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TS 3 il ft IS A ENTRIES AND PAST PERFORMANCES 1 iJUASIM FOR TUESDAY, DECEMBER 12 WEATIIEIt CLEAR: TRACK HEAVY. Racing starts at 1:55 p. m. Chicago time 3:55. Todays Superior mud runner. X Good inud runner. Ind. Horse. Wt. Rcc. A.Wt Han. if. Fair mud runner. M Maidens. Apprentice G8997 Marion Hollins ...10S1:0 G 112x720 illowancc. b Blinkers. 00883 Eye Bright 102 1:08 3 109x715 First Race-5-8 Mile. rtiInMnarS IUWer -"Yl1t K 107- "10 Purse S500. 3-year-olds ami upwanl. Claiming. VJ Vn-v ? G70403lChoir Master 114 l:0i 7 107:!,:10 ,Tru,i. -,. linnsa i 107 Track record. Mj 20, 1920-9 1-107. . 112x719 Q736 m . T?iL 05252 Toyon 95 l:08k 3 104 . .705 Ind. Horse. Wt. Rec. A.A t.IIan. 353 .relebrate 115 1:07 9 107. .705 G7019 Squash 105 1:02 5 105 X 725 07022 Yorkshire Maid .. 90 1:09 3 104. .700 61185 bSherman A 106 1:00 0 1O5 X720 01393 McCroan 10S 1:03 G 107X7U0 07616 Lomond Jr. M..1U l:04m 3 107X"15 6G615 Marion Fluke 103 l:10Ah 4 105.. 705 Tifth Race 5 1-2 Furlongs. fk; nste M. 108 l:05m G 105 705 rrse 00. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. 67016 IIester II 114 l:0t S IO6X1OO , , June T D BU-l ,... , Q 3-lls. no record: 28, Track Dr. Winifred M. 4 105. .700 Nisam 5 106 67018- Cascade 104 1:0S 3 104x725 Big Indian 5 105 67036blt 103 1:07 3 104x720 . o , 07036 bCuba 101 1:08 5 112x715 Race-3-4 M le. f.i86 67H9 w. IIarper . . . .114 1:0S 7 112x715 Purse U00. All age Ciaimiug Maidens Galway 100 1:0S G 112 710 Track record: Dec. 20, 1910 1:11 3 110. G-019 nlancie Meyers ...10G 1:03 S 112X705 6701G Argonne Forest ..107 1:20 4 10SX725 5352! Freddie Fear 100 1:09 3 109 . 705 67050 bCave Man 7 113X720 67035s Chrome . 108 1:07 5 112x705 G5935 Tg Day 3 105 X710 67035 ThriIls 107 1:09 7 107x700 GGD14 Ruth E 110 1:17 3 105.. 710 60399 bKing Worth 114 1:0S 111120700 G0914 Victor F 4 10S..710 ,1at Carter 7 107 63631 Norfords Iist ... 3 105.. 705 G599S Little Smile 2 S8..705 Sixth Race 5 1-2 Furlongs. G5154. bSan Stefano 10G 1:10 3 105 x705 pllrae 50OO. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. 6974 Glenzar 92 1:16 3 10S..705 Track record: June 23, 19161:05 3 11S. 06914 110 1:14 3 05 . 00 :JWt jqjj TAG 100 1:07 4 107X723 Dr Cunatd 4 10S e69 bVanessa Welles -100 1:07 7 112X715 . , , , 670181 Vera. Rita 10. 1:03 4 IO1X1IO Third Race 1 Mile and 70 v Yards. G7021 Tennilee 105 1:03 4 107. .710 Purse S5O0. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. 05279 View ...117 1:03 7 107. 710 Track record: Feb. 1, 1920 1:43 G 122. C6947 Keview "."!."!".".". !lOt 1:08 5 112X705 G703SsbJohn Arbor 102 1:45 4 105 X 725 07035 Dalwood 110 1:00 7 107 x 703 67022 Argento 113 1:40 S 101X720 04150 Annettes SisterMlO0 1:09 4 112... 705 67050 bltailbird 112 1:47 G 101X715 65864 Gipsy Joe M ...103 1:0S 3 104. .700 00853 Little Orphan 110 1:4B S 105X715 03033 bBilly Joe 112 1:03 10 1120700 67051 liCork 100 1:45 7 106X710 67056 bSan Hedron 108 1:49 3 103X710 Seventh Race 1 Mile and 70 Yards. 67008 Fireworth 107 1:4S 5 105 x 705 iursc 00. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. 67036 Hanovers Topaz ..115 1:47 7 106X705 Track record: Feb. 1, 1920 1:43 G 122. 67055 Drifting 95 1:48 3 107 X 700 07041,.bSllI11IIleP Sicu 114 1:44 G 103x725 Aann G,rl 0 11U 67022 Lavaga 97 l:47sy 0 10X720 Fsrth Race 5 1-2 Furlongs. 07035 Count Boris 103 l:50h 7 113x715 Purse . 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. 07681 Kenward 104 1:4S 8 116713 Track record: June 2S, 1916 1:03 3 118. 66177 bRegreso 119 1:14 8 110x710 06589 Riga 107 1:07 G 112x725 67022 bShenandoah 105 1:415 5 103X703 TIJUANA JOCKEY PERCENTAGES. Prom January 1, to December 4, 1011", Inclnsive. At or At or Over Over Jockey. P.C. Wt. Mts: 1st. 2d. 3d. Jockey. P.C. Wt. Mts. 1st. 2d. 3d. Singleton. J 25 107 103 26 1G 10 Fator, E 10 108 302 30 35 3S Slaughter, M 22 106 33 " 20 10 15 Thomas, J 10 93 202 2G 29 22 Fator, M 21 99 73S 156 129 101 Baker. F. J 00 100 142 13 25 17 Huntamer, J 21 100 52G 112 S6 95 Deford, J 09 104 SO 7 5 15 Stevens, V 21 101 19 4 -3 1 Dority, R 00 112 97 9 11 13 Claver, A 20 101 205 41 42 32 Seremba, F 09 100 159 15 14 17 Molters, II 20 110 303 GO 52 30 Chiavetta, F OS 114 105 8 12 17 Wilson, T 20 95 651 133 112 112 Garrett, M OS 75 154 12 10 15 Pool. W 17 101 579 ; SS SI Josiah, E 03 104 100 9 9 12 Jones, II. S 10 109 23 4G 38 43 Milierick, M OS 95 49 4 2 3 PeUoldt. H 16 10-1 458 75 72 OS Miller, W. D 03 95 315 25 41 32 Walls, P 16 SS 365 59 57 49 Parke, B OS 100 207 23 49 31 Long. II 15 85 511 76 89 57 Smith, F OS 105 1S4 15 25 22 Martinez, P. .... .15 110 3SG 5S 48 53 Buxton, M 07 100 104 11 19 23 Rae, T 14 109 520 71 70 SO Carroll, J 07 103 134 9 15 10 Carter, R 13 109 250 33 13 IS Davis, D .07 102 224 16 IS 17 Smith, S 13 103 115 15 13 11 Hum. D 07 9S 3S6 2G 29 1G Studcr, C 13 103 492 05 75 04 Glass, J 07 111 14 1 1 3 Trombley. A 13 100 113 15 21 11 Cantrell, F 03 95 03 2 2 7 Atwell, 0 12 111 265 32 40 29 Dean, W 03 9S 100 3 10 9 Hum, V 12 S3 419 52 52 4G Anderson, F 100 2 0 0 0 Metcalf, J 12 114 114 14 5 14 Barber, L 95 7 0 1 0 Pevic, J 12 100 314 30 46 44 Creery, L 85 5 0 0 0 Ralls, C 12 9S 479 57 C7 50 Douglas, C 11G 1 0 0 0 Scoville, R 12 112 4S G 13 S Moffatt, A 109 2 0 0 0 Anderson. M 11 102 286 34 23 29 Schaffer, J 95 1 0 0 0 Martin, W 11 112 18 IS 20 17 Zander. II 93 16 0 0 0 McBweu, B 11 111 238 23 23 23 MiIe" .J-"ear-1,lK autl uBvrard. Claiming. OLay UO, 1920 ISt RACE Index Course Dist Time Tck Odds Wt St Str Fin Jockeys Started Order of Finish SQUASH, eh. m, 5 105 By Bentschland Island Queen, by Bick Welles. Trainer, J. Rogan. Owner, G. Sidney. Breeder, Nevada Stock Farm. G7019 Tijuana 5-8 l:03mud 74 109 2 2 3and 8" L Creery 9 Pueblo, HnMajor, Goldie Rose 65258 Hstings Ab 5-8 1:09 good 9 109 2 W Miller 10 Limerick, Ermitana. MunclsPet 65189 Hstings Ab 5-8 l:01hvy 2J 109 5 W Davis S Hel.Major, NkKlein, LadySmull G495 Bghouse 51 f l:10slow S HO 5 P Hum 1 Review, Eugenia K.. Cig;ilc 64871 Bghouse 5-8 1:02 fast 51 107 2 II Long 12 Chrome. Bonnebclle, Cigalo C4425 Hastings Ab 5-S 1:01 good S 112 6" S Smith 9 Fickle Fancy. Ilel.Major, "SoLii G42G2 Hastings Ab 5-3 59fast 15 113 61 T Wilson 10 Col. Snider, EyeBright, Cascade C4030 Brhouse 41 f 54faat 12 112 611 P MartinezlO Go, C. A. Comiskey, Baisy G3621 Reno 5-8 l:01fast 17 111 5J S Smith S Syncopation, Alajah, Br.Malone 1378 Tijuana 5-S l:01fast 4 108 6 2 2 7" T Wilson 10 Miss Clark, Foemau. Cancion G1241 Tijuana 5-S l:02fast 7 108 5 3 41 5 T Wilson 12 LySmall, Vodka, MtgomeryJr. G1030 Tijuana 51 f 1:09 fast 31 10S 2 1 31 C T Wilson 12 Bl.Meyers, Ostentatious. Ohv. D. SHERMAN A., h. g, 6 165 By Von Tromp Genna, by Balgowan. Trainer, C. Manley. Owner, H. T. Palmer. Breeder, G. W. Underhill. G1185 Tijuana 41 f 55fast 17-6 100 i 4 Bled. T Wilson 7 Shifty, Herder, Doctor Corbctt 61694 Tijuana 5-Sl:02fast 2-5 109 2 1 1 71 T Wilson 7 MissDbar, I.W.Uper, E.Waldo 60950 Tijuana 5-8 l:02good 17-6 10 7 1 l1 Sl T Wilson 8 Robt.L.Owen, Mad.Byng, Perch 50355 Tijuana 5-8 1:05 mud 11-16 108 2 1 1 1 1 J Htamer G Pueblo, Perch, Thriller 5S171 Tijuana 5-8 1:03 slop 23-10 106 4 2 2 2 21 B Parke 0 C.A.Comkey. Perch, Sedgegrasi 59109 Tijuana 5-8 l:01fast 13 113 2 2 1 l1 2and J Htamer 7 Perch, Mayflower, Smil.Maggie 6904S Tijuana 5-S l:01fast 13 110 5 3 3 31 S O Atwell 7 HuronlL, B.Lane, Kit.Chcattam 589S5 Tijuana SI f 1:08 fast 83-10 90 3 1 1 ll 31 C Studer 5 Rifle, Bobby Allen, Jean Corey B8933 Tijuana 51 f 1:03 fast 31-10 ICS 3 2 1 11 V O Atwell 8 Booneville. Hamilton A., Mldla L0MOKB JR., hlk. c, 3 M 107 By Lomond Midsummer, by Kenilworth. Trainer. J. L. Crawford. Owner. R. Pandrton. Breeder, R. Parton. G761C Tijuana 5-8 1:01 mud 139 112 6 4 SI 7 F J BakerlO HI. Waldo. Countltoris, Tprnctte G6914 Tijuana 5-8 l:03mud It Ul 6 2 4 51 C Ralls 11 MarnZorn, ArneFort Cav, M ji 64357 Hastings Ab 5-8 1:00 slop 17-10 109 3l C Gross 9 P.Founfn, DtRose, WtaParks CI 323 Hastings Ab 5-8 S9 fast 25 107 61 C Gross 9 C.A.Comkey, SwCap, F.Iiali .II. 03922 Brhouse 1-2 48 fast 7 107 33 C Gross 12 BabeRuth, OkanBell, BlkTru k MARION FLUKE, b. f, 4 106 By Tony Faust Princess Viola, by Kismet. Trainer, L. Galbraith. Owner, L. Galbraith. Breeder, C. A. McLaughlin. GG915 Tijuana 3-4 l:16mud 34f 119 5 9 10s 10" W Dean 11 Kimono, ChkBarkley, L.Orplian G5220 Hstings Ab 5-8 l:tslow 62 108 Cs W Dean 10 Yal.Lady, Bookworm, B. Flower G4905 Bghouse 5-S l:02fast 44 113 6i W Dean 7 Vodka, Aryanna. Fire Ball II. G3988 Brhouse 1 1:42 fast 2Sf 101 HM W Dean 11 Weinland, Lit.Abe. CloverJuitia G37"7 Reno 5-8 l:02fast 16 104 ST! W Dean 10 D.L.Mills, SanthiaC, Bonnrbf lie GS52G Reno 1 l:43fast 4f 99 VI W Dean S Dienero. Dorothy, Miss Krus G3487 Reno 1 l:43fast 92 10! 