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I Jefferson Park Form Chart j 2iEW ORLEANS, LA., MONDAY. DECEMBER 11. 1982. Jefferson Park 1 mile. Tenth day. Jefferson Parish Fair Association. Winter Meeting of 27 days. Weather eler; tempera tare 60 . , Stewards. J. A. Murphy. II. P. Conkllng ami J. It. Campbell. Judges. J. McLennan, J. R. Reeder and , J. B. Campbell. SUrter. William Snyder. Racing Secretary. J. IS. Campbell. , Racing starts at 2:15 p. m. Chicago time 2:15 p. in.. W indicates whip, S spur. 15 blinkers. Fig- , tiros in parentheses following the distance oC each race indicate date, track record, age of horse and wri?!ii carried. Indicates apprentice allowance. , andFY fktZ.rT FIRST RACE -4 Mile. Dec. 31, 116 1 : 12 31 17. Pitrs 0. 2-year-olds. Oil lDl Maidens. Claiming. Net value to winner seoead, 15; third, 0. j Ind J Horses AWtPPSt M Vi Str Fin Jockeys Owners 0 II C P S 6G991 "ADMIRER w MM S3 ll 1 l1 1 J CorcoranG L Blackford S-5 9-5 95 3-5 1-3 67010-YORICK w 31 1 2 2 2 2 2 J Owens J Randolph 2 13-SU-ST-161-3 66855 1JUDDUG1E w 104 5 8 S S"1 41 3 A Abel J Arthur It 15 12 S 24 i C7010 KOELLIA w 104 7 1 3i 31 3 4s F Sharpe Riverdale Stable 39 40 15 S 66951 LUCIDUS WK 111 4 5 61 5 5 5 K Pool R C Troxler 4 8 8 3 8-3 t G3996 MINNIE D. B m 2 6 14 4 6 6s W Fronk J S Barbae 8 8 S 3 8-5 07010 TEMPTRESS wb 183 6 7 7 74 7 7,s J Wallace E Carbeau 15 15 10 4 2 G519C F1L-DE-FER w Ki 8 4 5 8 8 8 F Weiner E J Hodgson It 16 S 3 8-5 Time, 26, 52, 1:19. Track heavy. Winner 15. c, by Prince Hertnis Fanny Keniblc, by Seinpronius trained by R. N. Vestal; bred by Mr George L. Blackford. j Wc-nt to post at 2:15. At post 1 minnte. Start good and alow. Wan eaisly; second and third driving. ADMIRER ran as if best in the going, began fast, showed the most speed and, hard ridden through -the eighth, held YORICK safe. The latter raced in -lowest pursuit throughout and finished resolutely. BlDDCUIK. under weak riding, was far back in the early running, but came fast through the stretch. KOELLIA raced prominently to the stretch ami began tiring. LUCIDUS had no mishaps. FIL-DK-FER 1 quit early. 1 Scratched 6091 .Tosie 51.. 104; 0851B1h Bird. 110; 86876Gold Mount, 116; 66750 Little Ann, 109; 1 67010 Wrangler. 106; 6917 Recoup. 100; 68908 Royal Crown, 103; 87020 Consolation, 103. Overweights Yorick. 1 pound;; Koellia, 1; Lucidns, 2; Fil-de-Fer. 2. j ! SECOND RACE 1 1-8 Miles. March 17, 19 1:514 3 118. Purse 00. 8-year- 6F7filKQ. a JOQ olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winnor 86; seed, 15; third, 1922.sh0. ludex Horses AWtPPSt Vi Vs . Str Fin Jockeys Owners 0 II C V S I 67015 1 BALLOTCAIt w 4 114 6 2 21 2 11 2 1J E T Moorell W Barnes 3 3 24 1 1-2 C6932 HICKORY w 3 1? 