5th Race [5th Tijuana, Daily Racing Form, 1923-01-23

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1 IIIc and TO Yards J ycarolds and upvard Claiming Jan BLACK THONG b g 7 10 1 1Trainer By Sweeper Blarney or Irish Lad Ascot Belle by byGalliard Trainer H B Allen Owror B B Allen Galliard Bred in Frauco by H IJ Duryea 67749 Tijuana ImTOy IMSTJfast 9 10S 5 7 76G739 o 2 E Petzoldt 7 Louis KKankin WMontgomy 6G739 DadePrk 1 110 147 fast 31 105 a 4 31 2 A Roach o HGear TwinBlue BeesWinj 66700 DadePrk 1 113 I477 fa3t 1110 110 1 6 6GGG27 3J I1 E Petzoldt 7 WadssLast Jake Fcld Phelan GGG27 Latonia 1 14 206 ifast 41 Itf7 11 8 8CG578 SI S T Brothcrsl2 The Wit Kama Pirate McGee CG578 Latonia 1 116 l47fasjt 9 1C8 12 4 465GG3 3 T Hrothersl2 TonyBeau FosEmbry JakeFeld 65GG3 Latonia 1 116 l47 ifast 11 112 9 9 9G4G87 9 9 = L McDott 9 Lou Widris Megan Matineeldol G4G87 Churchill 1 116 l47 fast 13 108 6 3 3TAWASENTHA 21 U H Gray 8 Kunquol Nurture Walnut Ilsii TAWASENTHA ch m C 102 102Trainer By Vulcaia Belle of Arcadia by Plaudit PlauditBreeder Trainer H Cooper Owner R Cooper Breeder H G Herring 67791 Tijuana ImTOy l45ifast 31 102 1 2 41 613 H Long i Dmitello IhleyBoy Fircworth 67767 Tijuana Im70y l44fast 63 105 5 5IS 7 767G78 7 7li G Cooper 7 JohnSIteardon Senipis Bastille 67G78 Tijuana ImOy l45fast IS 110 2 2llf 1 1 2l H Long 7 SumSiKh LManning Wai Dant fiG42 Tijuana 51 f 103 fast llf 103 8 8SO 9 71 GJ F Stevens 9 PhroncWard Icon DarkAges C7600 Tijuana Im70y l44Hfast SO 102 2 41 4l H Long 9 FrkFogarty SummerSich Vic Vic7M 65078 Hastings 61 f 125 mud 14 105 7M F Cantrell 7 Croyle HontCeorse FlorDeen C4999 Bghouae 1 116 IMDHslow 41 101 101lOf 33 H Long 8 GMInt Cafeteria LLachmuaJ 04870 Bghouse 1 116 l4SSjfast lOf 95 21 W Dean 9 YorkLassIe Deckhand LorMos LorMos7TJ 34114 fast 122T 101 7TJ W Dean 9 Money Bittern SuUllnz Maggie By Watervale Eastern Shore by Tho Bari Trainer C Berry Owner Thompson Berry Breeder T Piatt 67600 Tijuana Im70y IMSfast S 101 3 3 31 3 C Rails 9 FFosty SumrSigh Tawastha G7ri34 Tijuana ImTOy l47 fast 5 108 5 6 5 5i 3 k c Ralla 10 ByRight TomOwens IIorLcrcU 67398 Tijuana 1 18 l54 fast 4 108 4 5 4 4 C Rails i Kjrrcso Just Kiglit Madge i 67339 Tijuana 1 18 l54fast 5 111 6 5 4 4 C Rails 7 Eugenia K Dolph WalterDant 67303 Tijuana 1 18 l55fast 2710 103 1 5 51 4J C Ralla G Regreso Sum Sigh Dissolute 67191 Tijuana 1 116 l54ihvy 3310 104 1 2 2S 1 C Rails G Yermak Torsida Cnamnuo 67137 Tijuana 1 l46hvy 4 105 4 5 4i 4 4r C Rails RailsGG976 G MyRose MollicBarnes Dissolute GG976 Tijuana ImTOy 149 hvy 9 r 5 S 5 67J C Rails G Buckhornll Rajah FkFojarty FkFojartyBy FkFojartyCAFETEBIA CAFETEBIA WoolsthorpaTrainer ch ra 7 109 By Abe Frank Suffice by Woolsthorpa Trainer E HcCown Owner KcCown Elmer Breeder B A Trammel 67723 Tijuana ImTOy l47faat 45 110 1 1 I1 1 E3 PctzoldtlO Sirs Pat Au Revoir Go