3 W Dean 9 Mrs. Pat, Peerless One, Call Me C3421 Reno lm70y l:46fast 39 103 7 W Dean S Al Wick, Walter Dant, Poacier G372 Reno 51 f l:08fast 221 97 71 W Dean 10 In.IJrigade, Toyon, PeggyMarin G3210 Reno 51 f 1:09 fast 23 I 7i W Dean 9 Hicknnt, Irish Reina, P.Tcnuy C27G9 Reno 3-4 l:19slow 12 100 81 W Dean 10 II.Negra, Rinkavous, SanthiaC. MAKE HASTE, b. g, G M 105 By Helmet Long Girl. Trainer, J. Dawson. Owner, Dalton and Dawson. Breeder, E. R. Bradley. G701G Tijuana 5-8 1:04 mud 50 106 1 10 9 91 II Zander 10 IM.Waldo, CountBoris, Tcrntte G6911 Tijuana 5-8 l:03mud S 109 7 8 S S13 H Zander 11 MarnZorn. ArneFort CavcM in G5471 Omaha 8-4 1:15 alow 23 118 S J Carroll S Flortine, Mar.Gray, B.Grnlc-af 54873 Omaha 5-S 1:01 fast 49 116 11" S Carter 12 Old Coin, Blue Jay, Petlar 54790 Omaha 5-8 l:01fast 57 115 8" S Carter 10 ScaBch, ProsperosISaby. Zainer 64778 Omaha 41 f 57 mud 34 112 " S Carter 10 Crispie, Zainer, TaUy ONcil HESTER H.. eh. m. 8 196 By Harrigan Heater Zrra, by Cesarisn. Owner, Hootffcr 8c Duncan. Breeder, B. A. Jones. G7016 Tijuana 5-8 1:04 mud 83 111 3 9 10 10" F Smith 10 Ml.Waldo, Count lions, Ternetta G6973 Tijuana 5-8 l:03hvy 61 114 5 7 7" 7" C Studer 8 Harry D., It. Ternette 37083 Oaklawn 3-4 l:15slow 109 MB 7 7 8 S" J Dursch 11 UncleHart, Roadmaster, Hwfa 37G46 Oaklawn 3-4 l:14fast 100 Ml 1 S 9 9" T Rowan 12 ScotchKiss, Tr.asSteel, P.SUr 31943 Tijuana 51 f l:18hvy 40 5 2 5 9 9" W Taylor 9 LadyLeona, Positauo, M.Pr;de First start for the following: DR. WINIFRED, oh. c, 4 M 106 By Dr. Root Winifred D.. by Knight of the Thistlo. Owner, F. Ramey. Breeder, F. Ramoy. NIZAM, ch. h, 5 M 106 By Withers Minyan. Bred by estate of J. F. Newntaa. BIG rNDIAN, ch. h, 5 10E By Brigade Hattie Garrett, by Bonnie Joo. Trainer, E. E. Buchanan. Owner, E. E. Buchanan. Breeder, E. E. Buohanan. 0. M nanrr 3-l nie. All Aktcs. Maidens. Claiming. Dec. HO, 191G nAUt 1:112-5 : no. ARGONNE FOREST, ch. f, 4 M 103 By Br. Root Ethel Scruggs, .by Fonso. Trainer, A. Moser. Owner, A.Moser. Breodor. J. H. Barnett. G-7016 Tijuana 5-S 1:04 mud 7 106 5 8 7 C F SerembalO M.Waldo, Countlloris, Tornette GG914 Tijuana 5-S l:03mud 12f 169 W 5 2 2? F Seremball MarionZorn, CaveMan. Glenzar 62258 Omaha 3-1 1:17 fast 28 107 S" C McCkle 9 D.ofWrath. WildFelw, Apropos CAVE MAN, ch. g, 7 M 113 By Celt Jamma. by Delhi. Trainer, H. P. Guy. Owner, II. Wells. Breeder. G. Starr. G7050 Tijuana 3-4 1:20 hvy 17 112 1 3 3J 4 D Hum 8 Al Porter, Midia, Circulate GG914 Tijuana 5-8 l:02muil 1 109 4 3 3 SJ H Long 11 MarnZorn, ArneFort, Glenzar 6683 Omaha 51 f l:0Sfast 22 110 C51 T Johnstn 9 Invation, Salvntoron, T.Roach G2650 Omaha 51 f l:09fast 14 117 041 T JohnsfnlO P.ONeill, L.EiIeen, TheB.Fav G2588 Omaha 51 f l:10slow 117 117 43 T Johnst ull U.M.Brown. McMurphy. MaryD. 6237G Omaha 51 f 1;03 fast 21 109 6 R Dority 10 Lenvc, B.A.Jones, T.B.Favorite TAG DAY, br. g, 3 II 105 By Kealon Fair Annie, by Hawkswick. D Trainer, G. Nibbs. Owner, H. Waring. Breeder, Thorncliffe Stable. G5935 Mneuve Ab 3-4 1:23 hvy 37 103 A Sstrom i KingP... Rey Kinds, Margaret X. 0 55841 Mneuve lmTOy 1:50 fast 19 102 i11 A Sstrom i Kilitli K., Toinmie C, King 15. 6 6484 KingEd. ?. f 1:24-H.fst G SI 7s 0 A Sstrom 7 G.-Berry, Satmore. r.nnilWw i C G458 KingEd. 3m70y 45 7: A Sstrom S EvaSong, F.nndWmcr, J. Shrine G 64167 Dclmler Ab 7-S l:31fast C 105 0" 13 Atkinsn 0 JIvrt. Crown, Capt.Itob, M.Aottr i f4077 Delmier Ab B-S 1:00 slop 33 105 F Ilullman S K.sQiiceii. Drifting, Fly.Iteamy 6 64008 Kempton 3-4 1:21 hvy 20 102 Pulled up. C AAhlte 7 E.Song. Captainll.. P.andffracr 6i C3GG9 Mt.Itoyal 3-4 l:16fast C4 98 11" T Bonhaml2 Jacquerie. Smil.Tlirough, Shekn G300G Delmier Ab 5-8 l:10slop S 110 V E Barham 8 Crest, CornderColin, Gyp.Light 62005 B.Bnnets 3-4 1:15 fast 110 107 7 7 7 7" A Sdstr"m 7 Procyon, Impsonator, JkShrinc "V 61633 Mneuve Ab 5-S l:0Sandgood 11 108 C" C "White 7 IastChance. Impress, Bopendce 61603 Mneuve Ab 5-8 l:lt:vy S 107 2 II Gibson 7 Sleepy Grass, Clean Sweep, Lava F 61019 Havana 3-4 l:10Jfcfast SO 113 7 S 71 6 J Smith 8 MissFrauld. Fascnda, XaomiK. G0934 Havana lm50y l:46good 30 102 10 10 10 10 R McAneylO Hush. Frank Burke, Datusa RUTH E b. f, 3 M 105 By Jack Atkin Miss Klein, by Stalwart. 4 Trainer, C. Irby. Owner, M. Sanders. Breeder, T. Devereux. GG91 1 Tijuana 5-S l:03mud 27 111 8 4 CI 7" T Rae 11 MarnZorn, ArneFort CaveMan G587G Hthorne 3-4 l:165ifast 15 110 8 7 7 r L Gray 8 Hoy C, Little llillic, Gen.Petain 63G39 Ashland 41 f SSVifast 12 97 G7 J Cumngs G Hatpy Girl, llrennan, Famiy c G3580 Ashland Ab 5-S l:02good 23 108 4 J Pevic 5 I.onero Blue, llrennan. Kimono fi 62764 Erie Ab 5-S 1:00 fast 43 101 G8 G Marino 7 Yansvlvia. M.Adriannc, Salome 6 G2G73 Erie 3-4 l:lSifast 45 99 9" F Lux 10 Gin. Restless, Marehtone c G2538 Erie Ab 5-S l:02ftfast 43 110 74 C Watson 7 Pacifier, Rubula, Baby Evelyn fi 62422 Erie 3-4 l:lSfast 120 100 S P Moore 10 IdaMcGee. Kedgwk, AVilt.Arrow ; 61960 Chagrin Ab 5-S 1 :054fast 19 105 5 T AAay t 7 Maura, Kedgwick, Farewell Taps G VICTOR F ch. g, 4 M 103 By Barnsdalo Tern, by Black Dean. 6 Trainer, L. Galbraith. Owner, L. Galbraith. Breeder. E. Watkins. G GG914 Tijuana 5-8 l:03fcmud 93 10 9 10 10k n TV Dean 11 MarnZorn, ArneFort CaveMan t G5284 Hstings Ab 5-8 59fast 4 109 S4 AA Dean 8 llrolaski, MurielsPet, Ermitana G4810 Bghouse 51 f l:08andfast 262 109 ll W Dean 11 W.otheAVisp, M.nility, Review 1 EC7S0 Bhouse 5-S 1:02 fast 4Sf 106 10 C B MillerlO Silver Bell. Lantern, Daisy X. EGT37 Bhouse 5-S 1:02 fast 90 102 9" T Wilson 9 Val.Lady. C.Snider, JoeBaldwin 0 54973 Reno 5-S 1 :03andgood 77 103 10:s H Jones 10 Josenia. JoeUnderwood, Il.Flwr c 516. 3 Tijuaan 5-8 l:03fast 20 112 711 A Zeigler 7 Vera Wood, Rasola, Full Moon 0 Ei:79 Tijuana 5-8 l:03fast 59 107 11" L Mills 11 Miss Basey, Barber, Capon G 4:373 R-no 1-2 49fast 65 111 711 L Mills 7 G.James, II.K.Asher. Dix.Masoc c NORFORDS LAST, b. c, 3 M 105 By Norford Nebraska lass, by Highland. G Trainer, J. S. Steward. Owner, J. S. Steward. Breeder, Neal and Bartholomew. 