2 3 8 5 24 1 2 J Owens T H Wilson 5 S 5 2 1 66451PIT wb 9 109 1 7 10 9s 71 51 34 J CorcoranJ Phillip 2 16-513-51 1-2 G6390UJUEEN BLONDE wb 7 106 10 10 Si 41 41 41 4 G Mein C W Gaaser S 8 S S S-S GG98Gn iVA CUBA w 5 111 4 1 4 6 64 3 5 A Wilson R Warfield 6 S 8 3 8-5 i 67031WARLIKE wb 5 109 3 5 31 3 5 Si S W Organ J M Collins 8 10 19 4 2 C6114 NAPTHALIUS w 5 111 8 S 5 7s 8 8s 7s F Murphy T E Edwards 15 15 15 6 3 60990 REGAL LODGE w 7 114 7 6 li 1 3 7 S- G W CrollG C Walsh 10 10 10 4 2 66986 HWARD BOUND w 7 114 5 4 9 10 10 10 9 .1 Wallace F J Douglas 59 SO GO 20 10 GG971 TYRANNY w S 111 9 9 7 8 9" 9 10 G Brening.I W Laswell 88 25 26 10 5 Tune, 6, 52, 1:80, 1:4. 2:01. Traek heavy. Winner Ch. c, by Ballot Carpathia, by Star Shoot trained by J. Hill; bred by Mr. Willis Sharpe Kilmer t . I Wont to post at 2:40. At post 1 minute. Shirt sood and slow. Won driring; second ami third tlie same. ISALLOTCAR raced close np from the start and, standing a drive resolutely in the stretch, out-fiui.shed HICKORY. The latter closed a gap steadily and saved much ground on the last two turns, but tired near the end after taking the lead. PIT was far back to the half-mile ground, from where he gained steadily and was going fastest at the end. QOJCKN BLONDE ran well. VIVA CUBA was tiring in the stretch. REGAL LODGE showed the most early speed, but failed to stay the route. SrratdHMl 60985 Grandee. 100. IfAEIO THIRD RACE 1 1-3 Miles. March 17, 1980 1:51 3 118. Purse 00. 3-yoor-e "U l7 olds and upward. Claiming-. Net value to wis fie r 85; second, 15; third, 1922.sh0. Index Horses AWtPPSt Vi Vi Str Fin Jockeys Owners 0 II C P S 66959 AMAZE wb 5 114 8 6 11 1 1 1 1 T Brooke M R Pons 6 S 7 24 1 66986SATANA w 5 169 7 3 2 2 2 2J 2s G Mein C J Broekmiller 10 12 12 5 2 66639 TULSA wb 5 189 1 1 3i 3l Z- and J CorcoranJ Cunniffe 1 1 9-192-5 1-5 66652 LITTLE ED wb 8 114 9 9 8 Si ll 4 4 E Scobie T E Crist S 12 12 5 21 6G995NORDECK w 5 169 2 2 54 51 8 5 ", A Roach C W Chappell S 10 10 4 2 67031 ATTORN Y MUIR. w 7 114 4 4 7 8 7" S F Weiner G C Milton 8 12 10 4 2 6G996 3 BRIBED VTER wb 8 109 5 7 fi 4 5 7 7 E SmwodG C Winfrey 6 8 7 24 1 669;iTUUNDERBIRD W3 106 3S 9 9 84 84 81 F Sharpe A Wallin 50 50 46 12 8 6 0 9 9 G DAD J A wb 3 100 8 5 4 7s 9 9 9 R MaybryJ R Campbell 10 15 12 5 24 Time, 25. 51, 1:18, 1:47, 2:01. Track heavy. Winner B. g. by Rrootnstick Daisy F., by Riley trained by 0. K. Pons; bred by Mr. Harry Payne Wliitniy I . WVnt to post at 3:00. At post 2 minutes. Start good and slow. Won easily; second and third driving. AMAZK, showing the most si?ed from the start and running well in the going, held sway for the entire race and won in a cauter. SATAN A cut across the others on the first turn and easily held second place for the remainder of the race. TULSA was forced back on the first turn and was ridden hard for j ! the entire race. LITTLE KI closed a big gap iu the last quarter. NORDBCK had no mishaps. BRIBED I VOTER tired in the last quarter. Scratched 0C9S6 Dr. Rae, 109; 67031Wad8worths Last, 114; GC990 May Roberts, 111. 