Fair Grounds, Daily Racing Form, 1923-01-23


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Entries and Past Performances PerformancesFAIR FAIR GROUNDS TUESDAY JANUARY 23 23WEATHEU WEATHEU CLEAR TRACK MTTDIJl Racing starts at 215 p m Chicago time 215 Superior mud runner X Good mod runner J Fair mud runner M Maidens Apprentice allowance b Blinkers BlinkersFirat Firat Race 34 Kile Purse 1000 3yenrolds Maidens MaidensSpecial Special Weights Track record Feb 9 1918 1116 116Todays Todays 116 Ind Horse Wt Rec AWtUan 67687 First Blush 112 114 r 07477 Yorick 108115 115X720 67608 Gold Mount 101114 115X 15 67324 Kitty Carpenter 110X715 67750 Bonfire 90 114 115 lo 67750 King of the Spa 117 l20 l20iU = iU 115 710 67754 Bandeau 110X710 67687 Rupee 116 115 115 710 67708 Sultan 103 116 115 705 67687 Fernando 112115 110X705 67477 Joslo M 112110 110X705 66750 Kclneth 112 l23h 115 700 62281 Pauline M 110 700 700NebUh NebUh H5 Second Race 34 Kile KilePuree Puree 1000 3yearolds Claiming ClaimingTrack Track record Feb 0 1918 11114 6 116 67518 Manicure Maid 103 114 96X725 67731 Ghost 110114 101X720 67710 Old Top 103 113 104 715 67688 Kinsman 100114 107X715 67750 Kennmaro M 107 114 108 715 67771 Wrangler 103 115 101X715 67688 Sweet Mama 104 115 98 710 67750 Old Bine M 100116 101 705 67604 Flj in c Devil 110118 107 700 67603 Panasain M 104 110 105 700 67731 Bnm McBrlde 97 117 101X700 67750 Destination M 102 l19h 95 700 67688 Mlss Lelghton M 95 116 91X700 91X700Glenantxim Glenantxim Maid 96 96Third Third Race 34 Kile KileWhirl Whirl Puree PureePuree Puree 1000 4yearolds and upward Allowances Track record Feb 9 1918 111 6 116 66241 POE 110 l12sy 4 108 750 67752 Monastery 115 112 5 10GX740 67732 Colando 110 113 4 108X740 66767 Charles Henry 109 113 E 10GX735 67732 Orcua 105 113 6 10G735 67640 Last Effort 104 113 4 99X730 67646 Rapid Traveler 107 112 6 10CX730 67689 Wolf B Cry 102 113 4 104X730 62860 Court View 115 114 5 IOC 725 725Fourth Fourth Race 1 Kile KilePreliminary Preliminary Handicap HandicapPurse Purse 1200 3yearolds 3yearoldsTrack Track record Jan 11 1910 137 5 IOC 67772 Blue Nose 103 140 120X750 Ind Horse Wt Rec AWtHan 67690 bSetting Sun 109140 113X745 67584 Calcutta 103141 117X740 67772 Kent L 102 73j 73j674S7 674S7 Amole 99 730 730Fifth Fifth Race 1 Kile and 70 Yards YardsPurse Purse 1000 4yearolds and upward Claiming Track record Feb 12 1916 142 4 113 67771 Kirklevington 111148 6103X725 6103X72567691IbRatna 67691IbRatna 5108X720 67687 King Trojan 108144 B107X715 67565 bSea Mint 106144 6103X715 6103X71567777bMay 67777bMay Roberta 103143 6101X715 67811 bBiff Bang 107 144 C 111X715 67812 Slippery Elm 118 144 10 1070710 67462 bEttahe 107145 8107X710 67752 Paul Micon 105 l47s 4103X710 67629 bTrooper 113 l47s 8103X710 67646 Rep 109 145 5 100X710 67563 Hermis Keinble 100 145 4 108x705 67713 Lompus 107146 5107X705 67808 Grayson 112 l51m 8 103X705 103X705Sixth Sixth Race 1 116 Hiles HilesPurse Purse 1000 4yearolds and upward Claiming Track record Feb 13 1915 144 3 104 65904 = bCorson IOC 145 7 106X725 67289 0n High 7 146 6109X720 67777 bWar Prize 107 145 7 108x715 67692 Handfull 110 146 10108x715 67565 bEternity 111147 5108X715 67201 bMoody Ill 148 5 103x715 67686 bMormon Elder 113 146 7 114X710 67289 bLittlc Ed 112 147 7 108710 67483 bSt Germain 100 147 6 103X705 67483 Harvey Smarr 103 148 7 102X705 67463 = bWaukeag 67693 l Plantarede 103147 7109X700 61102 bToreador 87 150 6 102X700 63869 bAdventurc 4 96X700 96X700Soventh Soventh Race 1 116 Miles MilesPnrse Pnrse 1000 4yearolds and upward Claiming Track record Feb 13 1915 144 3 104 67756 bRuxom 96 148 67756 bPlenty 110 146 67559 Ballybell 106 147 67692 Bill and Coo 95 146 67714 Carnarvon 115 146 67608 Grace Daugberty 95 146 67629 Serbian 112147 67498 bHindoostan Ill 147 67628 Anna Gallup 100149 67348 bWill Soon 112 148 67629 Commander 115 148 67442 bKebo 103148 67587 Tanlac 110 147 67692 bHeimodeu M

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1923012301/drf1923012301_4_1
Local Identifier: drf1923012301_4_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800