6 63G31 R-no 51 f l:0Sfast 11 102 7 H Molters 7 GoldFlimh, HarveySmarr, Alaska G3522 Reno 5-8 l01fast 26 102 8" D Hurn 9 El Sabio, Olive I., Plantagenet 6 63417 Reno 3-4 l:15fast 5 101 64 D Hum llridgette, SantliiaC, GladXews e LITTLE SMILE, ch. c, 2 St 88 By J. H. Houghton Smiling Mag. by Smile. E "Trainer, G. W. Crippen. Owner. Blackwell and Crippen. Breeder, J. A. Blackweil. GC9C3 Tijuana 5-8 l:03mud 46 U2 2 2 8 SJi E Petaoldt 8 M. Hunch, PeaceKlag, Itcy.Maid g SAX STEFAN 0, br. g, 3 K 186 By Delhi High Degree, by His Highness. G Trainer, B. J. Sheldon. Owner, F. B. Sheldaa, Breeder, J. D. Carr and Bro. G f "154 Hastings 1 1-4 2:14sslop 27 112 6s J Dawson t Sample, Nel. Harper, Bes. Young j G503I Bghouse hi f l:0Ssgood S 105 Si T Wilson 9 Ovwt tep, Tcruette, Olympiad G 01870 Bghouse 5-S l:02iast 39 19 4s J Dawson 11 Mel. Man. Elmer W., Klat-a-Wn 1 04778 Br house 3-4 l:14fast 54 1M 61S H Molters S Cap.Clover, Flor.Deen, X.Harper G G 129.1 Hastings 6Jfl:2S fast 62 104 7" W Miller S Hal Wright, Flor.Deen, Sample G G4014 Brhouse 1 l:41fast 27 102 7" C Cantrell 7 Xel. Harper, Sample, Capt.Clover C3922 Brhouse 1-2 48 fast 1 107 7" G Ury 12 llabeltutli. Okanllell, Lomond Jr. I 02544 Omaha 3-4 l:20hvy 6 116 6 S Carter 12 Eddie Fuller. Ican. MarionLewis G2504 Omaha 5ifl:08fast 7 111 S2 E Barhaml2 ll.A.Jones, Desertltose. E.Smyth fi C2340 Omaha 1 l:45fast 11-5 M" 2 H S Jone 9 Leenrack, B.oItlue, Mchoblige j GLEXZAR, b. f, 3 SI 108 By Czar Glen Brier, by St. Andrew. jj Trainer, A. F, Horn. Owner, W. G. Jenkins. Breeder. W. G. Jenkins. I c GG974 Tijuana 51 f l:10hvy C4 98 S 6 8 6;J L Barber 7 KFloree. Dr.Tubbs, McG.srink fl GG914 Tijuana 5-S l:03mud 8 106 3 G 5? 45J L. Barber 11 MarnZorn, ArneFort CaveMan G G3729 Reno 5-8 1:02 fast 9 105 21 H Molters S C.Cannell, Slanleyll., TomCaro G358G Reno 3-4 l:14Vifast 23 92 51 P Hum S Little Abe, Ella AVood, Jay Mac I G3447 Reno 51 f l:08fast 31 100 3si M Garrett S Galway, Perch, Miss Dunbar G3359 Reno 51 f 1:08 fast G SO C W Miller 9 Bkworm, Sacramto, IMtagenet fi G3316 Reno 51 f l:08fast 102 95 21 W Miller S L.Small, Plantagenet, J.Goruiau G G3224 Reno 1 1:42 fast 302 SO 55J Barber S Kimberly, Alazon, Ola Iee i G297G Reno 3-4 l:14fast 222 92 7l L Barber 10 Limerick, Black Top, Kimberly G 1IALZAVENA, ch. f, 3 If 105 By Malamont Marzavens, by St. Domingo. c .Trainer, E. W. Moore. Owner, E. "W. Moore. Breeder, J. D. Sharp. e GC914 Tijuana 5-S l:03mud 4 111 6 7 7s CTi M Andsonll MarnZorn. ArneFort CaveMan G G5059 Th neliffe 1 l:44slow 81 96 7 S S S" R Flynn S IieesWing, FairVirginia, Verity f G4701 D. v shire 3-4 1 :124fast 20 110 7 8 S SJ E Petzoldtl2 MisCalthii. Pietrus, AVm. Oldt G4377 Toledo Ab 3-4 l:llfast 17 101 3 C Dishmon 7 It, Ilarriskane, fol Chile f J4.109 Toledo Ab 3-4 l:llfast 15 107 3 C Dishmon 7 Kedgwiik. Woolday. It.ofPied? G4244 Toledo 5J f l:C6fast 25 105 41 J Maiben G IlattyH.. MeGeesPk. Kedgwk f v C3198 Devshire 3-4 1:11 fast llf 102 11 12 13 11 S Bullmanl2 Bal-jnew, Ogarite. C.otheMain fil 778 M. Heights 5 f l:08fast 158 99 S" J Wallace S MissCrestwd. LittleLess. Angela f 01G87 Heights 5-8 1:02 fast 22 102 713 J Wallace 12 Angela, San Hedron, Fast Trial Fir-t start for the following: f SALLIE CARTER, ch. m, 5 M 107 By Jim Thorpe Mrs. Carter, by Bannockburn. Trainer, E. Christian. Owner, E. Christian. Breeder, E. Christian. DR. CTTXARD, ch. c, 4 M 168 By Dr. Root Princess Cunard. by Canard. l, Trainer, J. Barnett. Owner, J. and H. Barrett. Breeder. J. and H. Barnett. G Onrl DA PET 1 IMile anil TO Yards. JI-ycRP-olds ami iiiiwanl. ClaimiiiK. Fcl. OIL! nAlL 3, l!UO 1:4 3 1-5 C IJiJ. c C JOHX ARBOR, ch. g, 4 105 By Bowman Ponte Rosa, by Bridge of Canny. Trainer, H. D. Gates. Owner, K. D. Gates. Breeder. H. T. Oxnard. G7038 Tijuana lm"0y 1 :ol hvy 9 105 6 5 4 31 W Martin 7 Barriskane. Yermak. Jay Mac 07002 Tijuana 1 l-lo 1 :53imud 41 105 4 1 31 3 AV Martin 7 Torsida, Poacher, Dolph JG918 Tijuana 1 1-16 1 :53rnud 7 108 3 7 7 771 C Ralls 7 MisdessPolly, Dora. Little Dear GG18G M.Hghts lmTOy 2:00 hvy 9 110 2 D T Moore 7 O.McKenna, Pierrot, 01. Palmer G05" M.Ughts lmTOy l:53mud 11 109 5,: T Wayt 10 Vanity Dresser. Flea. Blazonry G5989 .M. li ghts 13-16 2:0-1 slow 11 107 771 M Garrett 7 Puzzle. DukeRuff, H.M.Stevens C5S05 M.Hghts 1 1-S l:54fast 11 101 5s J Thomas 7 Eva Song. Baby Cal, Secretary f G5459 Kempton 1 1-8 l:58?4fast 34 17 31 R McAney 5 Firewortli. ltainon.ill., Plantede G5410 Kempton 1 1-16 1 :53fast S 107 3 Ji McAney S Doyle, Counsel. El Coronel G5242 Dorval 1 1-16 1:49 fast lfi SS 10 9 9 8" W Martin 10 S.Money. Brrcliff. ll.M.Stevens G5142 Dorval 1 1-4 2:21 mud 2 101 1 2 2 3 W Martin 7 Tokal.Marcli. Hercules, Rhymer ARGENTO, br. g. 8 101 By Jake Argent Ardencs. by Amigo. Trainer. L. Knifoag. Owner, L. Knifong. Brooder, Estate of E. J. Baldwin. . G7022 Tijuana lm70y l:504mud 17 104 8 4 4" 0 E Petzoldt 9 Lavaga. "onielion. Double Eye GC9.13 Tijuana 1 1-16 l:53slop ID 108 5 G 4 4" E Petzoldt 7 Sum. Sigh. Le Dinosaure. lora CI 733 Kenc lmTOy 1 :47fast 17 105 C R Duggan 9 Al Wick, Tomllrooks, Itinkavous i j 6352G Reno 1 l:43Vfefast 7 106 S W Davis 8 Dienero. Dorothy. Miss Krug ! G3450 Iteno ll:43Vifast 5 110 2s P Carou 7 Pink Tenny, lariat, Ilickorynut G3420 Reno lmTOy l:46fast 11 10S 31 H Long S Caamano. Audrey K.. Swenson j ! J G3389 Heno 51 f l:08fast 10 H3 6 D Hurn 9 MurielsPet, Dots, VietoryWon G3277 Reno lmTOy l:45Vfast 11 112 10 B McEwenlO Zamloch, Caamano, Alazon G3225 Ueno lmTOy l:45fast 49 113 41 D Hurn 7 AVeinlaml. Madrono, T.ltreckse G3022 Reno 1 l:42fast 12 16 3si P Caron S Dora. Col. Snider, Red Man G2937 Reno 1 1-16 1:48 fast 19 MS 45 P Caron 7 Cafeteria. Tom Brooks, Swenson RAILBIRD, ch. g, G 101 By Plaudit Maud B. L., by Star Shoot. Trainer, C. Irby. Owner, M. Sanders. Breeder, A. B. Hancock. G7050 Tijuana 3-4 1:20 hvy 30 111 4 7 71 541 T Rae 8 Al Porter, Midia, Circulate 1 GG999 Tijuana 51 f l:10mud 35 115 5 7 8 S11 T Rae 8 Xcg, Plantagenet, Gadling 1 GG145 H thorne 3-4 l:20slow 41 n2 15 6 G L Gray S Xenette, CaIcadourll., Rivulet 1 GG077 H thorne 3-4 l:25femud 5 112 6 6 3J 21 L Gray 10 X. K. Ileai, May Girl. a:isylvia I 6G044 Hthorne 51 f l:14-?shvy 10 104 5 4 3 351 J Carroll 7 Diffnt Eyes, Perch, Bonero Blue 1 G5877 H thorne 3-4 l:16fast 4 115 4 3 41 4"! L Gray S Ar.Point. SwtApple, L. Miller 1 G5783 Hthorne 3-4 l:15fast 15 109 C S 7s 41 L Gray 12 llrownllill. AVhippet, Black Top G3G43 Ashland 11-16 1:54 fast 11G 4 C Griffin 4 AVil. Arrow, Obstinate, La Kross 1 G3583 Ashland lmTOy 1:50 good 4 113 31 G Willims G AlStrauss, La Kross, Millersbiug . 0892 Conneaut 1 1-16 1:54 fast 3-6 111 l1 T ATayt 8 AAreckless, Tatting. Zetetic LITTLE ORPHAN, ch. g, 8 105 By Brigade Amelia B., by Sain. Trainer, E. E. Buchanan. Owner. E. E. Buchanan. Breeder, E. E. Buchanan. GG933 Tijuana 1 1-16 l:53slop 6 118 4 7 6 514 P Smith 7 Sum. Sigh. Le Dinosaure. Dora 1 GG915 Tijuana 3-4 l:16mud 65 115 9 5 4h 3s F Smith 11 Kimono, Cluck Itaikley. Lola G3G3G Reno 1 1-1C lMSfast 33-10 108 1 H Molters 9 Sippara, Aideneia, Loia H3420 Reno lmTOy l:4Cfast 21 108 6 AV Davis S Caamano, Audrey K., Argento G33G1 Reno 3-4 l:14fast 5 108 7i M Fator 9 ElSabio, O.IIomestd, MyFnlier G3214 Reno 11:42 fast 33-5 108 3J H Long 7 Col. Matt, Prophecy. Deckhand G2977 Reno 3-4 l:15fast 21 106 23 M Fator 8 Justltiglit. Smil.Maggie, Ca!Kn G1392 Tijuana 1 3-4 3:04 fast 25 91 2 7 7 7 C Ralls 7 Rouen. Montona, Bourbon Green 1 G13G7 Tijuana 1 1-S l:58,fast S 110 3 1 1 ll C Ralls 11 AlWick, AV.H.Pearce, Argento G1273 Tijuana 1 1-S l:55fast 49 110 3 3 Z 3T II Long 10 Sample. Dr. Samuel, Argento G12G1 Tijuana 1 l:42faat 65 107 3 G 51 52 C Ralls S H.AVright, Chickllkley, Yermal . G1184 Tijuana 1 1-16 l:49Vfcfast G 110 1 2 5S 5 II Long S Sample, Mike Daly, Sam Hill CORK, b, g, 7 106 By Harrigan Flarney, by Greenan. Trainer, J. T. Strite. Owner, Strite and Valentine. Breeder, B. A. Jones G7051 Tijuana 5-8 l:C4hvy 79 114 7 7 7 75 T AVilson 7 Harry D., Kiaiono, Ella AAahlo CMS" Hastings lm70y l:53hvy 17 114 7" G Welter 7 Ch.Master, Clov.Junia. Dcs.Rosc , G5121 Hastings lmTOy l:5144slow 12 309 G7J W Davis C Lor.Mcss, Xebr.Uid, MaryFnller G5080 Hastings lmTOy l:50andmud 61 111 3 T AAHson S Cobrita, LoraMoss, Clovcr.Iunia G4815 Bghouse lmTOy l:42andfast 