7th Race [7th Tijuana, Daily Racing Form, 1923-01-23

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K 12 Fnrlonci Ityearold and npirard Claiming June 2St PHBOHE WAED cb m 7 111 By Prospero Zulu Karr by Florist FloristBreeder Trainer C B Irwin Ow er C B Irwin Breeder S A Beckbam C7642 Tijuana 0 f lOS fast 115 111 4 1 1 Il J Thomas 9 Icon Dark Ages Tabloid 67579 Tijuana 41 f 54Ufast 95 112 S 4 45S 31 35 J Thomas S Settle Sister Susie Pueblo C7516 Tijuana 5S 102 fast 21 110 4 1 Il 1 J Thomas 8 Hortnsa Pay Off Do Admit 67473 Tijuana 41 f 54 fast 4 106 3 2 3 = 1 4J D Hum 7 Kinglikc Incognance Tabby A 67456 Tijuana 58 l00fast 710 114 4 1 S 3J D Hurn 8 CocaCola Aryanna M Manage 67412 Tijuana 58 53fast 2f 92 4 2 6s 7 P Hurn 10 Lion dOr MotorCop LButtor 67304 Tijuana 51 f l07Hfast 1310 109 1 1 Il l k M Fator 7 EItrown BBIkwell CBartliell 67249 Tijuana 51 f lOS fast 9 IDS 7 3 2l 2 M Fator S MMaulsfay ARegina CocaCola 65879 Hthorne 61 f lOSfast 15 109 3 3ul 4 4 J 61 D Hurn 9 Harrylt lirilliaut Kay Dioincd 65689 Hthorne 01 f 1OS fast 10 107 4 5 8 8 D Hum 12 Tuscola LinaClark McssFoxII 65621 Omaha 34 l13rifast 145 112 1 D Hurn 0 Icon Mnysville Bob Giles C5472 Omaha 58 101 slow 910 107 2 D Hurn 0 BeisWecli Money New Model SISTEB STJSIE b m 10 103 By Galveston Sweet Lavender by Goldfinch GoldfinchE Trainer K E LoTell Owner H T Palmer Breeder J B Hacpin 67642 Tijuana 51 f 108 fast 4310 111 549 91 H S Jones 9 Phrone Ward Icon Dark Ages C7579 Tijuana 41 f 54Afast 10 110 2 2 21 21 H S Jones 8 Settle Phrone Ward Pueblo 67516 Tijuana 58 102 fast 14 115 2 6 61 6 H S Jones 8 PlironeWard Horinga Pay Off 67414 Tijuana 58 101 fast 41 112 3 2 2 6s H S Jones 8 Joe Blair Pay Off Corncutter CorncutterEl 67340 Tijuana El f lOC fast 8 109 J 3 4 41 H Jones G Harryl Kinglikc AnnaKcginn AnnaKcginn5S 67323 Tijuana 5S 101 fast S 114 1 1 31 5J H Jones 8 Ask Jessie Hcnler Tubby A 7282 Tijuana 51 f l07fast GS 111 6 7 71S H Jones 7 MartBnnch Fireplace Kinglike KinglikeAb G6538 Akron Ab uS C9faat 1310 115 i F Lux 7 LocbLevcn Diocletian Wdpile MISS ZMMA G cb f 4 100 By Ma mont Bessie La timer by Lord Esterlis EsterlisTrainer Trainer J S Steward Owner J S Steward Breeder A Brown 67727 Tijuana 58 l01 fast C6 115 6 6 6 43 R Carter G PayOff DarkAges FloreeDeen 67621 Tijuana 1 l44 fast 2 103 9 6 35 41 P Hurn 11 PceFlag Procmation GenCzar 67496 Tijuana 1 l425 l4254fast fast 5 99 3 2 31 4i P Hum 8 MsPink SilkSox Proclamation 67380 Tijuana 34 l14ifast 4310 107 7 10 71 73 A Claver 11 Aryanua She Devil July Fly 67264 Tijuana 34 l14fast 3 106 7 4 41 8 R Flynn S CSuider DonJose IWIIarper 63600 Windsor 34 lir lirC2119 11 94 12 12 12 12 P Walls 11 Stoto Ultra Gold Helen Atkin C2119 Thncliffo 34 llJTsfast 2310 104 104DABK 41 J Thomas 9 Sword Selota Griselda DABK AGES b f 4 105 105Trainer By Honeywocd Ina I by Otis OtisBreeder Trainer A Brent Owner E P Gardner Breeder