5th Race [5th Havana, Daily Racing Form, 1923-01-24

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Kih DAPC 1 116 Miles 4yearold and upward Claiming Feb 3 1O1S 9111 nMUu 144 15 3 02 02BREAD BREAD LIKE lr m 6 100 By Delhi Hunger by Hanover HanoverTrainer Trainer J E Harrison Owner Georgia Stable Breeder J W Ccnigan C7740 Havana Im50y l44fast W Obert 8 Notime Win orQuit Ferrum C744C Havana 34 l15fast 13 106 Left at post AV Obert 10 Immokalec Discussion Salamr 67194 Havana 34 l14 l14sfast = sfast IS 109 7 8 S 6J W Obert 8 Deertrall MajorDomo BobIIair BobIIairC7085 C7085 Havana 34 l13fast 16 106 9 9 9 9 = ° F Reilly 9 Holiokus Huddles Memphis 64958 Timonm Ab 34 117 fast G5 110 Left at post J Connors r Perigourdiue Leoma Utah UtahC4939 C4939 Timonm Ab 34 119 fast 1910 112 2 J Connor G Gaudy Zennotta Utah 64137 Belrolcr Ab 5S l04 4fast 7 113 F Hunt 7 ADeda Dioletinn LngEre U 63970 Kempton 34 l16fast 1110 106 lh F Hunt 7 SeaBoard PeBonero LIIarpan 63672 MLRoyal 34 l14Hfast 75 118 B W Hinphy 10 Htress LChancell BhnnalD i 63514 MtRoyal 34 116 fast 6 113 1 V Hinphy S Hopeful Sunrosc TBelgian II IIHOMAM HOMAM cX e 9 105 By Star Shoot Sosega by Tho Commoner CommonerTrainer Trainer O Tuggle Owner O Tneele Breeder M Overt on 67762 Havana Im50y l45fast 31 105 2 2 3l W Lancet 8 Nelle Yorke Zoic Le Balafre BalafreC7655 C7655 Havana ImSOy l45fast 10 1C 9 7 5 2 H Stutts 9 Sftcricket IIGlorer MMaxim 67593 Havana ImSOy 143 fast 10 103 2 7 7 6 W Lancet 7 StAway Swiftcricket Advance 67528 Havana ImSOy l45fast 6 103 C 7 7 7 P G Gross 7 JMuraa Swtckct FVirginia 67449 Havana ImSOy l45fast 10 1 3 3 3 2 W Lancet S Orris IlarryMStevens Medusa 67390 Havana ImaOy l44ifast 12 107 6 9 10 S P G Grossll Ieihaps DtyLady LyUacliel 67316 Havana ImSOy 146 good 67 103 6 7 5 Z P G Gross 9 Chimera Ilbroch Montillo 67197 Havana 1miX y l44 = Jifast 33 105 4 8 7l e7 W Lancet S Czardom Prospector Mayrcse 67125 Havana ImiOy 143 fast 33 105 4 5 5 4 W Lancet 7 Randel DaintyLady Goldenlled GoldenlledZOIE ZOIE en m 7 105 By Free Lance Watoma by Sabine SabineTrainer Trainer M E Thompson Owner X E Thompson Breeder G J long1 long1677G2 677G2 Havana InuOy l45fast 12 105 1 6 5 2s A Finley S Nellc Yorte Honiara LeBnlafre 67592 Havana ImoOy l46tfast S 105 9 S 6 6 A Finley 0 Mcoresque TFMcMn Mtperri 67466 Havana 34 l14fast 30 1071 S 7J 71 A Finley 8 LChanco II BruceDadley Red 64483 KingKd 1 12 2447sfast 1710 103 4 W Bogski 9 WMBaker Fireth ThcCkrar ThcCkrarC4356 C4356 KingEd 1 116 l59slow S 108 215 F Hunt 7 The Porlusucse Humpy Hocnir 64199 Delmier 1 12 241fast 6 110 2 W Bogski S HMStevB GeoCJr Planfedc 64007 Kempton 1 34 325hvy 4310 10 101 6 R Doyle G Plantare Constantino GeoCJr GeoCJrW LE BALAFRE pr e 7 1W 1WTrainer By Sir VTilf red Grey A nes by Pepper and Salt Saltlock