34 111 51 H Rowe 11 Al Wick, DoubleAan, Deckhand 1 G4781 Brhouse lmTOy l:14fast 33 110 71 H Rowe 11 Cafeteria, YkLassie, T. Brooks s G4 130 Hastings IrcTOv 1:53 good 1G-5 110 G H Rowe 9 Gift, George James, Hookworm 043.1 Hastings lmTOv l:4andslop 21-5 113 4 T Wilson 8 Iariat, Clover Junia, Cigale G429.r Hastings 1 1-16 3 :50fast 22 110 4J H Cooper 9 Dora. Day of Wrath, TomBrooks G4179 Hastings lmTOy 1:49 fast 13 103 91 C CantrelllO Bobolink, PVeDirect, Xebkalid I ! G403G Brhouse lmTOy l:46fast 9 10C 31C Cantrell 9 Conichon, M. Fuller, Mad. Ilerrmn SAN HEDRON, blk. g. 3 103 By Disguise Katherino G., by Dick Finnell. Trainer, C. B. Irwin. Owner, C. B. Irwin. Breeder. J. H. Rosseter. G705G Tijuana 1 1-16 l:54hvy IS 116 6 7 7 7: J OKeefe 7 Torsida. Poacher. Silex II. 570 Tijuana lmTOy l:50mud 11 104 9 5 51 4,n D Hum 9 Lavaga, Conichon, Double Kye B GG974 Tijuana 51 f l:10hvy S 103 7 7 7 715 D Hurn 7 L.Fliue. Dr.Tubbs, McG.sPink GG918 Tijuana 1 1-16 l:53mud 23 10S 7 1 3 5 D Hurn 7 MistressPolIy, Dora, Little Dear r GG008 Laurel 1 1-1G l:4Sfast GO 104 G 12 12112 II Mariellil.i Gallivant, Troma, Curt Events 5 G5G50 H.dcGce lmTOy 1:48 fast 40 108 6 6 6s CJ M Schwtz S Bengalese, Amaze, AVaukeag G5G08 II.deGce 1 1-16 1:51 fast 93 110 3 3 41 310 M Schwtz G MilesS.. Crk oCold. S.IIedron G514G IlideGce lmTOy l:4Tfast Sf 10S 1 10 12 12,; M SchwtzU P.romelia. KgGrge, Dr.C.AAelli I G5342 II.deGce 3-4 l:15fast llf 112 14 14 14l ll11 M Schwtzl.7! Terminal, AVrecker. AAhalebone e FIREWORTH, br. g, 6 105 By Fireman Eoseworth, by Wadsworth. Trainer, P. Duffy. Owner, P. Duffy. Breeder. J. B. Clark. G7002 Tijuana 1 1-16 l:53mud 14 105 7 7 7 71 E Petzoldt 7 Torsida, Poacher, John Arbor GC935 Tijuana 1 l:4Ghvy 30 10S 6 2 1 2l H Molters 7 Torsida, Silex II., Lola GG918 Tijuana 1 1-16 1 :53mud 10 10S 5 6 61 G5 AT Pool 7 MistressPolIy, Dora, Little Dear r G5980 Mneuve 1 aOiimud 10 107 GS H Gibson G Hohokus, Draftsman, Attoo G5793 Mneuve 1 1-4 2:15 fast 13-10 102 31 A Sstrom i Myrtle Crown. Silex II., Parol G5745 Mneuve lm20y l:46fast 10 103 51 H Gibson G S.Galadll., Ramall., M. Crown " G5545 Kempton 1 1-16 l:52fast 31 109 5" R Ball 7 Fair Lassie, Polygamist, Doyle C5459 Kempton 1 1-S l:5Sfast 3-2 10S 1 E T Moore 5 Ramonall., J.Arbor, Plantarede e HANOVERS TOPAZ, ch. g, 7 106 By Abe Frank Duchess Phillipe, by Sam Phillips. ;. Trainer, F. R. Irwin. Owner, F. R. Irwin. Breeder, J. R. Locke. G703G Tijuana 51 f 1:11 hvy 12 111 4 8 Si 9,! J Sing tonll Silk Sox, It. Choir Master GG999 Tijuana 51 f l:10mud 25 115 6 G 6s 4S1 J Sington S Xeg, Plantagenet, Gadling GG973 Tijuana 5-S l:03Vthvy 10 114 3 5 5 5 J Sington 8 Harry D., It, Ternette GG145 Hthorne 3-4 l:20Vfeslow 25 112 8 8 8 815 H S Jones S Xenette, CaIcadourll., Rivulet t GG077 Hthorne 3-4 l:25mud 20 112 1 7 S 9" D Hum 10 X. K. Ileal, Railbird, May Girl G5972 Hthorne lmTOy l:55slop 20 10S 6 8 8 8" J Sington S Grayssian, Friz, AValk Up G573G Hthorne 51 f l:0SM;fast 30 110 12 12 12 12ri J Singtonl2 Plautoon, De Land, Bill McCloy y 64994 Bghouse 61 f l:10slow S 114 4 P MartintzlO Kenward, E.AValdo, Xick Klein II C4873 Bshouso 5J I l:OSJtfast 121 103 10-2 J Sinston 10 Cascade, Black Top, Ed Le Van a D 0 6 C G i 6 6i "V F 4 c fi 6 c fi ; G 6 G t 1 0 c 0 G c G 6 6 e E g G G j G 1 G G I fi j jj I c fl G I fi G i G c e G f f f v f f l, G c C f . i j ! j ! J 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 . 1 1 , 1 s I ! B r 5 I e r " e ;. t y II a DRITJI1fG ch f- 3 107 By Ballot Spindrift, by Requital. Trainer, C. F. Place. Owner, C. F. Place. Breeder. C. H. Berryman. 07055 Tijuana 5-S l:04Vt.hvy 34G 305 9 9 9 9 J Pevic 9 B.Blackwell, ULeven, H.Georgo GG574 Akron Ab 1 1-S l:5rlifast 23 102 31 P Gross 9 Puzzle, Le Bleiiet, Eva Song GG;0G Akron lmTOy 1:31 fast 8 101 It1 F Lux 7 Pierrot. Silex II., AAreckless GG4 72 Akron 1 l:4Ttislov 9 95 5 P Gross 7 Will Soon. Little Dear, Rrsvcler GG335 Akron lmTOy 1 :49ifast 16-0 108 331 O Atwell S AAodan, My Rose, Arapahoe 0;98G M.Hghts lmTOy l:4T?islow 8 86 6 P Gross 7 MarvMaxim, XthWales. Primo G5357 Kempton 1 1-1C 1:54 fast 8 102 3J C AVhite S MleCrown. Jamima. ISamonall. Dead heat. WANN GIRL, b. m, 6 M 110 By Radford Bess Gordon, by Pekin. Trainer, G. W. Hall. Owner, G. W. Hall. Breeder, G. W. Hall. First start. 1th DA PC 1 - Fnrlongs. :i-year-oll.s ami upward. Claiming. Jnne 118, fill nMUC 1I1 1:05 1-5 2 11S. ELGA, ch. m, 6 112 By Free Lance Illustrious, by Galore. Trainer, O. L. Foster. Owner, R. J. Howell. Breeder, G. J. Long. GG5G9 Akron Ab 5-8 1:00 fast 7 113 4s! T Rae S Flip, Diocletian, Right Angle GG504 Akron 61 f lJislow 2S 104 41 C White 7 B.Ribbon, Col.Murpby, Mad Xell GG301 Akron Ab 5-S 59fast 12 113 5 T Buel 5 Gol.Chance, Ballyncw, AAoodpilo GG300 Akron 3-4 l:16fast 6 111 61 C Eames i Advance, She Devil, Eva Song G5938 M.Hghts 51 f l:07fast 25 111 6s T Buel S Loch Levcn. Discussion, Capers G546G N.Kton 3-4 1:1G fast 2 113 6J T Buel G Maj.Domo, F.G.Corley, Currency G5248 N.Kton Ab 5-8 1:01 fast 21 116 U T Buel G Dr. Hall, MeLane, It G-J5C5 Erie 3-4 l:lTslow S 112 ? T Willims 0 SheDevil. SlipySilver, AVillSoon G4472 Erie Ab 5-S 58fast 17-5 1U 14 T Buel OlympnKing, Zainer, FondHope C4379 Toledo 51 f l:07ifast 3 105 2l F Moore S Mab, Jazz. Xo AVonder MARION HOLLLNS, b. m, 6 112 By Peep oDay Big Goose, by Titionus. Trainer, B. Creech. Owner, B. Creech. Breeder, Ott Sc Barbee. GG997 Tijuana 51 f l:llmud 6 110 3 5 44 41 W Martin 9 E.AVilliams. C.Ilarkley, AlPorter GG504 Akron Gl f l:24s!ow 41 105 7J T Rae 7 B.Ribbon, Col.Murpby, Mad Xell GG403 Akron Ab 5-S l:02mud 21 105 6 P Gross G AVcodpile, Diocletian, Pomercne GG2G2 Akron Ab 5-8 3 :01 last 14-5-119 43 T Rae 7 F. Accompli. BigSon, Goldie S. G6184 M.Hghts 51 f 1:16 hvy 61 109 34 T Rae S Pomerene, Chow, Toss Up G6151 M.Hghts 3-4 1:23 mud 4 109 3 T Rae S Pretender, Ferritin, Rhymer G5939 M.Hghts 7-S 1:28 fast 37-10 115 6" T Rae G Slip.Silver. F. Rooster, G5893 M.Hghts 3-4 1:13 fast 7 108 6! T Rae S Marmite, T.theMark, II.GoLucky 65513 X.Kton 61 f 1:25 fast 3-5 112 - Is T Rae G St.Kevin, M.Mallon, Slip.Silver G5363 X.Kton 1 1:48 fast 49-5 111 21 T Rae C XelleYorke. AVillSoon. G.Chance EYE BRIGHT, ci. g, 3 100 By General Roberts Eye Full, by Harrigan. TmincTj T7. Garjfandn. Owser, W. Gargrrn. Breeder, G. M. Van Gordon. 66933 Tijuana 51 f 1:11 hvy 9 111 4 3 71 10l D Hurn 11 Xeg. Merry Lass, Count Boris G4392 Hastings Ab 5-8 l:01mud 3-5 107 1 T Wilson S Toyon, I. AV. Harper, Phyllis!:. G42G2 Hastings Ab 5-S 59fast 7 112 2 AV GarganlO Col. Snider. Cascade, Sky Man G4032 Brhouse 5-8 l:01fast 2 108 41 J Singtonll BkTrack. Gol.Rose, Mad.Hurry G3984 Brhouse 5-8 l:01fast 1 110 3 AV GarganlO Alice Carr, S.Squirrel, L Eileen G3423 Reno 51 f 1:08 fast 6 99 J. D Hurn 8 Bookworm, Cl.Junia. MerryL.isn G3357 Reno 51 f 1:08 fast 14 108 3 D Hurn S EllaAVood, Toyon. GraeeTrinib G2851 Reno 5-8 l:01fast 90 106 7T1 AV Gargan 7 Fiesta, Tabloid, Shelbyville HARRY RUDDER, ch. g, 6 112 By Skilful True Step, by Handsome. Trainer, C. B, Irwin, Owner, C. 3, Irwin. Breeder, S, Block. GG17G Hthorne 51 f 1:12 slow 12 108 7 3 3 24 .T Singtonll M.Denunzio, C.Burns, .T.Fairman G5830 Hthorne 51 f 1:09 fast 12 111 6 8 I1 911 D Hurn 12 End Man. B.McCloy, Ed Le Van G5783 Hthorne 3-4 l:15fast S 111 1 3 4 Sl D Hum 12 llrownllill. AVhippet. BlackTop G5739 Hthorne 3-1 l:14fast 12 108 4 5 6 5" D Hum 7 IlarryB., MaryReigel, L. Enfield C5G38 Omaha 51 f 1:07 fast 21 115 4i D Hum G B.lllaekwl. B.AVeleli, EdLeYau G5558 Omaha 1 f l:06fast 13 IIS 44 D Hurn 7 Monev, CIRoberts, KirstiesCub G5425 Omaha 3-4 1:15 slow 30 112 14 D Hurn S C.Roberts, AV. Penny, B.Blkwell DECKHAND, br. g, 8 107 By Joe Carey Afamada, by Duke of