On 67598 Tijuana Im70y 14S fast 65 110 123 31 W Martin 8 TomCraven Fireworlh Montona MontonaG743G G743G Tijuana 1 142 fast 7 103 1 2 31 3 C Rails 7 Regreso Yermak Dissolute DissoluteG7380 G7380 FlyG7210 Tijuana 34 l14fast 9 105 8 8 91 8 2 W Martin 11 Aryanna She Devil July Fly G7210 Tijuana 34 l16slow 131 101 1 1 I1 2 W Martin 8 Bill Head Romulus Kimono KimonoG5280 G5280 EugenialCG5255 Hastings C f 123 fast 14 107 5SJ H Moltera 7 HGeorge FlorDeen EugenialC G5255 Hastings ImTOy 150 good 165 107 3 H Moiters 8 AUVlck Donatello BessIeYoung BessIeYoungG5222 G5222 Hastings 1 116 l21alov S 109 I4 II Molters S Deckhand DoubVan licrniceH licrniceHSHE SHE DEVIL ch m 7 102 By Peep oDay Meddlesome She by MediUr MediUrTrainer Trainer B Creech Owner B Creech Breeders Ott Barbee 67790 Tijuana ImTOy IMSfcfast 33 102 1 1 13 2 W Martin 7 Buckhorn II Purl My Rose 67678 Tijuana ImOy l157ifast 7 IBS 3 3 5i S E Petzoldt 7 Tasentha SumSigh LManning 67642 Tijuana 51 f 108 fast 7 103 2 6 53 5 1 G Ralla 9 PhroneWard Icon DarkAges 67380 Tijuana 34 l14Kfast l14KfastG7361 41 103 2 4 31 2 J Thomas 11 Aryanna July Fly Lavaga G7361 Tijuana 34 l14fast l14fastG7278 20 104 1 7 63 GJ E Petzoldt 8 Herder Honest George John Jr G7278 Tijuana 34 l14fast 85 113 4 1 Il 23 T Rae 9 DtorTubbs AuKnvoir Bkworm 67249 ARfginaG7119 Tijuana 51 f 103 fast fastG7119 51 109 1 8 8 63 T Rae S MMaulsby PhWard ARfgina G7119 Tijuana 51 f l10mud l10mudGG977 24 111 4 7 8l 8 H Molters 9 Tmbeola Komulus Lock Leven LevenGG977 GG977 Tijuana 34 117 hvy hvyGG573 3t 112 3 8 8 S11 M Fator S BBlkwclI HoulGrgc Bittern BitternGG573 GG573 Akron 34 l16 l16Vfefaat faat 4 105 1 J Pevic 8 Glenn Ballynew Panaman PanamanGG471 GG471 Akron 1 116 153 slow 4 106 3 W Taylor G North Wales Glenn Eva Song SongMY MY KOSE ch m 5 109 By Rock View Vava by Stalwart StalwartTrainer Trainer M F Williams Owner M F Williams Breeder J B Gorham 67790 Tijuana ImTOy l45Vifast 23 10S 5 2 2l 4 J P Stevens 7 Buckhorn II She Devil Purl 67551 Tijuana ImTOy 1 45 45fast = Sfast 6 IDS 4 4 C 4SS W Pool 7 SumSigli Yermak Cavaldrll 67413 Tijuana ImTOy 143 fast 4 IDS 3 6 51 4J1 M Fator 7 Cavaldrll SumSisl SilkSox 67203 5JMG7248 Tijuana 1 18 l53fast 8 113 4 4 41 5JM Fator G Kegreso Summer Sigh Dissolute DissoluteG7248 G7248 Tijuana 1 1S 153 fast 10 106 4 1 1 1 M MG7171 Fator G SumSigh Bkhornll PrDirect G7171 Tijuana 1 l4Shvy 10 100 2 5 5l 6 M MG7137 Fator G Rajah Louaniia Barriskane G7137 Tijuana 1 l46hvy 135 102 2 3 21 1 M MG7099 Fator G Mollie Barnes Dissolute Vic G7099 Tijuana 1 l46hvy 50 103 3 3 21 2 = k M Fator 8 Whippet Dissolute Theresa 66471 Akron 1 116 6 153 slow 20 102 6 O Atwell G North Wales Glenn She I Iy 66404 Akron Im70y y l51V mud 41 112 4 1 W WGG3G9 Taylor 6 Clip Will Soon Prospectoi Prospectoiy GG3G9 Akron ImTOy y 148 fast 31 98 4T P PCHARLEY Gross 7 Glenn Sentimental Puzzle CHARLEY