Latest Work-Outs, Daily Racing Form, 1923-02-19

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LATEST WORKOUTS 189 NEW ORLEANS La February 18 The training gallops at local tracks today includ ¬ ed the following followingFA FA 1 1 GROUNDS Weather clear track fast Three ESehths Milo Milo187Anne 187Anne 30 185Copper Head 36 36181Rlaek 181Rlaek Hackle 38 187GoIdencrcst 3 175RIue Monday 177Jordan IfiGRye Rye 109Kinwanah ISUItlotter 100Leslic ISGRig Wiff SSVi 187Kachel lotter30 187AiUiro 49 ISGFoodor 183Aj ril 0 = 3 ISVKirk Iady Iady187Rilly 187Rilly Connors 54 187Marinc Cor Cor187Rrocklesby 187Rrocklesby 50 187Mcrriraac ISrConsort 50 102Nnyaka 1851 Rotifer Mo 50 184llamkin ISO Evelyn Sawycr51 174Tlie Archer Archer184Klizabeth 184Klizabeth Itcaniil ISC Wireless 170IVrnamlos 55 55FiveEighths FiveEighths Mllo Mllo1SOA1 1SOA1 Stcbler 105 iKlHigh Cost Cost186Rlue 186Rlue Rrush 101 187Iampus 1OT 181Rurzoyne 101 187IMctrus 102 102ISSKlyinB ISSKlyinB Roat 1 OT ISGQuesada 103 ISOGrecu Gold 103 103Three Three Quarters Mile 183Ileach Reautyl18 8SMiss Meise 115 = ISGFelicitious 121 ISfiStanip 120 120179Glenrim 179Glenrim Mdl18 117Sandy H 117 117ISrHerald ISrHerald 121 ITGWads Last 121 121ISlIIarvcst ISlIIarvcst Kinjl22 Kinjl22SevenEighths SevenEighths Mile ISGGlcnlivet 131 131One One Kile 18TAH Americanl45 187 Lady IillianlMO 177 Riff Rang 147 ISTMinnie R 150 ISltHvrinont 147 184Moon Winks 115 150 Commander 153 179Mechanic 151 382Gondolter 148 184rarader 147 18 J laujhertyl44 185Hadical ISCGen Jonctt 148 103Solid Uock 1S4 Hot Foot 14575 Milo and an Eighth Eighth184Rill 184Rill and Cool 5S ISGTex 2CO 2COISGCorson ISGCorson 153 153Anne Anne went easily easilyBlotter Blotter was in hand handCopper Copper Head showed improvement improvementRamkin Ramkin had speed speedNuyaka Nuyaka seems fresh and pood poodThe The Archer showed a good speed test testWireless Wireless as usual showed speed IJrocklesby speedIJrocklesby looks good goodHigh High cost galloped easily easilyGreen Green Gold was well in hand handJKFFEUSOX JKFFEUSOX PA Kir Weather clear track fast fastThreeEighths ThreeEighths Mile 170Forty Two 39 184Nancy McKay 39 39187Ixttie 187Ixttie Iorain 38 51Itunetta 38 38187Niddam 187Niddam 3G ISOAMazo 49 184Rolo 51 51187Raladin 187Raladin SHs lSGUor oPicdy ril ril172Rankor 172Rankor Rrown 5 ISrSimplicily 50 50ISHIIappy ISHIIappy Girl 5523 180T Franciscan 50 50164Irom 164Irom Tom T 1 174Tulane 51 51lS2Iitter lS2Iitter 1atter 57 182Wransler 5i 5iFivoEiehths FivoEiehths Mllo Mllo178Rrown 178Rrown Check 103 18SSpin Flar 100 18 AInjor Chllton 100 187 White Roots 100 100lS3Kurquoi lS3Kurquoi 1OG 183Vorlck 101 = 4 4Three Three Quarters Uilo Uilo18SR 18SR f Home 120 rtlMorcr 123 18411 l18VslC7Ix Kcmble 131 1SK Plucky l18Vs lC7Ix uis A 119 30Ioy O 124 124llMormon llMormon KIdcrl 23 ISOSwagger 12076 12076lSl55osen lSl55osen 117 117On On Kilo Kilo182Aurnm 182Aurnm 149 if 182Kt Germain 148 148ISCMock ISCMock Orunire 145 ISCSacajawea 148 148Milo Milo and an Eighth ISCTyranny 202 202Neddam Neddam has his speed speedMock Mock Orange went easily easilyMogens Mogens is in good condition

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Local Identifier: drf1923021901_2_5
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