Montrose. Trainer, V. Cloud. Owner, R. F. Cloud. Breeder. E. Kripp. GG949 Tijuana 3-1 l:16slop 12 110 4 6 6 6J F Cantrell 7 Lit.Fence, X. Shore, C. Roberts G5282 Hastings 1 1-16 l:5andfast 2 114 15 D Powell 9 Cigale, Lorena Mess, BerniceE. G5255 Hastings lmTOy 1:50 good 10 111 54 D Powell S Al AVick, Donatello. Cafeteria G5222 Hastings 1 1-16 l:51slow 3-2 100 i D Powell S Cafeteria, DoubieVan, BerniceE G518G Hastings 61 f l:2Thvy 14-6 112 If - D Powell 7 Ixda, Jerry, Toyon G5075 Hastings 3-4 l:lSmud 51 114 2k D Powell G LyP.ourbon, Review, II.K.Asher G4999 Bghouse 1 1-16 l:49slow 6 110 S" J II Baker 9 G. Mint, Cafeteria. Tawasent v.i G487G Bghouse 1 1-16 l:48fast 8 111 34 D Powell 9 YkLassie. Tawastha, Lor.Mos - 64815 Bghouse lmTOy l:42Vifast 51 114 9 D Powell 11 Al AVick, Double Van, Bobolink 01329 Htgs Ab 1 1-8 l:5iandfast 6-6 113 14 P Martinez G Bessie Young, Sippara, Sam Hill G42G8 Hstgs Ab 1 1-8 1:53 fast 12 112 34 R Duggan 9 M.Hrmann. Clov.Junia, Orsteu CHOIR MASTER, ch. g, 7 107 By Uncle Nethersole. by Tournament. Trainer, J. Kern, Owner, J. Kern. Breeder, Headley tc Miller. C7049 Tijuana 3-4 l:19hvy 8-6 18T 2 1 31 34 E Petzoldt S C.Ilarkley, E.Harrigan, I.AV.IIr G7036 Tijuana 51 f 1:11 hvy 21 111 8 4 34 34 T Wilson 11 Silk Sox, It, Midia 66934 Tijuana 51 f 1:11 hvy 11 109 9 6 44 4J E PetzoldtlO OllieAAood. VeraRita, Al Porter 66915 Tijuana 3-4 l:16mud 7 110 S 6 7s 74 H Molters 11 Kimono, Chkllarkley. L.Orpban 65219 Hastings 3-4 l:19siow 16 100 61ff Miller S.Terry. Ros.Goosc. MissFrauland G5187 Hastings lm70y l:53hvy 10 111 Is AV Miller 7 CloverJunia. Des.Rose, Xeb.Lad 65116 Hastings 3-4 l:19slow 21 118 24 T Wilson 10 Toyon, AiolaPark, Black Spray 1996 Bghouse 3-4 l:17slow 2 109 24 H Long 9 LittleAbe, Gen.Czar, LittleGinU G4871 Bghouse 5-S 1:02 fast 4 109 8s F Serembal2 Chrome, Squash, Bonnebelle G4776 Brhouse 5-8 l:02fast 13 108 4f II Molters 11 Torsida, LittleOne. IlessieYoung 65393 Hastings 3-4 1:21 mud 83 199 64 AAr Davis 8 XthShore, Due de Guise, Alazon C1359 Hastings Ab 5-S 1:00 slop 23-10 114 4 F J Baker 0 CicelyKay, Lyllibon, S.Squirn 1 G42G4 Hastings Ab 5-S 59fast 8 114 3s T AAilson 9 Mayflower, JkFountain, Lariat CICELY KAY, b. m. 5 112 By Robert Kay Siss Lee, by Oddfellow, Trainer, J. L. Crawford. Owner. R. Parten. Breeder, W. S. Payne. 6703G Tijuana 51 f 1:11 hvy 297 114 3 6 01 F J Bakerlf Silk Sox, It. Choir Master 60972 Tijuana 5-S 1:03 hvy 34 114 2 5 5i 6" F J Baker 9 Barriskane, SilkSox, Ella Waldo C4870 Bghox-se 1 1-16 l:48fast lOf 101 9" AV D Millr 9 Y.Lassie. Tawasentba, Deckhand G4431 Hastings 1 1-16 l:54good 47 9S 6 AV Miller 7 J.Underd, M. Ilerrmn, Donatell. G4 359 Hastings Ab 5-S 1:00 slop 7-5 112 11 C Gross G LyUrbon. S.Squirrel, C.Mastcr 64292 Hastings Ab 5-8 59:ifat 35 107 6 R Duggan G Ringleader, SkyMan, LadySmall 61037 Brhouse 51 f l:07fast 13 108 34 C Gross 12 GdieRose. AleCarr, O.IIomestd 64031 Brhouse 5-8 l:01Vifast 19 112 61 C Gross 10 Aelvet, Cascade, Ed Le Aan G3985 Brhouse 51 f l:07fast llf 112 5 C Gross 7 D.deGuise, B.Blackwl, Celebrate TOYON, b. f, 3 104 By Star Hawk Picnic, by Voter. Trainer, G. J. Miller. Owner, M. Keefe. Breeder, J. H. Rosseter. G5252 Hastings 3-4 l:18good 6 108 44 W Dean 7 XthShore, II.K.Asher, Overstep 651 86 Hastings 61 f l:27hvy 4 101 44 W Miller 7 Deckhand, I-ola. Jerry C5116 Hastings 3-4 l:19slow 21 M3 14 F SerembalO Ch.Master, AiolaPark. BlkSpray 65035 Bghouse 3-4 l:15sgood 15 99 41 F Cantrelll2 EdI.eAan, D. de Guise, K.Fancy 61811 Bghouse 51 f l:084fast S 100 31 H Long 11 LyBrbon, Ros.Goosc. LySniall 64426 Hastings Ab 5-S 1:01 good 7-10 95 1 H Long 10 H. K. Asher. Okan Belle, Ooraa 64392 Hastings Ab 5-8 l:01mud 8 1T 21 R Duggan 8 EyeBright, I.AV.lIarper. Phyl.K. 64291 Hastings Ab 5-S 59 fast 21-10 105 34 T AVilson S Stahleyll., LyBrbon. Bl.AVnldo 63587 Reno 3-4 1:15 fast 2 100 21 Seremba 8 yuinain. llridgette, Mrs. Pat 63427 Reno 3-4 l:14fast 9 9i 34 M Fator S Shbyvle. Lyllbon. O.Uomestd 63357 Reno 51 f 1:08 fast 9-10 95 2J M Fator S El.AVood, Eyellright, Gr.Trimble CELEBRATE, ch. g, 9 107 By Skillful Kirkfield Belle, by Royal Flush ECI. Trainer, R. Small. Owner, N. McFarlane, Breeder, R, E, Lovoll. 65253 Hastings 3-4 1:18 good 8 114 71 P Martinez 7 D.deGuise. FickleFaney, Review G5218 Hastings 3-4 1:19 slow 11 112 C1 G AVeber 6 Col. Snider, XorthShore, Cascade G5150 Hastings 3-4 1:19 slop 2 114 64 F Baker 7 Xorth Shore. Cascade. Overstep 64265 Hastings 3-4 l:17fast 21 114 1 T AVilson S BlackTop, Baisy, SinilingMaggio 6117G Hastings 3-4 l:16fast 4 115 64 T AAilson 9 M.Sedalia, B.Rlackwl. Rleader 63985 Brhouse 51 f l:0Tfast 19-6 114 34 T Wilson 7 D.deGuise. B.Itlackwell, J.Unid 63979 Brhouse 3-4 1:15 fast 41 114 44 T AAilson 10 RobertL.Owen, Bittern, Velvet 63924 Brhouse 5-8 l:01fast 3S-10 111 1 T Wilson 11 Mad.Hurry, L. Edmonton, Ooma YORKSHIRE MAID, br. f, 3 104 By Yorkshire Lad Miss Alvescot. by Alvescot. Owner, Martin and Barton. Breeder, E. D. Adams. G7022 Tijuana lmTOy l:50mud 308 98 5 8 9 9" L Creery 9 lavaga. Vnichon, Double Eye 66933 Tijuana 51 f 1:11 hvy f 10S 6 7 SJ 91 L Creery 11 Xeg. Merry Lass. Count Boris 6525G Hastings 1 1-4 2:14ysgood 63 96 6,s F Cantrell 7 YshireReli. Y.Lsie, Ilmorell. 65224 Hastings 3-4 l:19slow 15 108 5 W Miller 7 York. Relish, I.ouvain, Roy. Irish 65190 li stings Ab 5-8 l:01hvy 32 101 44 AV Miller S Killar.ltelle, Renmorell., Aodka 64993 Bghouse 1 1:49 slow 13-5 98 H Long 6 Chat.Court, DaringRose. Louva!: 64809 Bghouse 5-S l:02tsfast 9-5 105 24 T AVilson S Okanltelle, DgRose, TkhDelht G1777 Brhouse 3-4 l:15fast 41 98 54 H Long S YshireRelh, BmorelL, It.IrisU 63521 Reno 5-S l:01fast 72 109 4 Millerick 7 Doc.Tubbs, Cliipdale, PhyllisK. 63219 Reno 61 f 1:08 fast 150 99 54 D Hurn 7 Phyllis K., Toyon, Contriot 61081 Tijuana 61 f l:08fast 5 98 9 6 61 612 T Wilson 10 Cascade. S.IIawkins. Bookworm McCROAN, b. g, 6 107 By Modred Leonja, by Hastings. Trainer, H. C. Smith. Owner, Smith and Williams. Breeder, C. B. Daniels. 61383 Tijuana lm l:43Vfcfaat 17f 100 5 6 " S11 R Moss 11 Xnshotah, AlPorter, Col.Murphy 61320 Tijuana 1 l:13V4fast 10 101 9 7 4l 54 AAT Organ 9 MyrtleA., Prless One, C.Mastcr 61286 Tijuana lmTOy l:48Vifaat 15 110 5 2 24 2 AV Organ 9 Aera AVood. Cobrita. Gen. Ilyng 01231 Tijuana 1 l:43fast 26 105 3 2 6s 74 R Moss S Orleans Girl, Limerick. Careen 61200 Tijuana 3-4 l:15good llf 105 8 8 10 104 R Moss 11 DonJose. DoubleAan, L.Bourbon 61171 Tijuana 51 f l:0Sfast S6 103 7 5 4 34 R Moss 8 G. Enough, AVal.Mack. H.Wright rii, n Apr 5 1 If iirlonsrs. .J-year-olds ami upward. ClaiiniuK. June US, Dill nAUt XUW l:Or 1-5 US. CASCADE, b. s, 3 104 By Hanbridge Beautiful, by Sir Dixon. Trainer, D. Howell. Owner, A. Crtwright. Breeder, Zenaida Stock Farm. G7018 Tijuana 5-S l:03mud 13-6 105 3 2 2- 24 C Ralls S Milda, Vera Rita, Plantagenet 6579 Hastings Z? 1:18 fast W 106 11 T AVilson G Overstep, Double Aan, Aiew G5M8 Hastings 3-4 1:19 slow 61 107 34 S Smith 6 Col. Snider. XthShore, M.Sedalia 65150 Hastings 3-4 1:19 slop 21 110 2 S Smith 7 XorthShore, Overstep, IlckSpray 64873 Bghouse 51 f l:0SVsfast 4-5 99 1 H Long 10 Black Top. Ed Le Van, Torsida 64358 Hastings Ab 5-S 1:00 slop 33-10 10$ 1 S Smith S Aodka. Bookworm, Ternette 64262 Hastings Ab 5-S 59fast 3-2 109 3 S Smith 10 Col.Snider, Eyellright, Sky Man 04175 Hastings Ab 5-S . 