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Here and There on the Turf LongDistance Racing at New Orleans OrleansRemarkable Remarkable Pimlico Futu ¬ rity Nominations NominationsExtreme Extreme Diversity of Sires Represented Of the three winter tracks the only one to have a race for twoyearolds on New Years Day was Havana One had been pro ¬ grammed in the book for the opening at the Fair Grounds but in its place the offering was a longer distance race for the selling platers That made the program consist of five of the seven races at distances of greater length than a mile This is carrying out the right idea and evidence that the horses will be entered to run over such distances when there is nothing else offered is well demon ¬ strated in the number of entries that were received In these five races no fewer than seventynine entries were made the smallest field of the five being seven entries Yet some secretaries make the excuse for offering short dashes that the longer races will not fill If the secretaries make the programs rather than the trainers the long races will fill Such races offer a much more desirable spectacle and are more enjoyed by the public Frank J Bryan has prepared a list of the nominations to the Pimlico Futurity of 1925 This is the race that was split into two races with 40000 added to each last November For the 1925 race it is estimated that over 50 per cent of all the thoroughbred mares of the country have been named It tops all previous records for nominations to a produce race with a total of 1555 and never before has any race attracted BO many different scions of so many different stallions To look over the list of stock horses rep ¬ resented gives a real idea of the thoroughbred stallions in senice A remarkable number of new ones appear for the first time Among those in the list are Foreground Ambassa ¬ dor IV St Inson Gnome Frizzle Omar Khayyam Jim Gaffncy Superman Dick Fin nell Yulcain Fayctte Vindex Beachcomber War Cry Berrilldon Escoba Midway Rock Yicw Tea Caddy Sweep Bulse Meridian The Wanderer Wrack Sarmatian Danger Rock Fair Play Hourless Light Brigade Peter Quince Erskine Dale Bryn Mawr Tro ¬ jan Troutbeck Von Tromp Ormcsdale Adams Express Porte Drapcau Flittcrgold Black Toncy Huon Transvaal His Majesty Zeus Man o War Polymelian Over There Sweep On Sun Briar Donnacona Tchad The Finn Pennant Crimper Blazes Trap Rock Golden Broom Under Fire Dodge Sobieski Paul Wcidel Theo Cook Ballot Peter Pan Delhi North Star III High Time Broomstick Domi ¬ nant Whisk Broom H Johrcn Wildair Bur tonsvillc Brown Prince II Uncle SirJJarton Harmonicon Helmet Prince Pal Assagai Torchbcarer Spanish Prince H Behave Your Eelf Honeywood Atheling II Slar Hampton McGee SoninLaw Harry Shaw Last Coin War Star Eliminator Trompe la Morte Han ¬ nibal Luke McLuke Paicines Belloc Madri galian The Vizier Colonel Vennie Hilihamp ton Damrosch Prince Ahmed Allumeur Old Koenig Royal H Wonnleighton Hessian St Rock Sir Martin Ormondale War Fame Lib ¬ erty Loan Palo Alto Manager Waite The Manager Aeronaut Colin The Porter Lough Foylc Lough Storm Glcncairn Cudgel War Shot Jas T Clark Jusqu au Bout Gold Enamel Upset Vandergrift Star Master King Gorin King James Thunderer Basil Wig stone Marathon Ultimatum Cataract Dis ¬ guise Lemonora Somme Kiss Cylgad Ar ¬ chaic George Smith Nassovian Sandmob Prestige Durbar Gay Crusader Gainsbor ¬ ough Pommern Galloper Light Stefan the Great Buchan Diadumenos Stornoway Kwangsu Iron Duke Campfire Malamont Inchcape Lucullitc Purchase Sir John John ¬ son Hand Grenade Runnymede Dalhousie Calgary First Sight Senator Crow Poultney Half Rock Eyebrow El Dinero H Sea Rock Chicle All Gold Maintenant Negofol Lemberg Sunstar Atwell Eternal and Prince Palatine included in the list being eighteen of the most fashionable stallions standing in England