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NOT A DETAIL OVERLOOKED New Washington Park Breeders Association Planning Carefully Expect Combination of Clnbhousc Paddock and Grandstand to Be Pleasing Innova ¬ tion To Begin Work February 15 The New Washington Park Breeders As ¬ sociation presents on the twelfth paga of Daily Racing Form Its plans for a combina ¬ tion of the clubhouse paddock and grand ¬ stand at its proposed race track at RLverdale Tho combination is an innovation and a great convenience for the reason that one can go to and from the clubhouse to the grandstand through the pergolas By having the paddock between the clubhouse and the grandstand It permits club members and guests to view the weighingiri of tli j jocic eys the saddling and other interesting fea ¬ tures that can be seen in the paddock during race meetings meetingsThe The plans show only tne north wing of the clubhouse and the dining porches but the clubhouse proper will be one of the most complete and best equipped In the United States Besides various dining rooms and a large auditorium for dancing and conven ¬ tions there will be various private dining rooms a trophy room rest rooms and par ¬ lors lorsIn In connection with th clubhouse will be a complete uptodate modern gymnasium turkish and vapor bath department swim ¬ ming pool of official dimensions and every ¬ thing complete that will be an innovation including an indoor gob department departmentThe The paddock will be built entirely on lines that judge Joseph A Murphy has preached for some time Besides the stereotype stalls and walks for the horses the paddock will be more of a garden than anything else1 a fountain at each end palms and blooming plants in abundance There will be two per ¬ golas leading from the clubhouse to the grandstand the upper structure connecting with the mezzanine floor of the grandstand All around the paddock on the mezzanine floor will be placed opera chairs so those desiring to witness tho saddling of their favorites need not bo inconvenienced by walking several hundred yards in bad weather The paddock too will contain besides judges apartments racing secreta ¬ ries office emergency hospital veterinarians office jockeys apartments containing lav oratories shower baths and all modern im ¬ provements and an open airdome for jockeys jockeysThe The picture of the grandstand shows only a partial section of the south end The com ¬ plete stand will be SS8 feet long and will ac ¬ commodate over 25000 people All entrances and exits will be ramps There will not be a single pair of stairs in the grandstand proper All ramps will be fifteen feet in width so there need be no fear of congestion going to and from the coliseum under the grandstand The coliseum will accommodate a crowd of 40000 people and can bo used Continued on tenth page NOT A DETAIL OVERLOOKED Continued from first page for horse shows and livestock exhibition of all kinds and when erected will be con ¬ formed to these ideas ideasThe The laying out of the entire plant has been arranged by engineer William J Murray and architect Scott C Dyer on suggestions offered by judge Joseph A Murphy whoso years of experience has taught him a great many points of advantage that can be made practical in the building of a new plant plantLAWX LAWX ARRANGEMENT ARRANGEMENTThe The lawns and approaches will all be something entirely new and will be arranged with a level of platforms each ten feet wida with eightinch fall These arrangements will afford thousands of guests a good view of the entire race track and those standing on the top tier can easily see over the heads of those in front frontThe The entire construction of all buildings will be of steel and reinforced concrete the finishing will be of various colored tile and terra cotta The roof too will conform to the same ideas ideasJudge Judge Joseph A Murphy and a committee are now in session at New Orleans and havo practically settled on a program making the social features of the new organization a separate department departmentWhile While the New Washington Park Breed ¬ ers Association has practically been financed Judge Murphy has insisted on a popular sub ¬ scription of at least 500000 of the two mil ¬ lion dollar proposition also that the club affair be run on strictly social lines which provides for a life membership charter and social members with a limit of five thou ¬ sand sandAll All arrangements are made and actual work on the plant proper will commence on February 15 In the meantime a prospectus and full details of the organization will bo mailed those who have already made appli ¬ cation for membership