59f ast 7-6 198 2 S Smith 10 Volima. L.Edmonton, GertdeB. IT ch g, 3 1Q4 By Ncrita Bemay. by Albert. Trainer W. D. Millard. Owner. AV. D. MilUrd. Breeder. V. D. Millard, 6703G Tijuana 51 f 1:11 hvy 11-10 106 7 3 24 2l C Ralls 11 Silk Sox, Choir Master. Midia 66973 Tijuana 5-8 l:03hvy 6 10G 4 2 2 24 E Petzoldt 8 Harry I., Ternette, Merry Lass 6G916 Tijuana 3-4 1:17 mud Sf 107 S 5 4f 3JS E FetzoldtlO XthShore. Pclier. Eynllargan GG144 Hthorne 51 f l:14slow 41 106 6 4 34 24 H Doyle 6 AA.Pennt, BeroBluc, I.AV.Hpcr G6077 Hthorne 3-4 l:25mud 6 10S 9 2 2 5 C DishmonlO X. K. Ileal. Railbird. May Girl G6011 Hthorne 3-4 l:21Jihvy S 101 2 4 3 3 C Dishmon 6 Delhiniar. Ilattyll., Proolamafn 65831 Hthorne 51 f 1:09 fast 12 109 12 12 12 12" S McGrawl2 Aan. AAelles, .Tneobina, Woolday 0ri-t7 N Kton Ab 5-8 l:014fast S9-10 110 1 R Ryan G Hat.Willdo, Rafferty. OurAlico 65313 N.Kton Ab 5-S 1:03 fast 3-1 US 4 C Eames 6 Col. Tex, Sarafax. Gin 6548 N.Kton Ab 5-S 1:01 fast 77-10 97 44 J Pevic 6 Elga, Dr. Hall, MeLnue 65073 N.Kton 3-4 1:24 slow 5 393 34 J Allen 7 Mad Xell. Kimono, Maura CUBA, blk m. 5 112 By Bard of Hope Salvation Nell, by Salvation. Trainer, L. Hankins. Owner, L. Hankins. Breeder. K. N. Gilpin. 6703G Tijuana 51 f 1:11 hvy 7 114 9 11 11 11" A Claver 11 Silk Sox, It, Choir Master G6148 M Hghts 51 f l:13mud 7 109 ln T Rae S Efficient, Punctual. Jack Led! 6620 M.Hghts 3-4 l:lThvy 2 104 4 P Gross 10 ll.AVrack, O.McKenna. M. Dixie 65984 M.Hghts 51 f l:09andslop 7 9S 21 P Gross 8 AtAgnes. MayMaulsby, JkLedi 65796 M.Hghts 51 f l:0Sfast 10 106 2 F Moore 8 Ola Lee. Seven Seas, Thrills 65113 N.Kton Ab 5-S l:01good 37 107 54 F Mooro 5 Airge, Pokey Jane, Trcadwell G4G72 ConLake Ab 5-S 1:00 fast 17 111 52 F Moore G Olympian King, Huron II., Suro- 64345 Toledo 5 f 1 tfSfast 25 107 34 T Rao S Shoreacrcs, Ollie AAood, Tokay C1277 Toledo 61 f l:07fast 43 10 HQ 7;S T Rae 3 DudleBug, AVoolday, San Table, I. W. HAHPER, b. e, 7 112 By J. F. Crowloy Fonelon, by Governor Foraier. B Trainer, F. R. Irwin. Owner, F. B.. Irwin. Breeder. H. R. Schrirnsher. 67019 Tijuana 3-4 l:19ihvy 9 103 G 7 7s! 4U J Sington 8 Ch.Barklcy, E.Harrigan, C.Mter c; CG933 Tijuana 51 f 1:11 hvy S 114 S 4 51 5s" J Singtonll Neg, Merry Iass. Count Boris c; G6111 irthornc 5i f l:14hvy G 113 5 5 5 47i H S Jones G War Pennant. It, Bonero Blue ei G5S31 Hthorno 51 f 1:00 fast 50 111 3 10 10s 91 J Singtont2 Van. Welles. Jacobina. Woolday 6; C5470 Omaha 5-8 l:02andslow 3-2 112 l J Sins-ton S BobGiles. B.A.Jonea, Ldy Eileen c; G490G Bghouse 51 f l:08fast 8 111 7" P Martinez 9 Stanleyll., Chrome, BesaieYoung G; C4813 Bghouse 3-4 l:llfast 8 100 61 J Sington 11 Col. Snider, Little Abe. Sky Man G 64427 Hastlncs 3-4 l:21Kood 12 113 91 W Gargan 9 Velvet, York Lassie. Cafeteria G GALV7AY, oh. ar, B 112 By Havoc or Gala tine Irish lass II., by Donovan. Jj: Trainer, J. J. Waggoner. Owner, J. Waggoner. Breeder, J. E. Seagram. Jj: G3G3. Iteno 3-4 1:15 fast 9 lit 7s F J Baker 8 ItedMan, Pes.Martiu, Fr.Xurse 0 G3520 Reno 5-S 1:01 fast 3-2 W6 31 II Long 9 FrenchNurse. Vodka. LittleOne 63447 Reno 51 f l:08fast 13-6 198 1 E Petzgld 8 Percb, Gleiusar, Miss Dunbar 63391 Reno 5-S l:01fast 3 108 3 B PetzgMdlO Madam Hurry. Little One, Kthel "1 63222 Reno 3-1 1:14 fast 23 110 7i B Petzg ldlO GnMint. P.Martin. Oldlloinesd I 62845 Reno 3-4 l:16fast 6 111 3"i J Carter 10 MyJay. Caneion. Kht ofPytbias C1227 Tijuana 51 f l:0gfast 21 18 11 W 91 51 C Ralls 11 C. Cannell. Vera Rita. Meteor 61181 Tijuana 5-8 1:02 fast 36 110 3 t t- 21 C Ralls -10 Don Jose. Vera Rita, Mary Jay S 610GG Tijuana 3-4 1:16 fast 13 116 S 7 Gs3 E Taylor 9 LauraCocnran, BillyJoe, AlWick BLANCHE MEYERS, br. m, 8 112 By J. F. Crowley Prithee, by Filigrane. G Trainer, A. F. Horn. Owner, W. Jenhia. Breeder, B. Viley and Son. 6 67019 Tijuana 5-8 l:03mud 25 10G 9 7 84 47i L Barber 9 Pueblo, HuMajor. Goldie Rose 6 6G920 Tijuana 5-8 l:026mud 2 109 5 S 6 " L Barber G HoirtGrge, Danc.Girl, V.Welles 6 C1379 Tijuana 3-4 1:15 fast 7 111 5 5 3 4i P Caron 12 L.Bourbon. HotFoot. Candeftrey 6 61348 Tijuana 5-8 1:02 fast 6 108 4 2 1 2 M Fator 12 SilkSox, Coulate, M.ofAnsel G 61228 Tijuana 5i f l:08fast 5 105 S 1 2l 43 T Wilson 11 J.D.Sugg. Em.Weller. Col.Matt 6 61180 Tijuana 5-S l:02andfast 33 113 5 2 31 4J E Taylor 12 BillyJoe, GraceTrimble, Stilettt G 61089 Tijuana 51 f 1:09 fast lOf 111 7 2 13 11 J Htamer 12 Osttatious, Olivet.. L.Princess 6 60921 Tijuana 3-4 l:17hvy 49 10S S 4 5J G11 M Fator 7 Hor.Lercli. Cookniaid. BabyGirl 6 TEEDDIE FEAR, br. g, 3 108 By Lomond My Choice, by Kismet. . f Trainer. C. Reed. Owner. Reed and Kiefer. Breeder, Ca-rr andFear. 0 63521 Reno 5-8 lltfast S 102 5f H Long 7 Doc.Tubbs, Chipdale, FhyllisK. G284 4 Reno 51 f l:09andfast 32 100 la II Molters 10 AuntSuc, Bessie Young, Call Me L G1377 Tijuana 5-8 l.-02Mifast 51 05 5 4 551 S7! W D MillrlO L.Tiptot, R.Jolinson, S.IIawkins G13G4 Tijuana 51 f l:0fast 6f. 100 7 9 7lS 7H D Hum "ll Candorosa. Caneion, Her. Nesra G UC903 Tijuana 51 f l:08andfast 9f 100 5 6 6 S11 M Fator 10 Kugcuialv., Bookworm, Contriot G CHROME, cb. g, 5 112 By Sigurd Queencnp, by King Faustns. j Trainer, R. Connor. Owner, R. Connor. Breeder, H. H. Trowbridge. 67035 Tijuana 51 f 1:12 hvy 12 111 1 4 4" 3J F J Baker 9 Count Boris, Jerry, Merry Lass G7000 Tijuana 51 f 1:10 mud 25 112 4 7 5li 591 F J Baker 8 Harrv D., North Shore, Pueblo Jj 6G895 Tijuana 5-8 1:04 slop 27 111 1 2 2 SiF J Bakerll Tntt, Virge. Nes G5184 li stings Ab 5-8 l:00hvy 22 111 3 B McEwen 7 Torsida, Fick.Faney, TjidyEileen G511G Hastings 3-4 l:19slow 18 lit GI! E McEwenlO Toyon, Choir Master, VioiaPark J; G5035 Bghouse 3-4 l:lVfegood 26 113 5i B McEwenl2 EdLeVan. D. de Guise, F.Faney JJ 6490G Bghouse 51 f l:08fast 7 111 2l B McEwen 9 StanyU., Bes.Young, Gold.Rose 0 G4871 Bghouse 5-S 1:02 fast 8 114 l1 B McEwenl2 Squash. Bonnebello, Cigale G4265 Hastings 3-4 l:17fast 26 1M S H Rowe 8 Celebrate, Black Top, Baisy L 64037 Brhouse 51 f l:07fast 17-5 106 7 H Long 12 GdicRose, AliceCarr, CicelyKay C3734 Reno 5-S l:01fast S 107 2ll II Molters 8 LjSmall. IittleJake. PhyllisK. G THRILLS, b, m, 7 J07 By Coy Lad Aviston, by Ayrshire. . i Trainer, J. Crofton. Owner, J. Crofton. Breeder, H. H. Hewitt. ! C7035 Tijvuina 51 f 1:12 hvy 33 W0 S 3 81 9l W Martin 9 Count Boris, Jerry. Chrome JJ GG050 M.Ilghts 51 f l:llmud 21 113 3 T Wayt S Rajah. Mack Garner, Mary Erb 65889 M.Hghts 3-4 l:15H,fast G M9 21 T Wayt 7 MelbaPolly. MissDixie. Uranium J C579G M.Hghts 51 f l:08fast 40 111 4s T Wfayt 8 Ola Iie. Cuba, Seven Seas J; 65355 Kempton 5-S 1:04 fast 19 113 GTl R McAney 7 GoldenRed, Mister Jiggs, Hush JJ G5102 Dorval 3-4 1:20 hvy 41f 103 G 9 11 ll50 W Martin 11 TheKnqrer. MessKit, Jacobean J 648G2 B.Bnnets 1 1-8 l:55fast 113 102 4 8 9 94 W Martin 9 Troma. Bengalese, Lucy Kate J KIIG WORTH, br. g, 11 112 By Kenil worth Mitten, by King Eric. c i Trainer, J. T. Abrams. Owner, J. T. Abrwns. Breeder, D. F. Egan. CC309 Akron Ab 5-S 1:04 Kmud 21-G 101 li J Pevic 7 BlackPat. Milda, P. and Stealer j 6G302 Akron 61 f l:25Vfcfast 26 107 781 J Pevic 9 Old Red. Uranium, Old Pop 6G051 M.Hghts 51 f l:ll4mud 5 lit 1J T Eae S First Consul. Caeainbo, Zaincr 65GI5 N.Kton 61 f l:24fast 7 m 3; ,T Pevic 6 Old Pop. Our Alice, Will Soon J; 65275 N.Kton Ab 5-8 l:02andfast 44 10-S 11 .1 Pevic G BkFay. MissKruter, C.Lefkovitz Ji 65145 NewKen. 3-4 l:18fast 101 107 6J J Pevic G Jaaz. Miuuie II.. Dudle Bug 64772 ConLake 3-4 l:21good Si 107 ll J Pevic 7 Pr. Bonero, Red Chief, B. Spiller JJ 64G29 fonLake Ab 5-8 lrtlftgood 74 101 7i F Moore 8 Rapidan, Anna Stjr, James G. J 64505 Erie Ab 5-8 50 good 8 110 81 T Buel 9 James G.. Gilder, Mannehen 1 64445 Erie Ab 5-S 59 fast 31 109 7" T Willi ms 7 July Fly. Maaachen, Trader j SAT CARTER, ch. h, 7 M 107 By Lobos Mrs. Carter, by Baanoeklurn. Trainer, E. Christian. Owner, E. Christian. Breeder, E. Christian. First start. J C Cth DA PC 1 - KiirloHKrs. 3-ycar-olds anil upward. Claiminsr. June 8, C OH I nHUu lyiG 1 :OG 1-5 li IIS. JOE TAG, b. s. 4 107 By Flammarion Belle Rod. by Uimrcd. Trainer, R. Campbell. Owner, R. Campbell. Breeder, W. Mikel. 