Havana Jockey Percentages., Daily Racing Form, 1923-01-24

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HAVAXA JOCKEY PERCENTAGES From January 1 112 to January 11 1923 Inclusive At or Over OverPO Jockey JockeyTiiylor PO Wt Tiiylor W 21 107 Williams G 20 109 Malonoy J 20 10G 1 tames E H 20 113 2riblc D 19 95 McDcrmott R 18 110 Brothers T 17 OS Pickens A 17 105 Chalmers J 15 95 Hunt F 14 111 MilncrW 14 95 Stutts II 14 103 Primrose W 13 107 Sandstrom A 13 104 Scheffel n 13 93 Jtrunnor J 13 10S Walls G J2 107 Wilson F t2 101 Obcrt W 12 103 Connors J 12 112 Reilly F 12 102 Ball R 12 107 OMahoney C 11 110 Gutliridge J 11 95 Hume F 11 101 Fields G 11 103 Falser H 11 99 Taylor C O 11 100 Tryoa A 11 102 tJray L 10 10S Nolan T 10 107 At or Over Jockey Wt Mt 2d 3d JockeyWoodstock Woodstock F 102 270 36 Barnes N J 105 ISO 21 Beach E 95 11 Corey G 100 235 Ganlrier A 108 299 Smith W 113 53 Gross P II 100 252 Williams T 110 220 Lanrer W 102 05 Yerrat A ALowe 97 122 Lowe S 104 107 BuelT 105 114 Glick II 101 G4 Grace C 95 31 Hunskor F 115 18 McLaushlin A 93 263 Arvin A 101 127 Horn F 100 GO Merimee F 103 90 Itanks S 100 75 Finley A 105 27 Wakoff H 105 49 Stone G 111 73 Alonzo A 93 8 Barcenes L 95 4 Hernandez F 95 G Kirke S 104 15 Madden J 95 12 Pcrdomo A Pernia O Sutton G

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1923012401/drf1923012401_7_3
Local Identifier: drf1923012401_7_3
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800