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DA IInAUt PIT 1 Mile yearold and upward Claliulngr June 17 II nAUt i s y 5 LARIAT br g 7 112 112Trainer By Rapid Water Tourmaletta by Llasak LlasakBreeder Trainer R Cloud Owner V Cloud Breeder G W J Bisstll G7395 Tijuana Im70y 143 fast 4J 110 5 1 13 2 F Cantrell IJ L oihron Rhymer WiseJudga 67298 Tijuana 51 f lOSssfast S 104 4 41 4 = 1 II Long S Milda Nes KIga 67190 Tijuana Im7fly 152 hvy 4310 103 1 1 1 4si F Cantrell Rpgrcso Wise ludge Argento 67154 Tijuana SJ f l12 jhvy 43 10u 7 8 t 5J F Cantrell S Corncutter SUertnan A It 05 188 Htgs Ab 1 1S l5Shvy 2310 112 I1 D Powell 7 Capon Lorena Moss Bobolink 65156 Hastings 1 11C l32i slop 113 112 21 D Powell 0 Double Van Wiinlaud Coniclioa 64781 Brhouae Im70y lH7ifast 6 lit W Garganll Cafeteria Ykl assie T Brook ATT REVOIR b g 5 112 112Trainer By Luko Mcluke Arnet VIrelnia by Sir DLxon DLxonBreeder Trainer A Hoser Owner A Moser Breeder Keene Sc Schorr 07ot8 Tijuana 1 l43 fast 4 108 6 4 4GVI78 4 = 3J J Thomas Ixta Cancion Iloieutine GVI78 Tijuana 31 l14 ifast 9 101 S 7 7G7208 5 Sl R Flyiui 9 DtorTubbs Shplicvil Bkworm G7208 Tijuana 31 llC slow 49 107 4 3 3i2025 3 S5 li Flynn S Lvntavr Count Boris IXiIwood i2025 Omaha 1 11S l32isood js3 10S SJ B Scheffel S Boreas MarkDeiiunzio LorMos 62120 Omaha 1 l43gooa 95 110 110C22G3 4i I Scheffel S Old Rose Repent Walter Katit C22G3 Omaha 1 11C 130 fasl 13 113 Gi R Dority Dolph Mildred Lorena Moss 60939 M biie Ab CJ f l2 l27sfast 7sfast 15 114 5 6 C3 J W Mphy S Bond She Devil Alvcrida PEERLESS ONE br g 8 112 112Trainer By Jack Atkin IroquoisBreeder Sans Pareil II by Iroquois Trainer S Polk Owner S Polk Breeder T P Hayes Hayesfil 67395 Tijuana Im70y 14S fast 11 110 2 2 fil S M Fator 12 LTiiraCochron I iriat Rhymer 67 C7g 7 Tijuana TijuanaG7243 1 113 fast 1S3 103 3 2 2J 61 M Fator 11 Baisy Ollie Wood Arginto G7243 Tijuana fOy l17fast I0f 103 1 is 11 M Fator 11 WGMCtk GBvng Obstinate 67207 Tijuana 34 117 slow 2S 107 7 7 75S CJ i M Fator 7 Jerry Chick Barklev Theresa 67168 Tijuana 5S 1OC hvy CG 10 J 3 7 7 G = M Fator 7 Kimono Klla Waldo Toyon 66997 Tijuana 5s 5 f lll imud mud 37 110 9 9 9 9 M Fator 9 E Williams CBarUley AlPorter CAXCION b m 7 110 110Trainer By Ueelich Regea by KarpraTe KarpraTeBreeder Trainer C L Dickerson Owner M Hudson Breeder G L Blackford BlackfordU 67338 Tijuana 1 l43fast 71 103 7 2 U 2 L Barber 9 Lota An Revoir Florentine 67152 Tijuana CS 103 hvy 23 1C1 C 6 6 5l K Petzoldt S Red Man Bis Indian Olympiad 66895 Tijuana 58 104 slop 13 lift 3 I S CTJ G Walls 11 Tutt Chrome Virge VirgeS 03033 Reno 5i f 10 fast 9111 9111G3 S IJ McEwen 8 GrTmble LyBrboa VtyWom G3 186 Reno 1 l42 ifast 1110 106 2 E PetzgUl II Kinkavou Ardencia GenByug 63430 Reno 1 l43 faat 7 103 103GIPSY 2J E Pctzgld S Go On Joe Underwood Meteor GIPSY JOE b f 4 M 105 105Trainer By Halainont Edith C by Knight of the Thistle ThistleBreeder Trainer E W Moore Owner E W Moore Breeder R A Alger 67357 Tijuana S 10G G 2 41 4J3 M Andson 6 DocTubta Proclainatn Shorei 67320 Tijuana 