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AMERICAN IN FRENCH COUP Bookmaker Heliopoulus, for Whom Leigh Trains, Wins Fortune at Maisons-Laffitte. PARIS, France, December 1. The closing fixtures at Maisons-Laffitte last week were also marked by several great surprises, the victory of Rose Marine being the most notable. During the year Hose Marine had run poorly on something like a dosen occasions, and it is not to be wondered at that she represented a 25 to 1 chance at the pari-mutuels. Tho stable, however, "va3 not altogether surprised over the affair, for the owner of the filly, B. Heliopoulus, is reported to have won about 200,000 francs on the race. B. Heliopoulus is of Greek nationality and although he has not been known to French racegoers very long he is the biggest book-making owner at present in France. The American Eugene Leigh trains for Heliopoulus. He has only a small string of horses in training, and occasionally his colors are seen in winning form, but maintaining a racing stable he has the opportunity of betting among other owners on an extensive scale. It is estimated by the authorities that tho operations of the independent bookmauers on the race courses around Paris prevent about a million francs a day finding their way through the mutuel offices. This will be one of the most important subjects to be dealt with during the off season by the stewards of the racing societies which control tho French turf.