Nevada Stock Farm FarmG 67727 Tijuana 58 l01 fast 135 113 5 2 2i A Claver G PayOff FlorceDeen MisEmG C7G42 Tijuana 51 f 108 fast llf 105 6 3 1 E31 A Claver 9 Plirone Ward Icon Tabloid G747G Tijuana 58 101 fast 33 107 6 61 771 C Rails 7 HarryD B Blackwell GraceE 65870 Kworth 34 l14Hfast 4 98 7 31 4i W Organ 9 Garfield Tricks Dalton 65777 Kworth 34 l13 fast 12 100 2 6 6i W Organ 8 Ogarite AmerEagle Nightstick C5401 Woodne 34 113 fast 135 104 S 6 6l W Organ 9 Spinaxvay Sagamore Ogarite G5104 Dorval 34 119 hvy 40 100 5 7 711 W Organ 7 BlyBelle Anticipate Roisterer 65023 Dorval 34 l13V fast 46 105 1 5s 6si W Organ 7 MumJuiubo Titania MaTournn 64834 BBnncts 34 l12fast 60 100 4 8 8 J Wallace 8 Assume LecEnficld Mavourneb DANCING GIHL cb m 7 108 108Trainer By Olambala Bancin Wave by Top Gallant GallantBreeder Trainer J Eckert Owner J Eckert Breeder J D Ncct 67511 Tijuana 58 102 fast 8 110 5 C 4J E Fator 8 HazelDale RLOwen FutlMoon 67342 Tijuana CS 101 fast 26 112 7 7IS 51 54 E Fator 7 Pueblo IlainillonA Corncutter G7246 Tijuana 58 101 fast IS 109 C 5 41 4 E Fator 8 Ask Jessie Joe lilalr Milda 67210 Tijuana 34 l16H low 11 108 7 C 6i 6 ° E Fator 8 Bill Head Cafeteria Uomulus UomulusC C7021 Tijuana Cl f lllVirnud 41 111 5 C 6 6TJ B Fator 7 Kenward NorthTower Tcnnilea 66977 Tijuana S4 117 bvy 6 113 C 6 5 5 A Claver 8 BBlkwell HontGrge Iittern 66928 Tijuana B8 l02mud 4 114 6 3 3J 21 A Claver 6 HoutGrge VanWelles Angela VANESSA WELLES cb m 8 8Trainer 116 By Dick Welles Vanessa by BalvMero BalvMeroasr Trainer J J Quinlan Ow asr Qnialan b Heirel Breeder T Piatt Piattl 07743 Tijuana 34 l14fast l 5 116 1 3 Sl 13 M Garrett 9 Cabin Crk Poacher Pretender 67621 Tijuana 1 l44fast 4 112 6 2 6J 73 M Garrett 11 PceFlag Procmation GenCzar 67470 Tijuana 34 l14fast 75 111 2 1 I Il M Garrett 10 View Plantarenet Red Man 67299 Tijuana 51 f lOSVtfast lOSVtfastS7247 4 109 4 6 6 53 M Garrett 7 Galway TliirtySvn Al Porter S7247 Tijuana 61 f l07fast 10 109 3 5 4 41 M Garrett 8 Herder Horace Lercli Neg 6780 Tijuana tl f 112 hvy hvyC6949 7 112 4 4 4J1 3 M Garrett 7 Joe Tag Vera Rita Tennllee C6949 Tijuana 34 l16islop 3 113 6 6 51 53 R Carter 7 LFlorence NtliShore CRobta 66920 Tijuana 58 l02mud 8 114 2 4 41 3 i M Garrett 6 HonGoorgc DancGirl Angela ILADT I ONID ch chTrainer f 3 92 By Leonid Justine by Kodrnd KodrndBreeder Trainer R H Daniels Owner C B Daniel Breeder C B Dsnlels 67748 Tijuana 34 lMifast 21 87 8 S SEl 85 iM Garrett 11 MManlsby Uorlnga Hs Heir G7640 Tijuana El f lOS fast 176 9S 3 C CE 41 4 C Rails 8 Reap Faber El Uotle Uotle4J 67513 Tijuana E f lCSXrast 5 99 5 E 4J 34 C Rails 8 Bowsprit El Rolile Miss Edna 67433 Tijuana 51 f lOSfast C6 102 2 2 21 2 C Rails 7 Bowsprit PeaceFlag Norfield 67265 Tijuana 51 f 108 fast 7 99 2 3 3C8 31 2 W Iool 12 ItrianKent Bowsprit Noonhouc 66975 Tijuana C8 l02 hvy 14 97 6 6 65S 6 611 C Rails G JoellaJ ClosEnrique