6Ff ft? Q! ft FOURTH RACE 5 1-2 Furlongs. Doc. 16, 1919 1:05 4 112. Banaandbel Handicap. i 3andJ ,000 Added. All Ages. Net value to winner 00; second, 21; third, 14. Index Horses AWtPPSt Str Fiu Jockeys Owners 0 n C P S G70133AUNTIE MAY w 4 103 4 4 4l 4 2! 1J W Kelsay C T Worthington24 3 11-54-5 1-3 66930 JMES F. OHARAwb 4 168 3 3 14 l1 li 2 C Lang Kirkfield Stable 5 6 S 8-5 4-5 6G995:,SEA MINT wb 5 110 2 2 ! ! 5 S! J D M neyJ Dundee G 8 7 2 1 1 66860 HIDDN JEWEL wb G 113 1 1 2- 24 31 41 E Martz A Swenkc 4 7 6 S-5 4-5 66809 tMANOEVRE wb C 116 5 6 5 5s 4 5J L McDottRlverdale Stable 4 6 6 2 4-5 66930 FIFTY-FIFTY wb 3 169 65 S886 J CorcoranJ J Hertz 3 41 34 1 1-2 Time, 25. 50, 1:03, 1:10. Traek heavy. Winner Ch. f, by Uncle May Hempstead, by Patron trained by C. T. Worthington; bred by Messrs. Headley A Miller. Went to post at 3:33. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won driving; second ami third the same. AUNTIE MAY began somewhat sluggishly and was outpaced for the first quarter, then gained steadily and. challenging JAMBS V. OHARA in the last eighth, won drawing clear. JAMBS F. OlIARA "showed line speed in pacemaking and began tiring iu the Btrctch, but finished gamely. SEA MINT had ! f no mishaps and had to be ridden hard in the last eighth. HIDDEN JEWEL tired after ruuuing a good half mile. MANOKVRK began slowly and was going fast at the eud. FIFTY-FIFTY was always outrun. Scratched 66795 Boy from Home, 100. Overweights Sea Mint, 2 pounds. ififTkfil FIFTH RACE 3-4 Kile. Dec 31. 1910 1:12 3 117. Purse 60. 8-year-olds. VJ? a V? O JL Claiming. Net value to winnor S5S5; seoead, 15; third, 6. Index Horses AWtPPSt M Str Fin Jockeys Owners O H C P S 66860 MILES S. w U0 3 4 24 2s 2 1 C Lane L T Bauer 3 15 12 5 21 66995 MBUSE w 110 1 1 11 ll 11 2 H ThurberJ R Skinker 6 19 10 4 2 67030-SIMPLIGITY w 165 10 2 4 34 4s 3! J CorcoranT E Crist 4-5 1 7-101-3 1-6 67011 QUICK RUN w 107 6 6 5and 8l 5 4 J MajesticL T Whitehill 15 15 16 3 S-5 67011-OGARITE w 105 9 7 71 44 34 5 G Mein C F Clark 4 5 5 8-5 7-10 G7011THEO wb 107 4 5 3 5 P ff" P Sharpe Willoughby Stb 15 20 29 7 3 i 66645 TULANE wb U4 7 8 64 71 7i 7 J Owens J Greenberg 10 12 12 5 2i 66985 HUTCHISON w 103 12 11 16 Ml 8i Si R Doyle J W Murphy 30 48 40 15 S : 6G639 HYSTERIA w 106 5 10 91 9" 9s 9! E Roehm E Miller 20 20 20 8 4 CG524LEOCHARES-II. wb 112 8 9 84 Sllt5 10 E StnwodH Cohn 20 30 15 6 3 GG861ASHLIN w 167 11 3 lllnill 11 G BreningP J Miles JO 40 40 15 8 DIANA WATERS w 190 2 12 12 12 12 12 J Ressner A Bellegardi 50 66 60 20 10 