67051 Tijuana 5-S l:04!ihvy 29-10 10S 1 3 31 4S1 F Seremba 7 Harry D., Kimono, Klla Waldo 67003 Tijuana 5-S 1:01 mud 5 103 1 1 24 34 E Petzoldt S "cutter. F.G.Corley, EugeniaK. 63629 Reno 51 f l:07fat 14 113 711 F J Baker 9 Velvet. Mayflower. Lady Small 1 63528 Bono 51 f l:07andfast 24 101 811 W Miller S JustRight, Hon. George, Trusty f 63456 Reno 5-8 1:00 fast S 113 S" P Martinez 8 JooBlair, BillBlkwell, Cascade l 63358 Reno 51 f l:07fast 3-2 106 1 W Miller 9 J.S.Wiggins. DoAdmit, Opxrator C 63275 Reno 5-8 l:00faat 10 107 41 Seremba S FullMooii, Candorosa, Stanleyll. f 63025 Reno 5-S l:01andfast 9 103 4 Seremba S R.L.Oen. D.deGuise, J.S.Wgins 62934 Reno 5-8 1 :02Vfefast 47-10 106 13 Seremba 9 Operator, W.I Could, Be-i. Young c C2797 Reno 5-8 l:02good 4 109 V C Miller 8 Candorosa, MissSedalia, BIfcTop D6173 Del mr 5-S l:045sfast 23-10 109 2J D Prible 9 Lura. Josephiue K., Canuonbull . TANESSA VELLES, ch. m, 7 . 112 By Dick Welles Vanessa, by Belvlaere. iTrainer, J. J. Gvinlan. Owner, J. J. Quintan. Breeder, T. Piatt. f 6G949 Tijuana 3-4 l:164slop 3 113 6 5 51! 55S R Carter 7 UFlorpnce. NthShore. C.Robts 6G920 Tijuana 0-S l:02smud S 114 2 4 41 31 M Garrett 8 Hon. George. Danc.Girl, Angela 6G5G1 Toledo Ab 3-4 l:10fasi 23-10 1U 3 2 31 3i M Garrett 9 Sq.Chiof, Momentum, Puff Ball 6G461 Toledo 51 f 21 111 1 2 2"t 31? C Dishmon 7 Col.Matt, J.Fairman, Mess Kit GG324 Toledo Ab 3-4 l:09fast 6-5 109 1 6 7 7s C Dishmon 7 AsnQueen, K.G.Cley, J.Frmau GG291 Toledo Ab 3-4 l:10fast 8 114 1 4 31 2i C Dishmon S Spina way, Jacobean, Shoreaeres 65831 H thorne 51 f 1:09 fast 8 101 9 G 51 lk J Kederis 12 Jacobina. Woolday. Batty H. G5164 Thncliffc 3-4 l:17hvy IS 110 2 10 9i S1 J Waldo 10 Avion, Mormon, Ragazza 6501G Th ncliffe 3-4 1:16 slop 9 107 4 4 4! 4" J Chlmers 8 QkRun. Neapolitan, ShtAway 647G2 Devshire 3-4 l:17hvy 195 103 2 6 Gl G H Stearns 8 Serbian, Brown Bill. Old Cbap 61590 Devshire 3-4 1:12 fast 5 107 G 3 45 4J1 D Stirling 12 S. Away. B.Allen, U.of theNorth 63294 FortErio 51 f l:07fast 10 111 1 3 3l 3s G Walla 10 Gallipot. Gallivant. Confusion VERA RITA, gr. f, 4 107 By J. F. Crowley Cisne, by Flambeau. Trainer, W. L. Stanfield. Owner, W. L. Stanfield. Breeder, W. L. Stanfield. 67018 Tijuana 5-8 l:03mud G 106 4 3 3J 3;i M Fator 8 MUda. Cascade. Plantagenet CG934 Tijuana 51 f 1:11 hvy Sf 109 1 1 21 2 W Pool 10 OllieWood, AlPorter. Ch. Master 61380 Tijuana 3-4 1:11 ftfast 7 108 1 4 Sl 3si E Fator 11 Fiesta, John S. Wiggins, Coombs 61354 Tijuana 5-S l:01faat 7 107 2 5 41 33 T Wilson 8 Shelbyville, LySmall, W.Mack 612G2 Tijuana 51 f l:0Sfast 11 104 4 6 41 4 T WMIson 11 Ch.Cannell, Meteor. HalWright 61227 Tijuana 51 f l:0Sfast 4 105 2 1 l1 21 T Wilson 9 Hon.George, Coombs. Col.Snider C1181 Tijuana 5-8 1:02 fast 5 107 6 3 3! 3f T Wilson 10 Don Jose, Galway, Mary Jay 61137 Tijuana 3-4 l:15good 21 105 2 4 5 6s T Wilson 9 Ola Lee, Al Porter, Mary Jay 60958 Tijuana 51 f l:0SVfcfast 19 109 2 2 and 43 E Donhue C.Murpby, Oharmt, O.Homeata IENNILEE, br. g, 4 107 By Colinet Tokalon, by Tammany. Trainer, W. H. Sperling. Owner, J. Pidgeon. Breeder, J. W. FuUer. G7021 Tijuana 51 f l:llVfemud 16 106 1 2 B 3? E Petzoldt 7 Ken ward, NorthTower, Contriot CG936 Tijuana 51 f l.OShvy 6 103 2 3 4t 5" W Pool G Joella J., Harry I., Romulus 61384 Tijuana 3-4 l:llVsfast 2G 107 G 5 51 GJ R Moss 7 Aryanna. TliirtySeven. July Fly 613G3 Tijuana 1 l:42fast 13 112 7 7 61 5 J Deford 7 II. Wright. DonDodge, YkLasaie C1324 Tijuana 51 f l:07fast 18 108 2 7 71 71 C Ralls 8 IlgansHeir, R.L.Owen. JohnJr. 61232 Tijuana 51 f 1:0S fast 55 103 2 3 31 43 J Majestic 9 Neg, Perch, Madam Byng 611G8 Tijuana 65 f l:07fast 6 111 7 6 6 65 J Majestic 8 An.Regina, M. Manage. CocaCola C1003 Tijuana 51 f l:07fast 4G 103 3 3 31 35 J Majestic 8 M.Maulsby, Haz.Dale, M.Mlick 60910 Tijuana 51 f l:08fast 4 112 5 5 G 610 J Majeselc 7 HnsHeir, K.Cheatham, Stilette VIEW, b. g, 7 107 By McGee Parkview, by Hamburg. Trainer, H. L. Jones. Owner, H. L. Jones. Breeder, C. W. Moore. I 65279 Hastings 3-4 1:1S fast 6 107 41! H Molters G Cascade, Overstep, Double Van 65252 Hastings 3-1 l:lS4good 5 109 5i II Molters 7 NthShore, U.K. Ashor, Overstep 65185 HGtings Ab 5-8 l:001hvy 21-10 109 21 H Molters 7 Review. George James. Al.Carr 65119 Hastings Ab 5-S l:01Vfeslow 3-2 114 l3 T Wilson 8 Son.Donlan, LordPrim, DblelSye 6494G Bghouse 5-8 l:02good 23-10 114 Csi P Martinezl2 Thraman, Ternettc. Ooma 04392 Hastings Ab 5-8 l:01mud 43-10 lit 7" S Smith 8 Eye Bright, Toyon, I. W. Harper G42G3 Hastings Ab 5-8 59andfast 19-10 III Fell. M MthewslO BdLeVau, ILK.Asher, J.D.Sugg 61293 Tijuana 51 f 1:08 fast 7-10 112 3 1 13 2 T Wilson 8 Divland. Ask Jessie, Mayflower 6127G Tijuana 6-8 l:02fast 8 112 3 6 G 53 H Long 8 Cover Up. Ask Jessie, Eila Waldo C1232 Tijuana 51 f 1:08 fast 52 110 3 S S 781 E Petzgold 9 Nes, Perch, Madam Byng 61201 Tijuana 3-4 l:14good 21 115 9 91 914 H Long 10 Neg, Harrigans Heir, Croupier C1141 Tijuana 5-8 l:01good 8 108 8 8 8 8. H Long 9 Shifty. R.L.Owen, IlarryRudder REVIEW, b. g, 5 112 By Deutschland Alice Cary, by Trappoan. Trainer, J. T. Strito. Owner, Strite and Valentiaa. Breeder. Nevada Stock Farm. 6G947 Tijuana 5-8 l:0.1slop 13 110 S 1 4" 453 P Walls 7 Don Jose, Pay Off. Velvet GG934 Tijuana 51 f 1:11 hvy 21 109 3 3 5 5J C Rall3 10 OllieWooJ. Vera Rita, Al Porter 65253 Hastings 3-4 US good 1S-G 114 33 T Wilson 7 D.deGuise, FlcFancy, M.Sedalia 65185 Ilstings Ab 5-8 l:00ihvy 27-10 lit 11 T Wilson 7 View. George James, Alice Carr 65075 Hastings 3-4 l:18?smud 37-10 114 3! T Wilson C LyBrbon, Dkband, ILK.Asher 64995 Bghouse 51 f l:10islow S-6 100 1" T Wilson 7 Eugenia K., Cigale. Double Eye 64810 Bghouse 51 f l:0S!ifast 19-5 114 3H T Wilson 11 W.otheWp. JLIIifity. Olympd 64359 Hastings Ab 5-8 1:00 slop 5J Ul 51 T Wilson G CicelyKay, LyBrbon, S. Squirrel C4290 Hastings Ab 5-S SOtfefast 4 114 Gl T Wilson 10 LyKdmton. Bkworm. Krtana 61242 Tijuana 5-S 1 :00tfast 10 1C6 2 6 5 4JT Wrilson G Tabloid. Neg, Aryanna 01109 Tijuana Ei f 1:08 fast 36 9G 5 6 CJ 43 T Wilson 7 II.Bgoyne. M.Maulsby. CocaCola DALWOOD, br. g, 7 107 By Dalhousie Brynwood, by Bryn Mawr. -Trainer. W. H. Kosra. Owner. W. H. Moore. Breeder, T. Clyde. 67035 Tijuana 51 f 1:12 hvy 1005 109 7 7 7;1 7r F Lee 9 Count Boris, Jerry, Chrome 63525 Reno 1 l:43fast ISf 108 Pulled up. W Miller 9 Bobolink. Ardencia, CastieCrown 63488 Reno 3-4 1:15 fast 54 10S 4s P Caron 9 Meteor. Little Abe, Lola 63450 Reno 1 l:43Vfcfast 57 110 C7 W Miller 7 Pink Tenny, Argento. Lariat C3393 Reno lm70y l:4Gfast 106 115 Gi W GarganlO Lariat. I.obolink. Pierrot 63235 Reno 1 l:43ifcfast 10 110 713 H Molters 9 Pink Tenny. Bobolink. Sippara 63221 Reno 51 f l:0Sfast 8 108 Gl W Miller 9 Indianola, Dr.Kemlall, G.Trimblc 63210 Reno 51 f 1:09 fast 57 110 53 Seremba 9 Hiokmit. irisli Reiua. P.Tenny 62893 Reno 51 f 1:09 fast 212 10S 83 II Molters 9 J.Underd Mrs.Pat, HvySniarr 62771 Reno 51 f l:llislow 236 101 811 M Garrett 10 Due de Guise. Pueblo, MerryLass AHNETTES SISTER, b. f, 4 M 112 By Hessian Milldale; by Miller. Owner, E. Menakcr. Breeder, J. C. Milam. 6115G FortErie 3-4 l:13andfast 68 86 2 8 9s 8i L Gregoryll Sun Brae, Ciceronian. Hindstan 64024 Uamton 3-4 l:14fast 29f 107 12 12 12 12" N Foden 12 Lit.Black Sheep. Peuelope. Bond 62782 Latonla 3-4 l:134fast 163 108 8 8 8 8" R Harton S A.Alexder. M.Bodine. Uon.Man CC218 FtErio 51 f l:0Ggood 74 93 7 9 9 10 9 T Brooke 10 Ablaze. Missed theTime, Rcocas fGOSf Hamton 51 f l:07fast 49 106 8 8 5 G" 6" J Rowan 9 Wraith, Winchester, Gur. Water G5982 Hamton 3-4 l:13Vfeslow 55 97 5 4 4 71 81 K Parrton 8 Ilildur. Some Baby, Fizer GIPSY JOE, b. f. 3 M 104 By Kalamont Edith C. by Knight of the Thistle. Trainer, E. W. Moore. Owner. E. W. Moore. Breeder, S. A. Alger. 