DTcrpln GG917 Tijuana 5S 103 mud S 107 4 f 31 21 M Fator 7 SilverMald Plnaqiiana PrPuss PrPuss3i 63584 Reno 41 f 55 fast 7 110 3i P Caron 7 CEurique Brian Kent Mltunen MltunenI C33UO Itcnu 41 f 54 fast 85 105 I P Caron 7 MartBunch ElmerW FKierce 63314 Reno RenoFULL 41 f 55 fast 125 105 105m 3 P Caron 7 OUenry Briuu Kent Elmer V VBy FULL MOON blk m 5 111 111M By Dick Fianell Caller On by OddfcUow Trainer E M Kollenbeck Owner B M M5S Hollcnbeck Breeder McB Moore 67805 Tijuana 5S 101 fast 8 10S S 6 6BS 65 C F Seremball Pay Off Vibrate Noonbonr 67679 Tijuana BS 101 fast 135 108 S 7 7BS 1 3 = 1 II Long 11 Angela Joe Tag Pay Off G7G39 Tijuana BS l014fast 1310 10S 3 1 1BS 1 Il M MilTick 7 Milda Alajah F G Corley 67546 Tijuana BS 102 fast S5 107 1 1 15S Il 1 = 1 M MUrickll Kline Red Man NorfleW 67511 Tijuana 5S 102 fast 2110 105 3 4 41 3J F Stevens 8 HazrlDatc RLOwcn DcinGirl G7361 Tijuana 34 l147sfast 11 96 4 J JEl 3 41 M Milrick 8 Heidcr Honest George Jobn Jr 67268 Tijuana El f l07Xfast 8 6 5 3 41 3i M SlUrick 9 Pay Off John Jr Harrylfiidder G7100 Tijuana 51 f 111 hvy 10 104 5 4 4Ci 41 4 C Rails 7 Harry D Pueblo Jolin Jr 63737 Reno Ci f l077ifist C 103 8TJ P Hum 8 LyTfoc EneenlaK Sacnsento 63G38 Ueno 34 l14Hfaat 6 R Duggan S Mof Ansel IWIlarner CSnider TTJLE b f 3 92 By Atbellnc IT Wblms by Ocden OcdenTrainer Trainer G Berry Owner Nevada Stock Farm Breeder Nevada Stock Farm 67770 Tijuana 51 f l07 = fast 140f 95 5 7 S S l P Walls It Inrognance IlontGge TubbyA 67640 Tijuana El f 1OS fast 15 S7 5 5C7533 4 E 5 1 W Dean S Reap Faber El Roble RobleC7533 C7533 Tijuana El f lOSHfast 8 101 4 3 4 S i F Stevens 5 Athanna Sir Leonid Faber 67358 Tijuana 34 l12ttfast 1C 107 5 B Cl 5 B Parke Delantc CEnrique Knighthood 63392 Reno CarEnriqueII 5S l01fast 175 111 6T1 P Martinez 7 DTerpin BrnKent CarEnrique 63023 Reno 41 II OHenryII f 54fast 7 106 1 B McEwen G DickTerpin SirLconid OHenry 62801 Reno 41 II f E6 good 125 113 113G1080 6 1 C Duggan 7 Dick Terpin Faber Sir I eonid G1080 Tijuana 12 4SXfast 12 109 C 2 2 1 G Willims 9 Irosity Gilliflower Melcboir 0943 Tijuana 12 49good 126 114 9 9FLOEENCE 7 41 4 P MartinezlO Lady Myra El Ruble Iroalty Iroaltyb FLOEENCE DEEN b f 4 100 100Trainer By Discontent G rr no y Oti Trainer V Cloud nd Owner 0 Hendricks Breeder H H Trowbridge 67727 Tijuana 58 IrtUifast 115 110 3 3C7516 4 3l 3J H Long G PayOff Dark Ages MissEmG MissEmGE8 C7516 Tijuana C8 102 fast fastC5280 C 110 5 7 Cl 5 E Pctzodt 8 PlironeWard llorinjra Pay Off Offi C5280 Hastings CJ i f 123 fast 17 103 251 D Powell 7 HGrorge KtigenlaK ColItoyle ColItoyleII 65155 Hastings 61 II f l21slop l21slopG5078 6 108 4 T Wilson 4 Collloyle HonGeorge Grayson GraysonH G5078 Hastings 61 H f 125 mud 7 111 21 D Powell 7 Col Boyle HoatCeorep JohnJr 64997 Bghouse 34 116 slow 3710 110 2 J H Baker 7 Collloyle Sliclbyville HGeorze 64951 nKhouso 34 l14good 18 106 31 J II