BOY t g 5 111 By Zeu ZeuTrainer Zeus Bomania by Pe p oD r Trainer F Bechtelheimer Owner Sunflower Stable Breeder White Garaett 67791 PenceFlarG7707 Tijuana ImTOy l fast 3 106 9 8 6 23 C CG7707 Rails Donatello Fircworth PenceFlar WMgomyG7G63 G7707 Tijuana ImTOy 145 fast 31 1123 6 61 4 1 H HG7G63 Molters 7 FFogarly Regreso WMgomy G7G63 Tijuana 1 116 l47fast 12 117 3 7 7 7 3 H HG7493 Molter 7 Bkhornll WMtgomy Piedra PiedraG7493 G7493 GipJoeG7399 Tijuana 1 l42fast 30 110 4 4 3 1 I1 H Molters 7 SiiwrbMgh ColSiiider GipJoe G7399 Tijuana 1 116 148 fast 34 112 6 1 8 8i E Dugan 8 Ixiuanni FFosty WMlgomy 67339 Tijuana 1 18 l54 fast 6 116 3 4 5 6 3 I Fletcher 7 Eugenia K Vic Dolph 67280 Tijuana ImTOy llafast 19 III 3 8 8 8 R Carter S FFosty McGsPk Cvldrll 67228 Tijuana 34 l137sgood 1710 10S 8 7 8 8 E Fator S DrJoluin UstalFord CC5ov r rNELLIE NELLIE oDayTrainer HABPEB b f 4 102 By Harrigan Beatrice Soule by Peap oDay Trainer T Davidson Ownoer H Calwell Breeder B A Jones JonesG5283 G5283 Hastings 1 12 238 fast 45 102 21 W Miller 9 Sample Prince Direct Lagsan OlympiadG5036 65154 Hastings 1 14 214r slop 4 119 2 J Deford Sample Bessk Young Olympiad G5036 Bghouse 1 142 good H 114 4 J Deford Tulalip Sample Cape Clover 64908 Bghouse 1 18 153 fast S 117 3 J Deford G Tulalip HalWright CaptClovr HWrilhtC4293 54778 Brhouse 34 l14fast 7 110 3J J Defonl G CapClover FlorDo n HWrilht SampleG4014 C4293 Hastings CJ f 123 fast 41 117 43 J Deford 8 Hal Wright FlorDeen Sample G4014 ShclbyvilleG3933 Brhouse 1 l41 = ifast 10 107 I1 J Deford 7 Sample CaptClover Shclbyville G3933 Brhouse 34 115 faat 41 112 2 = i J Deford 7 FlorDeen WPrince LFIorence LFIorenceWHIPPET WHIPPET b g 5 115 By Broomstick Greyhound by Peter Pan PanTrainer Trainer J McCoolr Owner J McCoolo Breeder H P Whitney 67790 Tijuana ImTOy l45fast 6 115 7 6 6J G71 A Claver 7 Iuekliorn II She Dovil Purl 07619 Tijuana ImTOy l4Tfcfast 5 115 7 5 41 43 A Claver 8 Regreso WMgoiay KRankia KRankiaG73GO G73GO Tijuana 1 116 l4Sfast 38 110 4 1 1 1 E Fator G Kesrcso Piedra Summer Sigh 67248 Tijuana 1 1S 153 fast 185 110 1 6 6 53 C Rails G MyKose SnmSigh Ruckhcrnll 67157 Tijuana 1 l4Shvy 31 113 3 2 21 1 A Claver 7 Livaea XorthToxver EuseniaK 67099 Tijuana 1 l46hvy 65 108 1 2 in 1 ° A Claver 8 Mr Rose Dissolute Theresa GG97G Tijuana ImTOy 149 hvy 4310 10S 144 4 = 3 M Fator G Buckhornll Rajah FkFosarty G6948 Tijuana 34 117 slop 910 110 3 2 21 21 W Pool 7 Johnlr Sacrcs Walter Dunt I IKOSITY br f 3 By Athelinc n Lady Trinity by Star Shoot Trainer G Berry Owner Nevada Stock Farm Breeder Nevada Stock Farm FarmG749G G749G Tijuana 1 l42 fast 2 97 1 8 S 7 C Rails 8 MsPink SilkSox Proclamation 62392 Reno 58 l01fast 175 99 4 W Miller 7 DTerpin BrnKent CarEnriqu G3274 Reno 58 l00fast 6 101 41 B McEwen 7 Fabcr Lady Leonid Sir Leonid 63227 Reno 41 i rtfast 3 10S in P Martinez 7 