658G4 Laurel 1 l:43fast 41 102 2 5 6 5 C Taylor ! Romulus. Rquetta. WelceStger 65129 Thncliffo 3-1 lJ4slow 6 102 7 S 61 41 R Flynn 10 Neopolitan. IMiitrpl. Tricks 64981 Tncliffe lmTOy l:44fast 2f 92 9 8 71 74 R Flynn 11 Bncrinite, SUuley. Col. Matt 64702 Devshire 1 l:40fast 9 93 1 1 11 2nt J Chlmers 7 Hickory. Dissolute. Air Tan 64619 Devshire 3-4 l:lChvy 7 100 7 7 G ST1 J Chlmers 9 Bro. John. Topmost. Neapolitan 64344 Toledo Ab 3-4 1:11 fast 14-5 100 2 C Ralls 7 McGeosPink, Kedgwick. Itubula 6427G Toledo 51 f l:07fast 13 103 3J C Ralls 7 BattjII.. Fre4Kinn-y, Mr-siue 63304 Devshire 3-4 l:13fast 32 97 9 10 81 8" N Swart 11 Hereafter. OHie Wood. Stamp 61886 M.Heighta 3-4 1:21 hvy G 97 37 J Thomas 10 L Itwlipster, For.Qucn. IM mi I. j 61819 iI.Helghta 3-1 11G slow 12 102 S J Wallace SaaUlroo. ;.psyjee, Uarriska.ia B c; c; ei 6; c; G; G G Jj: 0 Jj: "1 I S G 6 6 6 6 G 6 G 6 6 . 0 L G G j Jj J; JJ 0 L G . ! JJ J J; JJ J J c j J; Ji JJ J 1 j J C C 1 f l C f c . BILLY JOE, ch. g, 10 1BJ By Russell Ethel T.. by Richmond. Trainer, J. Kane. Owner, J. Kans. Breeder, 0. E. Chenanlt. G3G33 Reno 51 f 1:08 fast 10 108 47 H Molters 8 Gr.Tmble. LyBrbon, VtyWon G3485 Reno 3-4 l:16fast 23-10 113 Sl B McEwen 9 Maxine. Chas. Cannell, Kazan 63426 Reno 3-1 l:15fast 14 113 4 D Hurn 9 Red William, Dorothy, Kthel G3387 Reno 5-8 l:01fefast 8 lit 7i J Carter S Hunt.Point, J.S.Wiggins, Vodka G3317 Reno 51 f l:08fcfast 26 114 4 B McEwen 9 BillBlackwell, Caneion, Mrs.Pat G3220 Reno 51 f l:09fast 11-5 113 9 W Gargan 9 ChoirMaster, LittleOne, Dorothy G297G Reno 3-1 l:14?kfast 36 111 S" W GarganlO Limerick, Black Top, Kimberly G1379 Tijuana 3-4 1:15 fast 13 116 12 12 12 12" C Brown 12 L. Bourbon, HotFoot, Candegrey C.1292 Tijuana 3-4 l:14fast 18 117 7 6 6 8i R Carter 8 Col.Snider, L.Bourbon, Al Porter G1257 Tijuana 6 f l:08fast 21-6 115 11 8 Gl 31 H. Jones 12 I.Brigade, W.C.Dooly, Kimono G1204 Tijuana 51 i l:08"-ifat 17 114 8 8 8 G1 H Jones 8 Lit. Pointer, Virge, I.W.Uarper 7th PA PET 1 aiile and TO Yards. :i-ye:ir-old arul upward. Claiming. Fell. III! tlHUl- 1,110 1:43 1-3 5 12. SUMMER SIGH, ch. g, 6 13 By Ormeadale Summer Night, by Star Sheet. Trainer, W. Walker. Owner, W. Walker. Breedor, A Johnson. G7041 Tijuana 1 l:hvy IS 101 5 3 31 3si F Stevens 7 lUjah. FrankFogarty, Pr.Dircct 66953 Tijuana 1 1-16 l:535fcalop 4 108 1 1 11 1 F Stevens 7 LeDinosaure, Dora, Argento 66901 Tijuana 1 l:43sloi IS 109 6 5 5 6" F Stevens 7 W.Mtgoiny, Rajah, F.Fogarty 65134 Th ncliffe 1 1-18 l:48slow 13 105 7 S 8i 3s T Burns 9 Stanley. Skeer Face. BillsLutk 65019 Thncliffe 1 1-8 1:58 slop 8 109 6 6 4l 4" D Stirling 8 Old Faithful. Dissolute, Tulsa G4936 Dufferin 7-8 l:S2fast 2 111 2i D Stirling 0 Roue!. Kingling II.. Hemlock 64842 Dufferin 1 1-1G l:56fast 21 109 lJ D Stirling S Secretary, Statim, Silex II. G4733 Devshire lm70y l:lShvy 6 107 S 6 G 51 J Chlmers 7 Musito, St. Germain, Bond 64591 Devshire 1 1-1S l:47fast 6 109 7 3 21 21 E Smwod S Tingling. Colonel Matt, Dr. Raft 64497 Windsor 1 1-8 l:56slow 8 106 2 6 7 PJE Smwod 7 MornKlder. Flibtygibbet, Bond G4444 Windsor 1 1-8 l:53fast 7 106 3 5 51 4 P Walls 12 Topmcst, jorA Wrack, Unman 64342 Windsor 1 1-S l:54fefast 16 106 9 2 2J 2 J Rowan 12 Fornovo, GiltKringe, Attor.MuIr LAVAGA, br. m, 5 103 By Prospero Charleys Aunt, by St. Florian. Trainer, G. W. Crippen. Owner, Blackwell and Crippen. Breeder, S. A. Beckham. G7022 Tijuana lm70y l:50mud 3-5 108 4 2 l1! I7 M Fator 9 Couichou. DoubleEye, S.Hedron GG978 Tijuana lm70y l:49hvy 8 108 6 4 21 2! E Petzoldt 7 Double Van, My Laddie, Leta GG897 Tijuana lm70y l:47slop 6 110 4 4 4 4" M Fator 11 CavalcadrII.. Torsida, Yermak C6187 M.Hghts lm0y 2:00 hvy 26 110 3 V Fulton 7 Booneville, My laddie, Flea 6G11G M.Hghts 3-4 1:28 mud 1S-5 112 3s V Fulton G CantecnGirl, Pomerene, OurMaid 05942 M.Hghts 1 1-16 1:48 fast S 106 4 P Gross S Amer. Soldier, Hercules, Wodau G5753 M.Hghts 1 l:41fast 10 102 1 P Gross S Cockroach, Handfull, Rhymer 65217 Dorval 1 1-4 2:13slow 12 190 4 6 S S" P Gross S Pre-a Feu, Plantde, Tok.M;ircb G5108 Dorval 1 1-16 l:579hvy 7 101 3 3 11 14 P Gross 8 P.-a-Feu. Capt.Bvans, LPrince G5020 Dorval 1 1-16 l:Vifast 21 103 9 7 3s 25 P Gross 13 S.PecrlL. Tliis.Queeu, Dreftsma G4480 KingEd. Ab 5-8 5?sfast IS 106 6 V Fulton 9 Emden. D.Fairbanks. FairLassie COUHT BORIS, b. g, 7 113 By Ivan the Terrible Palms, by Hirayar. Trainer, H. E. Davis, Owner, H. E. Davis. Breeder. E. S. Gardner. G7035 Tijuana 51 f 1:12 hvy 41 114 2 1 Is 13 M Andson 9 Jerry. Clirome, Merrv Lass G701G Tijuana 5-8 1:04 mud 5 106 9 5 34 2 E PetzoldtlO Ella AValdo, Ternettc, Virge GG972 Tijuana 5-S 1:03 hvy S 109 7 7 7 5 H Milrick 9 Rarriskane, SilkSox, Ella Waldo 66933 Tijuana 51 f 1:11 hvy 41 109 3 2 2and 34 E Petzoldtll Neg, Merry Lass, Right Angle G5977 Mneuve Ab 5-S 1:03 mud 6 108 1 H Gibson 7 Doctor D., Waac, Swiftcrickct G5931 Mneuve Ab 5-S l:04hvy 7 116 Gl L Cargata 7 J.Healey, Kaymau, Lady Felix C4388 KingEd. Gl f l:29islow 28 112 74 P Madeira 8 Gol.Red, McLane, Bacchanalian G4117 DePmier Ab 5-S 1:06 hvy 7 112 71J P Madeira 7 Ras, St. Just, Miss Holland G2838 Dorval 51 f l:llhvy 22 108 5 7 7 7" F Hunt 7 Little Patsy, Pittsburg, Riposta 62525 B.Bnnets 7-S 1:30 good 41 100 G 9 9 9" F Hunt 9 Hdoostan. TrksterlL, Oraleggo 62217 Connght 51 f l:07fast 9 109 4 4 4 4 C Hunt 0 Mike. Black Baby, Sand Mark G2059 Alt. Royal 3-4 1:16 fast 7 IK 5s F Hunt 10 Sky Man, Suurosc, Bibbler KENWARD, ch. h. 3 116 By Alvescot Bashford Belle, by Falsetto. Trainer, T. J. Ogle. Owner. S. Smith. Breeder, G. J. Long. G7021 Tijuana 51 f l:lHtmud 28-10 U7 4 3 21 13 F Smith 7 NorthTower. Tennilee, Contriot G5038 Bghouse lm70y l:47good 7-5 110 4 H Long 10 Sky Man, DoubleVan. BerniceK. 64994 Bghouse 51 f l:10slow 3-6 112 H H Long 10 E.Waldo, N.Klein, Uan.sTop:iz G1383 Tijuana lm 1:43 fast 3-2 120 1 3 31 1" R Carter 9 Hot Foot, CastieCrown, Rafferty G1301 Tijuana 1 1-16 l:48V4fast 19 114 4 5 6 51 R Carter 7 Har.Burgoync, Reydo, Pinecrest C1245 Tijuana 1 l:41fast 5 17 3 2 4l 5C3 T Wilson 7 Fannie Nail. Nonsuit, Montona REGRESO, ch. g. 8 110 By Hastings Arline, by The Commoner. Trainer, C. B. Irwin. Owner, C. B. Irwin. Breeder, C, C. Patrick. GG177 Hthorne 3-1 1:1S slow 25 107 10 Pulled up. J Singtonl2 BrotherJohn, BattyH., Ar.Point G5975 Hthorne 1 1-2 2:51islop 8 167 6 6 5s 5 D Hurn 0 TokJJarcli, B.Uuuley, B.Wchll. G5834 Hthorne 1 3-16 2:!fast 12 108 2 7 7 7" D Hurn 7 B.WatehlL, Spec.Girl, Whippet 65787 Hthorne lm70y l:17fast 8 10 4 G 6 6" D Hurn 7 Sea Way, Bond. Walk Up 65373 Omaha 1 1:40 fast 3 115 G- D Hurn G Lenieve, LeapFrog, Cath.Marne G53G9 Omaha 1 1:41 fast 11 115 a4 D Hurn 7 LpFrog, W.Mtgoiny, Madrono C37S5 Reno 1 1-16 l:45fast 14-6 110 571 D Hurn 7 E. Indian. L. Lachmund. Reydo SHENANDOAH, ch. g. 5 1and5 By Sea King Blue Grass, by Hamburg. Trainer, H. B. Cates. Owner, H. D. Catos. Breeder, J. E. Madden. G7022 Tijuana lm70y l:50mud 30 103 7 9 8s 8:I W Martin 9 Lavaga, Conichon. Double Eye GG915 Tijuana 3-4 l:16mud 67 110 H 11 11 ll11 E Petzoldtll Kimono. C.Burkloy, Lit. Orphan G5895 M.Hghts lm70y l:46fast 59 108 Pulled up. T Wayt 10 By Right. Old Pop. Mab G5591 Keinpton 1 1-16 1:53 fast 8 107 771 C OMahy 8 Honiara, Edith K., Raiuona II G5544 Kempton 3-4 l:16Vfcfast 29 110 Si R Ball S Clias.A. Byrne. Ilomam, Uranium G5412 Kempton 51 f l:09fast 1G 117 5s R McAney G Theresa, Hush. Mike G5172 Dorval 3-4 l:20hvy 33 104 6 G 4 44 W Martin 9 Bengalese, Max Gold, Plurality C4894 B.Bnnets 1 l:41fast 133 113 1 10 91 83 M AndsoulO Gallivant, InduPrince. Cavalier