Baker 7 Money Bill Black well Bittern C4778 Brhouse 34 l14fast 31 110 21 J II Baker G CapClover NHarper HWrislit ES JANE br f 3 5 87 87Trainer By Bock View Jare Straith by DalkousJe Trainer J G Bussey Owner W NestlehmisaV Breeder W E Coover G7513 Tijuana El 1 f l SHfast SHfastC7376 20 103 3 4 5s C E Petzoldt 8 Kowsprlt niRoble Lady Leonid Leonidifl03 C7376 Tijuana El ifl03 f 103 fast 16 1M 6 S 81 7 i M AndsonlO Atbanna El Roble Sir Leonid LeonidES 67323 Tijuana ES 101 fast fast6G010 1E9 102 7 S S S l M Andson S Ask Jessie Herder Tubby A 6G010 Hthorno Cl f l14Shvy l14ShvyC5782 C 109 2 E 6 6 H S Jones 7 Ormont Crudenas Xapatos Xapatosi C5782 Hthorne El i f 1 l07 07 f fast ast 7 1C8J 4 S 31 3 H S Jones 7 Delante Onnont Dixie Dick DickES 64343 Toledo ES l01 = fast 34 108 I1 II S Jones 7 Futurette MnrgWare Zapato 64219 Toledo E8 l01Hfast 8 112 4i II S Jones S Delante Margaret Ware Cnrta 53893 MIIeiKhts Di f l03fast 2310 107 3 4 4 4 1 G Willims 9 Kirk Lady Dclante Antonia 53819 ILUeiahts i f 104 fait 2310 103 Z 1 1 1 G AVlLxmslO Kuturctte High Tea Oriental DO ADMIT b m ldsbyH 8 103 By Key Hindoo Admit by Inp ldsby Trainer G H Lambert Owner Millerick Bros Breeder Mrs L D Bumsey C7G42 Tijuana 51 f 1OS fast 46 103 9 7 8 S M Milrick 9 Phrone Ward Icon Dark Ag i 67516 Tijuana 58 102 fast 154 110 3 4 V 41 M Milrick 8 PhroncWard Horiflfca Pay Off 67323 Tijuana 5S Irti fast fast5i 111 104 5 7 7 7 M Milrick 8 Ask Jessie Herder Tubby A T3737 Rrno 5i f l07sfast 14 102 6 i Millerick 8 LyTtoc EugeniaK SacmenM 63484 Reno 34 l15Hfast 3 104 104C 2 Millerick 8 Sacramento Indiarrola Ethel 63358 Reno 51 f l07 fast C 106 31 Millerick 9 JoeTag JSWiggins Operator 62935 Reno 58 l02fast 8 106 I1 Millerick 10 MadHurry DrKdnll VicWoa 62797 Reno 42 101 4 Millerick 8 Candorosa MLsaScdalia BlkTop BlkTopBy I IOBENA MOSS br m 7 By Sir Wilfred Kitty X by Gotbam Trainer J T Strite Owner Strit It Valentine Breeder A P Humphrey Jr 67704 Tijuana 12 4SUfast 45f 111 7 7 7s 7 T Wilson 8 Hazel Dale Joe Tag Joe Blair 65282 Hastings 1 116 l50frst 9 112 33 B SIcEwen 9 Deckhand Cigale Bernice E 65188 Htgs Ab 1 18 l5S ihvy 1B5 103 3 1 T Wilson 7 Lariat Capon Bobolink 65121 Hastings Im70y l51 slow 1310 114 1 P Martinez 6 NebLad MaryFuller Cl Junia 65080 Hastings Im70y l50mud 0G 112 2 P Martinez 8 Cobrita Cork Clover Junia 64999 Bghouse 1 11S l49slow 11 101 6 i F Cantrel 9 G Mint Cafeteria Tawascntha 64876 Bghouse 1 116 l4Sfast 7 103 41 T Wilson 9 YLassie Tawascntlia Deckhand 64781 Brhouse Im70y l14 = fast 1 102 4s W Long 11 Cafeteria YkLassie T Brooks 64328 Hastings lmV J49 fast 61 102 2 W Miller G Jerry Black Top Conichon 64042 Brhouse 1 116 l4Sfast 2710 109 2 P J BakerlO AlWick GMuehlebach CSnider

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1923012301/drf1923012301_11_1
Local Identifier: drf1923012301_11_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800