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Latest Work-Outs 106 BOWIE, Md., November 21. Todays training gallops here included the following: BO"VLE. Weather clear; track fast Three -Eighths Mile. 103-Bluc China ...39 103-JolIy Sailor ...39 lOZ-Bucado 39 101-Moonraker ....38, 102- Bengali 41 104-1astl Swain ..37 101-Duncecap 40 104-Zeurefca 39 S3 -Duke John 39 Half Mile. 103- Bclphrixonia ...50 93-Lady Zeus 53 101-Blazes 54 56-Mr. X. 30 99-C. Pantages ...54 97-Maryld Belle. .5.", 101- Double Ctoss .53 104-Nedna 49 102- Dcspair 52 37-Ocorra 5fi 102- Eternity 54 Pearl 49 103- Grace Foster ..52 103-Zouave 51 102- Jimmie B 50 Five -Eighths Mile. 93- AvaIanche ..1:03 102-Snper 1:05 105-Bees Wax ..1:03 103-Tubby A. ...1:03 105-Crugie 1:03 104-Toil 1:03 103- E1 Dorado ...1:03 SO-Williain 011.1:04 101-Modo 1:05 103-Woodf lower .1:03 104- Miracle Man. 1:03 93-Zennotta ....1:07 104-Neapolitan ..1:01 Three-Quarters Mile. 103-Amuscment ..1:10 93-Pr. Charmingl:22 100- BiUy Gibson. 1:18 102-Radical 1:19 103- Delhi Maid .1:24 105-Roy. Charlie.l:17 94- Dark Horse .1:21 104-Sea Tag ....1:23 104- Ethel CIaytonl:19 102-Tip. Witchet.l:18 101- Oen. Thatcherl:25 103-WraitU 1:17 103-Pennon 1:14 105-W. Pittston .1:17 103- Passamaria .1:16 100-W. Take All.l:17 One Mile. 104- Cote dOr ...1:51 Pow Wow ..1:55 104-Prank Monroel:49 94-Yorkist 1:50 103-Ly Emmelinel:50 Jolly Sailor was doing his best. Moonraker was only cantering. Bucado and Duke John raced well together. NEW ORLEANS, La., November 21. Training operations have been going along here at Jefferson Park for a week or so. Todays best gallops were : JEFFERSON PARK. Weather clear; track fast Three-Eighths Mile. 95- Annivcrsarjr ...43 8S-Kewpie OXeil.42 67-Adventure ....44 76-Pclion 38 966-Beimont 40 70-Savoy 39 SS-Guy 43 Half Mile. C8-Copyright 54 961-Star Time 50 891-Car ...55 972-Trolus 5 Tl-Guest of Honor56 SO-Trooper ". 935-Hambone 53 972-Trust Official .34 39-Poor Puss 53 Five-Eighths Mile. SC-Admirer 1:05 75-Scottish Chiefl:12 76-Bayonne 1:12 73 -The Peruvian 1:0S 75-Encrinite ....1:05 89-Ting-a-Ling 1:07 Sl-Golden Crest 1:03 39-Valor f.l:0S One Mile. 7S-Our Birthday 1:51 897-Prters Devill:55 The track has been deep and holding the last few days, but will be extremely fast when it is in good condition. Plenty of horses are arriving daily!