Trainer J Shine Owner B Hock lock Breeder H T Oxnard 677C2 Havana ImSOy l43fast 2 ICC 3 3 3i 4 H Stutts S Nelle Yorke Xoie Honiara 66469 Akron C f l26slow 3 110 C J Pevic 8 Star Banner Bashful Uranium 65982 Mneuve Ab 34 l23mud Id 110 C J A Sstrom 9 Nan Humpy Smile 65888 Mneuve Im70y 155 fast 195 15 110 41 J Simmons 8 Draftsman Jamima Klinsr 65742 Mnuve Ab 6i f l24fast 10 113 7l C OMahy 7 Holiokns Draflsman Mike Mike2i 65505 Kempton 1 11C i52fast 2i 107 5 R McAney G SGalaluiilIL Cnsel Ramonall 65458 Kempton 1 116 l51fast 3710 10 IOC 4l R McAney 5 Dairyman MCroun Fin Rooster DR SHAFER b e S 105 105Trainer By Toddinffton Martha Palmer by Sempronius SemproniusMcNeill Trainer S HcHoill Owner S McNeill Breeder H H Anderson 6C118 MHRhts 51 f l12Hmud 11 110 4 1 T Rao 10 TNotris MyCowell Tread well 66055 MHehts ImTOy l53rnud 2 106 411 W Taylor 10 Vauity Dresser Flea Blazonry 65988 MHKlits 1 145 slow 95 5 102 Z T Burns 7 The Desert Theresa Bertnont 65847 MHghts ImOy l44fast 10 107 35 W Pmros 7 Dancer Viva Cuba Hnndfull Hnndfull9f 64730 DuvshirD ImTOy l49 ihvy 9f 112 S 6 6J C C Duel 8 Serbian JOConnell FVirginia 64658 Devshire 1 116 150 slow 10 115 5 7 7 5 J Smith 7 Bkboanl CavPUrII Turnabt 64349 Toledo 1 116 l53islow 1310 10 10S 611 T Wayt 8 WillSoon Grandee WilLArrow C4250 Toledo Im70y l45V fast 173 3 103 4J J Maiben G Sentimental Puzzle Ilos CS838 Kworth 1 18 153 fast 30 108 1 4 61 S C Thpson 8 Joaquina Dark Hill June Fly HABRY GLOVEH br g G By Golden Maxim Nellie Welles by Dick Welles Trainer W B Finnejran Owner W F Knebolkamp Breeder J TTmensettcr C7782 Havana 1 116 l50 fast 7 109 5 4 31 6 = 1 H Kaiser 8 Misericorde MissUkin Ferrnra Ferrnrai50y 67655 Havana Im50y i50y l45rifast l45rifastC7611 12 103 2 2 2 2i H Kaiser 9 Swiftcricket Horaam MMaxim C7611 Ha Havana ana 1 145 l42ifast 2 109 3 4 3l 25 H Kaiser 10 Legacy MsbalTilshn Medusa MedusaC4 67487 Ha Havana ana C4 11 l13fast 10 105 10 8 9 7 i B Scheffel 10 Fincastle Old Sinner Glenn 67387 Ha ana 34 IM = ifast 12 110 5 6 6 6 B Schcffei2 LChancell GetEra Big Son 67290 Ha ana 34 11 l15good 29 10S 4 9 9 9 B Scheffel 9 TtheMaik DeBoncro MCnltha MCnlthaClfl07 67102 Ha ana Cl Clfl07 f 10 fast 27 110 7 7 7 7 B Scheffol 7 CarMoore ValdOr Black Top Topk PERFECT LADT blk k ta 6 115 By Dick Welles Floral Day by Nasturtium Trainer W R Padgett Owner H Dougherty Breeder 9 B Respess 675S7 Havana ImSOy l45fast 4 105 1 4 31 3J F Wdstk S Ashlin STurret FnndTVanncr 67428 Havana ImSOy l45faat 3 105 8 8 S SJ A Arvin 10 Montillo West Meath Pierrot 67390 Havana Im50y l44fast 12 109 3 10 9 C11 A Arvin 11 Perhaps DtyLady LyRachel 67159 Havana i t 107 fast 26 135 8 9 9 6 F ilerimee 9 San Diego Memphis Deertrail 64355 KingKd 1 116 lu slow 3 a 116 116640G3 S W Dkson S Salseorge Hercules CleanSwee 640G3 