195 ICG S S 61 5 A Claver 8 Ring SilkSox Proclumution 67268 Tijuana 51 f I07faat I07faat5i 63 93 9 S 71 E3 R Flynn 9 Pay Off John Jr Full Moon 67080 Tijuana 5i f 112 hvy 31 104 6 7 7 7 R Flynn 7 Joe Tag Vera Rita VanWHle 65864 Laurel 1 l43fast 41 102 2 5 5 B C Taylor 6 Romulus Rquettn WelceStset 65129 Thncllffa 34 114 10 5 103 7 S 51 4 1 R Flynn 10 Neopolitan Plutrot Trick TAWASENTHA ch m 5 112 112Trainer By Vulcain Bolle of Arcadia by Plaudit Trainer E Looper Owner E Looper 65078 Hastings 61 f 125 mud 14 105 7 F Cantrell 7 CBoyle IIontGcorze FlorDcen 64999 Bghouse 1 116 l49jslotv 41 101 3 = J II Long 9 GMint Cafeteria LLachmnna 64876 Bghouso 1 116 1 4S f ast lOf 53 2i W Dean 9 YorkLassie Deckhand LorMos 64812 Bghouso 34 114 fast 132f 101 7J V Dean 9 Honey Bittern Smiling Maggie 64780 Brhouse 34 114 fast 25 96 SIJ F CantrelllO Kill Blackwell ColBoyle Jerry 64016 Brhouso 1 1S l54fast 2l C Cantrell 7 Missonla PrinceDIrcct Caamano 63934 Brhousa 1 142 fast 45 102 If C Cantrel il Day of Wrath Weinland Lola 62681 Omaha 34 l14fast 13 115 115C2620 71 J Gruber y DonJose Winchester LitFolntcr C2620 Omaha 34 l16 = igood 11 106 5 J Allen 7 Kimberly NthSliore ViscJudgc 62589 Omaha EJ f 110 slow 15 105 4 = 1 B Scheffel 7 Walterina Fickle Fancy Sedan SedanBy Disqualified DisqualifiedCOUNSEL COUNSEL br g 9 113 113Trainer By Out of Beach Consnelo II by Bradwardine BradwardineBreeder Trainer O Nibbs Owner G Nibbs Breeder P T Chinn and F A AForsythe Forsythe ForsytheSI 65840 Mncuvo 1 116 l32iifast 21 111 SI J Simmons 7 Domain Ramonall CRamblcr 65693 Mnuvc Ab 61 f 125 fast 4310 115 1i G OMahy 7 JackHealey Ked Post King U 65505 Kempton 1 116 l52fast Si 112 21 C OMahy C SirGalahadll Ramonall Parol 65410 Kempton 1 116 l53fast 31 113 2s H Gibson 8 Doyle John Arbor El Coroncl 65242 Dorval 1 116 149 fast 111 101 9 6 5 EJ A Sstrom 10 SMoney Brrcliff IIMStevens Sf M 10 S 10l 12 M AndsonlS SPcurll Laraga ThistleQueep t4457 KingEd 34 lar fast 13 112 31 E Atkinsn D Ch A Byrne Jamima Uranium 64288 KingEd 1 116 l53Hfast 7 115 Z1 S Boyle 8 WMBaker EdithK Capitania CapitaniaLITTLE LITTLE GINK b g 10 112 By Tim Payne La Poeta by Honduras HondurasTrainer Trainer J McPherson Owner J McFarlane Breeder Lawrence Oomstock 67262 Tijuana 34 l14rifast 15 114 C G 4 A Claver 10 NebrLad TCraven Shclbyvillc 64996 Bghouso 34 l17slow 6f 114 41 W Gargan 9 LitAbe ChoirMastcr GenCrar 64907 Bghousc 1 116 lllfast 3f 111 C G Ury 11 GrnMint Mont Belle ClJnnia ClJnniaC3765 C3765 MtRoyal 1 l42 fast Sf 112 1171 H Chppellll LyFearl OomColin Viva Cuba 63726 MLRoyal 1 l44 fast S 110 6 J Thomas 10 Blondel Dolly C Morning Face 63672 MtRoyal 34 l14fast 57 103 8 A Banks 10 Htress LChanccIL Bhanaln BhanalnGEN GEN CZAK ch c 4 M 107 By Czar Lady Loundei by Admonition AdmonitionTrainer Trainer W J Donohue Owner J Humbrecht Breeder Clark Fear 67357 Tijuana 1 l42J fast 2S 100 4 5 51 5 J II Long 0 DoeTubbs Proclamaln Shores 67278 Tijuana 34 l14 fa t 6S 113 9 S Si 9 H Hollers 9 DtorTubbs SlieDcvil AuRevoir 64996 Bghouso 34 ll7islow 79 103 3 1 F