51 75-Park Hill 54 53- Cote dOr 53 82-Petite Dame ..51 84- Forest Major ..51 78-Ray L 10 44-Genal Thatcher."2 81-Sallys Alley ..55 79-IHdden Jewel 53 75-Star .curt 51 70- Irish Kiss ....48 S2-Sancho Pansy 51 07-Jigstep 50 !1-Tlie Vengeauee."! 51 - Josephine: C. ..49 Si-Tom McTaggart52 S3-Knighthood ...53 S0-Tvo Feathers .49 SI -Miss Smith ...49 79-Top Sergeant .51 Five-Eighths Mile. 51- Better Times 1:02 83-Rhinegohl ...1:04 53- Iunlin ......1:03 Sl-IVrigourdine 1:01 50- Mabel K. ...1:00 81-Setting Sun .1:04 52- My Own 1:01 83-Zureka 1:04 79- Paul Jones ..1:03 Three -Quarters Mile. 83- Attorney 1:24 79-Kirah 1:18 78- BIossom Tiniel:14 7S-Iady Myr ..1:16 72-C. J. Crgmilel:17 SO-Nedna 1:17 71- Drcadeii 1:20 40-Oran 1:16 77-Ianiel 1:21 83-Plucky 1:16 S2-Kxodus 1:16 St-Rialto 1:24 74- Fusce 1:1S S3-Sailing AIongl:17 84- Faiinie Bean 1:17 82-Tryster 1:14V!; 57-Fitzgibbon ..1:21 SO-Thessaly ....1:16 75- Gallivant 1:16 Sl-Tufter 1:17 09-Galantman ..1:16 77-Whalebone ..1:21 84-Hry Iattnerl:19 One Mile. S2-Antillos 1:48 79-Kxterminator 1 :4S 47-Attory Muir.l:45 82-Fair Jain ..1:50 51- Anniversary .1:51 7S-IIoudini 1:52 80- llluemont 1:47 71-.Iyntee 1:43 80- Betty Beall .1:41 7S-Minima 1:48 79- Brt Tomorw1:41 80-MartingaIo .1:41 S-l-Baby Grand 1:43 20-Red Brand .1:45 81- Bunga Buck 1:49 82-Sweetheart ..1:41 52- BeIlsolar 1:47 !9-War Visitor .1:46 54- Duke John ..1:15 39-Zed 1:47 Mile and an Eighth. 76- Lucky Hour 1:57 Mile and a Quarter. Sl-Capt. Aleock 2:11 Fifty-Fifty showed speed. Sun Mist ran out. Two Feathers and Miss Smith ran well together. Irish Kiss showed good form. Dunlin and Paul Jones worked together. Better Times showed speed all the way. Tryster had his speed. Lady Myra ran well. Plucky went from the barrier. Jyntee ran well all the way. Baby Grand galloped evenly all the way. Lucky Hour was never extended. Martingale showed a fast mile.