Time, 25, 51, 1:19. Track heavy. Winner Ch. c, by Brummel La Mode, by Peep oDay .trained by W. Livingston; bred by Mr. John ; S. Barbeo. i Went to post at 4:02. At post 3 minutes. Start good ami slow. Won driving; second ami third the same. MILKS S., well ridden and away fast, followed MISUSE closely ami wore the latter down steadily j in the last sixteenth to win in the last stride. ME USE showed the most speed and held his lead gamely Ito the final sixteenth. SIJIPLICITY lacked her customary high early speed, but came fast in the last I eighth. QUICK RUN came from far back in the last quarter. THBO was tiring badly through the i stretch. 0GARITE moved up menacingly just before reaching the stretch, but tired badly. TULANK was always outrun. Scratched 67012lPaul Micou, 108; GC985Stamp, 103; CG008 Demos, 103; 6G.SG2 Delhi Maid, 112; 8G985 rastorul, 100; C69GG Juno, 105. Overweights Hysteria, 3 pounds. slr7nsgO SIXTH RACE 1 1-16 K3U. Kareh 17, 1920 1:45 7 110. Purse 00. 3-year- stD 4 VJ?5i olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 25; second, 15; third, 1922.sh0. Index Horses AWtPPSt Vi Str Fin Jockeys Owners 0 H C P S ! 670155OUR BHtTHDAY wb 5 U2 3 9 34 V 1 Is Is E SmwodE .1 Salt S 4 M-58-5 4-5 j 66990 RAMA wb 4 109 6 3 2l 45 41 24 2 J CorcoranM Goldblatt 84 4 3 6-5 3-5 6G9905ST. DONARD wn 4 110 5 10 9l 51 4i 3s K Parr ton R McKeever 10 12 12 5 2i G6970 GEN. CADOItNA w 5 107 8 7 7" 2 2 S 4s G BrenlngG Oddo 10 15 12 5 24 : 66994 BETT J. wb 5 1644 1 2 4 5l 35 5 W Organ J M Collins 6 7 6 24 6-5 ; G6816sGOALER wb 6 115 10 S 10 Si 8l 7s 6s G Mein S Louis 4 5 44 2 1 66989 THORNHEDGE wb 4 lit 4 6 G 71 7i 6 7 G W CrollG C Walsh 15 15 15 G 3 I 6G989 TROOPER w 7 112 9 4 5 10 9l S 8" R Doyle W II Hall 4 44 44 2 1 65059 VERITY wb 6 108 7 5 8- 9 10 9s 9 E Scobie T E Crist 15 20 20 8 4 , 6695S TRANSIENT w 4 114 2 1 Is 3 61 10 10 C Lang M .1 Kramer 15 15 12 6 24 Time. 25, 51, 1:18, 1:47, 1:54. Track heavy. I Winner B. h, by Golden Maxim Autolee, by Lettoon trained by E. J. Salt; bred by Mr. A. V. Thomas. I Went to post at 4:30. At post 3 minutes. Start good and slow. Won easily; second and third driv- ing. OUR BIRTHDAY raced into the lead after going a half mile and held sway to the eud to win casing up. RAMA ran well and finished gamely after having closed a gap in the last eighth. ST. DONARD closed a big gap and finished fast. GBN. CADORNA began tiring after going well for three-quarters. GOALBR might have been dangerous with a good ride. TROOPER quit and run a bud race. ! BETTY J. tired in the stretch. TRANSIKNT set the early pace, but quit badly. Scratched 67034 Lucy Kate, 103; C8.S4Mary Agnes S., 103; 66S75 Tingling, 114; GG713 RavenswocU, ! 102; 67034 Bravo, 104; GG8G1 Radical. 104. Overweights Betty J., 1 pounds.