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ANSWERS TO QUERIES Communications without names and addresses vrill not be noticed nor answered No answers will be sent by mail and none by wire unless re I reI I 1 prepayment is made at time of wiring query j queryj Betting papers will not be calculated H E B Columbus O Tour weight is too heavy to suggest any chance of an engage ¬ ment mentRobt Robt J J Chicago 111 To Tambien won the Garfield Park Derby at Garfield Park June 18 1892 with Wadsworth second and Azra third thirdJ J T G Dayton O Backers of Conichon in race 67152 had draws because Conichon was not in the race Bookmakers would not have paid on Cancion when Conichon had been backed They are not so simplcminded as that There is no such rule as the ono referred to and this newspaper has never said there is