Jefferson Park Items: Opposition to Racing in Lent Still Evident at New Orleans.; Still Attendance Remains Good and Visitors from Abroad Remain to Attend Meeting., Daily Racing Form, 1923-02-19


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JEFFERSON PARK ITEMS Opposition to Racing in Lent Still Evident at New Orleans Still Attendance Remains Good and Visitors from Abroad Re ¬ main to Attend Meeting NEW ORLEANS La February IS Jef ¬ ferson Parks spring meeting began pros ¬ perously and promises to come up to every expectation of its management The at ¬ tendance has been in excess of the December meeting but there have been few layers oper ¬ ating The grind has been steady and layers as well as backers have been called on to pay for operating the racing this winter While the local patronage has been extensive for both tracks the bulk of attendance has been by visitors It is doubtful if either track could operate for long if the support was dependent on the city alone Yet there are many in these parts that loudly proclaim that racing is of no benefit to the city The principal hotels would probably be only half filled excepting during the Mardi Gras period if the racing was not here in winter The charge for rooms would also be greatly less if the sport was not here hereI5OOX I5OOX TO HOItSTSMEJT HOItSTSMEJTThe The Jefferson Park extension was a boon to horsemen and business men will also bene ¬ fit by it There is no escaping the fact though that there was and is opposition to the meeting The principal objection is that in this Catholic community it is bad taste to race during Lent The same might be applicable to other forms of amusement dur ¬ ing Lent The theatres are open and the motor boat regatta now on in which the principal speed boats in America are com ¬ peting for trophies on Lake Ponchartrain is not meeting with objection objectionSeveral Several good friends of the sport tried to advise against the holding of the Jefferson Park spring meeting on the ground of an aftermath that might undo the constructive work that had been attained this winter in behalf of racing but the Jefferson Park managers had planned for a spring meeting and were bent on carrying out their inten ¬ tions tionsLegally Legally they have a right to race The Supreme Court in its latest decision on bet ¬ ting at tracks made that possible There were few cecessions from the Fair Grounds ranks when the Shrewsbury track opened and indications are that the racing crowd will be here throughout the meeting The exodus from here will be toward Hot Springs Some few stables will ship to Lexington and Mary ¬ land before the close of Jefferson Park but there is no fear of shortage of horses The Louisiana 10000 Derby which will be run on the closing day March 17 will keep the best threeyearolds in training with a view to their starting in the race raceThere There is also here a liberal sprinkling of handicap horses that will furnish the better racing racing31OBILK 31OBILK WANTS IIACIXG IIACIXGMobile Mobile continues planning for a race meet ¬ ing It is aimed to race there for ten days following the close of Jefferson Park Be ¬ cause of the fizzle last year the meeting is not taken seriously The promoters however intend asking Joseph A Murphy to manage the meeting for them and this might cause many owners to ship their horses to race over the halfmiletrack halfmiletrackThe The highly successful Fair Grounds meet ¬ ing which terminated Tuesday is still a favorite topic here There was no unfavor ¬ able criticism nothing but praise for the manner in which the racing was conducted conductedFinancially Financially it was successful too and while the stockholders will not receive a dividend much of the profits will go toward liquidat ¬ ing outstanding debts The Fair Grounds made in excess of 100000 according to re ¬ ports portsThe The Kentucky stakes continue to engage the interest of the horsemen in these parts and a record number of nominations will be sent from here Many prominent in all walks of life in this city are already plan ¬ ning their visit to Louisville to witness the Kentucky Derby and have mada box and hotel reservations It is mere than likely that a special train will be needed for the accommodation of those who will go from here to witness the running of the Derby tit Churchill Downs May 19

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Local Identifier: drf1923021901_1_7
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