Cantrel 9 LitAbe ChoMastcr LittieGhik LittieGhikHOPOVER HOPOVER br s 7 112 By Froglegs Helen Connelly by Uncommon UncommonTrainer Trainer F Bcchtelheimcr Owner Snnflower Stable Breeder W E Coovor 67340 Tijuana 51 f lOSrsfast 2C6 102 C C 5 55 E Fetzoldt C IlarryD KinRlifce AnnaRegina 62684 Omaha 34 l14 fast 12 115 S B Scheffel 9 DonJose Winchester LitFointer LitFointerC C 25S7 Omaha 5i f l10slow 61 116 751 J Gruber 10 Herder LitPointer HelenMaJor 62549 Omaha 51 f 110 good 23 115 35 J Gruber 7 Don Jose Repent ludgefiutlrow 62461 Omaha 1 142 fast 6 113 4Ji J Gruber 7 Billllead WiseJudge LorMosa 62381 Omaha 1 142 fast 135 116 4s R Dority 8 North Shore Boreas Lotla G 62064 Chagrin 34 l 6 hvy 6 121 1 T Rao 7 ICgVorth Hercules MissKruter MissKruterDALWOOD DALWOOD br g 8 112 By Dalhousio Brynwood by Bryn Mawr MawrTrainer Trainer J Moore Owner J Moore Breeder T Clyde 67337 Tijuana 1143 fast 34f 103 8 7 6 = 1 3ei R Lee 11 Baisy Ollic Wood Argenlo 67208 Tijuana 34 l16 slow C4S 107 7 6 5 4 R Leo S Leniete CountBoris Au Revoir 671SO Tijuana ImTOy 152 hvy 157 105 3 5 51 7 R Lee 9 Rpgreso Wise Judge Argentp 67167 Tijuana Im70y l Gt hvy 37f 105 4 4 7 ° 7 = R Lee 8 Poacher Drifting Argento 67152 Tijuana 58 105 hvy 115 104 8 8 S S = R Lee S Red Man Big Indian Olympiad 67035 Tijuana CJ f 112 hvy 1005 109 7 7 Il 7J F Lee 9 Count Boris Jerry Chrome ChromeC3525 C3525 Reno 1 l43fast ISf 108 Pulled up V Miller 9 Bobolink Anlencia CastleCrown 63488 Pcno 34 115 fast 54 103 4 P Caron 9 Meteor Little Abe Lola LolaSTABLIKE STABLIKE ch g 9 112 By Star Shoot Blakeslee by Yankee YankeeTrainer Trainer J B Daltoa Owner Balton Dawson Breeder J E Madden 67338 Tijuana 1 l43 ifast S 103 5 5 1 7J H Long 1 Leta Cancion An Rcvoir 67096 Tijuana 1 116 155 hvy 123 10S 7 6 65 a13 H Zander 7 Coniohon Judge David Poacher 67037 Tijuana 34 l17 lI75shvy = ihvy 103 104 5 6 5JJ 5 H Zander 7 CliHarthell Romulus PlowSteel 67000 Tijuana 51 f 110 mud 52 104 8 8 S S ° H Zander S Harry D North Shore Pueblo Pueblo5S 66919 Tijuana 5S l02imud 93 109 8 7 7s 71 II Zander 8 JoeNlair Pueblo BillBlackwell 49522 LexColF 34 l13 l13fast fast 111 4 ii RaiubowGirl SclmaG Betsinda Betsinda5S 49467 LexColF 5S 103 fast CS 111 1 B Marco 4 Oleaster WilthcGreat MFulier MFulieri50y 41680 Havana Im50y i50y lUlHfast 8 1C1 6 7 6 411 H Bullman 7 TipSahib AppWiske Sasenta KAT7DIE WILSON Mazaganders ch m 5 115 By Harrigan Mazonia by Mazagan Trainer M Sacders ders Owner U Sanders Breeder B A Jones 67394 Tijuana 34 l15Sifast 31C 115 6 10 10 S W Garrranll PoorPuss TomOwens Celebrate Celebrate5S 67151 Tijuana 5S 105 hvy 49 101 2 5 7 7 1 H Long 7 Dr Stevenson PhyllisK Thrills 67018 Tijuana 58 l03 = 4mud 145 111 6 7 7s 7 T Rac 8 Hilda Cascade Vera Vera5S Rita 66895 Tijuana 5S 104 slop 36 114 4 7 73 10 O Atwell 11 Tutt Chrome Virgc 63703 Ashland 61 f 127 fast 1910 115 1 C Griffin 8 Coombs Jill Little Niece NieceCl 63641 Ashland Ab 58 l02fast IS 109 Cl J Cumngs 0 StKcvin Zainer Hat McCarty 63572 Ashland Ab 5S l00fast 30 111 441 R Harton 6 Virge Elga Hattie McCarty