Quecreek In Front: Former Steeplechaser Victorious in Havanas Principal Race.; Huron II. Surprises in Defeating Fast Band of Sprinters--Port Light a Repeater., Daily Racing Form, 1923-02-19


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QUECREEK IN FRONT Former Steeplechaser Victorious in Havanas Principal Race Huron H Surprises in Defeating Fast Band of Sprinters Port Light a Repeater HAVANA Cuba February 18 Sundays program at Oriental Park was minus an out ¬ standing racing feature nevertheless the large crowd present seemed pleased with the entertainment provided providedThe The mile and fifty yards of the concluding race of the afternoon brought together a good band of horses and a corking contest resulted Quecreek which had a brief cam ¬ paign in the steeplechase field under the silks of J E Davis was returned the winner after a meritorious performance performanceQuecreek Quecreek was close up from the start and after Quanah fell between the threesix ¬ teenths and eighth posts assumed the lead successfully withstood the challenges of The lloll Call and Fincastle to win by two lengths Fincastle stumbled while going to the first turn but recovered quickly and finishing gamely outlasted The Roll Call for second place When Quanah fell Duke of Wellington tumbled over him and also went down Her ron close by went around the prostrate horses but was not perserved with thereafter thereafterJ J A Parsons furnished a decided surprise and upset in the fourth race when his veteran campaigner Huron II led home a fast band of sprinters Huron II was one of the out ¬ siders in the betting the majority of the spectators favoring Sirocco while Old Sinner and Ballynew were next in demand demandSUSIAXA SUSIAXA A TIttED HOUSE HOUSEThe The winner ran a sparkling race He set a good pace from the start and after Susi ana wrested the lead from him at the half mile post came again and dashing to the front drew clear at the end Old Sinner was second racing prominently from the start and gamely outstaying Winnipeg for second place Susiana was a tired horse at the finish and finished fourth fourthPort Port Light showed that he is a repeater by coming back after his victory in the sec ¬ ond nice yesterday and winning the first this afternoon Port Light was outrun in the early stages finished with a rush on the in ¬ side wearing down the tiring leaders and got up to beat Ray Atkin by a neck Mann clien after showing a lot of early speed tired tiredA A wellbalanced band faced the starter in the second race and furnished a stirring con ¬ test The three placed horses came from behind in the stretch run Ike Mills was winner by a length from Advance which beat Lt Wm J Murray by the same dis tance for second place The latter was a distant follower on the backstretch but fin ¬ ished with a great rush on the inside Col Murphy the favorite began slowly and was never prominent prominentIn In the third race Far East and Haran out ¬ ran the others1 from the start and raced like a team into the homestretch In the stretch run however both began to tire and Hullo finishing fast on the outside wore down the leaders and beat War Idol by a length Far JCast and Haran both quit quitKeltoi Keltoi in the fifth race came from behind after following the leaders to the stretch turn and took the lead in the final eighth to win going away from the favorite Bread Line The latter was forced to overcome a lot of inter ference in the early stages and was in a jam at the first turn and knocked sideways King B was third Drapery ran well to the last eighth then tired badly and dropped back backWILD WILD CAT IJY WIDE MA1IGIX MA1IGIXThe The finish of the sixth race at one mile found the lightly weighted Wild Cat home first by ten lentghs The Polymelian colt was ridden by the apprentice C Grace who took no chances after pitting to the front in the last eighth and never let up on his mount j until the winning line was passed passedTheodore Theodore E Mueller owner of the stable being campaigned here by J II Moody will arrive in Havana tomorrow for an extended visit This will be his first visit to Cuba in a good many years Mr Mueller besidei being one of the foremost sportsmen of Louisville is general manager of the Sani ¬ tary Manufacturing Company the largest porcelain manufacturing concern in the Unit ¬ ed States StatesJ J M Kurn president of the St Louis and San Francisco Railroad with Mrs Kurn i were among the visitors at the track today j jP P L Short and F W Kitsch swapped horsea today Short turned over the mare Kitty Chcatham to PJtsch in exchange for the gelding Orchid King and 100 to boot bootAmong Among the American visitors who thronged the clubhouse balconies were Mr and Mrs Edward Grossman of Chicago Air and Mrs D B Aloe of St Louis and Mr and Mrs A AJister of Boston Continued on eighth pace QUECREEK IN FRONT Continued from flrst page Two horses changed hands after the run ¬ ning of the fourth J A Tarson claiming Susiana while E E ilajor toolc Ballynew The consideration in both cases was 1400 1400Thomas Thomas Bourke general manager of the Hawthorne track at Chicago was an arrival from New Orleans His mission here is to consult with secretary Martin Nalhanson and horsemen regarding racing in Chicago next summer summerThe The Brickyard Stable sold the sevenyear old Olambala gelding Whippoorwill to D Montour at private terms termsHarry Harry W Smith manager oC the Ward Steamship Line and Mrs Smith entertained at a luncheon at the clubhouse before tho races Covers were laid for eighteen

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1923021901/drf1923021901_1_2
Local Identifier: drf1923021901_1_2
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800