Suggested Names for Two-Year-Olds, Daily Racing Form, 1922-12-27

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Suggested Names for Two-Year-Olds Awkward, inept and uncuphonious nomenclature is one of the unpleasant but constant accompaniments of thoroughbred racing. There is no question that the owner of a horse should have the right to give that animal any cognomen he wishes, so long as it does not conflict with the rules laid down by the registrar of the Jockey Club, but much improvement could be worked without unreasonable restrictions on this free choice. Many of the inept thoroughbred names are the result of carelessness on the part of the breeder or owner. It is never possible to predict the future of a race horse, and many important stake winners are victims of carelessness in the matter of names. Walter S. Vosburgh, official handicapper of the Jockey Club and widely recognized as a turf writer and authority, compiled a list of suggested names for thoroughbreds for DAILY RACING FORM. Each year since the compilation of this list a numbber of breeders have found helpful suggestions in its columns and many of the names which originally were included have found their way to the race course. There are still enough names left, however, to take care of a large percent ige of the coming two-year-olds which remain unnamed. The list follows: SUGGESTED JiAJIES FOR COLTS. A Coronet Freebooter Kennebec Obtnider Scipio Aberdeen Courtier Frontier Khedive Octavius Scrambler Adversary D G Killarney Offenbach Sentinel Ainsworth Dagobcrt Galba Kimbolton Oglu Settler Alcides Daiuiio Gamekeeper Kirkby Onslow Sheffield Aldcroft Darius Gamester Kirkdale Orleanist Shirley Alfredo Daubigny GatwicU Knapsack Orpheus Sindbad Almoner Dauntless Gauntlet I. Ottoman Snapshot Ambato Debonnair Geologist Labrador Outbreak Spectator Ancaster Defiance Georgius Libumaui Outsider Stampede Anchorite Despot Gilbert Ladrono P Suburban Angler Deucalion Gilberto Kambourne Fadwick Superbtts Aratus Dexter Georgio lampoon Pathfinder Sybarite Archimedes Dictator Giovanni Lancaster Patriarch Symbol Astrologer Dispatch Glendowcr landlord Pedagogue Syndic Auriol Dispute Glorious Lantern Pelayo T Axinlnster Donaldbain Grampian Lauderdale Pembroke Tactician rj Donato Gnerllla Laurier Pendragon Tarquln Tnih7iin Donizetti Guilford Lawsuit Pensioner Theseus Dragoman Gunbearer Lender lerhelion Tipster i--S Ttilfi.i Dreadnought Gunmaker Leicester Perilous Toledo 1,11 Dumbarton H Leopold Phidias Tomahawk iv Dunkirk Haddington Liberal Phoebus Transport maroon Harbinger Lictor Piccolo . Tremulo nCf"J r-ffin-hnm Lionel Pintarch Trident ttorfnn 7on Haymaker Listener Prospero Truant lUandford Egremout I u I yrraus UIstcr Boaster Eiroll Tr Hazanuons Magyar a Ulysses Borderer Eminence Helmsman Mainspring Quadrant Umbriel Bothwcll Emissary "?,reonl Mandarin Questioner Urban Brahma Endymion i rl,n a Mandate Quibbler Uriel Brcnnus Envoy Hi debrand Mandrake Quickflre Usher liriarwoml Epicure Hilderic Marplot Quickmarch Usurper IJrondside Epigram i, ?, , Marccllus Quickstep V C lfcuiatim "obrook Mario Quito vaseo Caledonian Equinox Holocaust. Marksman Quixote Aenetian Calumet Kscort I Marmaduke Quistus Vigorous Cato Examiner Idolator Mogodor E Villager Cecil Exeler Imperious Mogue Eallywood Viscount Chambertin F Inca Moslem Ramadan Vizier Chandoo