1,559,959 In Eighteen Years, Daily Racing Form, 1923-01-24

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81559959 IN EIGHTEEN YEARS The compilation beneath shows the annual distribution in stakes and purses per year for and Includ ¬ ing since 1905 not only in the United States but in Canada Mexico and Cuba The totals arc enormous over eightyone and onehalf million dollars of which the United States gave nearly threequarters litre is the table of total 1903 5372402 229155 229155313E50 1900 5100531 313E50 1907 49457C9 429785 1908 3812151 439340 439340488CC7 1909 2469553 488CC7 i 1910 231C003 391983 1911 1583974 436710 1912 1507025 539110 i 1913 1890878 594640 1914 19398CO 609313 j 1915 1792765 688052 1910 2273521 900215 1917 2927933 074185 1918 3135037 3840 1919 4231197 4520 I J920 4993007 1809255 1921 5420733 1710015 17100151CS0495 1922 0037133 1CS0495 j Totals for Eighteen Ycar J01702CSO 12010027 37C73C3 1009050 3010228 81559939 i

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1923012401/drf1923012401_11_2
Local Identifier: drf1923012401_11_2
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800