SirUonid MartBuneh FKierc 61080 Tijuana 12 49Hfast 12 112 5 3 3l 2t C II Miller 9 Tule Gilliflowcr Melchoir 60943 Tijuana 12 4Pgood 125 112 5 3 3 3 C H MillerlO Lady Myra El Roble Tule TuleOKLEANS OKLEANS GIBL br m 6 107 By Jack Atkin Lady Installator by Installat r Trainer G Neal Owner Neal Eros Breeder T Shaw 67436 Tijuana 1 142 fast 23 103 566 f J H Long 7 Regreo Yermak Cafeteria 67398 Tijuana 1 18 l54 fast 26 103 366 6Ti II Long G Kesreso Just Right Madge F 67278 Tijuana 34 l14fast 41 110 7 4 65J 65i H Long 9 DtorTubbs SheDevil AtiKevoir AtiKevoir6487G i 6487G Bghouse 1 116 l4Sfast 2 101 C5i H Long 9 YLassie Tawasentha Decklunrf 64812 Bghouse 34114 fast 30 107 6J II Molters 9 Money Bittern Smiling Massie 64294 Hastings ImTOy IMSrifast 4 102 45 T Wilson G Donatello Miss Sedalia Keydo 63982 Brhouse ImTOy l45fast 125 103 31 H Long 7 Reydo Jerry Louis Lachmund LachmundRING RING HippodromeTrainer ROSE ch g 5 109 By Seth Bosa Bing by Hippodrome Trainer J G Bussey Owser W Nestlehouse Breeder D Lehan LehanG73G1 G73G1 Tijuana 34 l14fast 22 111 6 4 4l 5J M Andson 8 Herder Honest George John Jr 67304 Tijuana 51 f lOTlifast 26 110 7 5 7 63 M Andson 7 P Ward EBrown BBlackwell BBlackwellGG177 GG177 Hthorn 34 118 slow 6 113 I 3 31 6 i J Kederis 12 BrotherJohn BattylL ArPoint ArPointGG081 GG081 Hthorne Im70y 202 imud 2 111 6 2 21 45i J Kederis G Sea Way Lcndonia Madge F 65881 Hthorne 1 116 l45fast 3 101 S 4 4i 5 E Petzoldt S Frank Fogarty Piedra Louis LouisG5737 G5737 Hthorne ImTOy l4Tfast 8 1021 1 3 2 11 J Kederis G Grayssiau Madrono MDommzio MDommzioG5480 G5480 Lexton 34 113 fast 21 10T1 4 4 4l 4 N Barrett 7 SamReb CotlieRst GrMiuard 65391 Lexton 34 l162 hvy S 110 5 1 3 2i N Barrett G ChUenry CotheRoost Jordan JordanMB MB X BurgomasterTrainer ch g 5 109 By Frizzle Floral Park by Burgomaster Trainer C Bnxtoa Owner A Marrone Breeder F J Grefer GG810 Bowie 1 116 l52 fart 14f lot 3 7 10 12 C Lang 14 Transient Betty J Rray 66789 Marlboro ImTOy l52Vifast C 111 1 3 3 C2 M Buxton i Salt Peter Sir Adsitm Ftiten GG775 Mboro Ab 6 f 129 good 29 113 6 6 4 41 M Buxton 7 Salt Peter Rtinnan Star four j fastI 66732 Mboro Ab 61 f 126 fast 4 113 1 1 4 4 J M Buxton 8 Purl Jip Mtima Ina Kay I 66443 Empire 1 116 l13fast 10 103 5 4 6 7SJ E Kummerll BalMark SLislitlll StIsidoru i 66341 Empire 1 116 l497afast l497afastG6273 15 107 1 5 13 13IS E KumnierlH ServStar I idHerbert Hiionec HiionecImTOy I G6273 Empire ImTOy I46rifa3t 7 101 9 8 9110J E Bell 11 Sir Galahad II Consort Orderly i GG104 Laurel 1 116 152 good 8f 103 6 4 6 T1 M Buxton 13 Phalnris CurtEvcnts I dsLova I 6G009 Laurel 1 116 149 fast 25C 105 2 4 T 10 J G BreungU K George K Trojau Ks Bell

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1923012301/drf1923012301_10_2
Local Identifier: drf1923012301_10_2
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800