Fabius Industrious Murillo Rampart Volcano Chapeau Fairfield Inflexible Myrmidon Ramrod Vortex Cliapcrone Fairminstcr Interloper N Earitan Voyageur Charlatan Falstaff Intruder Nabob Recruit Vulcaia Cheshire Favonio Ithurlel Narcissus Redwood W Chifney Fearnaught Ivan Nassau Regicide Wnlthnm Chivalrous Filibuster J Nautilus Retreat Wamba Cimmerian Flaviris Jocular Navigator lligoletto "Warbler Claremont Florlan Jovial Newsmonger Rigorous "Weathercock Claudius Florino Jubilant Nimrod Ringleader Windrush Colxlcn Foghorn Juggler Norseman Rosefleld "Wiseacre Combat Forager Julian Notorious Rosemarkct Z Coningsby Foreman Justinian Northbrook Royalist Zaeatccas Cottager Forerunner K. Nuncio S Zaccheus Convoy Fortunio Konrsargo 0 Sancho Zanzibar Corinthian Foxcastle Kenmore Oberon Satirist Zeno SUGGESTED NAMES FOR FILLIES. A Cyltliorea H Larkspur S Spitfire Abvssinia Cjpriaua Hadjina Lataika Palantimi Splendida Aertne Laundress D gJ Amaryllis Devon. SSmmt ithtrH VanUa T Amazonia Dexterity Srnr Pearlina Ambassadress Dianella Yrll Limena Penance Tamarinda Amity Dictatrix TiL, Lorgnette Philomela Tambourine Amnesty Diomeda irlcnin 11 Poinsettia Tarragona Anadyomene Dodona Sit , . Polenta Tasmania Analogy Dogma ?nJ,h Mahonia Polynesia Termagant Anderida Dolphin Macedonia Pomemnia Terpsichore 88 "a r,da Antiopa Donaria Postscript Themis ? a acca r.rimula Appalachia Donna f0 tpv, kl Armida Donnabella uHif Piudentia Thcssalia Asiatica Doriuda w?,V,ht ,-?,a 1c,,c Travesty Ui"u Mantilla Atrocity Dramatiea Pyrenica Turquoise Audacla E I Marmalade pythia Twinkle Aufidena Eclogue Ianthe ?, ri. VI Q, U Ayesha Editha Iberia Quackery lauIt3r r Edmonda Idalia ;!? I Ouaclrille Una . . ElMda Idolatry Mistletoe ffirooE Unaino Banderilla Kmblcm WyU S 0,e"at. Quakeress VaitY Momentilla Batavia Urbanity Kmcllna Ingenue oualitv Battledore EmHIana Inheritrix Morgiana oSilrer UrsaU Bayonctta Emerald Intermedia luneU 5u ckSet V liellamina Ernestina Iphigenia Muscatel qS Sen Valdlno Ilellaria Erance Irma Valencia " N QuUs Belliccnt Kspolr Iris rt"-" Vandalia Eellissima Evelina Ismalia Nanon Velleda Elandina j. Isolina Narcissa I Venitia Beadicea F.inchon Ithonia Narida Raymondia Veranda Bougneticro r f T Nebulosa lledwing Verbena Bracelet Necklace Regatta Vergara Fedora Jamaica Bravery Neophyte Kcgina Veronica Feicina Jauina Brevity tvIViJV?- i.-L Nicotine Iteginella Vietoire Buoyancy Nigrita Kisotto VioletU Calabria Mnbrndia lessica Nimblu llivicra Virag0 Czlyvso Fri,.n, "lof.nnLc- Jeunnesse 5obe Eonaldina Viscayo n fwVwi, Noi,inty Euperta Volga TUSC Nobles4 Eubina W CamarlsU rn Xorma Kurltanla Warfare SSL ria fau S elcome mr ossia K Cavatina . Katfnka Sa Wildfire t nka Cellina Gadabout Oakleaf Saturnalia Wiltonia CUamedo Gaiety Kovnoin Oblivion Saxonia AVinsome Cr.anomesse iia-. SI Obscurity Scintilla "Wistaria Cinnamon Gai-dema rvejhione Octavia Scotia Z CircasKia ?-onw Kollima 0lsa Seraphina Zara Clarissa !nct, Kolvm.i Omphale Sibyl Zelphanta Gilbertma ivoijma Clyptic Operetta Sibylina Zephyretta Courtesy Glauema L Orestia Simone ZiUah Cremona Gloria Lapwing Orestina Simonetta Zirlina Celerity Gloxinia Landscape Orizaba Solferino Zisea : t re stent Grotesiue Laomedia Ouida Sphynx Zuleika

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Local Identifier: drf1922122701_12_2
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