Delmier 1 116 l58hvy 2310 10 113 I1 R Pyan 8 Kamona II Itoyden Navajo 63723 MtRoyal 34 l15faat 8 121 3J W Hinphy 12 Btark Baby Cover Up Hush Hush5C 63619 MtRoyal 61 f l22faat Zt 113 113COLOSSUS 1 W Hinchy 12 Jack Ilealcy Cunnonball Shcka COLOSSUS ch c 4 100 By Delhi Pictons Pride by Picton Pictonill Trainer D Hill Owner A Hill ill Breeder E F Simsis 67793 Havana 51 f l07fast 41 107 10 8 64 6 = 1 H Stutts 11 Fey Mambi Chincoteacuc G7653 Havana 51 f l06fast 10 9 i H Stvtts 10 Sirocco Kedruon Old Sinner 07508 Havana ImOOy l43jjood 12 1071 6 5 6s 6 C Taylor 7 Tiwliratc Col Chile Finrastle 65568 Lexton 34 l13 fast 6 103 6 3 31 3 i J Frances 7 Tony Sue Bright Leaf Pahaska 65333 Lcxton 34 llCihvy 9 104 4 5 6 6 A Wilson 8 Gammer Gtirton Lonannn Mem Mem65S37 65S37 Lexton 1 116 147 fast 7 1021 1 1 5 4 A Wilson 8 Loc Leaves Hyanpom Harlock 64604 Blueurass I 116 149 good S5 108 1 J Francis G Thderbird DTokalon LnCli cu 64510 BlueGrass 1 140 fast 3 102 3 = 1 H E Jcnes G PWatchII MPperity Arran 63824 MHghts Im70y l44jfast 11 10S 5 5 C 5s E Hlleiaan 8 Theo FKinney MissCrestwood MissCrestwoodMONTPERRI MONTPERRI ch e 6 105 By Montgomery Perrier by F W Barr BarrTrainer Trainer J G Arvin Owner J G Arrin Breeder A S Williams 67797 Havana ImSOy l4 Hfast 7 103 7 7 6 6 P Groos 7 Montillo Keltci El Coronel 67655 Havana Im30y l457sfast 15 103 S 4 3i 5J H Clments 9 Swiftcricket Horaam H Glorc 67592 Havana ImiOy lvitfast 12 110 1 1 3i 3l G Wiliims 9 Mooresquc TFMcMn Troubler 67509 Havana 1 l43 igood 20 103 4 5 8 8 P G Gross u ivr N Yorke 67404 Havana 1 l41ifast 20 104 8 7 7 6 P G Gross S Awnins Dairyman MissUankin 67271 Havana 34 l17slow c5 107 6 7 7 7 P Gross 7 Hellocrs CMiirphy Win orQuit orQuit6G575 6G575 Akron ImTOy l50fast 9 103 1 P Gross S Silex II Po ygamist MelPolly MelPollyJOHNNY JOHNNY OCONNELZi b h 5 110 By Adams Express Devotion by St Aionicus AionicusTrainer Trainer C R Smith Owner F Delbarrio Breeder A Stafford 67762 Havana ImlOy l43 = 3fast 12 110 7 4 6 W Taylor 8 Nelle Yorke Zoie Hofnam 67669 Havana Im30y l44fast 20 105 9 9 S1 S11 X J Brnes 9 Awning El Coronel DaintyLady 65207 Thcliffe 1 116 l4S = igood 9r 10S 6 5 6k 10 T Bums 13 Koyaln BIosmHouse Tarascoii 65169 Tlincliffe Im70y l48hvy 61 106 7 7 61 61 T Burns 9 SAway FFogarty BrothcrJohn 65099 Thncliffe 1 11C l49VLslow 43 103 6 7 7 7 T Uurns 8 Flibygibt Tnrnscos Ksrvood 65019 Thncliffc 1 1S 158 slop IS 110 5 4 6 6 R McCrnn 8 Old Faithful Dissolute Ttilsa 64984 Thorncfe ImTOy l443ifast 2f 113 7 7 Sl 8 G Stone 11 Encrintte Stanley ColonelMatt 64763 Uevshire 1 143 hvy 10 114 7 5 T G Stone S llaman Tulsa St Gcinialn

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1923012401/drf1923012401_8_1
Local Identifier: drf1923012401_8_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800